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Pre-Release Day Blitz ~ Deep (Stage Dive #4) by Kylie Scott

Positive. With two little lines on a pregnancy test, everything in Lizzy Rollins' ordinary life is about to change forever. And all because of one big mistake in Vegas with Ben Nicholson, the irresistibly sexy bass player for Stage Dive. So what if Ben's the only man she's ever met who can make her feel completely safe, cherished, and out of control with desire at the same time? Lizzy knows the gorgeous rock star isn't looking for anything more permanent than a good time, no matter how much she wishes differently.

Ben knows Lizzy is off limits. Completely and utterly. She's his best friend's little sister now, and no matter how hot the chemistry is between them, no matter how sweet and sexy she is, he's not going to go there. But when Ben is forced to keep the one girl he's always had a weakness for out of trouble in Sin City, he quickly learns that what happens in Vegas, doesn't always stay there. Now he and Lizzie are connected in the deepest way possible...but will it lead to a connection of the heart?
“Where have you been?” My sister rushed forward, catching me up in a tight hug. “I’ve been trying to call you all day. We checked everywhere and couldn’t find you.”
“Sorry. I just needed some alone time.” I squeezed her back, unable to stop from smiling. The thought of Anne turning her back on me had scared me more than I liked to admit.
“Well, I get you might want that.” She stepped back. “But you could have told someone.”
“You can’t just disappear like that.” And Ben kept right on frowning. “Shit, Liz, you’re pregnant.”
“Don’t upset her,” snapped Anne.
Ben ignored her. “I don’t know what the hell’s going on in your head. But you need to let me know where you are.”
My eyebrows went up and my mouth opened, ready to rip him a new one.
“She doesn’t answer to you. She’ll let you know if and when she decides to let you know,” said Mal, laying down the law to his bandmate before turning my way. “You will text your sister next time you decide to go wandering for a day, understood?”
My mouth, it still hung open.
“Christ, man.” Over and over, Ben’s hands rolled into tight fists before releasing again. “Can you cut the shit and get off my back for a fucking minute?”
“Don’t swear at him.” My usually sensible and staid sister poked a finger dead center in Ben’s broad chest. “You’re the one that caused this mess, thank you very much. She might still be a little young and naive, but you’re definitely old enough to know better.”
“That’s right.” Standing about as tall as a skyscraper, despite only coming up to Ben’s nose, Mal stared him down. Or up. Whatever. “This is a family matter. You can leave, thanks.”
Releasing March 31, 2015

Stage Dive Series Reading Order

LICK (Stage Dive #1)

PLAY (Stage Dive #2)

LEAD (Stage Dive #3)

DEEP (Stage Dive #4)
Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks

About Kylie
Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.

Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.

Stalk Kylie Scott: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Cover Reveal ~ Unraveled (Tortured Souls #2) by Kate Givans

