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#ReleaseBlitz ~ Dirty Angels (Dirty Angels Trilogy #1) by Karina Halle

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For Luisa Chavez, a twenty-three year old former beauty queen, a better life has always been just out of her reach. Sure, she’s had men at her feet since she was a young teenager but she’s never had the one thing she’s craved – security. Having grown up in near poverty, her waitressing job in Cabo San Lucas can barely let her take care of herself, let alone her ailing parents. Every day is another unwanted advance, every day is a struggle to survive. When Salvador Reyes, the depraved leader of a major Mexican cartel, takes an interest in her, Luisa is presented with an opportunity she can’t afford to pass up. She’ll become Salvador’s wife and exchange her freedom and body for a life of riches – riches she can bestow upon her deserving parents. But Luisa quickly finds out that even the finest wines and jewels can’t undo the ugliness in her marriage, nor the never-ending violence that threatens her every move. Soon, Luisa is looking for an escape, a way out of the carefully controlled life she’s leading. She finally gets her wish in the worst way possible. As it is, being the wife of Salvador makes her an ideal target for rival cartels and there’s one particular man who needs Luisa as part of his cartel’s expansion. One particular man whose quest for power has destroyed lives, slit throats and gotten him out of an American prison. One particular man who will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. That man is Javier Bernal. And he wants Luisa. He wants to take her, keep her, ruin her. Unless she ruins him first. 

Are you a Dirty Angel? Spread the word about Karina's latest release using the hashtags
#JaviersDirtyAngels #AreYouADirtyAngel #CartelQueens

(unedited, subject to change before publication)
“You’re a very dirty man.” “Filthy,” he corrected me. He smacked my ass lightly, causing me to jump. “Oh, that’s just fucking beautiful.” He did it again and again, not enough to hurt but enough to sting. Each time, he licked the place where his handprint would have been. Then, with one hand he gently pried my ass cheeks open. I couldn’t help but cringe. “You need to relax,” he whispered. “This won’t hurt. And I’m sure you took a bath this morning, didn’t you?” I murmured yes in response. “Then you’re clean and you have nothing to worry about. As for me, I’d take you anyway I can. It’s all exquisite to me.” He was right. He was filthy. “Relax, Luisa,” he said again. “Relax.” And so I tried. The first contact from his tongue made me shudder. The sensation was so entirely new to me, but what wasn’t at this point. Yet his mouth, lips, tongue, were all warm and wet and gentle and I found my body immediately relaxing into the steady motion. I pushed aside all thoughts about how impure this was. Purity had done nothing for me, anyway. It was better to be dirty. It was better to take what you could. It was better to embrace your lustful, needful, animalistic side because that was the side that lived.  
About the Author
With her USA Today Bestselling The Artists Trilogy published by Grand Central Publishing, numerous foreign publication deals, and self-publishing success with her Experiment in Terror series, Vancouver-born Karina Halle is a true example of the term “Hybrid Author.” Though her books showcase her love of all things dark, sexy and edgy, she’s a closet romantic at heart and strives to give her characters a HEA…whenever possible. Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse with her husband and rescue pup.
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How to Rope a Real Man (Catcher Creek #3) by Melissa Cutler #Review

 Title: How to Rope a Real Man
Author: Melissa Cutler
Series: Catcher Creek #3
Release Date: May 6, 2014

Against all odds, the Sorentino sisters saved their family's rundown New Mexico ranch, but the youngest has a dream that just may ruin their hard-earned peace--unless a certain sexy cowboy lawyer changes her mind. . .
Jenna Sorentino is as independent as they come. Despite her wild past, she's grown up enough to keep quiet about the identity of her baby's daddy, go to night college--and hide her plan to escape tiny Catcher Creek. She's also stopped dreaming of happily ever after--except in the case of gorgeous, rugged, Santa Fe native Matt Roenick. Too bad the oil rights attorney acts like he barely knows she's alive. . .
Matt knows only too well that Jenna's alive--in fact, she's driving him crazy with desire. But Matt's got his reasons for resisting her. And when her son's father shows up, those reasons multiply. Trouble is, Jenna's secrets are more complicated than he imagined, and forgetting her isn't as easy as he'd hoped. Matt knows life can be messy as hell. For Jenna, maybe it's time he got dirty...
Five Stars

