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Hard As You Can (Hard Ink #2) by Laura Kaye ARC Review

Title: Hard As You Can
Author: Laura Kaye
Series: Hard Ink #2
Release Date: February 25, 2014


Five dishonored soldiers.
Former Special Forces.
One last mission.
These are the men of Hard Ink.

Ever since hard-bodied, drop-dead-charming Shane McCallan strolled into the dance club where Crystal Dean works, he’s shown a knack for getting beneath her defenses. For her little sister’s sake, Crystal can’t get too close. Until her job and Shane’s mission intersect, and he reveals talents that go deeper than she could have guessed.

Shane would never turn his back on a friend in need, especially a former Special Forces teammate running a dangerous, off-the-books operation. Nor can he walk away from Crystal. The gorgeous waitress is hiding secrets she doesn't want him to uncover. Too bad. He’s exactly the man she needs to protect her sister, her life, and her heart. All he has to do is convince her that when something feels this good, you hold on as hard as you can—and never let go

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5 Thrilling, Intense, Suspenseful Stars! 

As I read the last sentence of this book one word came to mind...Wow! Laura Kaye surely stepped up her game. Hard As You Can is her most intense and most suspenseful book thus far!

I was curious about Shane McCallan from the first book, Hard As It Gets. As I got to know him in this book, my heart just broke for him and the immense guilt he holds inside. While he can't change tragic events from his past, he dedicates his life helping others. Oh boy, Crystal is mixed up in an impossible situation! There's a reason why she works at the seedy dance club, and it's not by choice.

So much goes down in Hard As You Can. This story touches on serious and sensitive subject matter, such as human trafficking and sexual abuse. It paints a picture on the ugly side of life. While Laura Kaye doesn't explicitly go into these things in great detail, she doesn't skim it either. The painful moments are balanced out with incredibly tender and romantic moments. I loved how Shane and Crystal were written. She's a survivor who has an inner strength that allows her to be resilient. He's one of the most caring heroes around, one who has the heart and mind to right a wrong. They are what each other needs at that moment in time. The build-up to when they physically connect intimately was so heart-tugging. Yep, I cried!

You bring out the best in me, sweetness.”

As far as timelines go, this book picks up from where the last book ended. The entire group is back working together as a cohesive unit. More insight into the guys' primary mission is uncovered. The Hard Ink world also gets a tad bigger as new characters are introduced, and I'm excited to see what will happen next! If you're a fan of sweetheart Jeremy like I am, he will make you smile again. I hope we'll see more of him as the series progresses, because I can't get enough of those funny t-shirts!

If you loved this book and seek something similar in terms of intense subject matter and is as anxiety & excitement provoking, then I recommend Pamela Clare's I-Team series. For me, the Hard Ink series is a must-read. I get such a rush reading this type of romantic-suspense. I found Hard As You Can absolutely thrilling!

I would love to hear your comments!

Are you a Laura Kaye and/or Hard Ink series fan? What other romantic-suspense books do you read?

Covet's February Releases & Giveaways! Hot Rock & Pan's Conquest

Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, Like their Facebook page, and join the Book Club.

Today I'm happy to be featuring Covet's February releases:

Hot Rock by Annie Seaton

Special $0.99 Introductory Price!

Megan Miller is on a dream trip to research her doctoral thesis at a rock festival in England. When she arrives in town she’s stunned that her temporary neighbor is the spitting image of her 70’s rock idol, too bad he’s also a world-class jerk. So why can't she stop thinking about him?

Seventies rock star Davy Morgan is a man with a secret: rockin’ in one time and living in another. He holds his privacy close to his heart, so when a beautiful girl who not only loves but truly understands his music moves in next door, he works overtime to keep her at a distance. Easier said than done.

Megan follows Davy to the rock festival, but it’s not what or when it seems. The lure of the music draws them closer, but can their newfound love span across the decades, or will it get lost in time?

Pan's Conquest by Aubrie Dionne

Special $0.99 Introductory Price!

Syrinx pulled a fast one on Pan to escape his raging lust. The God of Chastity wasn't about to break her vows and succumb to his temptations. Transported to the twenty-first century, she runs a florist shop—fulfilling her fake, mortal life. Until the breathtaking Parker Thomas hires her to decorate his grand estate for a gala. Five hundred roses? Easy enough. Except Parker makes her feel things she can't ignore...

