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Release Blitz ~ The CONduct series by Jennifer Lane Exclusive Extra Scene + #Giveaway

Today we are excited to present an exclusive extra scene from Jennifer Lane's The CONduct Series!

This particular scene follows the conclusion of On Best Behavior:

Grant Madsen and Sophie Taylor take their nephew Ben Barberi on a college visit.

Sophie: I guess Notre Dame’s not bad, Grant. I mean, it’s no Northwestern…

Grant: Not bad? How can you so easily dismiss the beauty of the University of Notre Dame? The Basilica? The Golden Dome? (He points up as they walk across the quad.) They’re stunning!

Ben: Relax, Uncle Grant. You can rag on Northwestern when we visit Sophie’s alma mater next.

Sophie: You better not! We have some beautiful buildings, too.

Grant: But no Touchdown Jesus.

Ben: Or First Down Moses.

Sophie: (Rolls eyes) I can’t believe how football and religion go hand in hand here. Blasphemy.

Grant: We Catholics know how to poke fun at ourselves. Take this statue, here. (Points straight ahead) This is Jesus, of course, with the famous Bible verse about ‘come to me all who are weary’. Now, look up to the top of the dome. See the Virgin Mary up there? And look back at the Jesus statue. See how his arms are outstretched as he looks up at his mother?

Ben: Yeah. What’s the deal?

Grant: We refer to this statue as ‘Jump mama, I’ll catch you.’

Sophie: (Laughs) Okay, I gotta admit I like that one. (Eyes Grant) Almost as much as I love you in that sexy uniform.

Grant: C’mon, you’ve seen me wear my khakis for months now.

Sophie: It never gets old, McSailor. I bet you were adorable as an undergrad, with your cute Navy uniform...

Ben: You guys said you wouldn’t do that! Gross.

Sophie: Oh, Ben. When you get your ROTC scholarship, you’ll be in uniform, too. The girls will be all over you.

Grant: Ooh, don’t let your girlfriend Lindsay hear that.

Ben: Yeah, she’d kill me. Are we gonna visit the ROTC building next?

Grant: First I want to stop at the grotto.

Ben: What’s that?

Grant: It’s a rocky cave where you can light a candle and say a prayer. A real spiritual place I used to visit when I was in school here.

Sophie: (Scoops Grant’s hand in hers) I bet you lit many candles for your mom.

Grant: (Looks down). You know me well. But today…today I thought we could light a candle for your dad, Ben. (Ben is quiet.) He’d be real proud you’re off to college soon.

Sophie: To Logan. (Squeezes Ben’s shoulder)

Ben: Okay, I guess. (They head to the grotto.)

Sophie: And after the grotto and ROTC, let’s return to the hotel. To our rooms. Our separate rooms.

Grant: Bom-chicka-bom.

Ben: Gross!

How fun was that scene? Grant and Sophie's story touched my heart while reading the entire series! Check out my reviews HERE.

The CONduct Series
Can Two Ex-Cons Find Love? Will the Mafia Let Them Live Long Enough to Find Out?
Romantic Suspense with a Psychological Twist: Now Available in a Boxed Set!

With Good Behavior:
In a world gripped by organized crime, family dysfunction, and dim hopes of redemption, can true love persevere? For Sophie Taylor, a beautiful psychologist who lost everything when she violated an ethical boundary, and Grant Madsen, a handsome naval officer who sacrificed
everything to protect a loved one, finding that love may carry an unbearable cost.
Starting their lives over in Chicago, both are fighting influences from their family and running as fast as they can to escape the past. When their paths cross outside the parole officer's door, the attraction is instantaneous. But a hidden connection may not only shatter their fledgling love, but prove deadly to them both.

Bad Behavior:
Grant Madsen’s got issues. He’s still battling his Mafia family and doing everything possible to keep his loved ones safe. With the cruising season coming to an end, he has to find another job soon or he’ll rejoin his father in prison. And he’s trying to convince his rebellious teenage nephew to stay away from their criminal relatives (you can imagine how that’s going). But worst of all, Grant’s parole officer has mandated that he attend therapy.

The only saving grace is that they’re couples sessions with his girlfriend, Sophie Taylor, a fellow parolee who’s struggling with a few issues of her own. Sophie desperately hopes her past with Grant’s brother won’t destroy her future with him.

