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Blog Blitz Review & Giveaway ~ Weak (Weakness #1) for Him by Lyra Parish

Weak for Him Cover

Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 11, 2014



"Have you heard the saying, 'sex sells'? Well, I'm the supplier."
Finnley Felton sells sex. Jennifer Downs is a virgin. With the help of lady luck, the two meet. Money. Bright lights. Sex. Jennifer is made an offer: sell her virginity to the highest bidder and transform into one of Finnley's girls. But she finds herself weak for him, and doesn't fully realize what she's agreed to until it's too late. Will she rise to the challenge and play by the rules in a land where money is king and love is prohibited? Or will she lose herself and values in the attempt? Weak for him is not considered a "dark" read, but does have unlady-like language, adult subject matter, and s-e-x-ual situations. Weak for Him does not have a cliffhanger. There is resolution but the story does continue on.

"If you think I am bluffing by when I say that "Weak For Him" will give you the ride of lifetime, then I say, take a gamble and see for yourself." –Tiffany @ The Naughty Book Dames"  

Teaser 3


Mr. Felton stood facing the windows in a neatly pressed suit. The black tie complemented the black suit, designer from head to toe. His green eyes met my brown gaze, and I smiled, but only received the ghost of one in return. Once the secretary left us, I searched the room, trying to take in every little detail: abstract art on the wall, a conference table in the back, and a lounge area in the middle. The afternoon light cast a yellow glow in the room. A large oak desk, which screamed business executive, had two chairs tucked in front. The room looked comfortable, welcoming, but also professional. The red velvet curtains that overlooked the atrium were jerked closed. "Hi, Finnley. Thank y—" "It's Mr. Felton." My face flushed. How could I be so inconsiderate and unprofessional? I immediately felt stupid. "Mr. Felton. Thank you for allowing me to interview. I've brought my resume and a list of recommendations. I'd love to join your accounting team if you'd allow me." I outstretched my hand and he left me standing there, awkwardly. The smile faded from my face as he leaned against the wooden desk with his arms crossed. "Take off your clothes." His voice was low and silky. "Excuse me?" The words hit me like cool water. I don't think so, asshole. "The interview has begun, Ms. Downs. If you'd like to join my team, you will do what I say and if you'd prefer not, you are more than welcome to turn around and walk that tight ass through the door, and we can pretend as if this never happened." The fierce tone behind his English accent made me cower. I froze as I calculated my next move. What the fuck? The way he looked at me, exploring my body as if he were undressing me, made my stomach flip. No one had ever observed me that way. With a sprinkle of courage, I searched the blank matter-of-fact expression that covered his face. This man was all business. As his long eyelashes hit the tops of his slightly sun-kissed cheeks, I closed my eyes to regroup my thoughts, then opened them quickly. I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me. He moved his messy hair behind his ears, and then sat on the desk, waiting, wanting, daring me to make my move. "Have you decided? Or are we going to waste the good portion of my time daydreaming?" I swallowed. All I ever wanted to do was live in Vegas among the lights and fast-paced city. How did I get myself into this? Take off my clothes? I wasn't some cheap whore to be bossed around. The thought of undressing in front of him disgusted me… or did it? My heart sped as he watched with a lust and want so fierce I shivered. It was now or never, you only live once, right? I peered behind him and stared at the Vegas strip in the distance. With perfect plump lips, and straight white teeth, Mr. Felton smiled at me. In that very moment, I decided to gamble. I didn't know why because I wasn't much for risks. If anyone was a play-it-safe type of girl, it was me. But in that moment, I wanted to be someone different. I wanted to know the outcome of what waited on the other side. I played with lady luck to see what hand she dealt. Maybe I would get lucky.  
3.75 Stars

Love could be cruel, toxic, and overpowering. 


Yea. That works, but I’m gonna add a few more words to describe this story:


The man was fucking intoxicating to the bone and I hated him for putting a spell on me. I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but lust, yes, I was a firm believer of lust at first sight. That asshole. 

