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Blog Tour & Dual Review ~ Sweet Hope (Sweet Home Series #4) by Tillie Cole

From the USA Today Bestselling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Hope.

My name is Ally Prince and I've always been unlucky in love. I dont know why, I just always… have.

When all of my best friends were falling for their soul mates in College, I was left behind. I was Ally, the pretty cousin of superstar quarterback, Romeo Prince. I was Ally, the best friend to the most amazing group of girls I've ever known—a title I loved, but one I became tired of 'just' being. And I was Ally, the one on which they could all rely.

But to me, I was Ally, the girl with the heart no one had claimed... And I was, Ally, the girl, who underneath it all, was heart-breakingly lonely.

I LOVE love; the thought of it, the nervous excitement of falling for Mr. Right, the desire of someone becoming my entire world... of me becoming theirs. Ive always wanted passion, heart-stopping, epic, life-changing romance... Ive always wanted the fairytale… Ive always wanted it all.

It just never seemed like I would get it.

For the past few years I've thrown myself into my career as a museum curator. Im the best of the best, the person every museum wants to hire, so when an opportunity came up to move to Seattle, I jumped at the chance. My cousin and my best friend lived in Seattle and I needed a change.

I needed a new beginning.

I wasn't expecting to meet anyone in the Emerald City. I wasn't expecting to work closely with the reclusive new sculptor my all-important gallery design was centered around. And I certainly wasn't expecting to fall for him... heart-stopping, epic, life-changing love...
My real life fairytale come true.

But, like in every fairytale, theres a villain, a dark and tortured soul... I just didn't know that the villain and the hero in my story would end up being one and the same.

New Adult Romance Novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up.
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**NOTE: If you’re reading this review hoping to find out who Ally’s love interest is, you will NOT find that info here. Sorry, but this review will be spoiler free**

Hope is a fervent, silent wish, that everything will turn out just as you dream…

Well folks, this is it. This is the end of the Sweet Home series and what a way to end it, too. This was just as emotionally packed as the previous books. Grab a box of tissues, guys, because this book will make your heart ache.

The most beautiful art is often born from the most desperate of circumstances.

Elpidio is finally getting his own exhibition. What he doesn’t understand is why? His mentor thinks he’s ready for his debut, but not Elpi. He doesn’t understand why anyone would want to pay any attention to him and his sculptures. Though they mean everything to him, his sculptures are reminder of his past; the meanings behind them private and haunting. He’s is a broken and talented man. He doesn’t want nor does he believe he deserves any of the attention until he meets Aliyana, the curator for his debut exhibition. For the first time in his life, he begins to hope.

She was fucking perfection. She was light. A blazing golden light…and when you’re locked in perpetual darkness, you’ll do anything to fucking chase that light.

Ally, known as Aliyana Garcia in the art world, is thrilled when she lands her dream assignment: Curating for Elpidio’s first show. Ally has loved this artist’s work ever since she saw one of his pieces up close. Though he’s a total recluse, he’s still her absolute favorite modern artist. The first time she sees him, she’s immediately struck at how dark and beautiful he is. She’s completely taken aback at how much he affects her. As for Elpi, he knows he doesn’t deserve a woman like Aliyana, but he can’t help but be attracted to her spirit and light.

Ally is desperate to know more about Elpi. Why is he so broken and angry? His vibe just screams for her to stay away, but the realization that she affects him just as much as he does her makes her want to stay.


I love Elpidio. He’s such a broken character and all I wanted was for him to be happy. I’m so happy fate chose Ally to be his light in darkness. The stars definitely aligned for these two. As for their chemistry…HOT!!!

Oh! And before anyone asks, the answer is, YES, you will get to see previous characters in this book. As a matter of fact, some of them truly melted my heart, made me swoon and made me cry. I might even be bold and say that couple characters stole my heart all over again. This was such a fantastic end to such an amazing series. I’m tearing up right now just thinking about it all, particularly the ending *sniffles*.

As I write these words, I can’t help but hope that we'll share the same experience reading this book. I say this because I went into this book knowing who Elpidio was, but yet the book still made a huge impact on me. I really don't know how Tillie does it. She never fails to write these amazing stories – ones that make me cry sad and happy tears. Bravo, Tillie! You’ve done it again.

