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Cover Reveal ~ Transcendence by Shay Savage

Genre: Pre-historical Romance
Expected Release Date: 2.14.14
Cover revealed Presented by
It’s said that women and men are from two different planets when it comes to communication, but how can they overcome the obstacles of prehistoric times when one of them simply doesn’t have the ability to comprehend language?

Ehd’s a caveman living on his own in a harsh wilderness. He’s strong and intelligent, but completely alone. When he finds a beautiful young woman in his pit trap, it’s obvious to him that she is meant to be his mate. He doesn’t know where she came from; she’s wearing some pretty odd clothing, and she makes a lot of noises with her mouth that give him a headache. Still, he’s determined to fulfill his purpose in life – provide for her, protect her, and put a baby in her.

Elizabeth doesn’t know where she is or exactly how she got there. She’s confused and distressed by her predicament, and there’s a caveman hauling her back to his cavehome. She’s not at all interested in Ehd’s primitive advances, and she just can’t seem to get him to listen. No matter what she tries, getting her point across to this primitive, but beautiful, man is a constant – and often hilarious – struggle.

With only each other for company, they must rely on one another to fight the dangers of the wild and prepare for the winter months. As they struggle to coexist, theirs becomes a love story that transcends language and time.

About Shay

Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, two children, and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, and loves soccer in any and all forms. During the fall, she coaches her daughter’s soccer team. Though she currently works in the technology field, her school background is in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.
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Reaper's Legacy (Reaper's MC #2) by Joanna Wylde


Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart—and her virginity—to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn’t have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach’s step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he’s never forgotten.

She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious—her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach’s a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah’s only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands—with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club—to give them a better life.

Living with outlaw bikers wasn’t Sophie’s plan for her son, but Ruger isn’t giving her a choice. He’ll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she’ll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way…

4.5 Stars

Holy shit on a stick. That was…unprecedented. 

Ahhhh, Ms. Joanna Wylde. I just couldn’t resist reading this. I waited a long ass time for the next book in your Reapers’ Series. After I read Reaper’s Property, I craved the next book. You so did not disappoint me with this. It was exactly what I wanted and it certainly brought me out of my book funk. So for that, I thank you! 

Now onto Sophie and Ruger’s story. 

“Answer one question for me – total truth,” he said slowly. I nodded. “Was it real? Yesterday, when I kissed you, when I sucked on your tits and fucked you with my hand? How about when I went down on you four years ago and you screamed my name? Before Zach found us and it all fell to shit. Was that fake?”
“No,” I whispered. “Aside from Noah, that’s the only part of those years I want to remember, because it was beautiful, Ruger. Whatever else happened, you gave me beautiful.” 

Sophie first met Ruger when she was only sixteen. Their meeting wasn’t the best of circumstances either. She was caught by surprise when Ruger walked in on her while losing her v-card to his stepbrother Zach. Eight months later, Ruger was helping her with the birth of Noah, Ruger’s nephew and Zach’s son. Ruger’s life was forever changed after he literally caught Noah during childbirth. He knew he would do anything for him and Sophie.

“You just admitted you’re mine,” he replied slowly. “I’ve been wonderin’ if I could take you – whether Ishould take you. I keep thinkin’ about Noah and whether it’s right for him, but now I get none of it matters, because you’re mind already. You’ve been mine for a hell of a long time and I just didn’t realize it.” 

Ruger is member of the Reapers MC. He loves the life and the freedom to do whatever and whomever he pleases. But no matter how much freedom he had, he knew he would drop everything to help Noah and Sophie whenever they needed him. He thought his connection to her was only because of Noah, but he knew there was more to it. Circumstances brought Sophie and Noah back after four years of being away from him. How long can he resist her, especially with her being so close? 

Sophie’s situation was pretty low. Single mother with a deadbeat ex who never paid child support. Ruger helped her and Noah out of a situation and practically forced her to move in with him. He claims he only wants to keep them safe, but both knew differently. 

There was always a connection between the two ever since they met. We also learn that there was more to their relationship four years ago and why she left. Now that she’s back, she wants more from Ruger, but he’s not ready to settle down for anyone. With Noah in their lives, Sophie knows she knows she needs more from Ruger and is constantly battling her feelings. This is where the heart of the story really lies.

“This whole situation is like a great big zit that needs popping,” she continued. “The damage is already done – your face looks like shit and no concealer’s gonna cover it. You might as well squeeze hard and get your money shot. You’ll both feel better afterward.” ~ Kimber (Sophie’s friend)

Talk about sexual tension! These two needed to get it on or move forward. I was glued to this story thinking oh my god! Is this where they finally give in? I will not lie, these two fought their connection with every fiber of their being. Sorry if that’s dramatic, but it’s so true. I didn’t care though. I knew sooner or later, someone (or both) was going to crack. 