Hope to Rope a Real Man is my first time visiting Catcher Creek. Wow! Melissa Cutler immediately caught me up with the latest events happening with the Sorentino sisters. This story mainly surrounds the youngest sister, Jenna, and she's helped plan her sister's wedding. The day before the wedding, the situation turns a little desperate. It's good that the lawyer friend she's been crushing on is there to lend a helping hand. Ahh...Matt Roenick! Can I add the words “dreamy” and “romantic” to his description of being a “sexy cowboy lawyer”?
As a newbie to this series, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this story. Ms. Cutler tackles some sensitive issues throughout the plot. One of these issues centers around Matt, and I appreciate that she offers the male's perspective on this particular subject as the male's emotions regarding this matter are often skimmed in stories. My heart broke for Matt when I found out why he doesn't date single moms. Jenna is a single mom to an adorable little boy, which makes this whole situation entirely sticky. I loved Jenna's mind-set and inner strength from the start. She truly just wants to make a good life for her and her son.
How to Rope a Real Man is filled with family, friendship, heart-tugging realistic situations, and even has a little suspense. Matt and Jenna together? Oh yeah, it gets pretty steamy! Deliciously steamy! Thank you, Melissa Cutler, for creating fun scenes for them!

*ARC provided by author for an honest review

Book Links:

Catcher Creek series reading order
Book 1: The Trouble with Cowboys

Book 2: Cowboy Justice

Book 3: How to Rope a Real Man

About the author
Melissa Cutler knows she has the best job in the world, dividing her time between her dual passions for writing sexy contemporary romances and edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense for Harlequin, Penguin, St. Martin’s Press, and Kensington Books. She was struck at an early age by an unrelenting travel bug and is probably planning her next vacation as you read this. When she’s not globetrotting, she’s enjoying Southern California’s flip-flop wearing weather and wrangling two rambunctious kids.

Missionary Position by Daisy Prescott ARC #Review

Title: Missionary Position
Author: Daisy Prescott
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Sex? Absolutely.
Love? Not my thing.
I didn't do love or butterflies, but I loved him.
I was screwed, and not in a good way.

Selah Elmore is a smart, independent woman who knows exactly who she is and what she wants. She loves her life being a professor and popular pirate erotica author. However, when she leaves the Pacific Northwest to spend six months studying sculpture in West Africa, she learns she doesn't know a thing about love.

Cocky, suit-wearing Gerhard charms her during a stopover in Amsterdam, but dashing, adventurous Kai sweeps her off her feet in Ghana.

Sparks fly on three continents when perpetually single Selah discovers there's more to love and life than she ever imagined.

Book Links:

Author's Website:

Four Stars

Fascinating with lots of unexpected twists!

Missionary Position is one of those stories that if too much of the plot is talked about in a review, then it might reveal spoilers. I'll talk about the heroine instead. Selah Elmore is in her early forties, and, yes, she's the older one in the possible pairing. I liked Selah very much. She's single, smart and loves her work. She loves life and lives in the moment. The story and Selah's journey begins with a brief, chance encounter at the airport while on her way to Amsterdam. What happens next is fascinating and full of unexpected twists!

This is my first read from Daisy Prescott, and I'm very impressed! Her writing has a way of beautifully pulling you into the story. You'll be wondering where she's going with this story, but really, just go with the flow. Your questions will be answered if you keep reading. The setting is highlighted with stunning descriptions. I felt like I was in Amsterdam and Ghana hanging out with Selah and going through all the motions with her. Missionary Position was a refreshing read for me. It made me giggle, smile, and appreciate friendship and all the lovely moments life has to offer.

*A review copy was provided by the author for an honest review.

Release Blitz ~ Missionary Position by Daisy Prescott Excerpt #Giveaway

Missionary PositionRDL

I am so excited for this book from Daisy Prescott!! The book releases today, and you should definitely check out this fun romance. Daisy is also hosting a fabulous giveaway, so be sure to enter!!!

