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#BlogTour ~ Rusty Nailed (Wallbanger #2) by Alice Clayton

In this sequel to Wallbanger, the second book in the Cocktail series, fan favorites Caroline and Simon negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in San Francisco.

Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on her honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend gallivanting all over the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into “absence makes the heart grow fonder” mode. Neither has any complaints about the great reunion sex, though! Then Simon decides he’s tired of so much travelling, and he’s suddenly home more. A lot more. And wanting Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort their relationship out. Neither wants “out of sight, out of mind,” but can they create their own happy mid-ground cliché?

USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy cocktail of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!

3.5 Stars

“It’s not always about that. It can still be amazing, you know? Some nights, being here, being close with you, is all I need.”

I love Alice Clayton; I really do. Ever since her Redhead Series, which I hold in the HIGHEST regard, she’s had my number. I love her smart and witty heroines and her drop dead sexy Heroes. With that said, I think my expectations of her stories are very high. I really liked the first book in the series, Wallbanger, but I didn’t love it; and the same can be said about this one, although this one…not so much.

Simon and Caroline are in love, but no matter how blissful their relationship might be, they lead pretty separate lives. He’s traveling a lot, while Caroline is busy with her career, but they do make it work. Simon is adorable and just simply adores Caroline. However, there were parts of the book where I wanted to smack Caroline for making drama where there really was no need for any of it. Know what I mean?

Overall, I love the dynamic between the two, but I wanted a little more from them. It seemed like some of the focus shifted onto the other characters of the book, which was okay, but I wanted more from our Hero and heroine. Don’t get me wrong, most of you will probably love this book since it’s still Alice being Alice, but for me, it was a far cry from her Redhead Series.

*Complimentary Advanced Review Copy provided by Netgalley & Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review*

Blog Tour: Curse of the Phoenix Bundle by Rachel Firasek Guest Post and #Giveaway

I've had the pleasure of reading a few of this author's stories. One thing I've always noted is that she writes deeply strong and interesting characters! For our blog tour stop for the Curse of the Phoenix Bundle, Rachel Firasek talks about the strengths and weaknesses of her characters. She has a few questions for you down below.

The Ying to Your Yang

Every perfect couple should complement each other. Right? Hmmm…well, it’s an author’s job to find those perfect compliments even when the reader thinks that there is no way a couple will ever get together. Ever. Even if the couple gets along and everything seems fine, it’s our job to make sure at some point you doubt that they’ll survive the long haul. But the beauty in that is we know it’ll happen and we love our jobs, so we want you to see that beauty. Making any sense? Here are a few examples:

In The Last Rising, I have two independent and strong characters:
Ice/Isis: Had a family that she adored, but lost it all. Doesn’t want to feel. Is strong willed. Won’t forgive herself. But… she loves her fellow phoenixes and wants the best for them. She understands sacrifice for your children. She wants to be whole.
And then you have her hero…Turner: Turner has a child, but he’s a busy business man that sometimes neglects his duties. He’s been burned by a woman before, so he’s not as trusting as he thinks he is. He doesn’t take no for an answer. But…he can love Ice like no one before her. He’s easy going and patient enough to work around her strong will. He knows that forgiveness is the first step at being whole.
See he’s the Ying to her Yang.

In The Last Awakening:
Greyson is a war vet that has a ton of issues including PTSD. He’s a borderline alcoholic. He trusts no one. And he’s teetering on the brink of madness. But, he loves his best friend Turner. He is a protector. He will never leave the one he loves.
And then you have his Arabella/Ari: She’s a little spice from the south. Voodoo priestess and a century of self-loathing for a spell gone bad. Sadness seeps from her every pore until she meets the one person even more depressed than her. She is sturdy enough to take Grey’s insults. She won’t back down from his condescension. And she will always do what’s right for her friends. She is pure light to his black heart.
And she is the Ying to his Yang.  (Oh, and Ari is the goddess on the bundle cover.)

And finally, The Last Beginning:
Here we have Sadie—a mess of rash and bold decisions. She’s like the toddler of the Phoenixes and is passionate in everything she does. This can be both her strength and weakness.
And I gave her Osiris. He’s ancient. A god. And totally ready for anything she can dish out…except when she’s sick. Osiris is arrogant. Meddlesome. And doesn’t bend. But for Sadie. To heal her? He’ll bow to all the gods and even exchange his soul for hers. He’s that dedicated to those he loves.
He is the Ying to her Yang.
All in all, I think I’ve managed to throw together an interesting cast of characters with complementary strengths and weaknesses for you to hate and love. At least, if I did my job right, you will. *winks*

Thanks for having me and I hope you check out The Curse of the Phoenix Bundle.