Yea. This was really good, not as good as book one, but pretty damn close. This was just the right amount of sexual frustration, angst, drama and it contained a whole lotta steam. Normally I would get pissed off when the sexual tension would get to be overwhelming, but I did not mind this at all. I don’t know if it was the writing or something else altogether. One thing I know is that I love this series. I’m already counting down until Em and Hunter’s book comes out. With what went down with Em in this book, I was already salivating at what’s going to happen to her and Hunter. Oh, but wait! What about Painter? Yea. Cannot fucking wait!

Ok, so seriously, what's NOT to love about a hot, tattooed, bad-ass biker with a strategically placed, delicious piercing? NOTHING! THAT'S WHAT!!

Let me just begin by saying I love Ruger!! Now, I didn't love him right away mind you. He was such a contradiction, but you just knew he was a great guy, I mean what kind of story would this be if the hero was awesome?!! OMG, the fingerprint tattoos melted me, total teary eyed chick moment for me!!(Once you read it, you'll understand)

Sophie and Ruger are great together! From the very beginning when Ruger's no good stepbrother Zach took her V card and knocked her up, Ruger was the one to step up and be there for her. He even delivered her baby on the side of the road! They spent the next 7 years or so fighting their amazing chemistry. That is until Sophie makes a mistake that puts Noah in danger and Ruger decides enough is enough and takes them home with him. This is where life gets really interesting!

Sophie doesn't understand or trust the life of the Motorcycle club. She believes the stereotype that they are all criminals and incredibly dangerous and absolutely will not live that life. That is my only real complaint, IMO it took Sophie wayyyy to long to realize how much Ruger loved her and that she belonged in, and was safe with the club.

Of course Ruger didn't make that real easy for her, with his Alpha cave man, biker attitude and no need to explain things to her, he just expected her to go along with no question! Hell, it was like he didn't even know her!! :)

But let me just say that once they did get together it was EXPLOSIVE!

“I think you're a raging asshole. Ruger laughed. "Yeah, well I think you're a bitch, but my cock likes you, so we'll figure something out.” 

Yeah, this is what their relationship was like but it was a hell of a ride, literally!! There is a lot of drama and some serious pain and revelations along Ruger & Sophie's journey but it's never boring!

This is the second book in the Reaper's MC Series and I hope there are many more to come because I love the Reaper's and I especially love their motto!!

"Fuck with us, we'll fuck you back. Harder. Always."

Archer's Voice (Sign of Love #4) by Mia Sheridan

When Bree Prescott arrives in the sleepy, lakeside town of Pelion, Maine, she hopes against hope that this is the place where she will finally find the peace she so desperately seeks. On her first day there, her life collides with Archer Hale, an isolated man who holds a secret agony of his own. A man no one else sees.

Archer's Voice is the story of a woman chained to the memory of one horrifying night and the man whose love is the key to her freedom. It is the story of a silent man who lives with an excruciating wound and the woman who helps him find his voice. It is the story of suffering, fate, and the transformative power of love.

THIS IS A STAND-ALONE NOVEL. The first three books in the series need not be read to enjoy this book. New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

Five Stars

Archer Hale’s voice was one of the most beautiful things in the whole wide world. 

It’s official. Mia Sheridan is a writing genius and with this installment, she has cemented herself as one of my favorite authors. This is the fourth book in the Sign of Love Series and I just cannot get enough of it. Not only is each book a standalone, but it seems like each book gets better and better. The Hero in this book floored me. Archer made me a swoony mess. 

The most beautiful kind of fate. 

Bree Prescott was running away from a nightmare. Months prior to hopping into her car headed to the small town of Pelion, Maine, she witnessed the murder of beloved father. She wanted to start fresh, even if it was only a temporary escape. What she didn’t expect is to meet the town recluse, Archer Hale. 

Something about Archer Hale intrigued me - something I couldn’t put my finger on. Something that went beyond the fact that he couldn’t hear or speak and that I was intimately acquainted with that particular disability. I pondered it for a minute, but couldn’t come up with an answer. 

Archer Hale is an enigma - to the town, to its people and especially to Bree. He lost his parents and his Uncle Connor when he was only seven years old. He also lost the ability to speak that fateful night. He lived with his rather strange Uncle Nathan since that night, but when he lost him, he found himself alone; his existence secluded one. He rarely ventures outside his property. The townsfolk are very weary of him. To them, he just…exists. When he met Bree, he couldn’t believe that this woman wanted to know him…Him! She made him believe that he mattered, that his voice mattered. 

I want to be able to love you more than I fear losing you, and I don’t know how. Teach me, Bree. Please teach me. Don’t let me destroy this. 

Archer is such a lost soul. I love Heroes like him. He’s vulnerable, but it wasn’t his handicap that made him such. It was everything around him – the townsfolk, his so-called family, and even his looks – the full on beard and long hair did nothing but make him more invisible. His long isolation only added to his insecurities and it seemed that no amount of reassurance from Bree could ever ease him. So where do they go from here? 

Only you, only ever you. 