Blogs Taking Part in the Release Day Launch

Exclusive Excerpt:
“If I come inside tonight, I’m not returning to the hotel. I want you to know if we go inside, I’m staying.” I smiled at him in the darkness with only the street lights for illumination. “I’m sure.” The unsnapping of his seat belt echoed around us. “Eager much?” I teased. He growled and opened his door. “Coming?” he glanced at me. “God I hope so. And soon,” I mumbled softly under my breath. “Come again?” He grinned. My mind told me we needed to talk. My heart told my mind to shut it. My body ignored both of them and hummed with anticipation. When we made it inside the house, he pinned me against the wall and crushed my mouth with his. In romance writing there was a trope about tongues battling for dominance. I never understood the appeal or the action until that kiss. Massacred any resistance I still held. I rubbed against him like a cat. Yearning for Shiva’s multiple arms, my hands touched everywhere they could reach. They tangled into his hair, ran over his shoulders, inside his coat, under his sweater, and over his lower back before coming to rest on his ass. When we broke apart, panting for oxygen, he asked, “Am I forgiven?” “Less talking tonight. Talk tomorrow,” I said between pecks across his scruffy jaw. I nipped the smooth spot under his ear and inhaled a big dose of his pheromones. Not that I needed them. “Upstairs.” He guided me toward the stairs. With a single smooth swoop, he lifted me into his arms and carried me upstairs. Normally, I would have complained about weighing too much, or not wanting him to hurt his back, but the way he held me made me feel light, even dainty. And I wasn’t fool enough to argue. When he set me on the bed, I fell into the soft down of the duvet. Staring up at him, I remembered our first night together at his hotel. We might have had sex seven hundred ways to Sunday between now and then, but now, this, felt like the first time all over again. “You said no talking, but I’m not very good at following rules, so I’m ignoring your request for a second.” His dimple appeared. “I love you, Selah. Not a temporary kind of love either. I didn’t stop after our disastrous phone call, and I don’t have plans to stop. Ever.” “I love you. Truly, madly, deeply,” I whispered, lost in the depths of his eyes. He shook his head and chuckled. “You just quoted One Direction.” “Pretty sure it was a movie title first.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. “You know One Direction song titles?”

  About the Book:
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Sex? Absolutely Love? Not my thing. I didn't do love or butterflies, but I loved him. I was screwed, and not in a good way. Selah Elmore is a smart, independent woman who knows exactly who she is and what she wants. She loves her life being a professor and popular pirate erotica author. However, when she leaves the Pacific Northwest to spend six months studying sculpture in West Africa, she learns she doesn't know a thing about love. Cocky, suit-wearing Gerhard charms her during a stopover in Amsterdam, but dashing, adventurous Kai sweeps her off her feet in Ghana. Sparks fly on three continents when perpetually single Selah discovers there's more to love and life than she ever imagined.

Buy Links:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble

  Daisy Prescott Bio:
  Daisy Prescott bw
Before writing bestselling contemporary adult romances, I dreamed of being an author while doing a lot of other things. Antiques dealer, baker, blue ribbon pie-maker, fangirl, freelance writer, gardener, pet mom and wife are a few of the other titles I've acquired over the years. Born and raised in San Diego, I currently lives in a real life Stars Hollow in the Boston suburbs with my husband, our dog Hubbell, and an imaginary house goat. Missionary Position is a spin-off from my first novel, Geoducks Are for Lovers. Like my second novel, Ready to Fall, it can be read as a standalone contemporary romance/romantic comedy.

Enter Daisy's Giveaway!!!

#ReleaseBlitz ~ Seduce Me (Ravage MC #2) by Ryan Michele

Seduce Me Banner
Title: Seduce Me (Ravage MC #2)
Author: Ryan Michele
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: June 9, 2014
Casey Alexander grew up part of the Ravage Motorcycle family since the day she was abandoned by her mother and thrown into her father’s lap. Always seeing herself as an outsider, she spent her whole life trying to fit in, but never really succeeding. When she loses her beloved father, the utter aloneness engulfs her, leaving her searching for solace in the one man she’s always craved. Confessing her love for him only results in devastation when he pushes her away. Convinced she needs a fresh start, she leaves everything behind in order to mend her broken heart and begin building a future without him. Gage Thomas (G.T.) Gavelson fell in love with his Angel when he was just a pint sized kid. Both beautiful and smart, he always felt she deserved so much better than him. Growing up beside her in the club only continued to test his will power, until one night, he gave into temptation. Realizing he couldn’t allow himself to hold her back from the life she deserved, he pushed her away, allowing her to believe she would never be enough for him. Letting her go had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. Even though he’d thought it’d been the right thing to do, not a day goes by that misery doesn’t consume him for it. When a tragic shootout occurs, everything changes as once again their lives are intermingled. When you find your way back to the one person you are meant to be with, forgiveness should be easy. But sometimes, we hurt each other too much to ever be able to forgive. Is their love strong enough to heal their pain?  
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Seduce Me (Ravage MC, #2)
Official Seduce Me ebook