As the God of Fertility, Pan is used to maidens flocking in droves to his pastures. So when Syrinx denies him, he's determined to win the one that got away. He poses as a mortal to get close to her, but he doesn't count on falling hard for his conquest—hard enough to make a life and stay.

But Syrinx is falling in love with a man that doesn't exist. Can Pan hide his identity forever, or will the truth tear them apart?

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guilty Pleasures (Guilty #1) by Laura Lee Guhrke

For prim and shy Daphne Wade, the sweetest guilty pleasure of all is secretly watching her employer, the Duke of Tremore, as he works the excavation site on his English estate. Anthony hired Daphne to restore the priceless treasures he has been digging up, but it's hard for a woman to keep her mind on her work when her devastatingly handsome employer keeps taking his shirt off. He doesn't know she's alive, but who could blame her for falling hopelessly in love with him anyway?

Anthony thinks that his capable employee knows all there is to know about antiquities, but when his sister decides to turn the plain young woman in gold-rimmed glasses into an enticing beauty, he declares the task to be impossible. Daphne is devasted when she overhears...and determined to prove him wrong. Now a vibrant and delectable Daphne has emerged from her shell, and the tables are turned. Will Anthony see that the woman of his dreams has been there all along?

Four Solid Stars

“I will not be any man’s duty.”

I always have a difficult time picking out a Historical Romance. I’m very particular, hence why I haven’t read as many as I would like. Plus I have to be in the mood for one and at this time, I was determined to read one.

The reason why I picked this out was because I LOVE stories that involve the spinster-type heroines; the wallflowers, if I may. I love rooting for the underdogs. These heroines are the ones that always seem to surprise the Heroes. Daphne is definitely one these heroines.

She’s been in love Anthony, the Duke of Tremore, since she first laid eyes on him. But a lot of elements stand in the way of her fantasy. One - She is the Duke’s employee. Though her grandfather is a Baron, he hasn’t openly acknowledged her in society. Two - Her looks. She’s not considered a classical beauty, especially when she hides herself in spectacles and dull clothing, but underneath all that does lie a very pretty woman. Three – The Duke doesn’t even truly see her.

When Daphne overhears what Anthony really thinks of her, her heart shatters, but she is determined to move forward. With the help of Anthony’s sister she gets the opportunity to finally be free and take what life has to offer her. With the restraint from loving Anthony losing its hold, she starts to slowly transform into someone the Duke can no longer ignore.

“Men have no character when it comes to women. Love turns us into complete idiots or dishonorable villains. Usually both.”

This was such a fun read and when I got to the end, I smiling like a loon. The pace of the story was a bit slow at times, but it consistently held my interest. The bantering between Daphne and Anthony were my favorite parts. When Daphne finds her voice and starts to let Anthony have it (along with his reactions to them) was priceless. There was mild to a moderate amount of heat for those of you wondering. But before I leave, one thing this story desperately needed was an epilogue. I just wanted a little more Anthony and Daphne.

The Ever Trilogy by Jasinda Wilder

Forever & Always (#1)
These letters are often all that get me through week to week. Even if it’s just random stuff, nothing important, they’re important to me. Gramps is great, and I love working on the ranch. But…I’m lonely. I feel disconnected, like I’m no one, like I don’t belong anywhere. Like I’m just here until something else happens. I don’t even know what I want with my future. But your letters, they make me feel connected to something, to someone. I had a crush on you, when we first met. I thought you were beautiful. So beautiful. It was hard to think of anything else. Then camp ended and we never got together, and now all I have of you is these letters. S**t. I just told you I have a crush on you. HAD. Had a crush. Not sure what is anymore. A letter-crush? A literary love? That’s stupid. Sorry. I just have this rule with myself that I never throw away what I write and I always send it, so hopefully this doesn’t weird you out too much. I had a dream about you too. Same kind of thing. Us, in the darkness, together. Just us. And it was like you said, a memory turned into a dream, but a memory of something that’s never happened, but in the dream it felt so real, and it was more, I don’t even know, more RIGHT than anything I’ve ever felt, in life or in dreams. I wonder what it means that we both had the same dream about each other. Maybe nothing, maybe everything. You tell me.
~ ~ ~ ~
We’re pen pals. Maybe that’s all we’ll ever be. I don’t know. If we met IRL (in real life, in case you’re not familiar with the term) what would happen? And just FYI, the term you used, a literary love? It was beautiful. So beautiful. That term means something, between us now. We are literary loves. Lovers? I do love you, in some strange way. Knowing about you, in these letters, knowing your hurt and your joys, it means something so important to me, that I just can’t describe. I need your art, and your letters, and your literary love. If we never have anything else between us, I need this. I do. Maybe this letter will only complicate things, but like you I have a rule that I never erase or throw away what I’ve written and I always send it, no matter what I write in the letter.
Your literary love,