I loved this story. Everything about it just clicked. I easily connected with the H/h, especially with Archer. I adored him so much. As for Bree, she was absolutely perfect for him; they were designed for each other and once you read this you will come to the same conclusion too. And their chemistry?! Seriously HOT!Yea. I didn’t think it was possible, but I think this may be my favorite so far of the series. Whatever Mia Sheridan publishes next, I will automatically buy it. This was pure gold. 

It’s just…life. And no matter who we are, we have to take the hand we’re dealt, crappy though it may be, and try our very best to move forward anyway, to love anyway, to have hope anyway…to have faith that there’s a purpose to the journey we’re on.
…And try to believe that maybe more light shines out of those who have the most cracks. 

Outback Dirty (Calendar Men #1) by JoAnne Kenrick

The Calendar Men series from DECADENT PUBLISHING promises a new book boyfriend every month in 2014.  That's 12 novellas with HOT heroes written by various authors!

 ~ Meet Mr. January! ~

Chris Ruter's plan for Australia Day is to beat the heat by letting the beer flow. His New York ex, Janine, seems determined to drive the heel of her sharp stiletto right through the wall he's built to avoid memories of her--but does she want him in front of her camera or in her bed?

Janine Red is ready to get outback dirty to win back her sexy ex. Following him to his plantation, their bushwalk turns into a trip down memory lane. Can the magic of the outback heal her sprained ankle--and their hearts?

Read Chapter 1 HERE 

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JoAnne Kenrick is a multi-published author who writes both contemporaries and paranormals. Her Irish Kisses series earned her the title of a Bookstrand bestselling author, and contemporary romance bestselling author at ARe and Amazon.When JoAnne's not writing, she enjoys creating book adverts and crafting.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids, and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of. Come across the pond and faraway....with JoAnne Kenrick.

Four Stars 

Hello, Mr. January!!!

JoAnne Kenrick kicks off the Calendar Men series Down Under in her steamy novella, Outback Dirty!

While in New York, Chris Ruter met Janine when he volunteered to model for a calendar. Things were going well until she broke his heart. Now Chris is living in the Australian outback. Then Janine turns up out of the blue one day, and things really start to get dirty between the two!

Oh wow! This is my first time reading anything from JoAnne Kenrick, and I'm impressed! Chris is a sensitive guy. It's been about a year since the break-up, and he still can't get his ex out of his mind. Then she's suddenly there, and he's expecting to have his heart broken all over again...poor guy!

I adore second chance stories and quite enjoyed this novella. As I kept reading, I really got into the story. Janine is ambitious, and her history combined with Chris' heartbreak brought a little angst. All the secondary characters were friendly and fun. The outback setting was so beautifully written. Wowza, the love scenes were hot, hot, hot! If you're in the mood for something short and sexy, I don't think you can go wrong with Outback Dirty. I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. February in February Lover by Rebecca Royce!

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

Back to You (Coming Home #3) by Jessica Scott

Title: Back to You
Author: Jessica Scott
Series: Coming Home #3
Release Date: January 7, 2014


He's in for the fight of his life . . .

Army captain Trent Davila loved his wife, Laura, and their two beautiful children. But when he almost lost his life in combat, something inside him died. He couldn't explain the emptiness he felt or bridge the growing distance between him and his family—so he deployed again. And again. And again . . . until his marriage reached its breaking point. Now, with everything on the line, Trent has one last chance to prove to his wife that he can be the man she needs . . . if she'll have him

. . . to win back his only love.

Laura is blindsided when Trent returns home. Time and again, he chose his men over his family, and she's just beginning to put the pieces of her shattered heart back together. But when Trent faces a court martial on false charges, only Laura can save him. What begins as an act of kindness to protect his career inflames a desire she thought long buried—and a love that won't be denied. But can she trust that this time he's back to stay?

Book Links: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo 

Author Link: Website

Five Stars 

I knew Back To You was going to be hard to read! The previous books in this series gave us an idea of Laura and Trent's crumbling marriage. While she's at home working and raising two young kids, he kept deploying over and over again, shutting her out more and more each time. It got to the point where Laura reached her breaking point and had to accept she may have lost her husband completely. Then he came home. Trent was being accused of something, so he came to home to deal with that, and during this time he learns to face his own demons and accept responsibility for what he did to his family.

Boy, did this story tear me apart! Jessica Scott wrote a story filled with realistic and raw emotions. She made me feel the anguish, the disappointments, and the helplessness for both Laura and Trent that I really couldn't take a side. Trent basically had to re-wire his body and mind to adjust to being home. He literally didn't know how to be with his family, cute hamsters and all. When this story begins, Laura has waited so long for Trent that she's actually ready to move on. I loved how the broken dishwasher Laura is dealing with at home is symbolic of her broken marriage...all laid out in pieces. I loved that we get to see their good friends again (Shane, Jen, Vic and Nicole) and witness them all supporting each other, injecting wise words and humor throughout.

Back to You is certainly a story of second chances. It's a story of a soldier coming home. It's a journey of a husband and wife slowly nurturing their neglected marriage. Thank you, Jessica Scott, for using your background, experiences, and expertise to give Laura and Trent such a touching and well-deserved story!