Jennifer had a plan when she moved to Las Vegas. She wanted to leave her life in Texas behind, especially after her parents’ death. Things started off terribly as soon as she showed up in Vegas. First a man walks in on her in her hotel room while she bathes then she gets a flat tire and shows up late for a very important job interview; a job in which all her future hopes rested. But what happens next maybe just what she needed, or it could be just the beginning of something completely different.

“You drive me crazy. Your hair. Your smell. Your innocence.” 

Finnley Felton wants Jennifer. After walking in on her in her hotel room, he offers her a job. Finnley heads The Elite, a very high-end escort service and he wants to sell Jennifer’s innocence to the highest bidder. The only problem: He wants her for himself. He tries to deny his feelings, his attraction to her, but how long can he continue to push her away? How long can he fight especially after he’s already sold her virginity? Can he give up what he consider is his?

Love and lust flowed through my veins, and I felt completely powerless as he touched me. We lost ourselves in the moment, in the nibbles and kisses, in the powerful exchange of pent-up emotions 

This story drove me up the fucking wall. I admired the heroine for never giving up the fight, but there came a time in the story where I just wanted her to say fuck Finn and his crazy ass mind games. It’s not like she didn’t have other options. As for Finn, well, he drove me completely NUTS. He was one stubborn ass Hero. He’s sexy as sin and the scenes between him and Jennifer were hot. Who knew foreplay could be just as sexy as them actually getting it on. Finn was definitely a master at manipulation and mind games. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but this story is just beginning. 

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About the Author
Lyra Parish loves to write, travel, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have to many cats, cups of coffee, or read to many happily ever after's. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Weak for Him (Weakness #1) is Lyra's debut novel. Weak Without Him (Weakness #2) will release Spring 2014. Lyra currently resides in Texas with her husband and black cat. For more information or to contact, please visit: lyraparish.com
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 Hosted By

Love Between the Sheets

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Love Water Memory by Jennie Shortridge ~ Review & Giveaway!

 Title: Love Water Memory 
Author: Jennie Shortridge 

Genre: Women’s Fiction 
Publication Date: January 14, 2014 
Publisher: Gallery Books

Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


If you could do it all over again, would you still choose him? 

At age thirty-nine, Lucie Walker has no choice but to start her life over when she comes to, up to her knees in the chilly San Francisco Bay, with no idea how she got there or who she is. Her memory loss is caused by an emotional trauma she knows nothing about, and only when handsome, quiet Grady Goodall arrives at the hospital does she learn she has a home, a career, and a wedding just two months away. What went wrong? Grady seems to care for her, but Lucie is no more sure of him than she is of anything. As she collects the clues of her past self, she unlocks the mystery of what happened to her. The painful secrets she uncovers could hold the key to her future—if she trusts her heart enough to guide her.

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Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

About the Author


 Jennie Shortridge has published five novels: Love Water Memory,When She Flew, Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe,Eating Heaven, and Riding with the Queen. When not writing, teaching writing workshops, or volunteering with kids, Jennie stays busy as a founding member of Seattle7Writers.org, a collective of Northwest authors devoted both to raising funds for community literacy projects and to raising awareness of Northwest literature.

Connect with Jennie: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads


Four Stars 

Can you imagine coming to in a strange place and not knowing who you are or how you got there? Your memory...wiped clean! Kind of a scary thought, isn't it? That is what happens to Lucie Walker.

When Lucie learns of her identity, she finds out she is engaged to Grady Goodall. When he picks her up at the hospital, Lucie's journey to piece together her past begins. What will she discover about her former self? Love Water Memory is beautifully told from the POV of three people...mostly Lucie and Grady and a little from Lucie's Aunt Helen. I liked how this book is told in multiple views, and I think it worked best that way as it gave me a sense of the big picture. With Lucie's POV, I felt all her fears, frustrations, and curiosity of the unknown. When Grady takes her home, she is basically going home with a stranger, and this is where Grady's POV becomes essential. His view not only consists of memories of their lives together and how much he loves her, but also includes all his worries and own painful experiences. They must now navigate the waters of the unknown to find the truth, to perhaps reconnecting, and it's an arduous process.

