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#ReleaseBlitz ~ Blurred (Connections #3.5) by Kim Karr

Blurred Banner
A Connection Series Novella featuring Ben Covington

The story before the love story….

When he lost the only woman he’d ever loved, it seemed there was nothing left to live for.

Even as a boy, all Ben Covington ever wanted was to spend forever with Dahlia London, the beautiful girl next door...then one life-altering decision tore them apart and he was forced to leave her.

Now, despite having returned to win her back, he’s still alone. She’s with someone else—someone she’s never going to leave.

Resigned to a future without his former girlfriend, Ben numbs his broken heart in a haze of liquor and women. But then the only woman who ever even turned his head while he was with his girl reappears unexpectedly. And he’s never forgotten their one incredible night together. But will Ben’s destructive behavior destroy his future with her before it even begins?

Blurred 8
Connected(Connections. #1)
Torn(Connections, #2)
Dazed(Connections, #2.5)
Mended(Connections, #3)
Blurred(Connections, #3.5)
Frayed(Connections, #4)
About The Author
Kim Karr is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of romance, including her sexy New Adult romance series, Connections. She describes herself as wearing a lot of hats–writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all-around go-to person of the family. However, she always finds the time to read. She believes in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends and Happily-Ever-Afters, and loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart. Kim lives in Florida with her husband and four kids.

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love p

#ReleaseBlitz & #Review ~ Precarious (Jokers Wrath MC #1) by Bella Jewel

In darkness, we find danger. In danger, I find Beau.

Ash is a prison guard, she's tough, she's strong and she never backs away from a fight. She takes her job seriously, she takes her training seriously, and everything in her life goes as planned.

Until the day he is brought into the prison.

She'll never forget meeting Beau 'Krypt' Dawson for the first time. She'll never forget his haunted eyes and his numb expression. He's a member of the Jokers Wrath MC and it is said he killed an innocent family in the middle of a cafe, in cold blood.

Deranged. Crazy. Psychotic.
All those words describe the infamous Krypt, but Ash suspects there's far more to the quiet man than meets the eye. Secrets are being hidden by the club, information is being kept under wraps. Krypt is silent for a reason.

Ash is desperate to know that reason.

Continually fighting, Krypt is transferred to a high security prison. Ash is in charge. She's always prepared, always alert. Not even her skills will stop the club from ambushing them and taking back Krypt. Only Ash ends up right in the middle of it.
They take her, too.

Now she's stuck with a Motorcycle Club who are tougher than any prisoner she's ever laid eyes on. And they won't let her go. She's too much of a risk. Until the situation can be sorted, they send her and Krypt into the mountains together....alone.
An epic, dangerous love will be built on the foundations of darkness.  
3.75 Stars

“You gave me a chance when no one else did; you believed in me. It’s enough.” 

Woohoo! A new MC series by Bella Jewel! I enjoyed her previous MC series, as well as her Contemporary Adult books, so I it was a no brainer to give this a try. The synopsis was very intriguing, particularly the part where the heroine is a guard/corrections officer. A corrections officer! Yea. That’s definitely a new one. This should be interesting. 

“The minute I saw you, the minute you opened your mouth, there was something about you I’d never seen in a lady before. It’s not just about the fucking. Ash – it’s about the fact that you give me something no one else ever has.” 

When it came to careers, Ash wanted something different. She couldn’t see herself working behind a desk nor a cashier; she wanted something challenging. Being a female guard has its disadvantages, but believe it or not, she’s good at her job. She has a certain rapport with the prisoners, but in no way is she a pushover; this chick knows how to protect herself. She has good days and certainly bad days, but her life is about to change when a certain Biker is sent to her prison. 

Beau, a.k.a. Krypt, is sent to prison after being accused of murder. However, the witnesses are a bit sketchy on the details and still awaiting trial. He also knows that the murder was a setup from a rival MC and that he’s not completely safe in prison. Dirty guards are all over the place and make his life even more difficult. But the one person he cannot understand is Ash. Why this woman even tries to understand him is an enigma. When a transport to another prison goes wrong, he and Ash are thrust back into his world. 

“I’m fucking keepin’ you, Ash. Because there is no way I can go through my life without feeling that kind of intensity again.” 

This book was hot and certainly entertaining, I cannot deny that, but it wasn’t perfect. The story, for the most part, was well paced and kept me turning the page. Krypt and Ash…Wow! Their bedroom chemistry was ridiculously steamy…and downright kinky. The biggest thing that bothered me about their story, and kept me from giving them a full four stars, was the ending. 
**SPOILER** I never really thought about the actions of Ash, Krypt and Maddox (the MC’s president) until I saw them through the eyes of Santana, Maddox’s ward (I guess you can call her that). As much as I enjoyed that MFM scene, I did feel that Ash did betray Santana. No matter, I did enjoy this and am looking forward to Maddox & Santana’s story and more from this MC Series. 
About the Author
Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights was released in August 2013.
Check out more of Bella's work

Cover Reveal ~ Cherish (Covet 1.5) by Tracey Garvis-Graves

We are thrilled to share the gorgeous cover for Cherish, by New York Times Bestselling Author Tracey Garvis-Graves. This novella is a companion to Covet.

