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RELEASE BLITZ & REVIEW ~ Liquid & Ash by E.M. Abel


Love was my weakness. 
In the light of the truth, no one can hide. 

Derek had ignited a spark inside of my heart, a hope for a love I never expected to find. However, our connection lacked the substance it needed to burn. Weakened with resentment, our relationship crumbled under deception, slowly dissolving into ash.

I had sacrificed myself for him and paid the price.

By the time Brandon entered into my life, the longing in my heart had turned cold. But fate was not done with me. His crystal blue eyes and fluid touch revived a wish that had been frozen in time. He gave me hope once again. 

Hope is a dangerous thing, especially when you dare to dream.

**WARNING: This book contains adult content and drug use.
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4.75 Stars

Gahhhh!!! I devoured this book. The writing and story was phenomenal and I feel like a tool for not being able to give this a full five stars, but I promise I have a legit reason (which I will address at the end of this review.) But in the mean time, just know that Ms. Abel delivered one hell of a story.

That had always been our problem; our love burned too hot and died too slow.

Penelope & Derek:
When I first met Derek, I admit, I was charmed just like Penelope. Dressed in his Marine uniform, he was persistent in his pursuit of Penny. At the time, all she wanted to do was focus: finish school and never be dependent on anyone. But meeting Derek changed that. As the years went by, her ambitions and dreams were put on hold, slowly becoming someone who she thought Derek wanted. But Derek’s charms weren’t just for Penny and she took notice.

The flashback scenes of Penny & Derek’s relationship made the first half of this book extremely emotional. You really could feel Penelope happiness and struggles. Its no wonder why she is the way she is. But after finding strength that she never thought she had, she made some necessary changes.

I could smell him, feel his heat, remember his taste.

Oh dear. I don’t know where to start. He’s smart, tattooed and extremely sexy. He showed Penelope she was still desirable. He didn’t know it, but he also gave her the courage to change. He’s not a perfect Hero, but his mere presence brought hope & light into Penny’s life.

A woman with a dream of being loved is a danger to herself because she will see it places it doesn’t belong and doesn’t exist.

So, why not a full five stars? As much as I thought this was a fantastic and expertly written story, it was the ending that fell a tad bit short. Don’t worry, it all ends happily, but the epilogue really left me wanting more. It was unsatisfying, at least for me. Plus, there were some unanswered questions I wanted answered, or at least mentioned. Aside from that, I would definitely recommend this story. I can’t wait to see what Ms. Abel will write next.

Advanced Review Copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, Ms. Abel

Author Bio

E.M. Abel was born and raised a Marine Corps brat. She spent a large portion of her life moving and living in her mother's home country, Japan. As a result, she gained independence and a unique perspective on the world. The youngest of three girls, E.M. Abel spent a lot of time alone in her room writing or sketching in her journals and dreaming up stories. Growing up, she wrote poems, short stories and articles for her high school newspaper. She also fell in love with art and discovered her deep need for self-expression.

Now, a Navy wife with two small children of her own, she still loves being creative and most of all translating her stories into novels. E.M. Abel, now referred to as E or Em by her friends and readers, can often be found with her headphones on jamming out to punk rock, in a chair getting tattooed or cooking dinner for her kids and attending gymnastics practice. No matter what she's doing in her life, she's always sure to do it her way.

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COVER REVEAL ~ Dark Notes by Pam Godwin

Dark Notes Pam Godwin eBook
They call me a slut. Maybe I am. Sometimes I do things I despise. Sometimes men take without asking.
But I have a musical gift, only a year left of high school, and a plan. With one obstacle.
Emeric Marceaux doesn’t just take. He seizes my willpower and bangs it like a dark note. When he commands me to play, I want to give him everything. I kneel for his punishments, tremble for his touch, and risk it all for our stolen moments.
He’s my obsession, my master, my music. And my teacher.
Adult 18+ only
Genre: Dark student teacher romance
Expected release date → April 2016
Dark Notes Pam Godwin Paperback
Meet the author
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.
Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

Pre-Order Blitz ~ Liquid & Ash by E.M. Abel

Title: Liquid & Ash
Author: E.M. Abel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: March 1, 2016

Love was my weakness. 
In the light of the truth, no one can hide. 

Derek had ignited a spark inside of my heart, a hope for a love I never expected to find. However, our connection lacked the substance it needed to burn. Weakened with resentment, our relationship crumbled under deception, slowly dissolving into ash.

I had sacrificed myself for him and paid the price.

