Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

The Broken (Broken #1) by Ker Dukey

When River’s already broken life shattered further on her sixteenth birthday, she was forced to be with the wrong best friend of her brothers. She was meant for Sammy but circumstance and black mail forced her into a relationship with Danny, a troubled, abusive partner. Leaving the only boy she ever loved to flee. Now four years later he has returned. When her feelings and missing parts of herself that left with him return also, loyalty, restraint and love will be tested. Can she find a way to leave the threatening clutches of Danny, to finally be saved by her childhood love? Or will Danny’s hold on her tighten when more life shattering events consume their already troubled lives? 

When Sammy returns home, after four years of being away from the girl that broke his heart, he’s not prepared for all his old feelings to force their way straight back into his heart. Questions that were left unasked when he left begin to plague him, when the sudden relationship between River and Danny all those years ago seems all the more confusing now. Secrets, mistrust and Danny’s possessive behaviour sends up red flags and Sammy begins doubting himself for leaving in the first place.

When the spark between Sammy and River finally ignites it will leave explosive consequences for everyone.

3.5 Conflicting Stars

**Spoilers below**

I cry, broken. I cry for my brother, I cry for my father, I cry for my stolen innocence, and I cry for Sammy. I was meant for him. 

This story is one gigantic clusterfuck. I shit you not. Thank goodness I got this as a freebie on Amazon. After finishing this book, I don’t know whether to warn readers away or … or … shit, I don’t know. 

I’m going to get this out of the way now so potential readers can be forewarned: The ending…I seriously have no words. No. Fucking. Words. I have to ask the author: What the fuck? Why did you end it like that? Don’t you think that after what you put me through, you could’ve at least ended it better? Anythingwould’ve been been better than that! Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!! Huffs**Pouts** 

“Can you fix me, Sammy? Can you want something so ruined and destroyed? Can you put me back together and make me whole again? Because whatever is left me, the real me, you have her. You own all of her, all that’s left. My thougths, my body, and my heart. Can you save me? Sammy, please save me. Please save me.” 

River’s life is … complicated. I’ve never met a heroine with such a fucked up life. So many things have gone wrong for this girl. Let’s tick them off, shall we?
- Sexually abused by her father
- Raped by her brother’s best friend Danny on her sixteenth birthday
- Blackmailed into a staying with Danny, who is highly obsessed and possessive of her, for the last four years,
- Drug addicted brother, who actually is a good guy, but life dealt him a horrible hand.
- Her only love, Sammy, ran away because his heart was crushed because he thought River chose Danny over him

Seriously…this girl’s life is full of fucking drama. I’m sorry for all the swearing, but this story will make you do that.

“I love you, and I’ll try every God damn day to save you, River, I promise. I’ll save you, baby.” 

I was one big ole mess, but for some fucked up reason, I couldn’t stop reading. Shit. I’m seriously fucked in the brain. This was filled with drama, and not your regular old kind either. It was one mess after another. This story was pretty graphic, too; not only the sex, but everything in between, too. I normally like these screwed up dark reads and I would’ve given this book more stars, but I was too shocked and too pissed about the ending to do so. I can understand why some readers hated this story. Like I said, it was one gigantic clusterfuck. 

Oh! Before I go, I just have to state that one big bright spot in the story was Jasper, Sammy’s best friend. I fucking adored this guy. He’s such a smartass, but completely sexy and funny as hell. I wonder how his book will turn out. Hmmm….

BLOG TOUR ~ Sweet Rome (Sweet Home #2) by Tillie Cole Review & Giveaway!!

You met Romeo Prince in the Amazon & USA Today bestselling novel, Sweet Home. Now hear the story from his lips: unbarred, uncensored and raw to the bone.

It makes me laugh when I hear that folk think Mol and I rushed into it too fast, spouting that we couldn't possibly have felt what we did for each other in such a short space of time. I say, how the hell would they know? We made it, didn't we? She became my whole life, didn't she? And as for my folks not being real, being true? Tell that to me aged ten, eleven, twelve — damn, all my bastard life — when I was never enough, when I was beaten until I bled for being too good at football and not being everything they'd dreamed: the perfectly dutiful son. Tell that to thousands of kids around the world getting wailed on by asshole parents for whatever stupid reason; tell them that evil don't exist in their eyes. 

