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Blog Tour ~ Tainted Bodies (The Photographer #1) by Sarah Robinson


Kate Jackson is listlessly floating through her life having no idea what or who she wants to be and burdened by the pains of her past. That is until she meets Derrick Kane.

A whirlwind romance leads Kate to believe that Derrick is the answer to all her questions and the patch to heal all her wounds.

Derrick and Kate’s love is quickly tested as a shocking crime forces Kate to have to figure out how to take care of herself and leads her into a mystery that only Kate has the key to solve.

Can she catch an extremely dangerous criminal and keep the love between Derrick and her alive? Find out the conclusion of this thrilling crime drama and contemporary romance in the following books of The Photographer Trilogy.



Kate Jackson stepped onto the metro car
around 8am, heading for work in her usual
morning routine on a crisp Thursday
morning. She had been working in a sales
position for a large company that sold
office furniture to companies all over the
country for quite some time even though it
was unrelated to what she had gone to
school for. She had graduated in the top
ten percent of her class from the University
of Maryland with a psychology degree, so
sales was not her dream job, but at least it
was a job.

The metro car roughly slammed from side
to side as Kate held onto the railing above
her and tried not to fall on the people
around her. It was not proving to be the
simplest task.

Probably not the best day to have worn
these heels, she thought, as she warily
watched the homeless man behind her
eyeing her rear end. Finally, the operator
announced her stop and Kate fought her  
way for the doors before they closed, as
everyone else on the car seemed to be
doing the same thing in fifteen different
directions. Squeezing through, she slid past
the crowd and snaked her way to the
escalators, then up and out of the ground,
onto the street.

She never looked forward to going to
work in the mornings even though she
appreciated the pay check. The tough
economy had made the job market cut
throat and Kate felt lucky to at least have
found anything to pay her bills. She had
been gifted the job from a friend of her late
father, who pitied her situation and owned
the company. Lenny had become a great
father figure for her and her sister since
their father had passed away and had
helped them out of many difficult situations
over the year.

Sighing, Kate spotted her favorite
hole-in-the-wall coffee shop, and looking
at her watch, she decided to reward  
herself for her timing by stopping in for a
tall vanilla latte. She opened the door to be
greeted by the delicious smell of coffee
beans and her favorite smiling barista. The
Java Jolt was a morning must-have for her
and she felt her spirit lifting every time she
walked through those front doors.

“Miss Kate, good to see you this
morning, would you like your
usual?” asked Jimmy, a high-school
student whose favorite days at work are
the days that Kate comes in.

Kate was always surprised at the attention
she received from men regarding her
looks. At five foot six inches, she
wasn’t particularly tall. She was far
from stick thin, instead probably a few
pounds over what she should be. She had
dark brown, curly hair that hung all the
way down her back and jumped about in
any way it pleased, regardless of what she

Her pale skin contrasted her dark, piercing
brown eyes, brunette hair color, and ruby
red lips causing an almost doll-like look to
her. She dressed simply but professionally,
going for comfort more than glamour for
the most part, if you didn’t count her
high heel shoes. But even with her striking
features, Kate often thought of herself as
plain and which made her oblivious to the
hints and attempts at flirting from the young

“Thank you, Jimmy, yes
please.” Kate smiles at him.

“ Jimmy, add a large brewed coffee,
two creams, and one sugar to that vanilla
latte order,” said a deep voice
behind her.

Kate whirled around to see the face that
belonged to that deep voice and was
struck by the tall, handsome grin staring
back at her.

“Excuse me? Do I know
you?” Kate asked, defiantly,  
stomping her foot on the ground in an
attempt to look more confident.

“Well you should, if you are
planning on buying me a drink, or do you
just make a habit of buying strange men
their coffee?” The tall man jokingly
smiled at her.

To Be Continued....  


