Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

#Review ~ Underestimated (Underestimated #1) by Jettie Woodruff

Morgan starts her life in a bad situation, she doesn't really know what she wants out of life. She's never had anyone to look up to or help guide her in the right direction. She had it rough and never dreamed that it could get worse. However, she finds that it can and it does.

She learns what real hell is when she meets the husband that she doesn't want to marry but isn't given a choice.

Can she escape? She can and does, only to wake up and find herself right back at square one.

Warning! This is not your everyday fall in love romance. This book contains disturbing situations, strong language, graphic, sexual content - some forced, some not. If it's a happily ever after love story that you are looking for, you should probably move on. If you are up for the ride, stick around and it may just turn into a love story after all.
I'm not sure I can even begin to describe how much I LOVED this book, but I'm damn sure gonna try!!

Warning! This is not your everyday fall in love romance. This book contains disturbing situations, strong language, graphic, sexual content - some forced, some not. If it's a happily ever after love story that you are looking for, you should probably move on. If you are up for the ride, stick around and it may just turn into a love story after all.

That describes this story perfectly and I loved every second. I love nothing more than a good story that fucks with my head and HOLY SHIT does this one do that!!

We spend the first part of the story living Morgan's nightmare life with her. Her shitty childhood, her awful wedding to Drew and her horrendous six years of marriage with him. Let me introduce Drew, he is a horrible, fucked up, piece of shit! You will hate him with such a fiery passion that it's almost to much to bear. He is abusive, both physical and sexual and sadistic, both physical and sexual and when Morgan escapes him I literally did a fist pump while reading!

With a little help, Morgan runs and she starts her life over in a small town in Maine. Here she comes alive, makes new friends and even falls in love. Her life is wonderful for a couple years. That is until she finds herself back in Las Vegas and gets into a car accident that steals her memory. Of course Drew is there playing attentive husband and takes her home.

We now meet a completely different Drew than the one we knew. This one is attentive and loving and Morgan is different too, she isn't afraid, she does what she wants and they actually begin to fall in love, for real!! That is until she remembers everything!! But this time she isn't afraid and she is in love with this monster man so she has to figure out what she wants.

"Do you think it's still Stockholm syndrome when you fall in love with the Drew that you didn't know?"

There are a lot emotions in this book and I don't even understand why I feel the way I do about some of it. Your feelings and emotions will fly all over the map and back again - yeah, it's that good!!

There is a somewhat HEA but I will say again, if you can't handle the ugly side of love and relationships and you have a problem reading about abuse, you should really move on right now. This is not for you, but if you are looking for a great story that will leave you begging for more then I can't recommend this enough!! Jettie Woodruff has just become an auto-buy for me!!!

Their Second Chance by April Angel ~ Blog Tour, Review, Giveaway

Title: Their Second Chance
Author: April Angel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: February 28, 2014
Publisher: Latin Goddess Press

After five years with a man she loved, Ariana Parker held the divorce papers in hand. From the moment she met him, Nick was the only man to make her body burn and fill her heart with joy, but somewhere along the way, they lost their ability to communicate--in any language.
Nick Parker lost the woman he loved to the trials of conception. Their inability to cope with their failure broke down their relationship and their friendship. And now, he's left with a woman he lusts after, longs for, and doesn't know how to reach.
One locked door and plenty of time to hash out their problems will either leave them broken forever or might just be the glue that holds them together.