There’s a sleazy professor at work who revels in

sexually harassing women in the psychology department. And her father still hates Grant.
Their psychologist has his work cut out for him.
When Grant’s ruthless father hints at a plot to get out of prison, Grant must use everything he’s learned in therapy and beyond to try to stop him. It’s a race against time ­­ and a race to rescue Sophie from the Mafia’s clutches once again. But this time McSailor and Bonnie refuse to play victims. This time the cuffs are coming off.

On Best Behavior:
Planning a wedding is never easy—especially when the Russian Mafia wants you dead.
On Best Behavior—the third and final book in The Conduct Series—finds our favorite couple moving forward, despite the odds. Following a pardon by the Governor of Illinois, ex­cons Sophie Taylor and Grant Madsen are finally free to pursue their love and the life that lies ahead for them. Grant now fights the forces that have hurt his loved ones by working undercover for the FBI, and he has infiltrated the Russian Mafia in Chicago. Sophie dives into swimming with Grant’s nephew, Ben, and into her career as a psychology professor. Thankfully, now it’s Ben’s turn to heal through therapy sessions with Dr. Hunter Hayes.
With so many things going right for Grant and Sophie, it's too bad the Russians aren’t their only threat. When Grant’s father, Enzo Barberi, discovers his own son thwarted his plan to break out of prison, his overdeveloped sense of vengeance flares to life. As Sophie scrambles to save her fiancé, it's impossible to say who will kill Grant first—the Russians or his Italian family. Can love triumph over evil? Are hard work and a pledge to be on best behavior ever enough?
Once again, author Jennifer Lane brings a harrowing tale of romantic suspense with a psychological twist, and it's sure to leave readers breathless.

Author: Jennifer Lane

Title: The CONduct Series Boxed Set Genre: Romantic Suspense

ISBN: 978­1­623421­69­4

Release Date: August 19th, 2014

Buy Links:
Amazon | Omnific Publishing

Author Website: http://www.JenniferLaneBooks.com/
Twitter: @JenLaneBooks

Author Bio:

Get psyched for romance with psychologist/author (psycho author) Jennifer Lane! By day she witnesses tremendous growth in her psychotherapy clients, and by night she wrangles misbehaving fictional characters as she writes sports romance and romantic suspense with a psychological twist. She can’t decide which is more fun.Stories of redemption interest Jen the most, especially the healing power of love. She is also the author of The Conduct Series, a romantic suspense trilogy that includes With Good Behavior, Bad Behavior, and On Best Behavior. “In a story of betrayal, responsibility, treachery, and honor, Lane does an excellent job portraying the intricate intersection of two lives connected by love...and lies,” said reviewer Susan Swiderski.

Ultimately, whether writing or reading, Jen loves stories that make her laugh and cry. In her spare time she enjoys exercising, attending book club, hanging out with her plus­size, “I’m not fat, I’m big­boned” Izzie cat, and visiting her sisters and their families in Chicago and Hilton Head.

Release-Wide Giveaway!

Blog-Hosted Giveaway!

#Review ~ Insufferable Proximity (Insufferable Proximity #1) by Z. Stefani

Someone is hell-bent on sabotaging Julian King.

Julian is a hot-shot lawyer and a natural born womanizer with an unnatural addiction to the opposite sex. He also happens to be the boss's son, which makes him a natural target. With a Rolodex filled with scorned women, a brother who loathes him and the competitors he defeated on his way to the top; there were plenty of people that would love to see him burn. But his money was on the person he despised most, his enemy Heaven Deville.

Heaven is an aggressive, ambitious, destructively-driven lawyer who HATES Julian King. The two stubborn lawyers were currently locked in a brutal battle for the coveted partnership position at the firm; and Heaven would do ANYTHING to prevent her arch rival from winning.

When Heaven goes too far Julian gives her two options- either he turns her in OR she has to willingly sign herself over to him for the next 30 days.

4.75 Stars

“I want you – every inch of you. I want you naked and on your knees before me, I want to stick my tongue in every orifice on your body, and I want to fuck you until you’re begging me to stop.” ~ Julian

Well, if that line doesn’t want to make you read this book, I don’t know what will. Holy smokes! Is it hot in here, or is it just me? Don’t you just love surfing Goodreads and accidentally find something you absolutely just loved? Yea, that happened to me with this book. It was just a blip on my radar, under my “on-the-fence-to-read” bookshelf, when I said, “what the hell, this looks good.” Picked it up, started reading and I couldn’t stop. In less than 24 hours, I was finished. According to Amazon, this is a 700+ page book. I flew through this and I just devoured it. Oh, yeah. I LOVED IT.

