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Review ~ The Song of David by Amy Harmon

She said I was like a song. Her favorite song. A song isn’t something you can see. It’s something you feel, something you move to, something that disappears after the last note is played.

I won my first fight when I was eleven years old, and I’ve been throwing punches ever since. Fighting is the purest, truest, most elemental thing there is. Some people describe heaven as a sea of unending white. Where choirs sing and loved ones await. But for me, heaven was something else. It sounded like the bell at the beginning of a round, it tasted like adrenaline, it burned like sweat in my eyes and fire in my belly. It looked like the blur of screaming crowds and an opponent who wanted my blood. 

For me, heaven was the octagon.

Until I met Millie, and heaven became something different. I became something different. I knew I loved her when I watched her stand perfectly still in the middle of a crowded room, people swarming, buzzing, slipping around her, her straight dancer’s posture unyielding, her chin high, her hands loose at her sides. No one seemed to see her at all, except for the few who squeezed past her, tossing exasperated looks at her unsmiling face. When they realized she wasn’t normal, they hurried away. Why was it that no one saw her, yet she was the first thing I saw?

If heaven was the octagon, then she was my angel at the center of it all, the girl with the power to take me down and lift me up again. The girl I wanted to fight for, the girl I wanted to claim. The girl who taught me that sometimes the biggest heroes go unsung and the most important battles are the ones we don’t think we can win.

**This is David ‘Tag’ Taggert's book, a supporting character introduced in The Law of Moses. This is a stand-alone story.
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The most intimate thing we can do is to allow the people we love most to see us at our worst.

One thing you should know, and don’t kill me, but I haven’t not read Law of Moses. I know, I know -- Shameful. However, when I saw this book, it’s beautiful cover and it’s intriguing synopsis, I couldn’t pass it up. I mean. Its Amy Harmon for cripes sake! I couldn’t pass it up. What a beautiful story…

You can’t see a song. You feel a song, you hear a song, you move to it. Just like I can’t see you, but I feel you, and I move toward you. When you’re with me, I feel like I glimpse a David nobody else knows is there. It’s the Song of David, and nobody else can hear it but me.

There were so many things I absolutely loved about this book. It was flawless, if I can tell you the truth. The Hero, Tag, is totally swoon-worthy. He’s strong, yet, when his sensitive side comes out, he makes my heart pound (yes, pun intended). As for the heroine, Millie, I absolutely loved her. She’s one the strongest heroines I’ve ever met. She’s fierce, loyal and so loving. Her younger brother Henry is so blessed to have her. And speaking of Henry…OMG…what a beautiful character; he added so much to the already emotional story.

My story might not end in a miracle. But I’m eager for an ending, so I’ll take the miracles along the way and avoid the ending all together. I’ve discovered I don’t have to see what’s in front of me to keep going. Millie taught me that.
Perks of loving a blind girl.

This is one of those stories that will stick with you long after you’re done reading it. As soon as I finished, I had to message Ms. Harmon to tell her how much I loved it. I was a hot mess when it ended, but I’m glad she ended it where it ended because to me it was perfect. This story will make you cry and make you take deep breaths just because you feel like your heart will explode.

As I stated in the beginning, I have not read Law of Moses, which will be remedied soon. This can most definitely be considered a standalone, but might spoil things for you if you haven’t read Moses & Georgia’s story (though it won’t deter me from reading it).

FINAL THOUGHTS: PICK THIS BOOK UP! I will never tire of Ms. Harmon’s stories. Just outright brilliant.

Loving her wasn’t unpardonable either. But loving her and letting her down…that was unpardonable to me. That was unforgiveable. That was the part I struggled with.


REAP (Scarred Souls #2) by Tillie Cole
November 10th 2015

Raised as a prototype for the Georgian Bratva's obedience drug, 221 fails to think, act or live for himself; his master's perfectly-crafted killing puppet. Standing at six foot six, weighing two-hundred and fifty pounds, and unrivaled in to-the-death combat, 221 successfully secures business for the Georgian Mafiya Boss of NYC, in the dark world of the criminal underground.
Until his enemies capture him.
Talia Tolstaia dreams to break from the heavy clutches of Bratva life. She dreams of another life—away from the stifling leash of her Russian Bratva Boss father and from the brutality of her work at The Dungeon—her criminal family's underground death match enterprise. But when she stumbles upon her family's captive, who is more monster than man, she starts to see the man underneath. A powerful, beautiful, damaged man whose heart calls to hers.
But sacrifices must be made—blood for blood... life for life... Souls for scarred souls...

 REAP Pre-Order

RAZE (Scarred Souls #1) by Tillie Cole


Blog Tour ~ Unraveled (Tortured Soul #2) by Kate Givans

Ready to find out what has Willow running?