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Ariana Parker lifted her gaze from the steering wheel. She stared at the clean, dark-gray lines of the ultra-modern office building in front of her. She swallowed down the acid burning the back of her throat and hoped she wouldn’t get sick. 
A wild churning, which started the moment she opened her eyes that morning, grew in intensity when she thought of what she was there for: to sign the divorce papers. She gathered every scrap of courage she could muster, which wasn’t much at this point, and tried to calm her nerves.
Another wave of anxiety rushed through her. It would take so little for her to crumble. The knot in her throat grew bigger. She wanted to scream and cry and curse the world for her misery. When her lawyer’s assistant called her, she’d had the crazy hope that Nick might have changed his mind. That wasn’t the case. Instead, she had calmly informed Ari that everything was ready for their signatures. 
After shutting off the engine, she had to mentally prepare herself to see the only man she’d ever loved. And the only man it hurt to have lost. So many years together. All gone. Her heart squeezed hard in her chest. Pain was a constant for her now. So much a part of her life since they’d separated that she had almost forgotten what it was like to be happy.
Cool evening air caressed her bare arms when she slid out of her navy Chevy. The car was Nick’s gift to her on their last anniversary, and the only thing she had left of their life together. Piercing anger stabbed at her chest, making her wince. They’d lasted seven years together. Five of those years married. Five amazing years. 
Until it all went to hell.
She’d never understand how they went from best friends to strangers in the course of a year. Her mind fought against the idea that they’d been ill-suited to begin with. That he wasn’t the right man for her. Or that she wasn’t the right woman for him.
Nick’s pick-up was already parked in front of the entrance. She gulped at the dryness in her throat, rubbed her palms on the sides of her sundress, and hoped she didn’t make a spectacle of herself. 
The closer she moved to the building, the harder it became to breathe. Sorrow, rage, and a mixture of desolation mingled to create a large void inside her. This was the last straw. She’d not only lost her husband, but she’d lost her best friend. She thought of what lay ahead and chastised herself for losing her cool. Damn it all to hell! It was hard to concede defeat when Nick had been her first and only love. As much as it hurt to admit it, she’d been the one to ask for the divorce, and he hadn’t fought it. He hadn’t argued or complained. All he’d done was say if that was what she wanted he was fine with it. 
White-hot anger rose within her. Like giant cresting waves of heat, she felt it spread inside. She let it expand until she was fuming from his lack of concern for her. Clearly, divorce was the best option for them. It was overdue. Putting off the inevitable would only add more years of torture for them both. And though they had been estranged for almost two years, she didn’t wish Nick any harm. Time to finish this. 
She yanked the lobby door open and freezing air slid over her, cooling some of the sizzle on her skin. She glanced around. Small, black sofas sat to one side while a large, glass receptionist desk was placed by the hallway that led to the partner offices and conference rooms. Her gaze clashed with Nick’s. For a second, her heart tripped. The emotions hidden deep in her heart—the ones she’d been fighting to ignore all day—rose to the surface. Love. Desire. Need. And pain.
She watched him stand as soon as he saw her. Her gaze roamed his body, remembering the feel of each line under her fingers. A blue T-shirt hugged his muscular torso, muscles he’d gained from working long hours at his construction company. She gulped, tamping down the instant flare of arousal. Figured her body would betray her. Disgust at herself flourished just as quickly as her pulse quickened. How could their bodies be so attuned but their minds be in such disarray? Faded denim encased his legs, and the black work-boots she was all too familiar with covered his feet. 
A bright blaze ignited from the quick glance at the man she’d once known so well. Chemistry had never been a problem for them. She licked her lips. Her gaze slowly worked its way back up his body, this time taking in the sleeve tattoos covering his arms in intricate and beautiful designs. She continued up until her gaze met his blue eyes.

Book Trailer

Five Stars

A lot of people will tell you that it hurts to be without the person you love, but the truth is that it's like living with no purpose.”

Their Second Chance is a heart-wrenching story of a couple torn apart by the issue of infertility. It begins with them about to make their divorce final. However; fate has a twisted way of showing up when least expected, and a journey to a second chance begins.

One of the strengths that I loved about this story is that April Angel shows a couple learning to communicate when they had failed to do so in the past. My heart broke for Nick and Ari. Nick is so devoted to his wife, and loves her so much. Ari is fiercely independent despite to her mother-in-law's chagrin. Ms. Angel quickly establishes that these two are physically compatible, and at first it made me wonder if things were happening too fast. Then I realized that they've known each other for a long time. Their attraction to each other had never been the problem. As I kept reading, I felt for both characters. I liked that there are scenes with Nick and Ari not only just living in the moment, but also emotionally breaking down and then struggling to get on the same page.

It's not easy when a couple hits this type of bump in their marriage, and everyone deals with this situation in their own way. Although I would have loved for more details with certain things, I appreciate that the author clearly focused on Nick and Ari working out their problems. I think Ms. Angel did a wonderful job describing the feelings of pain, helplessness and devotion to come across as authentic as possible. Whether you've been in the same boat or not, this story will tug at your heart.

Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything from soldiers to corporate romances. 
I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.
When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because the voices won't shut up.
I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!
I hope you enjoyed this book. If you did, please consider writing a review
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There’s a monthly $50 GC Giveaway to all the emails signed up to get the latest news on my releases.