Fuck Romeo and Juliet: this is the story of me and my girl, from my lips. No mushy sentiment, no cheese, just the plain, hard truth, and, because I'm feeling generous, I'm going to let you in on more of our story too.

Sweet Rome is a New Adult Companion Novel to Sweet Home — contains adult content, sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up
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Five Stars

"Hey, Mol."

"Hey, you."

"You going to give up that lucky sweet kiss?"

"If that's what you want."

"It most definitely is." 

**Photo by Sports Illustrated**

I was an undeserving motherfucker, completely worthless – I’d been told so all my life – but that only made what she said that much more special. To her, I was worthy. 

I don’t think I’ve said it enough, so saying it one more time isn’t going to hurt:

I love you, Romeo Prince…so, so much. 

Le sigh…

I seriously have the silliest smile on my face. I know I must look ridiculous, but it’s ok. I’ll own my sappy spirit right now because I’m on a high. When I heard Tillie was going to rewrite Sweet Home in my beloved Romeo’s POV, I went ballistic. Bal-fucking-listic. I fucking LOVED that book, but to read it from Romeo’s POV? Fuck. Yea. I dropped my current read and jumped right on in to this one. I had to have my dose of Romeo.

“It only took Romeo one look at Juliet and his fate was sealed. Maybe I’m just like my namesake, and maybe you’re just like yours.” 

Romeo’s life was turned upside down when he ran into a flustered Molly just outside of the Philosophy lecture room. He didn’t know what to make of this girl, but as soon as they started to talk, he realized that this girl didn’t know who he was. Not to sound cocky, but he knew who he was, what he is to the University: He’s the star QB for the Crimson Tide – everyone knew who he was and everyone wanted a piece of him, except Molly. 

“I like the way you are with me. I like me when I’m with you. I feel like I could tell you anything, that I could bear my fuckin’ black soul. You make me feel… well… you know… You get me?” 

Molly was unlike any girl Rome has ever known. He can just be him around her with no pretenses or expectations. As they start to open about their pasts, Romeo begins to realize how much he’s changing because of her. The pressures of being who he is and what his overbearing parents expect of him, Rome has a tendency to blow his fuse; he seems to be constantly angry, but being with Molly just calms him. He no longer lashes out nor does he use sex for release. All he needs is her. With Molly by his side, anything is possible. 

“I’m going to take you now. I’m going to show you what you mean to me, how much I want you, and show you that you’re mine. You get me, baby?
“I get you, Romeo,” she replied with that sweet damn smile that she reserved just for me.
My smile, my girl…my fucking life. 

This was fucking incredible. It was like reading one of my all-time favorite books all over again. Reliving all my favorite scenes through my Romeo’s eyes just makes me all gooey inside. I’m sincerely one happy girl. Thank you so much, Tills, for the opportunity to read this ARC. I love it. I love it. I love it. 

