Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

#Review ~ Sweet Perdition (Four Horsemen #1) by Cynthia Rayne

Librarian Elizabeth Williams is drinking her cares away at Perdition, a notorious biker bar in her hometown of Hell, TX. She meets Ryker, a member of the Four Horsemen MC and they start a fun, sexual fling. Ryker finds himself falling for Elizabeth, but an outlaw has no business with a “good girl”. Hell, he’s not even sure he’d be worthy of one. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is being stalked by her ex and Carl’s behavior is becoming more and more erratic. Can Ryker protect Elizabeth without losing his heart?

Four Stars

“I don’t think this is fixable. You are an outlaw biker. I am a librarian. We come from two very different worlds.”

I'll be honest, when the author had kindly asked me to check out her new MC book, I was a bit hesitant. There are a ton of MC books out there and unfortunately one seems to be bleeding into the next. It sucks, but the market is a bit saturated. However, this one involves a Librarian and a bad-ass Biker, which is a bit different in on itself. And after reading the first chapter, I couldn’t say no. I was hooked.

What had being such a good girl all the freaking time got her? Bupkiss. That’s what.

Elizabeth was having a bad day. She found herself at a known biker bar after attending her ex-boyfriend’s wedding to her best friend. She was looking to drink her misery away, as well as invite some sort of excitement in her life. That excitement came in the form of Ryker.

“Oh, Pinky, you are just begging to be corrupted.”

Ryker wanted Elizabeth, badly. He knew a woman like her didn’t belong in his world, but once he saw her, he had to have her. But he also knew he had to tread carefully. Elizabeth wasn’t the casual-fling-type. Women like her wanted more than a tumble in the sheets. Along with the strange pull she already has on him, he knew this woman could be trouble.

I was very impressed with this author’s first crack at writing an MC novel; at least I think it’s her first. LOL. Regardless, this was a fun and fairly easy read – some drama, but not to over the top. Plus the steam was pretty fucking HOT. Yowza! Who knew a librarian could be so kinky? Looking forward to reading more of this series.

**Complimentary Advanced Reader Copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

#BlogTour #Review ~ UnBeloved (Undeniable #4) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a conventional or predictable love story. It involves one woman and two men bound by a love so destructive it spans two decades, pitting brother against brother, and shattering the lives of those touched by it.
Dorothy Kelley is a born romantic, searching for her prince. Instead she finds herself pregnant at fifteen, and a in a loveless marriage by the tender age of eighteen.

Then hope comes riding into her life on a motorcycle and within weeks, Jason “Jase” Brady, a member of the Hell’s Horsemen motorcycle club, sweeps Dorothy off her feet.

But nothing is ever simple for Dorothy. Jase is married with children. And as Dorothy patiently waits for Jase to give her the happily-ever-after she’s been dreaming about, James “Hawk” Young, a member of the Hell’s Horsemen with secrets of his own, sees an opening into Dorothy’s life and takes it.

Carrying on two secret affairs is no easy feat. As Dorothy tries to dig herself out of the mess she’s created, covering one mistake with another, tragedy strikes, nearly costing Dorothy her life and that of her unborn son.

What follows is a long and painful journey of self-discovery and forgiveness, as Dorothy comes to realize that home was exactly where she’d left it, and the love she’d forever craved had always been within her reach.

This is the story of Dorothy, Jase, and Hawk.

We are all born pure; it is our journey that burdens us and leads us astray. Our mistakes that beat us down and cover us in guilt and shame, burying us a little more with each passing hardship. It is up to us to dig ourselves out, to come to terms with our faults, to embrace not only our imperfections but those of the ones we love, and to once again find the path we strayed from.
Amazon / B&N

About The Author
Fantastical realm dweller Madeline Sheehan is the USA Today bestselling author of the Holy Trinity Trilogy and Undeniable Series. A Social Distortion enthusiast, lover of mud and anything deemed socially inappropriate, Madeline was homegrown in Buffalo, New York, where she can be found engaging in food fights and video game marathons with her husband and son.
4.75-5 Stars

Jase, Dorothy & Hawk!!