By the time Brandon entered into my life, the longing in my heart had turned cold. But fate was not done with me. His crystal blue eyes and fluid touch revived a wish that had been frozen in time. He gave me hope once again. 

Hope is a dangerous thing, especially when you dare to dream.

**WARNING: This book contains adult content and drug use.

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~ 99c SALE for pre-orders ONLY ~


Author Bio

E.M. Abel was born and raised a Marine Corps brat. She spent a large portion of her life moving and living in her mother's home country, Japan. As a result, she gained independence and a unique perspective on the world. The youngest of three girls, E.M. Abel spent a lot of time alone in her room writing or sketching in her journals and dreaming up stories. Growing up, she wrote poems, short stories and articles for her high school newspaper. She also fell in love with art and discovered her deep need for self-expression.

Now, a Navy wife with two small children of her own, she still loves being creative and most of all translating her stories into novels. E.M. Abel, now referred to as E or Em by her friends and readers, can often be found with her headphones on jamming out to punk rock, in a chair getting tattooed or cooking dinner for her kids and attending gymnastics practice. No matter what she's doing in her life, she's always sure to do it her way.

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Review ~ Dirty Ugly Toy by K. Webster

Her time is over.
Things are looking up.

She’s dirty and ugly.
He’s wicked but handsome.

Six months to toy with her.
Six months of vacation and a ton of money.

I’ll hurt her beyond repair.
I’ve been through much worse.

She's difficult to control and doesn't obey.
I'm done submitting to anyone or anything in this life.

I should hate her.
I should hate him.

The game has changed.
I will win.

Dirty Ugly Toy is a novel that blurs the lines of right and wrong, deals with abuse, contains dubious consent, and adult subject matter. If you are sensitive to violent sexual situations, the book may not be suitable for you. Some parts of this book are not easy to read and are not intended for everyone. However, those that keep an open mind and stick with it will not be disappointed.


Anything worth having turns you upside down and shakes you until you can't see straight anymore.

Say hello to my first Crack Book of 2016. This story was so enthralling; I fucking devoured it. It was a bit twisted, but for a dark romance lover like me it called to me immediately. I honestly couldn’t find any fault in it. The flow of the story was smooth – no slow or boring bits at all. It was dark & oh so sexy. But what made this story incredible were the Hero & heroine. They were a match in every possible twisted way.

I could warn her but I want her to drown in my release. I want it to take her by surprise and it shoot out of her nose. Hell, I like it if she choked and then vomited from it.
I'm a sick bastard.

Braxton Kennedy is indeed a sick bastard. He plucks broken women off the streets and breaks them further when he turns them into his toys. After they sign his six-month contract to submit to him, he cleans them, dresses them, punishes them with pain/pleasure and ultimately screws with their mind and hearts. He never keeps his toys and after six months disposes of them properly. He loves control and loves watching his toys break.

He might dominate my body but he'll never own my mind.
With a lift of my chin and a sweet smile, I say with a southern drawl, "Do your worst, handsome. I'm not afraid."

Jessica “Bunny” Rabbit’s life is at her lowest when Braxton propositions her. She’s an addict living on the streets of London, willing to do anything to get her next fix. With an understanding that she will receive a large sum of money, and possibly more heroin, she accepts Braxton’s offer. Submit to him for six months. How hard could it be? It couldn’t be any worse than what’s she’s endured in her past now could it?

He's every bit of a warring devil and angel, all wrapped up into one human.
I want to open him up.
To learn about what makes him the way he is.
I want to see more of his smiles. Hear his laugh. Be the object of his affection.
Yet, I also want to feel my hair tangled in his fist. I want him to fuck me and spank me. I want to see that precious vein on his forehead throb with rage.

As much as Braxton tries to break his Bunny she doesn’t ever give in. As a matter of fact, she relishes in his anger – it’s a turn on actually. He can’t figure her out and it’s driving him crazy with lust, frustration and admiration. This toy is different and its scaring him.


Watching Braxton try and try again to break an already broken spirit was captivating. Bunny was always a step ahead of him. Instead of breaking her, it awakened her. It made her want to face her past demons and conquer them. As for Braxton, his hard exterior starts to slowly crumble. But what happens after six months? Will Braxton discard her like his previous toys? What happens when Jessica’s past collides with her present?

As I said before, this story was flawless. It never faltered and kept my interest from page one to very last page. I even shed a few tears reading that epilogue. This was dark, sexy and oh so fucking good. HIGHLY recommend!!!