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#ReleaseBlitz #Excerpt ~ Captured by A Laird (The Douglas Legacy 1) by Margaret Mallory #HistoricalRomance

Captured by A Laird

Release Day Spotlight!

TITLE Captured by a Laird
SERIES – The Douglas Legacy #1
AUTHOR Margaret Mallory
GENRE Historical Romance/ Highland Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – September 15, 2014
LENTH (Pages/# Words) - 319


The Douglas sisters, beauties all, are valuable pawns in their family's bitter struggle to control the Scottish Crown. But when powerful enemies threaten, each Douglas lass will find she must face them alone.


Haunted by his father's violent death, David Hume, the new laird of Wedderburn, sets out to make his name so feared that no one will dare harm his family again. The treacherous ally who played on his father's weakness is dead and beyond David's vengeance, but his castle and young widow are ripe for the taking. The moment David lays eyes on the dark-haired beauty defending her wee daughters, however, he knows this frail-looking lass is the one person who could bring him to his knees.

Wed at thirteen to a man who tried daily to break her spirit, Lady Alison Douglas is looking forward to a long widowhood. But when the fearsome warrior known as the Beast of Wedderburn storms her gates, she finds herself, once again, forced to wed a stranger. Alison is only a pawn to serve his vengeance, so why does this dark warrior arouse such fiery passion and an unwelcome longing in her heart?

With death and danger looming, these two wounded souls must learn to trust each other . . . for only love can save them.

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CAPTURED BY A LAIRD © by Margaret Mallory 2014
David strode through the battle raging between his men and the castle defenders in the courtyard and headed straight for the keep, intent on his goal.
The castle would fall quickly. The defenders lacked leadership and were in disarray. His only concern was whether the castle had a secret tunnel for escape. During the siege, he had spread his men out through the fields surrounding the fortress to keep watch. But he had concentrated his forces for the attack and most were now inside the castle. If there was a tunnel, he must secure the widow and her daughters before they had a chance to escape. He did not relish the idea of having to chase them down through the fields with dogs.
The defenders had foolishly waited too long to withdraw to the keep, and most were caught in the courtyard when David’s men burst through the gate. He barely spared them a glance as he ran up the steps of the keep.
With several of his warriors at his back, he burst through the doors brandishing his sword. He paused inside the entrance to hall. Women and children were screaming, and the few Blackadder warriors who had made it inside were overturning tables in a useless attempt to set up a defense.
“If ye hope for mercy, drop your weapons,” David shouted, making his voice heard above the chaos.
He locked gazes with the men who hesitated to obey his order until every weapon clanked to the floor, then he swept his gaze over the women. Their clothing confirmed what he’d known the moment he entered the hall. Blackadder’s widow was not in the room.
“Where is she?” he demanded of the closest Blackadder man.
“Who, m’lord?” the man said, shifting his gaze to the side.
“Your mistress!” David picked him up by the front of his tunic and leaned in close. “Tell me now.”
“In her bedchamber,” the man squeaked, pointing to an arched doorway. “’Tis up the stairs.”
David caught a sudden whiff of urine and dropped the man to the floor in disgust. The wretch had wet himself.
“Take him to the dungeon,” he ordered. The coward had given up his mistress far too easily.
David started up the wheeled stairs to the upper floors with his sword at the ready. He expected to encounter Blackadder warriors, protecting the lady of the castle. But there were none on the stairs and none guarding the door on the first floor.
Damn it. She must have escaped. He gritted his teeth as he envisioned the lady’s guards leading her through the tunnel.
He was about to open the chamber door to make sure it was empty when Brian, one of his best men, came down the stairs.
“Laird, I checked all the chambers while ye were in the hall,” he said.
David’s jaw ached from clenching it.
“There’s one door on the floor just above us that wouldn’t open with the latch,” Brian said. “Shall I break it down?”
David waved him aside and pulled the ax from his belt as he raced up the stairs.
“Open it!” he shouted and pounded on the door.
He did not wait. She could be escaping through a secret door this very moment. Three hard whacks with his ax, and the door split. He kicked it until it swung open, then stepped through.
At his first sight of the woman, his feet became fixed to the floor. He felt strange, and his vision was distorted, as if as if he had swallowed a magical potion that narrowed his sight. He could see nothing in the room but her.
She was extraordinarily lovely, with violet eyes, pale skin, and shining black hair. But there was something about her, something beyond her beauty, that held him captive. She was young, much younger than he expected, and her features and form were delicate, in marked contrast to the violent emotion in her eyes.
David knew to the depths of his soul that a brute like him should not be the man to claim this fragile flower, even while the word mine beat in his head like a drum. He had no notion of how long he stood staring at her before he became aware that she held a sword. It was longer still before he noticed the two wee lasses peeking out from behind her like frightened kittens.
Anger boiled up in his chest. Every Blackadder man in the castle who could still draw breath should have been here, standing between him and their lady. Instead, she faced him alone with a sword she could barely lift with both hands.
It was a brave, but ridiculous gesture.
There was no defense against him.