**Do not read unless you've read the previous books. SPOILERS BELOW**

Jase found himself pinned up against the elevator by his throat.
"Do the math, asshole, Hawk hissed. "Nine, fuckin' months ago, where the fuck were you?"
"No," Jase whispered. "No, she wouldn't-"
"No? Brother, yes. She's been comin' to me for years, crying' about you. And if you're still havin' doubts, I know for a fact you were usin' protection with her, and me, I wasn't even tryin' to safeguard my shit. I blew my load inside her every fuckin' time, know why? Because," Hawk growled. "I was tryin' to knock her up. Wanna know why? Because I was tryin' to get her the fuck away from you!" ~ Excerpt from Unbeautifully (Book #2)

Ever since I read the above excerpt from Unbeautifully back in May 2013, I’ve wanted this story…desperately. Can you blame me? Come on! If you’ve followed this series, you know how epic that moment was. Who would’ve thought? Our sweet Dorothy, who is crazy in love with the married Jase, but forever waiting for him to get his head out of his ass and finally divorce his wife. This same Dorothy also slept with Hawk and was carrying his child.

HOLY. MOTHER. FUCKING. SHIT! I couldn’t wait to read this story. I grabbed it immediately.

But the girl I’d been never would have married a man she didn’t love, she never would have taken up with a married a man to fill a void inside herself. I was no longer that girl, filled with dreams of love. I was a woman now, whose mistakes and circumstances had forced her down a very different path. Who had time and time again chosen the wrong direction.

If you’ve been following the series, we all know what’s going on with Dorothy, Jase & Hawk.
Dorothy ~ The trauma she faced when she was shot in the head by Jase’s wife, not only caused her to lose her memory, but pretty much left her wanting nothing to do with the MC. She fled the MC and moved to San Francisco to raise her son, Christopher.
Jase ~ His wife arrested for attempted murder, while his kids want nothing to do with him. To top it all off, Dorothy, the one woman he loves, but never enough to leave his wife for, leaves. No wonder he drinks to numb all the pain.
Hawk ~ Left the MC and went Nomad. Visits Dorothy and his son as often as possible. Though Dorothy wants nothing to do with him, he still longs to be with her.

There was only one who could steal your soul, that untouchable place inside you that existed only in your mind, that warmed and cooled, fluttered and shook without rhyme or reason, and make it theirs forever. Someone who could take your breath away with just one look

So who will Dorothy chose? You find out pretty quickly when you read this book, and I for one, couldn’t agree more with her choice. But that’s not where the story ends. Everyone is trying face their mistakes, learn and move forward with their lives.

Life was made up of moments, big ones and little, the good and bad, dark and light. We never remembered the gray, the times in between, but instead only the moments that had the ability to transform us in some way, affect us so completely that the memory would be forever etched upon who we were, who we are, and who we would become.

Oh, Madeline…I don’t know how you do it. First off, thank you for getting me out of my huge book funk. Secondly, thank you for never holding anything back and keeping me on my toes. I was so excited to see more of Deuce, Eva, Danny, Ripper & ZZ (which begs the question: Is ZZ redeemable?). But we also got a glimpse of Devin (Cox & Kami’s son) & Ivy (Deuce & Eva’s daughter). I want to mention these two because I have a feeling that they’ll be a huge part of what’s coming next. With that said, that ending??!!! HOLY. SHIT! That is all….

Up to Me (Shore Secrets #1) by Christi Barth ~ ARC #Review #SummerReading

Title: Up to Me
Author: Christi Barth
Series: Shore Secrets #1
Release Date: June 23, 2014
Publisher: Carina Press

Ella Mayhew's always appreciated the beautiful view of Seneca Lake from the spa window of her family's hotel.But the view improves dramatically when a hot stranger runs across the grounds—shirtless. He's the first man to kickstart her hormones in the three years since she lost her parents, and she doesn't even know his name.

Graydon Locke's on his umpteenth undercover assignment. The routine's always the same: assess a business, recommend it for closure, then roll out before anyone discovers his decisions impact hundreds of lives. He's always believed nothing good comes out of small towns. Why would this one be different? Then he makes two classic rookie mistakes—falling for the sweet, sexy girl who owns the very business he's on the verge of axing. And letting the town's residents get involved in both his life, and his relationship with Ella.

Ella's the best thing to ever happen to Gray, but he's lied to her from the start. If he pulls the plug on Mayhew Manor, the entire town may crumble. Ella couldn't save her parents, but it's up to her to save their hotel. Even if that means turning her back on true love.

Four Stars

Small-town pride rules deep in the first book of the Shore Secrets series.

Graydon Locke really had no idea what he was in for when he went on assignment to check out Seneca Lake’s beloved hotel. He didn’t know he would fall head-over-heels for the hotel’s owner, which really puts him into a super complicated situation. Gray and this town have their secrets, and secrets always make themselves known eventually, don’t they?