Title: Cherish (Covet 1.5)
Author: Tracey Garvis-Graves
Age Group: Adult
Genre: Women's Fiction/Contemporary Romance
Expected publication October 28, 2014

Fans of Covet by New York Times bestselling author Tracey Garvis Graves will be delighted by this novella-length sequel.

When Daniel Rush wakes up in the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head, the last person he expects to see at his bedside is his ex-wife Jessica. Their marriage disintegrated after the death of their infant son Gabriel, and Daniel gave Jessie what he thought she wanted: the freedom to start over with someone else. But Daniel never updated his emergency contact information, and Jessie is the one who receives the call with the devastating news.

Daniel was Jessie’s one true love. Together since college, Jessie had dreams of raising a family with Daniel, and growing old together. When Gabriel died, Jessie buried those dreams with her beloved son and shut everyone out, including Daniel.

Daniel faces months of grueling rehabilitation and he’s going to need some help. Jessie is the last person anyone expects to volunteer, but this is her one chance to make amends, giving her and Daniel a shot at getting things right this time.

The road to recovery will be long and arduous. But with Jessie leading the way, Daniel just might be able to get his old life back.

Daniel knows how to covet. But can Jessie help him remember how to cherish?

*Please note that this is a novella-length sequel. Reading Covet before Cherish is highly recommended in order to enhance your reading pleasure.

Add Cherish on Goodreads

Pre-order Cherish on Amazon

See where Daniel's story begins, with Covet

About Tracey Garvis-Graves 

Tracey Garvis-Graves is the author of On the Island and Covet. She lives in a suburb of Des Moines, Iowa with her husband, two children, and hyper dog Chloe. She blogs at www.traceygarvisgraves.com using colorful language and a snarky sense of humor to write about pop culture, silly television shows, and her suburban neighborhood. You can e-mail her at traceygarvisgraves@yahoo.com. She’d love to hear from you.

Jane's Harmony by Ryan Winfield ~ ARC and Audiobook #Review

Title: Jane's Harmony
Author: Ryan Winfield
Series: Jane's Melody #2
Publisher: Atria Books
Release Date: August 5, 2014
Source: ARC received from publisher, audiobook purchased on my own

Starting over is hard to do.

That’s what forty-year-old Jane McKinney learns when she quits her job, sells her home, and leaves Seattle behind to start a new life and pursue the man she loves in Austin. After the death of her daughter, Melody, Jane never thought she would find happiness again – until she met Caleb Cummings. Sensitive, loving, and mature beyond his years, Caleb is a handsome young musician struggling to make ends meet. But when his fortunes take an unexpected and drastic turn for the better, Jane is left wondering where exactly she fits in.

Can you ever leave the past behind? Jane must now decide if she really is willing to commit to a new beginning with Caleb – or if some wounds are just too deep to ever truly mend.


Publisher: Ryan Winfield
Narrated by Emily Beresford

Five Stars

“It was as if their hearts beat a rhythm that rhymed, their souls strolling together forever in some place beyond space and time, step for step, humming a sweet tune of hope, her voice and his, a harmony neither could deny.”

Jane’s Harmony is a beautiful sequel to Jane’s Melody! It begins shortly after where the first book ended with Jane and Caleb in Austin. While Caleb is doing his best to get his music out there, Jane comes up with an idea to help get him into the spotlight. Suddenly, Caleb’s journey as a musician spins into a whole new and unexpected trajectory.

While I felt Jane’s Melody was more Jane’s story. Jane’s Harmony tells equally both Caleb’s and Jane’s journey both as individuals and as a couple. Gosh, I really do love Jane and Caleb as a couple! Ryan Winfield writes them so connected and having such a strong bond. Even when they struggle emotionally, their love for one another doesn’t waiver. They have an insatiable appetite for each other, too! Mr. Winfield doesn’t hold back the heat at all. When Caleb is in the mood, it doesn’t matter when, where or how…just sayin’!

This story very much reflects the next phase in Jane and Caleb’s lives. It surrounds making new friends, missing old friends, and loving your best friend. It surrounds beautiful music and pursuing lifelong dreams. Melody is never far from Jane’s mind, and she must finally make peace with what happened in the past now more than ever. Just when I thought I was going to get away without shedding a tear, Mr. Winfield had to include a scene that twisted my heart so. The more I think about this story after reading, the more I love it. “For lovers everywhere” is what the dedication says, and that is truly who this book is written for.