Oh, and I’d love to know, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you have a Ying and Yang kind of relationship? Do tell!

Book Title: Curse of the Phoenix Bundle
Author: Rachel Firasek
Book One: The Last Rising
After paying two millennia’s penance to Osiris, world-weary Phoenix Ice has had enough. Saving souls without any hope for her own redemption isn’t how she imagined spending eternity. Fed up, she decides her next death will be her last. But when she sacrifices her own life for a sexy Texan in a catastrophic plane crash, she has no idea the consequences will be so great…or that she’ll end up back in his life for her next assignment.
Now that Turner Alcott has survived the worst, finding a wife and mother for his son matters more than ever before. When the mysterious Ice comes into his life, Turner knows she’s the one—but love is the last thing Ice wants. If he wants to win her heart, Turner must teach Ice how to forgive herself, and prove that love is the ultimate sacrifice.
Book Two: The Last Awakening
For three hundred years, Arabella’s life has been one meaningless death after another. In a cruel twist of fate, Osiris gifts the phoenix her mortality and long-gone voodoo magic with a warning that she must save her next soul within a week without using magic, or she’ll lose her power forever.
Ex-soldier Greyson Meadows desperately wants to be freed from the nightmares and guilt that haunt him. Confronted by a waif of a woman who forces him to face the truth about his past, he runs fast and hard, fighting the need to prove himself worthy despite his perceived failures.
When Ari becomes the target of her own magical blunder, the weak will find strength and the strong will fall. One will have to give up everything so the other can have peace, but will love’s magic withstand the loss?
Book Three: The Last Beginning
Though she’s always hated being a phoenix, Sadie has to admit immortality has its advantages. She’s seen and done more in the last 150 years than she’d ever dreamed of, but she can’t get past the fact that Osiris has done nothing but manipulate her and her fellow phoenixes.
Or that, when her last incarnation as a phoenix comes to a fiery end, the fire slowly begins to consume her body.
Sun god Osiris is ashamed of his role as ruler of the Underworld, but he unless he can figure out how to save Sadie, that’s exactly where she’s going to end up. Permanently. Terrified he’s going to lose her, he takes her on a hunt for The Book of the Dead, which is the only way he knows he can save her—even if it means she’ll hate him forever.

Buy links:

Author Bio:
Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart. After all, romance on the edge is better!

Tour-wide GIVEAWAY!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Burned by Tara Sivec #Review

Title: Burned
Author: Tara Sivec
Published June 2014
Genre: Erotic Romance

Seventeen years old when he broke my heart.
Seventeen days later when another picked up the pieces.
Seventeen years together.
Seventeen thousand problems.
Seventeen days of reliving my past and finding a new future.
Seventeen minutes until it all went up in flames.
Seventeen breaths until I took my last.
This is my story…and it’s going to burn.

Book links:

Author Website

Five Stars

This little gem was a fast paced, delicious little romp with a yummy firefighter!! Honestly, I think it has it all!! A second chance romance, smokin' hot sex, and some crazy good suspense!! Oh, and did I mention it's HOT. HOT. HOT!!!

Finnley has spent the last seventeen years with the man who she thought was her one, until recently. The lies have gotten worse and more frequent, to the point where she can't even really care anymore. Our story begins with Finnley finally throwing Jordan out for good. 

When her best friend insists they need a night out, they end up at a bar they used to frequent as kids, only to run into Collin McDaniels, Finnley's one who got away, and boy did he grow up GOOD!!

Collin has never forgotten Finnley either, so it must be fate that brought them to this bar only one week after Collin moves back to town, right? Collin is now Captain of the fire department in the next town over and when he finds out that Finnley is separated from her douche bag husband, he decides to waste no more time!! 

The sex is amazing!! The story is beautiful, and did I mention the sex is amazing??!

But seriously, I love a second chance love story, there is some crazy thrown in because I can tell you Jordan does not go away quietly, and it gets pretty hairy there for a bit, but I promise you it has a HEA!!

Can you believe it? All this in 125 pages! I read it all last night, I couldn't put it down, but I promise you there are parts in this book that will have you wanting to put it down to go in search of someone to put out your fire!! ENJOY!!