Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

#ReleaseBlitz & #Giveaway ~ Vanquish (Deliver #2) by Pam Godwin

Warning: Graphic sex and violence. Age 18+ only
It is recommended to read after Deliver, but it can be read as a stand-alone.

Her life is like a prison cell.
A self-made, to-hell-with-the-free-world existence that locks from the inside.
Stop judging. Her agoraphobia doesn’t define her. It simply keeps her safe.

He belongs in a prison cell.
The 6x8, make-me-your-bitch variety that locks from the outside.
But he’s free. To hunt. To take. To break.
And he just found a sexy new toy.

Capturing her is the easy part. Her fucked-up mind, however, makes him question everything he does next.
But he’s a determined bastard. If all goes his way, this will hurt like hell.

He stalked toward her, mirroring the tilt of her head, knees and shoulders loose, and his gaze holding her prisoner. A breath away, he paused, soaking in the subtleties of her tipped-up chin, parting lips, and glossy but resolute eyes.

With the next breath, he launched, hands on her jaw, fingers spread around the back of her head.

His elbows dropped, shoulders raised, and he yanked her to him, lifting her on tiptoes, guiding her mouth, taking it. His grip twisted through her hair as he drew in her upper lip and shoved her against the fridge, following her with the weight of his body.

The kiss went fucking wild, their lips mashing in a frantic battle. His tongue plunged her mouth, attacking, thrusting in and out, possessing her movements, owning her. Breath for breath, lick after lick, he ate at her mouth, tasting, devouring.

He dropped his hands to her breasts, squeezing ruthlessly as he rolled his cock against her cunt.

His tongue tingled, his skin burned, and his head swam. God, she was a drug, and he was so fucking high.

She gripped his biceps, bit at his lips, and threw her arms over his shoulders, her fingers scratching the fuck out his back. He shuddered, loving it, but he was in control.

Reaching back, he grabbed her wrists and slammed them above her head. Their bodies ground together, his forearms pressing hers to the fridge, their tongues dancing and clashing. Chest-to-chest, hips fused together, he flexed his ass, dry humping her like a horny teenager.

Jesus, fuck, he didn't care. He wanted her.

He leaned back to study her face and found strong smoldering eyes, sharp breaths, and swollen wet lips. Whatever she saw in his expression made her mouth chase his and her fingers curl around his hands. They kissed endlessly, fueling the fire and pushing his control long past the point of discomfort before pulling back and starting all over again.

When he broke the kiss with a hand on her jaw, they panted as one, mouths open and so close their bottom lips brushed. She peered at him through lowered lashes, and he stared back in awe. What trembled between them wasn't an if? Or even a how hard? Those were foregone. The question they shared was simple.


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author, Pam Godwin, lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

Other Books by Pam Godwin


#BlogTour & #Review ~ Sweet Fall (Sweet Home #3) by Tillie Cole

From the USA Today Best Selling Sweet Home Series, comes Sweet Fall; a tale of heartache, beating the odds and finding strength in the most unlikeliest of places.
We all have secrets.

Secrets well buried.

Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.

Lexington "Lexi" Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama. Surrounded by her best friends, her loving family and having fulfilled her life-long dream of making the Crimson Tide cheer squad, everything is going exactly as she always dreamed it would. But beneath her happy exterior, demons lurk, threatening to jeopardize everything Lexi has worked to achieve.

When events in her life become too much to cope with, Lexi finds herself spiraling down into the realm of her biggest fear. Lexi falls hard, victim once again to the only thing that can destroy her and, on the way, finds herself falling straight into the dangerous tattooed arms of a guy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Austin Carillo, starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide, must get picked in this year's NFL draft. He needs it. His brothers need it. Most importantly, his mother desperately needs it. Brought up in a world where the poor are forgotten, the sick are left to fend for themselves and no hero miraculously appears to pull you out of hell, Austin had no other choice but to make a living on the wrong side of the law—until football offered Austin the break to get his life back on track.

But when a family tragedy drags him back into the clutches of the gang he believed he had left far behind, Austin finds himself falling. Falling back into criminal ways and falling deep into a suffocating darkness. Until a troubled yet kindred spirit stumbles across his path, where Austin quickly finds he is falling for a young woman—a young woman who might just have the power to save him from his worst enemy: himself.

Can two troubled souls find a lasting peace together? Or will they finally succumb to the demons threatening to destroy them?
New Adult/Contemporary Romance novel—contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 17 and up.

Purchase Links
Five Heartbreaking & Soul-crushing Stars

“Why the war paint, Pix?”
“Because I can’t stand the girl underneath,” she whispered

“Why the tattoos?” Lexi asked
“Because I can’t bear seeing the scars of my past.”

Even before I begin writing this review, I already know expressing my feelings in words is going to be difficult.
This story, my God, this story…
I’m going to be straight up honest with you guys. This was not an easy read. This was emotional, raw and truly heartbreaking. Yes, this is a love story, but it was so much more than boy meets girl and fall in love. Oh no…it was so much more than that.

“I don’t look up at the stars to feel inferior, Austin. All I have to do is open my eyes and look at myself in the mirror.”

Lexi is hiding a dangerous secret behind her cheerful smile and Goth makeup. She’s fought so hard to be where she is today - back in college, and even cheering for the Tide. But everyday she fights to keep her secret - to keep the voice at bay. She will never be fully cured. Her triggers are always present and it doesn’t take much for her to fall, especially when a boy from the wrong side of the tracks enters her life.

All anyone ever saw when they looked at me was the white trash ex-gang member from the Heighterfamed trailer park across town.
But not her.
Fuck knows why, but Pix only ever saw more.

Austin Carillo is so close to achieving his dream of making the NFL and finally being able to help his family get out of their tragic situation. He’s known as the star wide receiver for the Tide with a dangerous past. So far Austin has been able to stay clear of his drug-dealing-ex-gang past, but things are starting to spiral out of control again. His mother is extremely sick and his brothers are desperate to amend the situation, even to go as far as dealing in his own campus. His decent back is jeopardizing everything he’s fought for, especially when the one person that can bring it all down is the same person who can also be his salvation.

I will cherish the sweetest, most beautiful fall…With Austin Carillo, my home.

This story opened up my mind and thoroughly shredded my heart. Austin and Lexi’s story is one that I won’t be forgetting. This is a dual POV and being inside their respective heads was certainly painful at times. The constant struggles to just keep their head above water, and their need to fight their demons was tough to intake. As I said before, this was not an easy read. This had a darker vibe than the first two books but that’s only because Austin and Lexi are a bit darker than the other characters in the series. With that said, this can actually be read as a standalone, though there are spoilers from the first two books.

Thank you, Tillie, for sharing this story. The topics addressed are rooted deep and the strength it took to write it shines through the pages. Bravo!
About Tillie
Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.
Tillie is giving away a Kindle Fire HDX and this is open internationally
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blog Tour Organised By: Kelly @ Have Book Will Read