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COVER REVEAL ~ Taz (G-Man #4) by Andrea Smith

Release Date: March 31st
My life is finally perfect. My dreams have all come true. I'm where I want to be 

with the bureau; having the career I've been planning since I did my stint in the 

military. I'm married to the one and only woman I've ever loved; my heart beats 

for her alone. Together we've made beautiful babies that I adore. I'm thirty-

three years old and I'm complete.

Then one day, it all changes. Slate recruits me for a temporary assignment that 

is underneath the radar for a reason. The bureau hasn't sanctioned it as a 

priority, but Slate feels it is because of who is involved: Sue Ellen Reynard. 

Yeah, remember her?


Our lives were perfect. Taz and I had everything we'd ever hoped for: family, 

careers and an everlasting devotion to one another. Suddenly nothing is the 

same. In a single moment, my biggest fear is realized by one phone call from 

Slate: an 'agent is missing'.

My agent; my Taz…

This is just the beginning of our long journey. Will things ever be the same 


Pre-order Available

Lindsey gave me the silent treatment on the way over to Ralston's office. "How did you know where I was? I asked.
"Hey, I said I was sorry. We're not all that late," I pointed out to her.
"It's rude to keep Dr. Ralston waiting, Trace. I don't do rude. I thought this counseling was important to you, apparently I was wrong."
I stopped instantly and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her around to face me. "What the fuck, Lindsey? What's up your ass at the moment?"
She gave me a glare. "It just seems to me that you might find more productive ways to spend your time when you're here other than flirting your ass off with the resident skank," she snapped, jerking her arm free and turning her back on me.
Fuck to the no!
"Wait one damn minute," I growled, spinning her back around to face me. "It just so happens I went to the shooting range because I've been trying to qualify to the new standards. It's a requirement for all agents to recertify. Diana's job is to ensure that they do."
"Hmmph," she snorted derisively, "It looked pretty cozy to me, but that's neither here nor there because it sounds to me as if you plan on continuing your career with the Bureau once you're cleared."
"And why shouldn't I? It's the career I've had for years, what do you expect?" I was getting angrier by the second, and her eyes were flashing pure pissed green at the moment.
Time for a showdown.
"I don't know why I would expect any less," she snapped, "It's always been about the FBI, right? It's never been about me and the kids, has it?"
That did it.
I totally lost it when she flung those words at me. No matter how much I still didn't remember, one thing that I knew, with every fiber of my being, was that what she'd just said had no truth to it. And what really burned my ass was that she knew it too!
I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up against me. My eyes bored into hers and without thinking, I lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her with a vengeance. It was the first time my lips had touched hers since I'd been back. There was no tenderness; it was my way of claiming her and taking possession of what was mine. She would not deny me this.
Her fists pushed against my chest, and then she attempted to pull away, but her efforts were no match for my strength and determination. My lips worked hers, and my tongue invaded her mouth and possessed it. "Stop," I growled pulling back briefly to look down at her, "Don't resist me."
It was something I might've said to a perp that was resisting arrest, but at this moment, I was saying it to my wife.
My mate.
The woman that I loved more than life itself.
And suddenly the realization that this was the truth overwhelmed me. My tempo slowed, morphing from anger to affection; and from frustration to need.
Lindsey felt the change and stopped struggling against me. Her arms looped around my neck, and her lips started responding to mine. It was familiar, and as my tongue once again found hers, we struck a rhythm that was ours. I could feel her anger and bitterness dissipate. It was replaced with a soft sweetness that I remembered, and that I could totally bury myself into if only she would let me.
"Taz," she moaned softly, finally pulling back a bit.
"Lindsey," I breathed against her soft lips, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Come on, we've got to make our appointment," she said softly.
And we did.
It was the first joint session that we'd had where Lindsey took her place next to me on the leather sofa, instead of her usual chair in the corner. Ralston didn't miss it either, quirking an eyebrow as his eyes met mine with just a hint of amusement.
It was a fucking start.
About the Author
Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Amazon  | Goodreads

I was born and raised in southern Ohio, and with the exception of a brief stint in Dallas, TX, have been an Ohioan most of my life. My dream has always been to write a novel, and back in the early eighties I tried to do just that, having been influenced by authors such as Kathleen Woodiwiss, Johanna Lindsey, Rosemary Rogers and Laurie McBain. I remember writing to all of them through their listed publishers, and the only response I received was from Johanna Lindsey (who lived in Hawaii at the time.