Derrick woke up with a start and looked
around, unsure of where he was and trying
to see in the dark. It only took him a few
moments to remember that he was at
Kate’s apartment in her bed and it
was the middle of the night. He
wasn’t sure what had woken him,
maybe a dream or a sound? He felt uneasy 
though, like something was off.

He saw that Kate was still fast asleep next
to him. She was laying on her side facing
away from him and the sheet was draped
over her hip, leaving the rest of her bare
body exposed. Her pale skin glistened in
the dark as he took in the curves of her
waist and shoulders and then the softness
of her neck as her hair landed on the pillow
behind her.

Derrick was leaning up on his elbows in
bed wide awake and he still didn’t
know why but something in his stomach
felt off. He decided to get up and go to the
bathroom, maybe he had eaten something
wrong. He carefully slid off of the bed,
taking care to not disturb Kate and wake
her up. Derrick headed to the bathroom
down the hallway but he paused, thinking
he saw something in the shadows.

The living room was at the end of the short
hallway and there was some sort of

movement in the shadows cast from over
there. He slowly approached the living
room entrance, looking down at the wood
floors where he saw the unmistakable
shape of a person in the shadows. He
quieted his breathing and tried to calm
himself down, his heartbeat was pounding.

Somebody was in the apartment.

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About the Author

Sarah Robinson is a native of the Washington, DC area and has both her Bachelors and Masters Degree in psychology while working as a mental health therapist with poor and homeless populations with severe mental illnesses as well as an advocate for a national cancer research foundation.
Writing has been her hobby since high school and she has been published several times from poetry to short stories. Her blog features her latest poetic accomplishments at http://www.smallvoiceslargehearts.com/.
Sand & Clay was her first full length novel and came out in its second printing, a "holiday edition", in mid-December 2013. Her second book, Tainted Bodies (Part One of The Photographer Trilogy) came out on January 1st, 2014 so make sure to get your copy asap!
Her writing often concentrates on the complexity of love and emotions and the struggles of finding your destined path through life as well as overcoming life's tragedies and misfortunes. Much of her inspirations come from the lovely and spiritual love she shares with her new husband, Justin, and the emotions around falling head over heels in love with your soulmate. She and her new husband are also animal enthusiasts and have 14 pets as well as volunteering with multiple animal shelters and rescues. Her celebrity idol is Ellen Degeneres, she even named one of her dogs after her!
You can find more information on her facebook page

Hosted by:

Butterfly by Sibel Hodge writing as Elle Harper

 Title: Butterfly
Author: Sibel Hodge writing as Elle Harper
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance 
Grace Elliot is falling apart. Overwhelming tragedy has turned her world into a dark and lonely place. Facing the pain and the ghosts is impossible. Hiding her secret behind a mask of confidence and living a lie is the only thing she knows how to do. She's alive...but not living.

Counsellor Ben Hardy is certain he can help Grace heal. Maybe it's a way to rid himself of the demons haunting him from that one horrific night when his life shattered.

When they meet, everything changes, and their pasts offer them a remedy to save each other...until Ben's traumatic history threatens to destroy the trust they've built.

Will the truth tear them apart? Or will it force them to understand the healing power of forgiveness and love?
Book Links:
Author Link:

Four Stars 
Butterfly was an instance of two incredibly sad stories that come together to find healing and a HEA!

'The butterfly is powerful symbol of metamorphosis. The way we can move through different cycles in our lives and find happiness again.'

Grace Elliot has suffered something no woman should ever have to, especially at the hands of someone who is supposed to care for her, and it has totally broken her! Though she is incredibly good at hiding that pain in public, she is completely shattered inside. Grace does know one thing though. If she is ever going to get through this she needs help! Professional help. She just can't bring herself to go for it.

When your soul cries, no one can hear it, and the wounds you can't see hurt the most.

It is on a failed attempt at group therapy that she catches Ben's eye. She is running from the women's center when Ben Hardy sees a pain in her eyes that he recognizes immediately. Because it was the same pain his sister had before she gave up and took her own life. At this point I like to think fate intervened and pushes them together. Simply because they need each other.

