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Blog Tour ~ Breaking Shaun (Breaking Free #2) by E.M. Abel #Promo #Giveaway #Review

Release Day Launch: Breaking Shaun by E.M. Able
Some men fall in love and hand their balls over to the first woman who keeps them interested—but not me. Surfing and my freedom are the only two things I’ve ever needed. Meaningless one-night stands are fun, but the drama and jealousy that follows them aren’t worth it. 

Until I met Natalie, I never realized there were women who thought like me. She enjoys sex with no strings, and with a body like that, there isn’t a man around who doesn’t want a piece of her—including me. 
But our friends and relatives all run in the same circles. And we all know friendship and sex leave a mess. Hearts always end up broken. 

I know it. 
But I still want her. 

Sometimes, the things we want don’t always come easily. Every choice, every action has consequences that can change you. 
They can change everything. 
And no matter how fiercely guarded, even the strongest hearts can break.

**WARNING** Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, language and recreational use of marijuana.

Excerpt #1
“Is this what you wanted?” he whispered as he took my wrists in one hand and the other came down to cup my breast.
I swallowed as moisture gathered in my mouth and my brain scrambled for a response. It was just so difficult to think with Shaun’s hard body pressing against mine in the middle of his apartment building where anyone could see us.
His gaze finally broke from mine and moved down to my lips as he glided his thumb across my hard nipple. I could smell the soap on him, feel his wet, warm skin pressed against me. My eyes fluttered closed and I pressed my head against the wall as the lust took over.

Shaun moved his hips forward making me very aware of his arousal before lowering his head and slowly dragging his tongue across my bottom lip. I was panting now and my entire body was tingling. I don’t know how he’d done it but Shaun had completely turned the tables on me. I’d come over to assert myself and show him the side of me he hadn’t seen, yet here I was getting pressed against a wall and turning into putty in his hands.

Excerpt #2
“Come with me.” She said as she turned around and went back downstairs.
I followed her into the laundry room where she opened the dryer and took her stuff out. I was too
busy staring at her bare ass to realize what she was about to make me do.
“I want you to put this on.” She said, her little black bikini dangling from her fingertips.
I started shaking my head.
“Oh, hell no.”
Natalie’s face got serious and she put her hand on her hip.
“A bet’s a bet. Don’t be a pussy.”
My eyebrows shot up and I gave her a challenging look.
“You better remember this shit later. Those words will come back to haunt you, trust me.”
She smiled as I snatched the scraps of fabric from her hand and tried to figure out how they went.
When I got the bottom straight I held it up between us.
“My dick is gonna hang out of this shit.” I said as I moved it in front of my crotch.
Natalie was laughing now and I smiled when I saw how red her face was getting.
“You better hurry up before the pizza gets here.”
I groaned and pushed my board shorts down around my ankles. Natalie kept laughing as she watched me try to get my big feet into the foot holes and pull the bikini bottoms up. They were fucking tiny, my junk was hanging out everywhere.
“Here, let me help you.” She said as she came closer and put her hand on my dick.
“That…is not going to help.”
“Ssshh” she hushed me as she tried tucking my dick into the fabric but her touch was only making it worse.
I could feel myself getting hard.
“Okay fine!” she said, giving up.
“Just put the top on. But when the delivery guy gets here I want you to keep a straight face the entire time and ask him if he thinks this color looks good on you.”
Natalie was laughing again before she even finished her sentence. She seemed so young as she covered her mouth like what we were doing was so bad. It was cute to see her having so much fun. I also loved watching her move around in that short dress. Her nipples were hard and her tits were bouncing around a lot. 
Baseball. Baseball. Baseball.
I put my board shorts back on and Natalie helped me tie her bikini top over my chest. It looked so stupid but I made it work. Natalie had fun playing with my hair and swooping it to the side over my forehead. I looked like a manly version of Justin Bieber. It was ridiculous.
Four Solid Stars

“Women like me don’t fall for guys like you. We don’t come when you call, we don’t beg for your attention, and we don’t confuse sex with love. Women like me break men like you”

I swear, when I read the synopsis for this book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. First off, I LOVED the first book in this series, so I knew I was in for a treat when I found out there was more to come from this author. Secondly, I am a sucker for strong heroines; the ones who don’t live life within the norm. In this case, Natalie is as promiscuous as the Hero. I love a heroine who can hang with the big boys. I knew I was going to like this.