After Forever (#2)
I don’t know who I am anymore. I’m a castaway. Lost. Drowning. I love you. That’s the only true thing I know, and it’s all I have to hold on to. I love you. I’ll love you forever. Until the day I die, and I’ll love you in whatever world comes after this one. I love you so much, Ever. I miss you. Dear Jesus, I miss you. Come back to me.
For forever, and after forever,

Saving Forever (#3)
Ever and Cade,
Sorry I vanished like I did. I’m not sure I can even explain things. I don’t know when I’ll be back. IF I’ll be back. I’m not sure of anything, except that I love you, Ever. You’re my twin, my best friend, and leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I know you don’t understand. Maybe you never will. I hope you don’t, honestly. It would be easier that way. That’s cowardly, I’m sure.
Cade, take care of her. Love her, the way she deserves. The way you always have, for forever and always.
If I could ask you anything, it’s that you remember me as I was, and forget me as I am.
I’m sorry, and goodbye, and I love you.


I have to start by saying how much I LOVED this series!! SO much so that it has been a couple days since I finished and I can’t seem to get these great characters out of my head! I know I am posting this review on book 3 but this is going to encompass all three books and I am going to try my damndest to keep it spoiler free. I want to try to express how amazing this story was without giving away any of the ‘OMG-Holy Shit-WTF! That did not just happen’ parts.

We start in book one with Caden and Ever meeting at art camp at 14 and hitting it off, they become instant friends. Now, of course they are young and live quite a distance from each other, so they decide to become pen pals at the end of camp. Now, in this day and age of social media, texting and every kid over the age of 6 having their own cell phone, I was just giddy at the idea of pen pals! Actual letter writing, sending in the mail, pen pals! Oh, and their letters over the next four years are just beautiful. I love Cade and Ever together!! However, if there ever was a boy who needed some good luck it’s Cade! Holy Shit, that boy is simply amazing for just not losing his shit over the years. So many shitty things happen in his life that you just want to stop everything and hug him, like every few pages!

But through it all he had his letters to Ever and hers to him and they both grow into adulthood! When they finally get together IRL (in real life) it is simply magical – there is just no other word for it. It’s like they became whole once they finally made it to each other. I like to think this is my favorite of the three books just because it is sweet and hopeful and we need that to get through what’s coming!

Ok, I’m not sure how to go on to book two without giving shit away so I am going to be very vague, sorry but all I can say is YOU NEED TO READ THESE!

“I love you. No matter what. Forever and Always.”

Tragedy strikes at the end of book one. And turns their lives upside down! All of their lives. Including the life of Ever’s twin sister, Eden, who hasn’t had a real big part up until now but is thrown into the thick of it. This is probably one of the saddest, most emotional stories I have ever been totally captivated by! And I was, TOTALLY CAPTIVATED. You can actually feel the pain radiating off of the pages! There were parts that I would all of a sudden realize I had been crying because it was heartbreaking!

Now don’t lose faith, we have to get through the pain to come out the other side, right? Well, pull your sobbing ass through book two and on to book three where we have overcome tragedy, but now there are some issues that have to be dealt with. Sometimes grief and loneliness result in some unwise choices and when those come to light we need to deal with the consequences.

“Sometimes, all you can do is push through. Make mistakes and accept them.”
Book three finds the addition of a new character, Carter, whom I loved btw! Eden meets him when she moves up to Traverse City. I can’t give you a whole lot more, other than there are a lot of things to be resolved in book three and I promise you they are and you will end satisfied, although emotionally drained! All of them and I promise you all of our characters get a hard won, well deserved HEA!