"You are not a rape victim, Grace, you're a survivor. And you're not ordinary, you're extraordinary for surviving." ~Ben

Ben has a big secret in his past as well, but he is now a counselor getting certified in rape counseling to help women and he teaches a self defense class. See....Fate!

Grace can't believe she can be with Ben, who is a former MMA fighter and HUGE btw, and she doesn't feel threatened. She actually feels safe and when she reveals what happened to her he helps her by teaching her ways to cope and get through the pain. Now as you can imagine, they fall in love. Oh, don't get me wrong, it's a long beautiful, bumpy ride but they get there!

This was a beautiful story of two broken people who help each other through the pain and healing to find love and a life together!

Brutally Beautiful (Beautiful #1) by Christine Zolendz

A deadly game of hide and seek. 

With blood still on her hands, Samantha Matthews is on the run, running from dark secrets and a man she prays to God will never find her. Running and hiding, just to stay alive. She had no choice but to run, to leave, to hide and forget about her life before. When Samantha believes she's gained enough distance from her past and her demons, she stops running, hoping to find her future in the heavily wooded area of the Adirondack Mountains, a place she never expected to encounter a man with secrets as dark and as sordid as hers. 

Kade Grayson is hiding, not from the demons after him, but from himself and from the entire outside world, wishing every day he could have just died. Arrogant and domineering, he’s tormented and terrorized by his past, seeing nothing good for his future. With the ghosts of his past still haunting him, he has exiled himself to a life of solitude, only living for his words and through his stories.

Until her.

An undeniable attraction, turns into hate and then ultimately obsession, an obsession that grows into a powerful story of love and redemption.
Will the bond they have begun to build between them grow stronger than the tragedies that have scarred both of their lives? Or will they allow their demons to consume them?

Four Stars

I felt wanted. Desired. Hungered for. Lusted. Preyed on. 

I was a bit hesitant on picking up another Christine Zolendz book, not because she can’t write a fantastic story, but because she always leaves me sexually frustrated. Yea, no lie. Her last series, the Mad World, is a prime example. However I’m glad to inform you that she made up for her lack of heat in her previous series to give us this hot-as-fuck-had-me-screaming-oh-my-god-this-is-crazy story. You have been warned.

I wanted to hate her, break her, and keep her the hell away from my sick, twisted mind. But, there was no point in lying to myself, was there? Because I wanted a taste of her even more. I wanted her. 

Kade is one of the most beautifully damaged Heroes I’ve ever come across. The man is intense. He was very hard to like to be quite honest. He’s dark, antisocial and so broken. His past is filled with violence and hurt. To combat his long list of issues, he finds an outlet in writing some pretty gruesome horror stories; he’s actually famous for it. Living in his fictional worlds, he can control his inner demons. But meeting Lainey threatens well-controlled world. He has never met anyone like her before. The very first sight of her intrigues him. 

Unafraid and confident. Fearless. Impressive and deadly sexy.
Beyond sexy. 

Our heroine, Lainey, is one tough chick. Her real name is Samantha, but only her best friend, Bree/Jennifer, will tell you that. Both girls are on the run. Lainey has just escaped her crazy husband…and when I say crazy, I mean the man is completely unhinged. She knows how to defend herself and isn’t meek at all. I loved that no matter what came at her, she always seemed to face things head on. She doesn’t mean to hide from her husband, he gave her no choice actually. So when she meets the brooding Kade, she knows exactly how to deal with him. 

All I wanted was to seep into her skin, curl myself around her heart, disappear completely and escape into her body. To have her taste on my tongue forever, have her smell and touch drown me, and her face always in my sight.
I wanted to erase everything fucked up that had ever hurt her. I wanted to spill myself inside her and fill her with me, no one else. 