Why can’t I find a woman like me - someone who loves sex but doesn’t need a relationship to justify it? Do women like that even exist?

Shaun is gorgeous, athletic, and just downright sexy. Women flock to him for good reason and he’s all for taking advantage. He’s not one for relationships, I mean, why bother with opening up to anyone when it all leads to heartache anyway, right? At least that’s his way of thinking. Plus who needs to be tied down when you can have your pick? But his carefree womanizing lifestyle comes with annoyances, especially when those women want more. But Natalie was different; has he finally met his match?

I had the pussy, which meant I called the shots.

Well, well, well. What do we have here? How fucking awesome is Natalie? This, my dear friends, is a heroine after my own heart. Natalie is one of those characters I like to live vicariously through. She’s beautiful, smart and knows who she is and makes no apologies for it. She doesn’t need anyone, especially a man, to tell her how to live her life. However, she knows there’s something different about Shaun. He can most definitely be a game changer.

As much as I’d hated the idea of being used by men, I’d enjoyed the idea of using them. And I had. I’d used them to make me feel wanted, I’d used them to make me feel special, and I’d used them to get off. It had almost become a sport for me.

Shaun has a pull on her and she doesn’t like it. Their attraction to one another is fucking electric. They’re trying to keep things on a friends-only basis, but their chemistry is undeniable. Neither wants a relationship, but they can no longer fight their attraction. Oh what to do, what to do.

We were about to fuck each other’s brains out.

They’re two Alphas trying to make their situation work. Do they have what it takes to keep their arrangement?

I loved Shaun and Natalie. When both characters are as strong-willed as they are, its hard not to love them. Their banter, their constant flirting and innuendos: I was in stuck between heaven and hell. I craved relief and when I got it, HOLY SMOKES! But there was more to this story then their never-ending battle of the wills. This story had so much going for it, plus it was so well written, but for me, there was just something from preventing it from being more than four stars. No worries, this story still rocked and I can’t wait to read the next installment. Oh, Jay…**sigh**

**Complimentary advanced copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review**
About E.M. Abel
My husband is awesome and also a Chief in the US Navy. This means crazy schedules, uncertainty and lots of nights spent alone writing on my computer. 
I have two amazing kids who always know how to make me laugh. 
I've been passionate about writing since I wrote my first poem in the 3rd grade and I've been using it as a means to express myself since. 
I think because I hold my emotions so close and fear being vulnerable I use different forms of self expression- writing, drawing, painting, photography, tattoos- to show the world who I am.
The one rule I use everyday is the Golden Rule--"Treat others the way you'd like to be treated." I believe karma is very real and sometimes she can be a bitch if you make her that way. 
I love acting crazy, I love to laugh, I love making people laugh, I love the ocean, I love dancing like no one is watching, I love good music, I love good books... oh man I should probably stop there. I love a lot of stuff. 
Please feel free to write me or send a friend request.

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#ReleaseBlitz ~ Devil's Game (Reapers MC #3) by Joanna Wylde

Devil's Game Banner
Liam “Hunter” Blake hates the Reapers MC. Born and raised a Devil’s Jack, he knows his duty. He’ll defend his club from their oldest enemies—the Reapers—using whatever weapons he can find. But why use force when the Reapers’ president has a daughter who’s alone and vulnerable? Hunter has wanted her from the minute he saw her, and now he has an excuse to take her.

Em has lived her entire life in the shadow of the Reapers. Her overprotective father, Picnic, is the club’s president. The last time she had a boyfriend, Picnic shot him. Now the men in her life are far more interested in keeping her daddy happy than showing her a good time. Then she meets a handsome stranger—a man who isn't afraid to treat her like a real woman. One who isn't afraid of her father. His name is Liam, and he’s The One.

Or so she thinks.