**THANK YOU, Tillie Cole, for giving me the honor of Beta reading this**
Let me start by saying I knew this book wasn’t going to be easy going in. Being the final book in a series I adore, it was bittersweet, I wanted this book so badly but the thought of it ending caused my heart to ache.  But as they say all good things must come to an end and my gosh what an ending it was. Tillie takes us on an emotional rollercoaster; there is laughter, ugly cries, and happy tears. Everything you expect from a Tillie Cole novel and so much more.  

Ally Prince - sweet, strong, kind, funny, independent, beautiful and loyal; I mean the list is endless; she is as close to perfect as you are going to get. At 27 years old she lands her dream job; curating an exhibit in a museum for a reclusive sculptor whose work she admires. Life is great. But there is something missing. Ally craves something we all long for yet very few get to experience; passionate, heart-stopping, epic, life changing love; her very own real life fairy tale. After meeting this reclusive sculptor Ally’s fate is sealed, it doesn’t come easy, but you better believe Ally Prince fights like hell to get what she deserves.

Elpidio – Strong, broken, lost and haunted. This man is talented beyond words. When his mentor wants to hold an exhibition of his work, Elpi wasn’t too keen on the idea. He feels undeserving of the praise and attention he receives from his work because Elpi knows what his sculptures truly represent; love, pain, loss, they are a reminder of the past that haunts him, a past he feels he cannot, and should not be able to escape. That is until he meets the Curator of his exhibition. He knows he shouldn’t, but when he is around Ally she makes him feel, she gives him something a man like him shouldn’t even dream of. Ally brings him Hope.
When I first read who Elpidio was, I thought to myself “really?” he wasn’t my first choice for Ally but as I predicted by the end of the book Tillie had me convinced without a doubt that Elpidio and Ally were made for each other, that the hero couldn’t have been anyone else because Elpidio was her other half and she was his. Their love was raw and intense and it just so…real. It wasn’t your typical fairy tale, but it’s one I would live a million times over.

Having the Sweet Gang back together, yes, we hear from some of our favourites from the series, had my heart singing with joy. It was nice to hear about their lives after college. To read how much some of them have changed, how some haven’t changed at all (lol) and where their lives ended up. I couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to this series any other way. Tillie nailed it!

I will end this review with two simple words for Tillie for taking us on this journey with these beautiful characters and giving this series the ending it deserves.

Thank you!
Elpi sat up on the bed, the sheet riding low on his hips as he lit up a cigarette and held it between his lips, looking like a darker, more disturbed version of James Dean.
He was living, breathing poetry. Not love poetry, but the poetry which tears out your heart, rips it to shreds, pushes it back into your chest, and makes you question what the hell just obliterated your soul?
I couldn’t tear my gaze away from him as I pulled up my dress over my breasts, his man bun seductively awry, his ripped tattoo-covered abs tensing as his arm moved up and down to hold his cigarette as he inhaled.  When he blew out the smoke, small lines etched round his eyes; the severe effect screamed danger. I was completely infatuated with this man.
Elpidio caught me staring as he scratched his nails over the skin on his broad chest. His eyes lit with blatant desire, and he flicked his chin. “Get the fuck outta here or you won’t be going nowhere.”
Exhaling a shuddering breath at his curt demand, I strode to the bed, where Elpi balanced the cigarette on his full bottom lip—an action that was beginning to destroy me at how damn sexy it was.
When I stopped a foot away, Elpi reached out his hand to grip my hips, then jerked me closer until I lay sprawled over his body. Releasing one of his hands, he moved his cigarette from his mouth and blew out the smoke, the thick cloud billowing past my face, the rich tobacco scent mixed with his natural musk eliciting a groan from the back of my throat.
“You’re fucking coming back tonight,” he growled, making sure I knew to obey his command.