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

Looking up through the thick crowd, the first thing I noticed was a long line of pledges decked out in tight togas and opposite them, a line of football players, most sporting hard-ons as they waited their turn to kiss the blindfolded girl before them.
Shelly was such a child at times, and I couldnt believe she was having these girls do this shit.
"What the fuck? You're actually coming to enjoy the show? You feeling okay?" Austin said from his place lounging against the wall, sounding more than shocked at my presence. I decided to ignore him too as I searched along the line.
Molly was at the very end, standing awkwardly, fidgeting nervously, but still looking her unique kind of hot under that thick, black blindfold. And hell if my mind didn't wander to what I could do with that piece of material and all the ways to make her scream.
Shelly walked past each pledge, grinning and snickering as she went. I saw her signal to Brody MacMillan, the worst-looking guy on the teama guy who waits at least two weeks before showering. His drunken face brightened and he stood before Molly. On instinct, her hand flew to her mouth, and I knew she'd smelled him, his body odor and his complete disregard for hygiene. Mac didn't care, though, never had.
He leaned in, but my feet were already moving, and just as their lips were about to touch, my hands landed on his chest, and I launched him out of the way, his fat ass hitting the floor, his flailing arms bringing down the table of spare blindfolds as he went. "Move, MacMillan. I think you're in my spot," I said in a way that invited no backchat.
I couldn't take my eyes off Molly as her thumb went to her mouth. I was hard, real fucking hard, and couldn't wait one damn minute longer to taste her.
"Ah n-no B-bullet! Shelly said said" I glanced at him on the floor, his beer belly flopping over his too-tight pants, eyes rolling all over the friggin' place.
"I don't give a shit what she said. Go get a fucking drink, or pass out, or something. You get me?"
He sagged to the floor, and I signaled for a few of the freshman players to get him the hell out of this room and into a bed. "I-I get you. I get you, man," he slurred as they dragged him out by his arms.
"Wait! Mac has to"
I held up my hand and glared at Shelly as she approached.
"Shut the fuck up, Shel!" I bit aggressively, and she slinked back to her friends, face outraged and seething at Molly. I still couldn't have cared less.
urning back to Molly, I edged in. She still smelled faintly of vanilla, and I couldn't remember a time I wanted to kiss anyone more.
Moving her hand from her mouth to my waist, I almost groaned as her fingers inched up my sides, her lips parting on a small breath. At that small reaction, I knew she was feeling this weird energy too.

About Tillie Cole
Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses. 
Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.

Author Links
Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads / Website

Tillie Cole is giving away a Kindle Fire HD. This is open internationally. There will also be 30 mobi or epub copies of Sweet Rome given away.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cupcakes and Ink (Clipped Wings #0.5) by Helena Hunting

Title: Cupcakes and Ink
Author: Helena Hunting
Series: Clipped Wings #0.5
Release Date: February 3, 2014 

Tenley Page is looking for a new start: a new city, a new apartment, a new life. Her plan is to keep to herself and stay focused. But leaving her past behind and starting over isn’t as easy as she thought. And neither is maintaining her solitude. As Tenley settles into her new surroundings, she finds herself drawn to Inked Armor, the tattoo studio across the street. But it’s the gorgeous, dark-haired tattoo artist who captures her interest. There’s something about his severe beauty that captivates her—and not just in her waking hours.

Covered in the ink he inscribes on other people’s skin, Hayden Stryker has made a career out of being a tattooist. He’s got his own business and a tight circle of friends. As far as he’s concerned, that’s all he needs. At least until his aunt, who owns the antiques and used book store across from his tattoo studio, hires a new employee. At first his intrigue is based on physical appeal; hot chick equals something nice to look at. But as he begins to catch glimpses of the fiery personality under the fragile, feminine exterior, his fascination with Tenley grows. Annoyed by his inability to control his fixation, Hayden decides the best way to cure him of the new obsession is to get to know the girl under her skittish façade.

But like the ink he wears as armor, Tenley has the ability to get under his skin and stay there.

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Helena Hunting's website:

Four Stars

Cupcakes and Ink is a short prequel to Clipped Wings. My immediate impression is that the synopsis pretty much says it all.  This does give a nice introduction to the main characters in this series. It provides personal observations and insights of what Tenley and Hayden thought of each other before they are even formally introduced, which is really adorable. Helena Hunting's writing has a certain flair for capturing your attention right away. There is something deep going on beneath the surface for both Tenley and Hayden. I definitely got the feeling that the sexual chemistry in this series will be absolutely frustrating and very delicious (*smirks*)...thank you, Hayden!

Seriously, if you like captivating romances with tatted, pierced, and tortured characters, the Clipped Wings series is perfect for you! Cupcakes and Ink will leave you very, very curious!

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.

 Releasing March 4, 2014
Book #1: Clipped Wings by Helena Hunting

Book Links:

Releasing May 13, 2014
Book #2: Inked Armor by Helena Hunting

Book Links:

Entangled Publishing's 3rd Birthday!!!

Entangled is turning 3! 