Read an Excerpt on Joanna Wylde's Website
Buy the Books
Reapers MC
Reaper's Property (Reaper's MC, #1)
Reaper's Legacy (Reaper's MC, #2)
Devil's Game (Reaper's MC, #3)
Reaper's Stand (Reaper's MC, #4) Pre - Order
About the Author
Joanna is a freelance writer living in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. She started writing fiction in 2002, then took a long hiatus to explore other writing opportunities. She returned to fiction in January 2013 with ‘Reaper’s Property’, the first book in the Reaper's Motorcycle Club series, and is now set to release ‘Devil's Game’, the third of the series.
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#ReleaseBlitz ~ Night Fury: First Act by Belle Aurora

Night Fury Banner
My name is Catarina.
Or, that’s who I was christened to be, anyways.
I live in a convent. I am a nun in training. A postulant.
I am eighteen years old.

I am a predator.
No one is safe from me.

I am protected.
No one can get to me.

By day one way, by night another. They call on me.

My name is Catarina.
Codename: Night Fury.

No one is safe from me.

I will come for you.  

"I trail her down the dark, dimly-lit hall. The sounds of our footsteps echo through the narrow space. I’m walking towards my destiny. How poetic. We reach the end of the hall. Frankie clicks in her keypad code. More humming and buzzing, the steel door clicks opens and finally – finally – I’m home. I take the first step towards the rest of my life. And I do it wearing a shit-eating grin. This is exciting. I’m excited. My life will be thrown one-hundred-and-eighty degrees. From boring to extraordinary. I can’t wait. “Welcome back to Mirage.” Frankie utters as she starts her descent down the stairs to the ground floor." - Catarina, Night Fury  

Buy the Book
About the Author
Belle Aurora
Belle Aurora is was born in the land down under. 

At an early age she fell in love with reading. Boredom one summer had her scouring the bookshelves at home. She stumbled across Sandra Brown’s Breath of Scandal and fell in love with romance.

Having been brought up in a loud and boisterous family of Croatian descent, she developed a natural love for dramatics and humor. Only some years ago had she discovered a new love. 

Humorous romance novels.

Kristen Ashley and R.L. Mathewson had opened a brand new world where she could lose herself yet feel safe and at home in their stories. Belle has been known to become a screeching banshee while anxiously awaiting their newest titles.
Belle never thought she would write. It had never interested her until recently. Her first novel, Friend-Zoned began to form and in February 2013 Belle typed the words Chapter One. And she fell in love.
With words.
With writing.
With a creative imagination she never knew she harbored.

In this moment, I’m happy. In this moment, I’m not Catarina the postulant, or Cat the orphan, or even Night Fury. I’m just a young woman with a crust on a guy who seems to like her, too.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I saw this book, but I knew Belle Aurora wrote it so I had to give it a go. The synopsis sounded intriguing, especially since the heroine is a postulant. I was like, “what the fuck?” Seriously? A nun in training? Will this be some sort of forbidden romance type story? Or is there something else going on? There was only one way to find out.

My lesson that day was simple. I am a gift and this is God’s will.

The story first begins with Catarina’s training, but what exactly is she training for? Another oddity is who is training her -- the answer: A priest. But as the story goes on, it becomes a little clearer that these people are more than they appear. Things start to get more interesting when Catarina receives her first assignment as well as meet her team’s newest member – Marco (Codename: Flamethrower).

My logic on this is simple. After tonight, after what I did, I don’t feel as if I have a right to remain pure. I want to be tainted, to be as imperfect as my job. I need to be dirtied, and Marco can do that for me.

I’m not a fan of serial novellas because ninety-nine percent of the time, the story is left unresolved and we have to wait for the next installment. This is no different. It was really hard trying to figure out what was going on in such a short period of time. By the time the story started to pick up, it just ended abruptly. Part of me wants to read the next installment, but this didn’t really give me enough to want to continue; I kind of wished it ended in a different place, that way, I had a little bit more to go on. Does that make sense? I don’t know. We’ll see when the next one releases.

**Complementary advanced copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review**