Find out more about Milly Taiden here:

Email: millytaiden@gmail.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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One to Protect (One to Hold #3) by Tia Louise #Review

WARNING: Recommended for adult readers (18+) only. Mature themes, strong language, and sexual content.

One scar.
One betrayal.
No escape.

When Melissa's ex-husband Sloan beats criminal charges, she stops believing he will ever pay for what he did to her. Derek Alexander can’t accept that--a tiny silver scar won't let him forget, and he is determined to get the man who hurt his fiancee.

Then a face from the past turns up dead.

After exhausting all legal options, Derek is ready to do whatever it takes to protect his family... until his partner Patrick devises a trap that changes everything.

Note: Standalone, M/F, HEA.
Oh my beautiful Derek & Mel, how I have missed you and your delicious passion!!! Enjoying them now! Thank you Tia xo

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!! The End! Nooooo, just kidding!

Ok, so those of you who have read my reviews of Tia's yummy OTH series know how crazy in love I am with Derek & Melissa!! They stayed with me for days after reading their story and I wanted more, more, more!! Thankfully, Tia being the goddess that she is must have heard my whining and gave me more!! See how I'm taking all the credit there?) Ok, so maybe it wasn't me that made her tell more of their story, but lets go with that :)

When we left Derek & Mel they were madly in love, having a baby, but couldn't decide who would give up their home town to move in with the other. So we find them still commuting - a really freakin' long way, mind you - to be together!! When Mel gets a text from Nikki that something has got Derek super stressed, she makes an unexpected visit to help, well, relax him...if you get my drift! :)

Little does she know at the time that Derek's stress is all due to the fact that her abusive bastard of an ex-husband is walking free and Derek DOES NOT LIKE THAT!! Can you blame him??? No worries though, Derek has got this!! I absolutely love the moral of this story, which I believe is to show just how far we will go to protect the ones we love and keep them safe.

All I can say is why would anyone think it wise to fuck with Derek Alexander, my delicious hunk of yummy Marine man meat!??! Big Mistake!!

If you love this series this is a must read, I am hoping we get little snippets of Derek & Mel for a long time to come, yeah, that's my inner voyeur talkin' - can't help it, she's a greedy bitch and I think I mentioned my slightly obsessive love for these characters!!

Oh, and if you have not read any of the books in this super sexy series, get on it! I really have no idea what you could be waiting for!!!

Blog Tour #Review & #Giveaway ~ Number Thirteen by Bella Jewel


**AUTHOR NOTE - This is NOT a BDSM Romance**

We're thirteen girls, captive, slave to our master.
A master we've never seen.
Obedience will become all we know in our shallow existence. It is the only emotion we're permitted to feel.
When we're bad, we're punished. When we're good, we're rewarded.
Our scars run deep. Yet we survive, because we have to...
because HE teaches us to.
All of us are special, we feel it with everything we are.
He has us for a reason, but it's a reason we don't know.
We've never seen his face, but we know that something deeply broken lies beneath the darkness. With every touch, with every punishment, we know it.
Then something changed.
He showed me who he truly is.
Now I want him.
I'll go against everything I know to be with him.

A monster.

My monster.

Loving him is a sin, but a sinner I am. I won't stop until I see every part of him. Even the parts he keeps locked deep down inside.

I am Number Thirteen, and this is my story.

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About the Author

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights was released in August 2013.

3.5 Stars

Loving him is a sin; of that I’m fully aware. But a sinner I am.

Whatever preconceptions you have about this book, throw it out the window.

This is not dark erotica.
This is not a BDSM novel.
This did not contain those dark elements I was expecting.

I’ve had a little bit of time to process this story and the more I think about it, the more disjointed I feel. It’s not necessarily bad or anything. I just think it could’ve been more.

No one deserves to die.
But I did die, that day.
And in my place, a monster was born.

We immediately learn the cruelty that William had to endure when he was only thirteen. He was targeted and tormented by bullies. Not only was there emotional abuse, but those bullies also changed him physically. He was not the same after that traumatizing encounter.

“I do not trust, nor do I give myself to anyone. I am a simple few elements, Number Thirteen. I am determination, I am control, and I am power. I do not mix, I do not remove, and I do not add. I will care for you as my lover; I’ll give you everything you need, but asking for more is pointless and a waste of both our time.”