MARGARET MALLORY surprised her friends & family by abandoning her legal career to write tales of romance & adventure. At long last, she can satisfy her passion for justice by punishing the bad & rewarding the worthy--in the pages of her novels. 

Margaret lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband, goofy dog & crabby cat. With her two children off to college, Margaret spends most of her time working on her next Scottish historical romance. Visit her website for Book Group Discussion Questions, photos of Scotland, excerpts, & other info. Margaret loves to hear from readers!

WEBSITE / BLOG – http://margaretmallory.com/

Celebrate the Captured by A Laird Release Party tonight, September 15 7-10PM EST on Facebook

Blog Tour ~ Crossing the Line by Sherri Hayes Excerpt + #Giveaway

Crossing The Line 
(Daniels Brothers #3)
by Sherri Hayes
Release Date: September 4 , 2014
Genre: Romance/Contemporary and Crime 
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-268-6

Available from:
Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH


Detective Paul Daniels has spent four and a half years mourning the loss of his wife. He’s been doing his best to raise their daughter, Chloe, with the help of his in-laws. When they inform him right before Thanksgiving that they’re going to be moving over two hours away, Paul finds himself without anyone to watch Chloe—especially when he’s called out to a crime scene in the middle of the night. Little does he know that meeting his baby brother’s girlfriend and her sister, Megan, will change everything.

Megan Carson has taken a few wrong turns in her life, but she’s doing her best to get back on track. When she meets Chloe, the little girl swiftly worms her way into Megan’s heart. The opportunity to help Paul out and watch his daughter appears to be a blessing in disguise. She quickly volunteers to be Chloe’s live-in nanny.
Everything is working well until the three of them head back to Ohio for Chris and Elizabeth’s wedding. Paul has a little too much to drink during the reception, and he and Megan end up sharing a heated kiss. When he wakes up the next day, he has a pounding headache but remembers nothing.
Megan, however, isn’t willing to forget. Over the past few months since she’s been playing nanny, her feelings for Paul have changed. He is everything she never knew she wanted, and now that she knows there might be something there, she’s going after what she wants—Paul.


The sound of footsteps on the stairs caused him to glance up. Seconds later, Megan appeared. She was still wearing her pajamas from the night before. The bottoms only covered about a quarter of her leg, which meant there was plenty left over for him to see. Megan wasn’t tall, but her legs were long, and for a moment, Paul wondered what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his hips.
Startled by the direction of his thoughts, Paul shot up out of his chair and nearly spilled what was left of his coffee.
“You okay?”
Paul noted the concern in her voice. Unfortunately that wasn’t helping whatever it was that seemed to be happening to him. To them. No, to him. There was no them. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
She looked at him intently for a long moment, and then strolled past him to the counter to get herself some coffee. Paul clenched his eyes closed, and forced himself to breathe. He needed to get out of there.
Clearing his throat, he turned to face her, but she had her back to him. Unfortunately, that gave him a clear view of her backside. He averted his eyes quickly as his body began to betray him. “I’m going to head to work early this morning to catch up on some paperwork.”
Megan turned around, holding her coffee against her chest. His eyes narrowed in on her breasts. “All right.”
He knew he needed to go—get out of there, but his feet refused to move.
She laid her cup down on the counter, and stalked toward him. Okay, maybe stalked was too strong a word, but that was how he felt at the moment. His feet were glued to the floor by some unknown force, and she was walking toward him. His brain was telling him to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction, but his limbs weren’t cooperating.

"I really loved the build up in this story and couldn't read fast enough to find out what happens next. Will Paul let go of his guilt from the past and give a relationship with Megan a chance? Or is Paul bad for Megan and lose her because of another mistake he makes? Read this book if you want a good romance, with a side of suspense, enjoyable characters and some smokin HOT scenes." ~Diane Williams, Goodreads

To read the full review, click here.

Sherri spent most of her childhood detesting English class. It was one of her least favorite subjects because she never seemed to fit into the standard mold. She wasn't good at spelling, or following grammar rules, and outlines made her head spin. For that reason, Sherri never imagined becoming an author. At the age of thirty, all of that changed. After getting frustrated with the direction a television show was taking two of its characters, Sherri decided to try her hand at writing an alternate ending, and give the characters their happily ever after. By the time the story finished, it was one of the top ten read stories on the site, and her readers were encouraging her to write more. Seven years later, Sherri is the author of seven full-length novels, and one short story. Writing has become a creative outlet for Sherri that allows her to explore a wide range of emotions, while having fun taking her characters through all the twists and turns she can create. She is most well known for her Finding Anna Series about a young woman rescued from being a sex slave by a wealthy Dominant. Sherri’s eighth novel, Crossing The Line, is scheduled to release September 4, 2014.

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#ReleaseBlitz ~ Frayed (Connections #4) by Kim Karr

Title: Frayed(Connections #4)
Author: Kim Karr
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: September 2, 2014
The Connections series continues with this spin-off novel.

He didn’t think, he didn’t question—he just acted.
What she wanted, she took—without regard.
It was only one night, but it changed everything.