I very much enjoy reading contemporary romances set in small towns. If done well the reader gets that feeling of being fully immersed into the setting, and that is what I got from Up to Me. I finished this book wishing and wanting to visit Seneca Lake. Christi Barth did an amazing job setting up the lovely scenery for this charming story.  I also love it when an author spends the time coming up with something creative, like the unique way the townspeople ask for and offer advice to one another. I was left with just the right amount of interest to want to know more about the other characters. I’m hoping to see their own stories play out in the next books. Who is next? I truly hope it’s maybe Ward’s story!

Ms. Barth also made the quirkiness to the build up to Gray and Ella’s first date actually work for them. Their pairing had some pretty sweet tension and a unique factor as well, which I thought was very cute.  Up to Me is my first time reading something from Christi Barth. She certainly swept me away to Seneca Lake! This is a delightful start to a new series.

*Review copy received by the author for an honest review.

Read an Up to Me excerpt HERE

Book Links:

About the Author
Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage.
A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning.  Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes contemporary romance.
Christi is President of the Maryland Romance Writers and lives in Maryland with her husband.

#CoverReveal ~ No Ordinary Bloke by Mary Whitney, Releasing August 2014

Title: No Ordinary Bloke
Author: Mary Whitney
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+
Publication Date: August 2014
Cover Design: Jada D'Lee Designs
Event Organized by: Literati Author Services,Inc.

I’m not a philosophical kind of bloke, but I know something about luck. A childhood on the wrong side of advantage will teach you that. It’s all a matter of chance. It’s both your circumstances and the chances you take. So I've always been a gambler and a ladies' man — they love me and I love them. Now I've found one like no other — an American, Allison Wright. When I met her, the fates were on my side, but too soon I learned the odds were against me.

About the Author:
Mary Whitney blames Laura Ingalls Wilder and Margaret Mitchell for her obsession with romance novels. At an early age, Mary fell in love with the Little House series and its dreamy hero, Almanzo Wilder, who only wanted Laura to be Laura. Like many women, Mary later graduated to the ultimate, tall and dark bad boy, Rhett Butler, who loved Scarlett despite her flaws. Mary has lived around the U.S., and after a first career in the non-profit world and politics, she's settled in Northern California with her husband and daughters. She spends her days writing characters she hopes somehow capture the romance of Rhett and Scarlett and Almanzo and Laura. She's a firm believer in what Rhett says to Scarlett: "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.

Connect with the Author:

#CoverReveal ~ Sweet Fall (Sweet Home #3) by Tillie Cole

We're delighted to be sharing the cover for Sweet Fall, Tillie Cole's upcoming release from the Sweet Home series. Sweet Fall is Austin and Lexi's story and can be read as a standalone novel.
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New Adult Contemporary Romance
26th August 2014
Kelly @ Have Book Will Read
We all have secrets.

Secrets well buried.

Until we find the one soul who makes the burden of such secrets just that little bit easier to bear.

Lexington "Lexi" Hart is a senior at the University of Alabama. Surrounded by her best friends, her loving family and having fulfilled her life-long dream of making the Crimson Tide cheer squad, everything is going exactly as she always dreamed it would. But beneath her happy exterior, demons lurk, threatening to jeopardize everything Lexi has worked to achieve. When events in her life become too much to cope with, Lexi finds herself spiraling down into the realm of her biggest fear. Lexi falls hard, victim once again to the only thing that can destroy her and, on the way, finds herself falling straight into the dangerous tattooed arms of a guy from the wrong side of the tracks.

Austin Carillo, starting Wide Receiver for the Alabama Crimson Tide, must get picked in this year's NFL draft. He needs it. His brothers need it. Most importantly, his mother desperately needs it. Brought up in a world where the poor are forgotten, the sick are left to fend for themselves and no hero miraculously appears to pull you out of hell, Austin had no other choice but to make a living on the wrong side of the law—until football offered Austin the break to get his life back on track. But when a family tragedy drags him back into the clutches of the gang he believed he had left far behind, Austin finds himself falling. Falling back into criminal ways and falling deep into a suffocating darkness. Until a troubled yet kindred spirit stumbles across his path, where Austin quickly finds he is falling for a young woman, a young woman who might just have the power to save him from his worst enemy: himself.

Can two troubled souls find a lasting peace together? Or will they finally succumb to the demons threatening to destroy them?

About Tillie Cole

Tillie Cole Author Pic

Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses.

Cover Reveal Organised By