I spent a few days completely wrapped up in Love Water Memory, and I found this story absolutely thought-provoking! Ms. Shortridge's writing flows with vivid and moving storytelling. 

She didn't know him at all, and yet, there was something that told her she did. “It's okay,” she said again and reached out to embrace him, to let him embrace her. 

This is a story of learning to deal, learning to move on, and eventually learning the true meaning of love. It's a great reminder that the human mind is powerful, yet it has the ability to protect itself when necessary. Love Water Memory is truly a compelling read that left me feeling full of hope.

*A complimentary copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

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Secret Agent Secretary by Melissa Cutler ~ Guest Post, Review, Giveaway!

Please welcome Author Melissa Cutler to Sweet Spot Book Blog!
We're chatting about her latest romantic suspense book release and more! There's a giveaway down below.

~ Q&A ~

1.  Welcome to our blog! Please tell our readers a little about yourself
Hi, Grace, and Hello, Sweet Spot Book Blog readers! My name is Melissa Cutler, and I’m a romance author. A few things you should probably know about me are: 1) my favorite romance novel of all time is THE SECRET by Julie Garwood. (Judith ROCKS!), 2) I have two suspicious rescue cats named Sugar and A.J, 3) I once got a ticket for rolling a stop sign while turning right into a mall parking lot, but I passed traffic school with flying colors!, 4) My favorite movies are Bull Durham and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and 5) I am both a terrible housekeeper and gift wrapper. 
2.  What do you think readers will like about the main couple in Secret Agent Secretary, Ryan and Avery?
Great question! What I’m hoping readers enjoy most about Ryan and Avery is discovering how perfect they are for each other. There’s no better woman for a jaded, weary black ops agent like Ryan who has a deadpan, killer sense of humor than a spy-obsessed, whip-smart optimist like Avery. I love that he loves how smart and capable she is. He doesn’t want to control her or run her life; he wants to help her fly. And in turn, she breathes new life into him and helps him rediscover how much he loves the world of black ops.
3.  In this book Avery has quite the fascination for guns and gadgets.  As a romantic suspense writer I'm sure you've done a lot of research in this area. I'm curious if you have a weapon of choice like Avery does?
Yes, I do research guns and weaponry quite extensively. I find guns and America’s love/hate relationship with them endlessly fascinating. I’m NRA certified with handguns and have tried out many, many other kinds of firearms. So far, the gun I have enjoyed learning about and firing the most is a S&W 1911 pistol. I don’t enjoy shotgun recoil at all, and that would be my least favorite. Of other varieties of weapons besides guns, what I find truly fascinating is everyday objects in a person’s environment that can be turned into weapons—from lamps to T-shirts to (in Avery’s case) paperclips.
4.  Can you share with us a little of what you're currently working on?
Absolutely! Right now I’m working on the second book in my new Destiny Falls series, which is a contemporary romance series that revolves around a men’s league ice hockey team comprised solely of ex-soldiers who were wounded in battle. The first book is titled THE FIRST TIME and it debuts this coming August. The book I’m presently working on, THE ONLY EXCEPTION, comes out in November.
Quickie questions:
Current favorite song or band? Tricky question! The last album I bought was by Florida Georgie Line, the last single I bought was Eminem’s “Friends with the Monster”, and my favorite all-time album is Paul Simon’s The Rhythm of the Saints, so I’d say I have quite the eclectic taste.
Sweet or savory? Savory!
Read anything good lately? Yes. I’m finishing up Lisa Kessler’s You Slay Me, which is a paranormal romance about a demon slayer, and it’s SO GOOD. Loving the alpha hero! 