~ Audiobook ~

I both read this book and listened to the audiobook. This was my first time listening to this narrator, and it took me a while to get used to her voice, especially the voice she used for Caleb. In my mind I guess he sounds different, but that’s just me. In the end, I liked her narration. Overall, I think the audiobook is a pretty decent option.

Book Links:

About the author:
Hi, I'm Ryan Winfield. I'm a 39-year-old writer living in Seattle. Author of the New York TimesUSA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller "Jane's Melody: A Novel", "South of Bixby Bridge", and "The Park Service Trilogy". I hope you enjoy my books and I'd love to hear from you.

Sixth Grave on the Edge by Darynda Jones Audiobook #Review

Title: Sixth Grave On the Edge
Author: Darynda Jones
Series: Charley Davidson #6
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Release Date: May 20, 2014
Source: Purchased

Sometimes I wrestle my demons. Sometimes we just snuggle. (Bumper Sticker)

Most girls might think twice before getting engaged to someone like Reyes Farrow - but Charley Davidson is not most girls. She's a paranormal private eye and grim-reaper-in-training who's known to be a bit of a hell-raiser, especially after a few shots of caffeine. Her beloved Reyes may be the only begotten son of evil, but he's dark and sultry and deeply sexy and everything Charley could hope for. Really. But when the FBI file on Reyes' childhood happens to land into her lap, she can't help herself: She opens it...and then the real fun begins. First, Charley finds a naked corpse riding shotgun in her car. Then, a man loses his soul in a card game. Throw in a deaf boy who sees dead people, a woman running from mobsters, and a very suspicious Reyes, and things can't get any worse for Charley. Unless, of course, the 12 Beasts of Hell are unleashed....

Macmillan Audio
Narrated by Lorelei King

Five Stars

“A girl, a mocha latte, and a naked dead man walk into a bar.” ~ Charley

LOL, I gotta love how this book begins! As a huge fan of this series, especially on audiobook, I am once again thoroughly entertained with the latest installment of the Charley Davidson series.

The “Get Cookie laid” plan. Awww! I love Cookie! She deserves some love, doesn’t she? I think the person Ms. Jones paired her with is perfect, and hopefully we’ll see a little more of where things go with them in the next book.

As the series progresses, there are certain characters that just really stick with you. Mr. Wong got a smidge more page time. Was that a tease of more to come with him? My interest is definitely piqued! I loved the character development for Quentin, Amber, and Angel. The friendship between Quentin and Amber makes me smile. I know they’re still young, but Cookie better brace herself since Amber is growing up so quickly. Quentin…poor kid! I think he got pretty traumatized in this book. Then there is Angel.  He made me giggle in one moment and then cry at his backstory.

Speaking of backstories, more of Reyes’ history is exposed…holy hell!!!

I heart Charley! Can I be her when I grow up? I mean, she gets to be with Reyes Alexander Farrow!!! Thud! Now before I talk about Charley and Reyes, I wanted to mention that I love the crossing over moments she experiences, which are always so different. When the dead cross over through Charley she sees images of their lives.  The dead girl’s story in this book just absolutely broke my heart into pieces. I think it’s one of Jones’ most powerful experiences she’s written for Charley.

I’m so addicted to Charley and Reyes! Once again Jones kicks it up a notch between them. Their scenes will keep you on the edge and make you want to splash cold water on yourself! There's still so much more of their story to tell, and I'm excited and curious of where things are heading. Again, like the previous book, the ending on this one makes me salivate for more, more, more!

There really wasn’t anything I didn’t love except that now I have to wait for the next book.

Did you know that the print version of this book has an extra bonus chapter? I listened to this book, but I happened to be at the library one day and couldn’t resist checking out this bonus chapter. It’s one of the steamy scenes in Sixth Grave on the Edge in Reyes’ POV! If you’re a Reyes fan like me, you will find this bonus chapter absolutely delicious! As for the audiobook, I adored it! I continue to find Lorelei King’s narration of this series to be simply amazing!

To both Darynda Jones and Lorelei King:  Thank you for another wild and crazy and touching installment! #impressed

Book Links:

Charley Davidson Series
Book 1.5 novella: For I Have Sinned
Book 5.5 novella: Shimmer
Book 5.6 novella: Glow
Book 7: Seventh Grave and No Body (October 2014)

About the author:
NYTimes and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work, including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a Rebecca, two Hold Medallions, a RITA ®, and a Daphne du Maurier, and she has received stellar reviews from dozens of publications including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and the Library Journal. As a born storyteller, Darynda grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike, and she is ever so grateful for the opportunity to carry on that tradition. She currently has two series with St. Martin’s Press: The Charley Davidson Series and the Darklight Trilogy. She lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of almost 30 years and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys. She can be found at www.daryndajones.com.