Entangled launched in 2011 and we’re celebrating! Two years ago this February, we launched our first category imprint with Indulgence. The Marriage Bargain, one of our first releases in Indulgence, went on to be one of the top selling books of 2012 and catapulted Jennifer Probst to the USA Today and NY Times bestseller lists.  Since then, we’ve grown to have six category romance imprints, as well as single title books for teens and adults in our Select, Edge, and Teen imprints, and have had multiple USA Today and NY Times bestsellers.  We’re in our third year and it’s been a wild ride, and it’s just the beginning.

What better month to begin celebrating our third year than February? 

We’re celebrating! All month long, our February new releases, as well as select titles on our Steals and Deals page, are just 99 cents! 

Yes, you read that right. Every new release will be offered at an introductory price of just 99 cents!

Be sure to join our big Facebook celebration from February 24th-28th with scavenger hunts, authors, games, gossip, and lots of fun!

Explore our new website and prepare to find romance, because we have something for everyone and join our “Steals and Deals” newsletter.


We’re kicking off the month-long celebration with three new Brazens, each with a smoking hot military man front and center and each for just 99 cents!

Marine for Hire, by Tawna Fenske

She thought she’d sworn off military men for good…
Sam Kercher is every inch a wickedly hot Marine. Tall. Sexy. Lethal. When his best friends call in a favor, Sam is forced to face an entirely new line of duty—playing nanny for their newly divorced sister and her squirming seven-month-old twin boys. If Sam can dissemble an M16 in his sleep, diaper duty should be a cakewalk…right?
Unfortunately, Operation Nanny isn’t quite that simple. Sheridan has sworn off overbearing military men, so Sam must protect her from her dirtbag ex without revealing just how much he has in common with her brothers. Or that he’s been ordered not to touch her. Ever. Problem is, Sheri’s one hell of a gorgeous woman, capable of making this hard-bodied Marine even harder. And Sam wants her bad.
Protect the girl. Care for the babies. Hide his identity. And keep his hands off. But even the most disciplined Marine has weaknesses...and Sheridan is one Sam might not be able to resist.

Staking His Claim, by Tessa Bailey

He wants her. All of her.
NYPD sniper Matt Donovan is in Hell. Instead of driving his best friend’s little sister home from college, he’s stuck with her roommate—a fresh-faced ray-of-sunshine with a body that makes grown men weep. There’s no way he’ll allow himself to taint the little vixen, no matter how hard she tries to tempt him, so he resigns himself to the longest—and hardest—drive of his life.
Matt’s obvious attraction suits grad student Lucy Mason just fine. She had no idea her brother’s best friend was so deliciously hot. Knowing he’d never have his wicked way with his buddy’s sister, she lies about her identity and seduces him. But Matt’s no fumbling college boy. His desires run deep—and dark—and he wants to teach Lucy what wicked really means.
Matt’s demanding appetites only make Lucy want more. But when her cover's blown, he’s furious—even as his hunger for her becomes insatiable. Matt can’t trust anyone, least of all himself. And he knows all too well that darkness always destroys the light…

Temporarily Yours, by Jen McLaughlin, writing as Diane Alberts

This soldier’s the perfect hoax…if she doesn’t fall for him first.
Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity knows her way around numbers and algorithms. Men, on the other hand, are unsolvable equations. Now Kayla’s en route to her sister’s wedding—without the fictional boyfriend she invented for her family. Fortunately, her plane comes complete with complimentary cocktails and a ridiculously hot ex-marine in the seat beside her. And that’s all it takes for Kayla’s inhibitions to go sailing out the airlock...
Cooper Shillings has soft spot for people in trouble, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to land in it himself—and definitely not while getting naughty mid-air with a sexy southern belle. When he hears Kayla’s predicament, however, he offers his services as a stand-in boyfriend. After all, he’s heading overseas soon...and how could he refuse a little no-strings wickedness?
It’s the perfect plan. And all Kayla has to do is ensure her family falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process...

We appreciate you and want readers to be able to fill up their eReaders all month long with great books at introductory prices. Thank you for an amazing first three years. This is just the beginning.

~The Entangled ‘Love’ Team