Kade seems to be losing his well-built control around Lainey. He doesn’t like it and does everything to prevent her from seeping into his skin. Slowly, and very painfully so, she starts to invade his every thought and action. The stubbornness of Kade had me screaming at him. I understand his hesitance, but seriously…he was one big mind fuck. 

“I’m falling in love with you, Sam, and I’m going to let you destroy me.” 

This was great read. It got a bit angsty in some parts and Kade definitely challenged my patience, but he ended up capturing my heart anyway. This can considered a stand-alone, but I see that the author is continuing this couple journey, which I have no problems with whatsoever. Looking forward to more…

Lifers by Jane Harvey-Berrick

After eight years in prison, twenty-four year old Jordan Kane is the man everyone loves to hate.

Forced to return to his hometown while on parole, Jordan soon learns that this small town hasn't changed since he was carted off to juvie all those years ago. He is the local pariah, shunned by everyone, including his own parents. But their hatred of him doesn't even come close to the loathing he feels every time he looks in the mirror.

Working odd jobs for the preacher lady, Jordan bides his time before he can leave this backwards town. But can distance erase the memories that haunt him? Trapped in the prison of his own mind Jordan wonders if the pain of living will ever subside?

Torrey Delaney is new in town and certainly doesn't behave in a way the locals believe a preacher’s daughter should. Her reputation for casual hook-ups and meaningless sex is the talk of the town. Add that to her budding friendship with the hardened ex-con handyman, and the good Reverend is less than thrilled with her estranged daughter’s path.

As friendship forms, is it possible for two damaged people who are afraid to love take their relationship to the next level? Can Torrey live with Jordan’s demons, and can Jordan break through Torrey's walls? With the disapproval of a small town weighing heavily on them, will they find their place in the world? Can they struggle against the odds, or will their world be viciously shattered?
Is love a life sentence?

Due to scenes of a sexual nature, not recommended for under 18.

3.75-4 Stars

“I think,” I said slowly, “that meeting you has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” ~ Jordan 

As soon as Ms. Harvey-Berrick asked me to read her upcoming release, there was no way I was going to turn her down. I love this author’s writing. Her stories are amazing and the synopsis for this book immediately had me intrigued. 
I’m a big fan of second chances, especially if those characters deserve it. In this story, Jordan Kane definitely deserves it. He’s been incarcerated for the past eight years. His crime: The accidental killing of his brother Michael. Forced to serve his parole in his hometown, Jordan has no choice but to endure the harsh treatment the townsfolk is bestowing on him – even calling him a murderer without any hesitation. The only persons speaking to him without curses were the Reverend Meredith Williams and her daughter Torrey Delaney. 

…a woman like that got me imagining all kinds of things. 

Along Jordan, Torrey was the other talk of the town. She’s known as the Rev’s wild daughter; promiscuous and unapologetic. When she first meets Jordan, she doesn’t understand why people are treating him so cruelly. She ignores their actions and decides to show him kindness. When she finds out about his past, she has a tough time believing that this shy, polite and handsome man could be a murderer. She knew there was more to it than that.

I couldn’t do the math. The sweet, shy guy I’d met on two occasions just didn’t fit with the image of a violent criminal that mom was painting. Something was off, but I had no clue what it was. I mean, I could see he was a big, strong guy with abs like a washboard, but he just didn’t seem the aggressive type. The only vibe I’d got from him was that he was lonely. 

Torrey & Jordan start to form a friendship, though very reluctantly on Jordan’s part; he doesn’t want to bring Torrey into his already fucked up life. However Torrey is pretty persistent in her perusal of getting to know more about Jordan. Their friendship is constantly scrutinized by their community and especially from Torrey’s pastor mother. But nothing gets in their way and soon they find themselves falling for one another. 

“You know what your problem is? You’ve turned Mikey’s death into a life sentence – for all of you – for Paul, for Jordan. You turned them into lifers. That’s what you’re doing here – and that’s what you want for Jordan. But I’m not going to let it happen. I’m not going to let him suffer anymore. What you do with your lives is up to you, but Jordan deserves better than that. And I’ll spend the rest of my life with him, making sure he knows he’s loved – and that’s he’s forgiven.” 