Thirteen women have been taken. We don’t know the circumstances to which they lived their lives before the abduction. Why were they taken? Where are they headed? Do these thirteen women have a commonality? What is their purpose?

When we first meet these women, they are only known by the number in which they have been assigned. The women were ultimately divided up in four groups; each assigned a different task to the household – cook, clean, chores, or whatever the Master William desires.

This is Number Thirteen’s story. As the story progresses, we watch her internal struggle to find out who she was and why exactly she was chosen, especially since her group is to serve the Master, whatever that may mean. She initially has a hard time adjusting to her situation and often finds herself being punished for her defiance. What she slowly learns is that Master William has an agenda for her and for these women. He is not what he seems.

It’s in that moment I just see him for what he is: a jagged piece of glass that can never be glued back into its spot because it’s not perfect. It has rough edges, even though the middle is still stunning.
I’m a piece of gagged glass, too. Maybe together we can find a way to fit.

This story was a bit…confusing at times. I hate to admit it, but I struggled a little bit with this story. I kept trying to keep tabs of each girl – their look, their mannerisms – trying to figure out what William’s ultimate goal was. It got a bit distracting and it took a bit of time to find out what exactly he wanted. Once I (kind of) got the gist of it, it made a little sense, but by that time it felt a little too late, if that makes any sense. However, there were some bright spots in the story; there were even some fist pump moments – especially when Number Thirteen put William’s father in his place. Plus the moments when William was finally showing his true self, not only to Number Thirteen, but also to the rest of the women, were such a heart warming moments. And that ending? Yea. It made me melt.

So if you’re going to give this a shot, heed my warnings above and try not to focus on each individual girl --- just go with it. Like I said, this had so much more potential, but the story fell a little short.

Oh, on a side note (and I apologize if this is spoilerish), but I was a little taken aback that no justice was done to these bullies. I felt a little cheated. Just sayin.

**Complimentary advanced copy was provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


#Review ~ How to say Goodbye by Amber Lin

Amy has a secret: no one’s ever held her hand. She doesn’t even know how to hug. Everyone thinks she’s smart, but straight A's are way easier than making friends. Then she meets Dane, a golden-haired surfer whose easy charm and hot touch teach her what she longs to know.

Dane lives for the salty breeze and a sweet wave, because that’s all he has. He’s been on the streets since he was fourteen. A drifter. Homeless. Then he meets Amy. Smart and accomplished, she’s everything he’s not. He wants to be the sort of man who deserves her.

Except that means facing down his past—and that past might very well swallow them both.
3.5-3.75 Stars

She wouldn’t see him again, because she didn’t know how to be close to another human being. No textbook had ever taught her.

The premise of this story was very intriguing to me. This sounded different and the H/h were definitely out of the box: A heroine who has never neither hugged nor held hands paired with a homeless Hero. I wanted to know exactly why these characters were the way they were, like what made them this way and what exactly brought them together. How will their relationship work?

“No,” she said and then kissed him back, firmer now. This was falling and floundering, gasping for air and finding nothing but him. Only him. She never wanted to be okay again.

Amy was abandoned by her mother and was raised by her Uncle. Physical interaction was very lacking in her life - at home, at school – even her interaction with her mother was only through the phone. It’s no wonder all her focus was in succeeding academically.

As mysterious as Amy was, she was nothing compared to Dane. First off, I loved Dane. I didn’t care if he was homeless – he was such a great guy. He was sweet, caring and unbelievably tender. Though he struggled to come to terms with what a man like him in his situation can really offer a girl like Amy, he still treated her delicately and respectfully; he made me melt.

He groaned, his eyes closing. “Why do you put up with me?”
She could turn him away and find someone more stable to be with. But she’d always preferred the mysterious beauty of the sky to the ground she walked every day. If there was ever anyone prepared to wait for him, she was. She’d waited her whole life for someone to love her. She could wait for him too.
“Because there’s nothing else I’d rather do.”

I couldn’t really give this story a full four stars simply because it took a while for the story to get going. Not only that, but I wanted more development of Amy and Dane’s relationship. Not that it was rushed or anything, but I think it needed a little more something. However, I cannot stress how much I loved Dane. I understood his hesitance and his reluctance, but I admired at how much he respected her enough to want to become more for her.

** Complimentary Copy provided by author in exchange for honest review**