After losing his fiancée, Ben Covington is unsure he’ll ever love again. But when he sees Bell Wilde, he’s so deeply drawn to her, that he’s thrown for a loop. Maybe it’s purely sexual chemistry that’s igniting this spark between them...or maybe it’s his second chance at love.

Bell has just gotten her life back on track and may not be up for the challenge of Ben Covington. But once they’re reunited, there’s no holding back—even if a secret from Bell’s past just might shatter them both.

Blurred 8
Connected(Connections. #1)
Torn(Connections, #2)
Dazed(Connections, #2.5)
Mended(Connections, #3)
Blurred(Connections, #3.5)
Frayed(Connections, #4)
About The Author
Kim Karr is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance, including her sexy New Adult romance series, Connections. She describes herself as wearing a lot of hats–writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all-around go-to person of the family. However, she always finds the time to read. She believes in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends and Happily-Ever-Afters, and loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart. Kim lives in Florida with her husband and four kids.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

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love 2

Captured by Jasinda and Jack Wilder #Review

Title: Captured
Authors: Jasinda and Jack Wilder
Release Date: August 12, 2014

Love is never easy. It’s especially difficult when you love a career Marine. I knew the risk when I said “I do”, but I chose to love Thomas anyway. 

War took him from me, and now I’m alone. Struggling and desperate. There’s no hope, no future. Just the endless cycle of day-to-day survival. But a letter returned will change all of that. 

Hope and companionship, and even love, often come from the last place you’d think to look, when you least expect it. 

* * *

I was a lost, broken soul, a Marine tortured by the memories of what I’d endured. When I visited that old farmhouse in rural Texas, all I wanted to do was return the letter. Keep a promise. 

What I got was healing. Understanding. The chance to find a measure of peace when all I’ve ever known is war.

We both lost everything. But in each other, we found something worth fighting for.

Five Stars

(Before book release) O.M.F.G!!! Jack and Jasinda together....There is no way this story won't rock my world!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

Ok, I just finished and after I blow my nose some more and get it together I will be reviewing this EFFING AMAZING BOOK!!! BRAVO WILDER'S - JUST WHEN I THINK I CAN'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE, YOU DO THIS TO ME!! :)

So....you know those authors who when you pick up their books you just know you are in for a wonderfully, amazing ride?? Do any of you have any of those? I do, quite a few in fact and both Jack & Jasinda Wilder fall totally into that category!

Let me go back a little, now I know Captured is a standalone and so is Wounded, but I HIGHLY recommend reading Wounded first. You really need to meet Hunter and Raina and live their story to fully experience Derek and Reagan's!

Oh Derek...Where do I even begin, probably not with Derek, that's where. I guess I need to start with how much emotion every single page of this book made me feel. Now, I know men that are war veterans, some are very good friends of mine, but I have never loved a military man and all I can say is god bless the women who love them as much as those men themselves. 

When Derek and Tom are captured and held prisoner by the Taliban, it is Tom's dying wish that Derek make it home alive to tell his wife that he loved her more than anything, of course the last thing Derek ever expected was to fall in love with his best friends wife. The ache that Derek experiences from the survivors guilt to trying to learn how to love as a civilian again at times literally made my heart hurt!!

“You’re beautiful, and you are wanted. I know I’m not supposed to feel that way about you, but fuck it. I do.” ~Derek 

I really don't want to give anything away by going into story detail but I will tell you this is a beautifully heartbreaking story of love and loss, but also an amazing story of survival and learning to live and love again after unspeakable tragedy. Oh yeah, and the sex...Holy Shitballs, can the Wilder's write sex scenes(in which I may have re-read occasionally, just sayin') HOT! HOT! HOT!!

I have to share what I think might be my favorite quote from this book, ok, one of them at least, but this one made me laugh right out loud, which I admit I needed after all the ugly crying it made me do! ;)

'My girl writes books. Who knew? She writes these kinky, steamy novels about military men and the women who love them. They make me blush like a schoolgirl, but they sell like hookers on a two-for-Tuesday.'~Derek

Oh, and btw, did I forget to mention that we get to spend some wonderful time with Hunter and Raina and see a little bit into the beautiful life they're finally building together!! Enjoy y'all!

Book Links:

About the authors:
NEW YORK TIMES, USA TODAY, WALL STREET JOURNAL and international bestselling author Jasinda Wilder is a Michigan native with a penchant for titillating tales about sexy men and strong women. Her bestselling titles include ALPHA, STRIPPED, WOUNDED, and the #1 Amazon and international bestseller FALLING INTO YOU.  You can find her on her farm in Northern Michigan with her husband, author Jack Wilder, her five children and menagerie of animals.

Jack Wilder—aka Mr. Wilder—is one half of the The Wilders. You might know his wife, Jasinda Wilder, as the author of such bestselling books such as Falling Into You, Falling Into Us, Stripped, Wounded, and Alpha, among many others. The Missionary is Jack’s first solo work, followed by Captured, written in collaboration with Jasinda.
Jack, Jasinda, and their five children live on a farm in northern Michigan.