Jordan’s character made me unbelievably sad at times. His belief that his brother’s death was completely his fault, lead him to believe that any punishment is justifiable: His alienation from his parents, the cruelty of community and a lifetime of loneliness. It wasn’t until Torrey started to break through his walls that he started to imagine a more different life. 
This was such a moving story. I loved the relationship between Torrey and Jordan – they just seem to get one another. It was a bit slow moving at times, but once Jordan started to open up a little more, it moved at a better pace. There wasn’t a lot of steam, but that was okay. I just wanted Jordan happy again. 

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

The Dark Light of Day by T.M. Frazier

Warning: This is not your typical romance. The story of Abby & Jake contains disturbing situations, graphic violence, sex, strong language, drug use, and all types of abuse.

Abby has been through hell and has survived one of the most brutal childhoods imaginable...barely.

To the outside world she is just a loner with an attitude.

When her grandmother dies in a tragic explosion, Abby is left with questions-and nothing else.

Homeless, sleeping in a junkyard, and on the run from a system that has failed her over and over again, she meets Jake, a tattooed blue-eyed biker with secrets that rival her own.

Two broken souls that can't be healed. They can't be saved.
Abby & Jake have to decide if they can accept the darkness not only within one another, but within themselves.

If they can accept each other for who they really are, they might be able to learn that love isn't always found in the light.

4.75-5 Stars

A revenge kill is the best kind of kill.But a revenge kill for your family, with your woman's permission? That's borderline erotic. 

Is it wrong to be completely turned upside down and turned on by that? Yea. This book has made an utter mess of me and I'm one happy girl because of it.

Sick, twisted Abby was in love with the sick, twisted, beautiful Jake. 

Signs that I just read a kick-ass book:
- As soon as I finished, I wanted to re-read all over again.
- I have a TON of highlights, reminding me of why I couldn’t put this book down.
- It’s been hours since I finished, but I’m still re-playing my favorite scenes in my head.
- This was unique, and completely fucked up, but it somehow burrowed into my skin and left a lasting impression.
Sigh… I feel a book funk coming…

I fell asleep that night in the arms of a killer. I’d never slept better. 

This story was not an easy read. My emotions were all over the place. Just when I was beginning to breathe and feel happy, the next minute it felt like someone punched me really fucking hard. What. The. Fuck?! I seriously couldn’t breathe for most of this book.

It was the best pain I’d ever felt. We were just us. Broken and bruised. Fucked up and messy. And together we were everything we never thought we could be. We didn’t need sweet and gentle. I didn’t need to be coddled. I needed Jake, and he gave himself to me just as I gave myself to him.” 

Abby and Jake are two very broken characters. As a matter of fact, they were probably two of the most fucked up characters I’ve ever encountered. I can’t even begin to dive into their individual issues, but just know that they have been through aLOT of fuckedupness and one thing is for certain, these two are survivors. They were brought together when they were at their most vulnerable.

“Why do I want to touch you? Are you fucking kidding me right now? I want to help you. I want to hold you. I want to make it all okay for you. I want to fucking touch you because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, and I can’t imagine never being able to hold your hand or kiss you.” I thought that was everything, but then he added, “And yes – I want tofuck you, too, like I’ve never wanted anything in my whole life.” 

I can’t really pinpoint what it was about this story that made the biggest impact. Maybe it was the culmination of various things that made this story memorable. I loved Jake’s character – the killer and the protective nature in him made him who he was; he owned his identity and I loved him more for it. As for Abby, I admired her strength and willingness to move forward. Redemption was a key theme in this book. It was prevalent in both the H/h, but the one that shocked me and made me cry was for Jake’s father, Frank. I so did not see that coming. But anyway, I digress. Just know that this was dark, twisted and completely out of the box…LOVED it.