Ms. Lindsey advised me to continue with my dream; and to submit to various publishers again and again. Of course, at that time, publishing e-books yourself was not on the horizon; there were vanity publishing houses of course, but she advised me to avoid those.

So my dream was put on the back-burner for more than 25 years until June of 2012 when suddenly I no longer had a reason not to write a novel. My sons were grown; I found myself without a career (blessedly) and the creative juices flowed once again.

I finished my first novel, "Maybe Baby" in September of 2012; the next two books in the "Baby Series" titled "Baby Love" and "Be My Baby" were published in early 2013. I learned a lot in my first endeavor with self-publishing. I've made so many friends as a result that it is over-whelming.

In the spring of 2013, I had an idea for a different type of Alpha, and wrote Book #1 of the "G-Man" Series, titled "Diamond Girl." This book was well-received, and I followed it with Book #2, "Love Plus One." These are stand-alone books.

I am finally doing what I love and I sincerely appreciate the wonderful readers who provide feedback and take the time to comment. I hope that with each book, my writing has grown and improved as I strive to publish quality fiction.

Review ~ The Falcon Club: Falling for him (Book One) by Amy Stephens

The Falcon Club:
Falling for Him (Book 1)

Erica Kennedy was excited about starting her freshman year of college at State University with her best friend Monica. Out of the blue, her parents surprised everyone with a divorce that quickly turned nasty and she was forced to change all of her plans for the fall. Now, no longer attending State, Erica enrolls in Bishop University, a local four-year school geared more for older, working adults and those serving in the military at the nearby Air Force Base.

Being one of the younger students, Erica feels out of place. With two of her classes actually being on the military base, she’s even more uncertain because the classes there are filled with good looking military men along with another interesting group who wear gray jumpsuits bearing the name The Falcon Club.

One guy in particular, Jaime, catches her attention and she can’t resist the urge to find out more about him.
Not sure if it’s luck or just coincidence, Erica is placed in a study group with Jaime and the mystery behind his gray jumpsuit becomes even more intriguing as does her attraction to him. What she thought was just an elite military group turns out to be so much more.

In discovering the truth, can she stop herself from falling even more for him or will she take her chances and risk everything for a relationship with him?
 Purchase Link
After reading the synopsis I could not pass up the opportunity to read this book. I was intrigued, the whole girl meets boy involving University, Military and mysterious grey jumpsuits???

Erica is a 19 year old girl who thought she had her life mapped out, she would graduate from high school senior year, be attending university with her best friend Monica, they even found a cute little apartment to share… Everything was perfect until her parents announced they would be getting a divorce and her college fund was now gone due to lawyer fees!

She would now be attending Bishop University, fees were cheaper YES, she would also be living close to home to save on rent, but it was not the university she had in mind. It was filled with students that were older either already in the workforce or studying to better their career. Also Erica was also not happy to learn that she would be travelling across town to attend 2 of her classes on the Military Base!

It was here that she would meet 32 year old Jamie, slicked back dark hair, deep dark chocolate eyes, broad shoulders and bulging upper arms and wearing a grey jumpsuit that fitted his body perfectly in all the right places. There of course was an instant attraction between Erica and Jamie! Erica needed to know more about this mysterious man who sat next to here in the grey jumpsuit with some kind of symbol and “Falcon Club” written on his pocket… Was it a fraternity or some sort of program? Or was it related to the Military?

Erica and Jamie we put into the same group to work on a class assignment, here they are able to spend more time together and the intense flirting begins! Even though Erica is trying to get closer, Jamie is trying to keep her at a distance because in his eyes Erica can do better and deserves better than him. What will happen after Jamie graduates and moves back to Miami with his family? Will Erica follow her heart? Will Jamie want her, or will he try to protect her from his past?

“Erica” He whispered my name. “It was never my intention to hurt you, not ever. I’m sorry. I’m just so scared. My life. Your life. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

This book has it all, romance, intensity, mystery, there are a quit few hot and steamy foreplay scenes that lead up to a point where they can no longer hold back! And of course the cliffhanger, what will happen with Erica and Jamie? We will find out with book 2 The Falcon Club: Falling For Her, told from Jamie’s point of view.