About Tillie
Amazon & USA Today Best Selling Author, Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother — a farmers daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.
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Blog Tour & Review ~ Sociopathy Legacy (Sociopath #2) by Lime Craven

Book: Legacy (Sociopath #2)
Author: Lime Craven 
Genre: dark romance/psychological thriller
Goodreads Book Link ****Book 1 and 2 on Sale 3/26 - 4/2****
Reach for the scars...  Remember me? Aeron Lore: happy and humble. A people person. All around nice guy. Even I can't say that with a straight face. But seriously, things are going great. Leo's behaving herself; I'm enjoying making sure she behaves. We're a great team. SilentWitn3ss, our live-streaming news project, has launched to my favorite things ever: controversy and profit. So when the FBI comes to me and wants to use SilentWitn3ss footage to trace a serial killer named Blood Honey, I'm only too happy to be superior—I mean, to help. And if Leo thinks the brutal Blood Honey and I have a few things in common, I guess that's to be expected, given my rather unique preferences in the bedroom. My...condition. But I'm not like him. I can't stand that she would even think it. If his actions threaten my relationship with Leo, I'll hunt that fucker down myself. If he gets too close for comfort, I will make him bleed—and trust me, he's closer than I ever anticipated. There's a food chain, grasshoppers. The buck doesn't stop with him. It stops with me. Blood Honey is a nasty son of a bitch, but I can be a lot worse. Question is...do I want to be?
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  Mindfuck(noun): An unexpected violation of the senses

You know those books that even after you’re finished you just can’t shake ‘em? Well this was one of those for me!!! This book (both books actually) were some of the best writing I have read in a while! Seriously, absolutely delicious storytelling! I can’t put my finger on exactly what I loved the most, the fact that we have an anti-hero AND really and anti-heroine or the fact that this is just such a great mindfuck I almost feel ashamed for loving it so much…almost, but not really!!

Legacy picks up right where Sociopath leaves off. Now if you haven’t read the first one don’t even think about grabbing this one yet. Go get them both and then sit down for the coolest ride!

Both Aeron & Leo are the greatest characters because they are both so fucked up, and I don’t just mean a little. I mean like we need a dump truck to carry around all of our issues type of F’ed up! I mean, like seriously…Sociopath right? But they have this weird and sometimes a little disturbing love for each other that just works, even though it probably shouldn’t.

I don’t want to give away anything from the first book if you haven’t read it so I will refrain from the Aeron/Leo storyline, but I will just say this…..OMFG – Blood Honey!! Now I know you have no idea what I’m talking about so I will simply say GRAB THESE BOOKS!! If you love the mindfuck of a love story then you will not be disappointed! You will be elated, I promise!!

Now I don’t know what this says about me but I will leave you with the fact that I fell a little in love with Aeron every time he did something, or thought something(since we are in his head a lot), that would have me actually saying, Holy Crap-that is soooo wrong!!! Haha

I want to share one of my favorite pieces grasshoppers…Enjoy!!

Do I want to keep him? Ah, can you ever keep anything? Don’t we all have to open our fists eventually, to stretch tired fingers, to allow our palms a taste of new things…? Nothing is simple here; there’s no clichéd dual between heart and mind. My mind has never told me to run from this man – on the contrary, I’ve followed him for my own vengeful gains, and as for my heart…it doesn’t speak. It just bleeds.~Leo

Author Bio
I like dysfunction. Broken people who can't fix each other, but fit together because they're missing the same pieces. One of my favorite songs declares, "take the sinner down to feed desire," and that's my MO. I write dirty psychological thrillers with strong elements of dark romance.
I love antiheroes. Female characters who don't just accept their faults, but downright exploit them. No nice boys. No shame. Mindfuckery for all.
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Sociopath (#1)
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The name's Aeron Lore. And you are...? Such a pleasure to meet you, sweetheart. Is that a southern accent? Gorgeous.
You fucking bitch.
Why so surprised? I control a billion dollar fortune. I control the news. Give me five minutes and I'll control you, too. If you could read my mind, you'd probably call me perverted. Unnatural. Manipulative. But I've learned to blend in, to be funny and charming. A predator in a designer suit.
I have no conscience. No shame in taking the things I want. And what I wanted was for Leontine Reeves to sell me her boutique tech firm so I could exploit the fuck out of it. Maybe exploit the fuck out of her, too, because desire haunts me in shades of scarlet, and I desire Leo most of all.
I never meant for this to be a love story. I fought it kicking and screaming, the same way Leo fought me. Now we're bleeding into each other, making a mess. A chaos. There's no control here. And what do monsters like me do when control leaves the building?
We attack.