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Release Date: June 15th, 2015
This is NOT a standalone. To enjoy Unraveled (Tortured Soul #2), you must first read Tortured (Tortured Soul #1)
**Please note that this book may be highly triggering as it contains violent, graphic sexual content and the abuse of minor children.**
I get that you probably hate me. I don't blame you. You'll probably hate me even more once this is all over. That's okay, too. Honestly, I hate myself. But before you make any judgments about me, you should know I never planned for things to go this way. I really do love him, and I never meant to hurt him. It's just that some things are better left unsaid. Some secrets are meant to be kept. Still, I can't help feeling like I've just made the biggest mistake of my life. My name is Willow Lansing. I'm a gypsy, a vagabond, stealer of hearts. And it feels like I'm unraveling at the seams.
 It’d been nearly noon by the time we managed to get back on the road. Mya sat buckled into her safety belt at the dinette in the back, watching her new movie, the same one she’d watched at “Nana Jan’s.” Cole worked on making everyone lunch. And me? I just tried to keep my eyes and my mind focused on the road . . . but gods I hated the Midwest. All that flat land reminded me of those old black and white cartoons, the ones where you could tell they used the same handful of frames over and over, rehashing them into a seemingly endless loop. A cow here. A corn field there. A hill every thirty minutes or so. A patch of trees or a lake about every hour. Some folks say the Midwest has its own beauty, that there’s something amazing about being able to see for miles around. Whatever. I’d take the mountains or the forests, hell, even the plateaus of the desert over this . . . this . . . emptiness. It made the minutes feel like hours and the hours feel like days. We hadn’t even made it to Oklahoma City yet—less than two hours from where we’d started—and I already wanted a nap. Not that I could take one. We needed to at least make it to Texas that day. And after that . . . I didn’t know. I still hadn’t decided where we’d land next. I tried to fool myself into believing it had more to do with not wanting to make too obvious of a choice, but the ache in my chest told me differently, reminded me that my indecisiveness had everything to do with wanting to turn the rig back around and head back to Emporia. I loved that crazy, quirky college town. I missed its brick streets and funky vintage shops and restaurants. The way the weather would turn at the drop of a hat. How no one really seemed to notice me or my eccentric style, thanks to the throngs of college students constantly coming in and out of town for classes and holidays and breaks. Most of all, I missed Josh. A part of me wished he could have seen the warnings for what they really were—a way to keep that distance between us, to save him from more pain than necessary, a sacrifice of my own heart to save his. It would have made things easier on him. But the damage had been done, and all I could do was hope that I hadn’t done any irreparable damage to his kind heart or beautiful soul. Ah, who was I kidding? I’m nobody . . . nobody special, anyway. Not someone worthy of his love and affection, and certainly not worthy of his heartache. He deserved better, that’s for certain. Obvious, even. But I had underestimated just how much I needed him—the way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the way he treated me like a normal girl . . . a girl that didn’t have ghosts and secrets and demons and a fucked up past. Too bad it had all been a lie.   
About Tortured (Tortured Soul #1) 
"There are certain stories that leave you feeling empty, that touch your soul and rock you to the core in ways that are not always pretty. Tortured is one of those books, its roughness, sadness and broken characters will touch every fiber of your being." - Reading, Dreaming "Genuine, moving, and reminds us that there's hope for all of us." - Rachael Wade "A highly emotional and touching story." - My e-Literate Obsession WARNING: This book is intended for 18+ readers ONLY. Potentially triggering content and concepts in books to follow. A contemporary romantic drama about loss, healing, and love's ability to reach beyond scars and secrets, no matter how deep or hidden. More than a year after the death of his best friend, Josh is still tormented by the past. Everything changes when free-spirited Willow barges into his life. She challenges him, helps him feel something other than the overwhelming pain, sadness, and anger. There’s just one problem. Underneath that carefree spirit, Willow is elusive and secretive. Josh believes she may be fighting a few demons of her own, but the harder he tries to uncover the truth, the more she pushes him away. Can Josh get her to open up before it’s too late? Or will he discover that some secrets are better left untold?
  About Kate Givans
bio photo
Kate Givans may be a bit quirky and slightly off-key, but there's more to this contemporary romance author than her oddities and eccentricities.
Familiar with some of the more difficult aspects of life, Kate loves complicated characters. More accurately, she loves dragging hers through unimaginable pain and loss. But she isn't completely heartless. In fact, she's a tad obsessed with making sure her characters receive the happily-ever-afters that are often so elusive in real life.
When she's not writing, you'll find her curled up with a book, talking about books, drowning in coffee, herding up her five kids, watching a movie with her amazingly supportive husband, or binging on one of her favorite shows.
Follow Kate:

Review ~ One to Save (One to Hold #6) by Tia Louise

(Derek & Melissa)

Some threats come at you as friendly fire.
Some threats take away everything.
Family won’t let you go down without a fight.

The Secret isn’t as secure as Derek’s team originally thought it was, and a person on the inside of Alexander-Knight is set on exposing him, breaking him, and taking away all he holds dear.

Refusing to let anyone suffer for his crimes, Derek takes matters into his own hands. He’s exposed, he’s defenseless, but his friends are determined to save him.

A STAND-ALONE, ONE TO HOLD NOVEL. Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
Of all of the book boyfriends out there, you know that one that just shines head and shoulders above all of the rest for you? The one that is just the embodiment of the perfect man…yeah, for me that is Derek Alexander!! So to say I get a little excited when my amazing girl Miss Tia writes me us a new story about him is a GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT!! In case I wasn’t clear I LOVE DEREK ALEXANDER, in all his big, dark, dangerously sexy glory!