Ravage Me (Ravage MC #1)
The morning air strikes across my skin as I step out of the clubhouse slowly walking to my car. I’ve had to say good-bye to Harlow twice now, but this one is by far the hardest. The weight on my shoulders is bogging me so far down; my legs find each step difficult. I do not want to leave. This is my home, the only life I’ve ever known. And my only connection to my father Bam, but it’s what must be done. I place my hand on my stomach closing my eyes and breathing in deep the air rushing through my lungs. It’s funny how life repeats itself. I think that it’s Dr. Phil that says ‘past behavior predicts future behavior’and to hell if that isn’t the truth. Walking up to my white and red Chevy, I slide in slowly turning the key into the ignition, the car roaring to life. My eyes focus on the garage and my heart sinks as I slouch in my seat, the weight becoming too much. Hours I’ve spent inside that building learning, but the best were the ones I spent with my Dad side by side under the hood of this car. He spent such meticulous time teaching me everything he could, always patient and answering the thousands of questions one at a time. It was the best time of my life. Growing up in the club had its difficulties, but with each challenge that has been thrown in my face, I came out a stronger woman because of it. I never knew my egg donor of a mother, who happened to be a club momma. As soon as I popped out of her stomach, she handed me over to Bam and never looked back. I don’t even know her name and at this point in my life have no intention of ever finding out. I rub my stomach and disappointment scatters through my body. How could someone just dump their child and never contact them again? Never want to watch them grow up? The thought is just inconceivable to me. Even though it doesn’t make sense, it’s what mine did. Bam never had a choice on whether to raise me or not, but I never once felt like a burden on him. True, my life growing up was very different from the life of my other schoolmates, but I loved it and wouldn’t change a thing. For me, being strapped to a Harley before I could walk and attending parties where guys smoked cigarettes, drank booze and kissed barely clothed women was the norm. Watching fights break out over stupid shit almost every single day is the way of the club. Don’t get me wrong, I was always cared for, mostly by Bam, but when he was busy, the throng of club mommas entered in and out of my life to temporarily care for me, none ever staying long enough to form any kind of connection to. Bam was there though as much as he could be. He’d have tea parties with me and play this wrestling tickle game that always sent me into fits of laughter. I loved him…I still love him. His life lessons were the best education a little girl could have. I never had to ask him, it was like he knew what I needed when I needed it. When the time came for boys, he always told me that no man is good enough for my baby. At the time, I rolled my eyes, but now I crave to hear those words come back out of his mouth. I hang my head down to my chest willing the tears to stay at bay. I will not cry. Im stronger than that. Bam was able to do it, raise me that is. Even with the struggles, he did it. I can too, but in order to, I need to get away from here and find out who I am. I need to do better for myself and for my baby, my family. I want a life here, but unfortunately that is not possible right now. It’s not my choice, but that of my baby’s father. Even though he doesn’t know about this precious gift I have growing inside of me, he’s made it perfectly clear that he doesn’t want a life with me anywhere in it. It seems he’s too interested in chasing pussy to ever settle for just one. It guts me and shreds my heart that I’m not good enough. But I’m learning to accept it, even if it kills me. He left little room not to. But I need to get myself together and stop with the ever impending pity party of poor me. I am not a poor me kind of woman. Thanks to Bam, I’m a grab life by the balls, deal with the consequences and make myself a future kind of a woman. That is what I am doing by leaving. I have every intention of coming back, every intention of introducing my child to his father and every intention of making my relationship with Harlow work. As soon as I have my head on straight. Lifting my shoulders, I put the car into drive and set off for the new life that I have planned for my baby and I.
About the Author
I'm a mom and a wife who works full time. I have a huge obsession with collecting paperbacks and reading. Becoming an author, wasn't exactly what I set out to do, it just happened. I needed something to help me get rid of the feeling of being 'just a mom' or 'just a wife' that was consuming me and writing became that outlet. My book(s) cover some tough issues which are hard for some readers to digest. I am grateful for every single one of you who read my books.
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