“He’s a cocky, egotistical, competitive, selfish, self-righteous egomaniac, and there’s nothing sexy about that.” ~ Heaven

Julian King is all Alpha male. With all that ego and arrogance, it’s no wonder he’s such a man-whore. It’s true. He openly admits to being a sex addict. There’s no way he’ll ever commit to one woman. Why would he? He’s the son of Ayden King, the head of a very prestigious law firm, plus, he’s sexy, rich, well endowed and his sexual escapes are the stuff of legends. He leaves a trail of broken hearts all over the city. He has many enemies. So it’s no surprise that someone is out to sabotage his career.

She was driving him insane, he couldn’t stand her, but he’d never wanted a woman in his life as badly as he wanted her right now.

Heaven Deville is a twenty-six year old career driven, virginal woman. She has no time for men; she never has. Raised in a brothel, she grew up leery of men, determined to have no man control her or her life. Even during college, she stayed away from the social scene and opted to focus on her career. She wants to be known for her wits and callousness in the courtroom and even dresses in ill-fitting clothes to drive home the point that she wants to be taken seriously. There’s no mistaking her for sleeping her way to the top. Because of this drive, she often comes out cold and unapproachable. She has no problem standing toe-to-toe with the arrogant Julian King.

He’d never been so giddy before, his head swarmed with visions of Ms. Deville on her knees, begging him to accept her apology and expressing her sorrow for being such a bitch all those years. Damn, he wanted to dominate her…

Julian and Heaven have never gotten along. For the past three years, they do nothing but fight. They’re the top two attorneys in their law firm and are constantly at each other’s throat. Heaven can’t stand Julian, so when the two are competing for a partnership position at the firm, she will do anything to win, including risk her beloved career as a lawyer. When Julian catches her in the act, he comes up with plan: Submit to him for thirty days or he’ll turn her in and ruin her career. So what choice does she have? None really, but she definitely won’t make it easy. Julian has got his work cut out to break the ice queen, Heaven.

Their fights in the office are epic. All that animosity between is just fuel to the fire. When Heaven signs the contract, she binds herself to Julian for one month. From one extreme to another, sparks fly between the two, the good and the bad. No one has ever gotten under Julian’s skin like Heaven. Even under his control, she continually finds way to disobey him. It’s safe to say, these two have combustible chemistry. It was HOT! I was definitely not disappointed with the many, MANY steamy scenes in this story. ;)

“Has he ever touched you?”
“No, I told you no one has.”
“Only me?” He asked and she nodded.
“Only you.”
“Say it.” He demanded.
“Only you’ve touched me, I swear.” She said, knowing it would help to sate him.
“I’m warning you, Heaven,” Julian bent his head down, his lips inches from hers, “it better stay that way.” He kissed her, and began moving his hips again; he pumped in and out of her body faster, forcing her back to the seat.

I just LOVED how possessive Julian became of Heaven. Since he is obviously her first, he feels this overwhelming need to protect and possess her. I don’t know what it is about possessive men, but I find it utterly sexy. So what happens when their contract is up, when he will no longer have any say in what Heaven does? Will Julian go back to his man-whore days? How would he feel when Heaven starts to see other men?

Of course the story is predictable, but I didn’t care. I just LOVED it. However, there are two reasons why I didn’t give it the full five stars: One: The way Heaven lost her v-card was a little heartbreaking. She waited all this time, and to lose it like that, well…that was definitely not the way to go, Julian. Two: It ended too abruptly. I would’ve loved an epilogue or something. Either way, I still loved everything else about it. Highly recommend for those looking for a long, steamy read with a sexy, possessive Alpha male Hero.


Hard To Hold On To by Laura Kaye ~ Release Day Launch #HardInk #Novella #Giveaway


We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for Laura Kaye's HARD TO HOLD ON TO!

HARD TO HOLD ON TO is a Contemporary Romance filled with suspense and is a novella in the Hard Ink Series, published by Avon Impulse (an imprint of HarperCollins).

And if this novella weren't hot enough on its own, Laura is donating 100% of her proceeds from the first two weeks' sales to a national non-profit organization that assists veterans transitioning back to civilian life!!