Ok, enough of my slobbering over Derek because truth be told if any other woman besides me should get to have him I am so happy it’s Melissa! I adore Mel almost as much as Derek and they are the hottest, most adorable couple. Now without giving anything away, you know, because I was lucky enough to get to read this before it is released, I will tell you my favorite couple has to navigate some pretty significant hurdles in this installment of their story. Yes, my perfect Derek fucks up quite royally, a couple times actually, but after some suffering on both their parts, we can breathe a sigh of relief, it will all work out, I promise :). We also get to meet a couple new characters and I can’t wait for their story. As well as spend some time with all of our old friends from the previous stories.

I will admit I spent some time in tears, which I seem to do in every one of Miss Tia’s books! But have no fear, I assure you a HEA . Which is what I kept telling myself as I was ugly crying a bit lying in bed last night as I devoured this book.

I lost myself in the darkness of trying to protect you, but you're my light. In the worst time of my life, your true colors shined through, and you demonstrated how deep your love is. You saved me. ~Derek

If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of this series, and you are a lover of romance then I urge you to get them!! READ THESE BOOKS!!! I assure you, you won’t be disappointed. I was given One to Hold (book 1) by this wonderful author quite some time ago for review and I fell madly in love! With the characters, the story and the author!

We've each made it through the dark times, and we've found one to hold, keep, love and save. The future is wide open, and our love is strong. I can't wait to see what's next for all of us. ~Mel 

Cover Reveal ~ Change Rein (Willow Bay Stables #1) - Anne Jolin

Author: Anne Jolin
Series: Willow Bay Stables #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance & Sports Equestrian Romance
London Daniels is returning home to Willow Bay, Alberta, on the heels of a televised loss. She blew her shot at the Summer Olympics and cost Canada the gold medal in dressage. 
During her years of training abroad, her family's stable has fallen on hard times, and thus, they’ve accepted an offer to board the racehorses of Branson Tucker, the infamous tycoon, for the winter.
London lacks conviction after her ill-fated fall. And as if returning to her hometown to watch her epic failure replay on everyone's big screen isn't torture enough, she’s expected to cater to a man with an ego bigger than her hundred-acre farm just to earn a dime.
Is London saddling up for another ride that will leave both her heart and her ass in the dirt? Or could the handsome, unwanted guest at Willow Bay Stables be her second chance to go for gold?

~ Cover Model ~ 
Carmen Mateo Delgado 
~ Photographer ~
~ Cover Designer ~ 
~ Other books by Anne Jolin ~
Rock Falls Series
Chasing Rhodes, Book 1: http://bit.ly/ChasingRhodes
Choosing Henley, Book 2: http://bit.ly/ChoosingHenley
Breaking Bennett, Book 3: http://bit.ly/BreakingBennett
Keeping King, Book #4: http://bit.ly/KeepingKing

Hey y’all, 
I was born and raised in Ladner, a small farm town just outside Vancouver, Canada. I grew up riding horses, shooting guns, and driving in trucks. 
I never expected to be an author. A massage therapist? Yes. Take over the family construction company? Yes. But an author? No. Writing was something that snuck up on me and rooted itself into my life. It was beautiful to discover that love, and I’m truly grateful to say I’ve found my passion. 
Since I’ve always been a creative person, it feels amazing to harness all of that energy and use it to tell a story I love. I enjoy incorporating bits of my real life into the stories I write. What parts are true? Hah. I’ll never tell—what would be the fun in that? 
If I could leave y’all with one thing, it’s that life’s far too short to not live it out loud. Drown in your passions, hold on tight to the things that inspire you, and chase your dreams relentlessly. I can promise you without a doubt that you won’t regret it. I know I don’t. 
Mad love, 
Anne Jolin 
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HEA Book Tours, PR & More: http://heabooktours.blogspot.com/

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Cover Reveal ~ A Gypsy's Kiss by Susan Griscom