I get that you probably hate me. I don't blame you. You'll probably hate me even more once this is all over. That's okay, too. Honestly, I hate myself. But before you make any judgments about me, you should know I never planned for things to go this way. I really do love him, and I never meant to hurt him. It's just that some things are better left unsaid. Some secrets are meant to be kept.
Still, I can't help feeling like I've just made the biggest mistake of my life.
My name is Willow Lansing. I'm a gypsy, a vagabond, stealer of hearts.
And it feels like I'm unraveling at the seams.
I sat at the dinette, map unfolded in front of me, sipping at my extra cream and extra sugar mug of coffee. Hot chocolate might have been my drink of choice, but days like this one required caffeine.
We had a full day of driving ahead of us, and I needed to get us off the highway we were on. But in order to do that, I needed to have at least some sort of idea as to where we were going. I hated doing that, though—planning our destination. I felt like it made us easier to track. Suspicious, I know, but I’d apparently become a little paranoid. Rightly so, considering the razorblades ripping my heart to shreds over not leaving sooner, for letting myself fall in love, and putting everything at risk.
How could I have been so stupid? So damned careless?
Oh, that’s right . . . Josh.
Just the thought of him triggered a pang in my chest, one so painfully raw, I was sure my heart would fall right out onto the table, leaving behind a gaping hole in my chest so deep and wide that it’d never be filled again. Not by anything or anyone. Because there wasn’t a single person or thing on this earth could ever give me what he had given me, something I’d desperately needed when he’d found me on that bridge.
As I’d stood up on that ledge that night, looking out over the water, I thought of how easy it would be to just end it all. I wouldn’t do it, not as long as Mya needed me. But there’d still been this sobering realization just before he showed up . . . if I fell, there would be no one there to catch me. No one to rescue me. Only me and the sky and the ground below.
So I'd just have to learn how to fly.
Not literally, of course, but figuratively.
Josh had been the one to give me wings with his willingness to help a complete stranger, a crazy girl standing on a bridge, ready to plummet to her death—or at the very least contemplating the idea. They grew stronger as I got to know him, learned just how kind, gentle, caring, and sensitive he really was. I bloomed under his attention, his affection, his love. And for the first time in a very long time, I felt free. He had been more than I ever could have wished for, perfect in every way.
But none of that mattered in the end—not his beautiful soul, not his deep laugh that warmed me from the inside out, not the way he loved me without question, limitations, or conditions. It couldn't, no matter how much I wanted it to. Because things with wings have to fly in order to survive.
And that’s exactly what I’d done.
Black and white grunge image of a beautiful teenage girl sitting on the floor crying
***Unraveled is NOT a standalone book, you Must read Tortured first.***   
They say time heals all wounds. I beg to differ. It’s been more than a year since the crash that killed my best friend. Everyone else has moved on with their lives – his girlfriend, his parents, our friends - everyone except me. But they weren’t there. They don’t have to relive that horrible night, over and over, like some sick, twisted movie. I didn’t ask for it, and I couldn’t make it stop. Then I met Willow. With her unwavering compassion and carefree spirit, she put some slack in the chains holding me to my past. Her bubbly optimism has taught me what it means to walk away from tragedy and loss a better, stronger man.
There’s just one problem. Underneath all that beauty, she’s secretive. Evasive. I’m pretty sure she’s running from something, but I don’t know what. The closer I get to finding out, the more it seems as if she’s just another link in my chains of torture.
Tortured Purchase Links
Amazon US | Amazon UKAmazon AU 



About Kate
Contemporary romance author Kate Givans drags her broken characters through unimaginable pain and loss before handing them a well-deserved happy ending. When not writing, you can find Kate relaxing with a book, herding up her five children, or listening to music on her iPod. She always has a cup of coffee in hand, and no one will ever convince her that chocolate isn’t a food group. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter, and be sure to join her book club for a free and exclusive copy of Imprisoned (Tortured Soul 0.5).
Stalk Kate:
Don't forget to join Kate's book-club to receive the exclusive free copy of Imprisoned, Tortured Souls #0.5

Release Blitz ~ Song of David by Amy Harmon

Cover by: Hang Le 
She said I was like a song. Her favorite song. A song isn’t something you can see. It’s something you feel, something you move to, something that disappears after the last note is played.

I won my first fight when I was eleven years old, and I’ve been throwing punches ever since. Fighting is the purest, truest, most elemental thing there is. Some people describe heaven as a sea of unending white. Where choirs sing and loved ones await. But for me, heaven was something else. It sounded like the bell at the beginning of a round, it tasted like adrenaline, it burned like sweat in my eyes and fire in my belly. It looked like the blur of screaming crowds and an opponent who wanted my blood. 

For me, heaven was the octagon.

Until I met Millie, and heaven became something different. I became something different. I knew I loved her when I watched her stand perfectly still in the middle of a crowded room, people swarming, buzzing, slipping around her, her straight dancer’s posture unyielding, her chin high, her hands loose at her sides. No one seemed to see her at all, except for the few who squeezed past her, tossing exasperated looks at her unsmiling face. When they realized she wasn’t normal, they hurried away. Why was it that no one saw her, yet she was the first thing I saw?

If heaven was the octagon, then she was my angel at the center of it all, the girl with the power to take me down and lift me up again. The girl I wanted to fight for, the girl I wanted to claim. The girl who taught me that sometimes the biggest heroes go unsung and the most important battles are the ones we don’t think we can win.

**This is David ‘Tag’ Taggert's book, a supporting character introduced in The Law of Moses. This is a stand-alone story.
About Amy
Amy Harmon is a USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in several countries, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, Utah.

Amy Harmon has written seven novels - the USA Today Bestsellers, Making Faces and Running Barefoot, as well as Slow Dance in Purgatory, Prom Night in Purgatory, Infinity + One and the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue. Her newest release, The Law of Moses, is now available. For updates on upcoming book releases, author posts and more, join Amy at www.authoramyharmon.com

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Music & Lyrics by Amy Harmon and Paul Travis – Song of David: iTunes
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