  Hard To Hold On To

Amazon | Amazon.ca | Amazon UK | B&N | iTunes | Kobo

Easy tugged down the covers and gestured for Jenna to get in. She chose the side that would allow her to lie on the uninjured side of her face.
“After what you’ve been through, I don’t want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable,” Easy said.
Propping herself on an elbow, Jenna shook her head. “You won’t. You’re the—” She blanched as if she hadn’t meant to say whatever she’d nearly said.
Which made Easy need to know. He crawled on the bed as if lured by the words. “Finish. That. Sentence.”
She eased back onto the pillow, red hair sprawling around her shoulders like silk, and stared up at him. And it took everything Easy had not to settle himself on top of her and tease the words out with his hands and tongue.
“The only one who makes me feel safe," she whispered.
Satisfaction humming through him, Easy turned and stretched out on his back. Because if he kept looking at her while she was looking at him like that, he might not be able to restrain himself from having what he wanted. A taste. A chance.
None of which she was in any shape for. And given the shitstorm in his head, probably neither was he.
“Good. That’s good,” he murmured, blowing out a long breath. Damn, he was tired. Not just because he hadn’t slept much the night before. But because of the size of the load he’d been shouldering for the past twelve-plus months. If he could only figure out how to put it down. He scrubbed his hands over his face, wishing he could shake himself out of this fucking slump.
If Rimes were here, he’d kick Easy’s ass for being such a morose motherfucker.
But he wasn’t here. Which was the damn problem in a nutshell.
He dropped his arms to the bed and peered over at Jenna.
She lay on her side facing him, hand tucked under her chin, not looking the least bit settled or relaxed.
“Whatchu need?”
“You.” She spoke the word without any hesitation, any doubt, any seeming self-consciousness.
“Have me, Jenna. Whatever you want,” he said, his cock stirring no matter how hard he reined himself in.
Holding his gaze, she moved closer until her head rested on his shoulder and her body trapped his arm between them. And, suddenly, she wasn’t fucking close enough.
“Here,” he whispered, lifting his arm and inviting her closer. And damn if his heart didn’t soar when she fitted herself the rest of the way against him, her face against his throat, her breasts against his ribs, her leg curling up onto his thigh.
He wasn’t sure whose sigh was louder. All Easy knew was that this was the first time in more than a year he didn’t feel alone. Wrapping his arm around her, he couldn’t resist squeezing her in just a little closer.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her breath ticklish against his neck.
He laced his fingers between hers where they rested on his chest. “I gotchu. You just close your eyes and know I’m here.” 

Did you have a favorite line? Thanks for reading!

  HTHOT Teaser 
  About Hard To Hold On To:
Edward "Easy" Cantrell knows better than most the pain of not being able to save those he loves—which is why he is not going to let Jenna Dean out of his sight. He may have just met her, but Jenna's the first person to make him feel alive since that devastating day in the desert more than a year ago. Jenna has never met anyone like Easy. She can't describe how he makes her feel--and not just because he saved her life. No, the stirrings inside her reach far beyond gratitude. As the pair are thrust together while chaos reigns around them, they both know one thing: the things in life most worth having are the hardest to hold on to.  

Hard to Hold On To on Goodreads

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  Men of Hard Ink
Other Books in the Hard Ink Series:
Hard to Come By (11/25/14)
Hard to Be Good (3/10/15)
Untitled (7/28/15)

Praise for the Hard Ink Series:

For Hard As You Can:
"TOP PICK! There is a sinister and desperate edge to this tale that will keep readers glued to their seats. Kaye has dark romantic suspense nailed!" ~ RT Book Reviews Magazine
"Hard As You Can is another five star read. The characters Ms. Kaye has created are wonderfully broken and the drama is gritty, but the burgeoning romance and the tight-knitted relationship of the team leaves you with a sense of redemption. A must read series!" ~San Francisco Book Review
For Hard As It Gets:
"Edgy, sexy and full of suspense! A great read from a great new author!" ~ #1 NYT Bestselling Author J.R. Ward
"Sizzling romance... The intriguing tattoo parlor and military background will appeal to fans of Suzanne Brockmann and Lindsay McKenna." ~Publishers Weekly Review
"Kaye's depiction of sexual tension and her sex scenes are masterful and this will appeal to fans of Maya Banks' KGI and Julia Ann Walker's Black Knight's series." ~Booklist

  Author Photo
About Laura Kaye:
Laura is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over a dozen books in contemporary and paranormal romance. Growing up, Laura’s large extended family believed in the supernatural, and family lore involving angels, ghosts, and evil-eye curses cemented in Laura a life-long fascination with storytelling and all things paranormal. She lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.