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: May 10, 2015
Breena Cassidy
Cursed with what could be one of the worst supernatural abilities imaginable, Breena has never had the luxury of falling in love. Hell, she’s never even held a guy’s hand. At only twenty-two years old, she’s just about given up on the whole love thing. After all, when you can see twelve hours of someone’s future by a simple touch, and they, in turn, can see what you see, well… relationships are sort of out of the question. Her gigs performing psychic readings at parties, and the occasional one-on-one private appointment are just about Breena’s only connection with people. No matter how much she might wish otherwise.
Hawk Covington
Hawk’s hard body and skill have earned him a starting position on the Pioneer’s college hockey team. But it’s not his talent with a hockey stick that’s the most remarkable. His gorgeous two-colored eyes not only draw the attention of every female on campus, they also allow him to track people and objects. But when he suddenly finds himself stalked by a stranger, he seeks out the help of the rumored, “campus gypsy” for help.
Despite his vow to stay single and play as many college girls as he can while the fun lasts, Hawk can’t ignore his attraction to the lovely and spirited Breena. And she can’t get the hunky star hockey player out of her mind once a single touch of his hand reveals something utterly strange. Surrounded by mystery, they realize that fate has brought them together for a reason, but can they stay alive long enough to recognize the depth of their feelings for one another?
We headed into his apartment and I shrugged my coat off my shoulders, but that’s as far as it got. As soon as Hawk dropped his equipment bag on the floor, he turned to me and grabbed me, pinning me against the wall, my jacket wedged behind me, my arms a prisoner in the sleeves of my jacket as he settled his beautiful mouth back on mine again. I was grateful for the support behind me, so I wouldn’t lose my balance. Though I doubt there would have been any chance of that happening since Hawk had such a secure grip around my waist. When he stopped kissing me, he stared into my eyes. I couldn’t move. My arms were still pinned in my jacket. I couldn’t do anything except stare back into his eyes. The grey and green colors of his eyes danced with desire. Desire for me. The thought scared me, but then he began kissing my neck, trailing kisses down inside the collar of my jacket, sucking in places on the way. He pushed my jacket down my arms, letting the heavy fleece fall to the floor. Then he swept me up in his arms, carried me to his couch and placed me down. 

His mouth was instantly back on mine. The sensation of his taste buds mingling with mine was like honey, ever so sweet and smooth, yet electric. When his lips left mine, I began an internal protest, but relaxed when his tongue skimmed along my neck and down my chest. A small gasp escaped my throat when his palm briefly cupped my breast before his fingers inched inside my sports bar, lifting it up to expose both breasts. “I told you, you have nice breasts,” he mumbled before taking one into his mouth and cupping the other in his hand. A second gasp flowed from my lips, but it was more from the sensation and pleasure he offered than surprise.

Then he lodged his knees between my thighs as his hand came under my bottom and his other was on the back of my neck, urging my mouth toward his. He squeezed my backside and caressed each cheek, pulling me against him. My legs hugged his waist.

“You have such a beautiful ass,” he breathed in between kisses. I want to kiss it. Will you let me kiss it, gypsy? 

I giggled. It was uncontrollable. “You want to kiss my ass?” I repeated out of sheer lack of not knowing what else to say. He made me hot and the thought of his lips on my rear end made me even hotter. 

“Yes, because you have an extremely supreme derriere, but that’s not all I want to do to you.
I daydream often. And sometimes my daydreams interfere with my daydreams not to mention real life. Because, let’s face it, my character’s lives are so much more exciting. Sometimes it’s young adult or new adult contemporary romance and sometimes it’s paranormal romance, where my playing field delves into a different milieu than the usual vampires and werewolves. 

Some day I might write about vampires, fangs and fur, but for now, I prefer sticking to strong heroes and heroines confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers and abilities beyond the norm, mixed with a heavy dose of romance to get the blood boiling. 

Of course, there are times I love writing the normal contemporary love story and enjoy getting lost in the dream of a hot sexy hero. I love when a story takes hold and pulls me into the fantasy, that's magic.

You can visit Susan at http://susangriscom.com or email her at susangriscom1@gmail.com She loves hearing from her fans.

Susan's upcoming Events 2015

On The Border Book Bash – San Diego May 30th. https://www.facebook.com/groups/603487289736442/

ARC NOLA – July 29-Aug. 2 http://www.authorreadercon.com/

InD’Scribe Author Event - http://www.indscribe.com/