My thanks to Grace and The Sweet Spot Book Blog for hosting me today. I love hearing from readers and am really easy to find at www.melissacutler.net, on Facebook (www.facebook.com/MelissaCutlerBooks ), and Twitter (@m_cutler). And you can always email me at melissa@melissacutler.net or sign up for my newsletter (http://www.melissacutler.net/newsletter/ ) to find out about my latest books and upcoming events.

Many thanks to Melissa Cutler for stopping by and chatting with us!

Tops on Avery Meadows's bucket list is assisting in the capture of an international criminal mastermind…from the safety of her desk as an ICE Agency secretary. But when fate catapults her into the arms of sexy, brooding Ryan Reitano — an undercover ICE agent with dangerous secrets and a past he's desperate to hide — Avery's dream of saving the world takes on a whole new twist...

Series: ICE: Black Ops Defenders #2
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Book Links:
Read Chapter One on Melissa’s Website: http://bit.ly/161L7B2

ICE: Black Ops Defenders Series:
Book 1 - Tempted Into Danger
Book 2 - Secret Agent Secretary
Book 3 - Hot on the Hunt (expected publication July 2014)

About the Author
 Melissa Cutler knows she has the best job in the world, dividing her time between her dual passions for writing sexy contemporary romances and edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense for Harlequin, Penguin, St. Martin’s Press, and Kensington Books. She was struck at an early age by an unrelenting travel bug and is probably planning her next vacation as you read this. When she’s not globetrotting, she’s enjoying Southern California’s flip-flop wearing weather and wrangling two rambunctious kids.

 Five Stars 

Feel the RUSH!!!

I love reading romantic suspense. I love the feel of being on the edge as the plot moves at a quick pace. I love the build-up of the romance and tension and wondering if the couple will survive in the next moment. I love how the description of a deadly weapon can be so sensual. Secret Agent Secretary made me feel all this and more!

Avery Meadows feels so fortunate to have her job as a secretary for the ICE Agency. She has a huge fondness for anything related to secret agents, spying, and gadgets. Her job is likely the closest thing to getting things checked off her bucket list even if she doesn't really see any action as an office secretary. At least she can admire her office crush, Agent Ryan Reitano, from afar...le sigh! Then one evening Ryan asks for her help. Oh, boy, what happens next turns into one of the BEST thrill rides I've ever been on. What an adrenaline rush!!!

I was first introduced to Ryan in the previous book, Tempted into Danger. In that book you meet all the members of his Black Ops team. Now, Secret Agent Secretary has details on what became of that team, so if you don't want to know, then I suggest reading that book first. The previous book also made me quite interested in Ryan's character. He's very much into taking down international criminal Vincenzo Chiara and in this book you'll find out why. With Avery by his side, his lifelong quest to getting this particular bad guy could very well happen.

Number one rule of being a secret agent—there's a time to kick butt and a time to stay cool. Recognizing which is which can mean the difference between life and death—or worse.” 

I absolutely adored Ryan and Avery! I loved how Avery kept surprising Ryan at every turn. She sure is not any ordinary secretary. I love the kind of heroine that can hold her own, and Avery sure does kick some major butt! There's a scene with paper clips, and...well...let me tell you that I will now be carrying paper clips in my purse in case I need them in that way. And don't get me started on what she named her car. Yep, I'm sort of a fan of Avery, LOL! Ahh, but then there's Ryan, and when you finally learn all his secrets, your heart will just widen for him, too! I loved how these two challenged each other. Then there's this scene with a weapon that was off-the-charts sensual. Oh, my! Can you tell that I freakin' LOVED this book? I can go on and on, but I won't. You'll have to discover how awesome this book and this series is for yourself.

Secret Agent Secretary has everything for romantic suspense fans. It has secrets, car chases, really bad guys, guns, gadgets, double-crossing, and a likeable hero and heroine. There's plenty of action and danger. The story takes place over only a few days, so the plot is very fast-moving. There are lovely twists and turns including a huge my-eyes-totally-bugged-out moment that I didn't see coming!

I enjoy Melissa Cutler's writing very much. I thought it was so clever of her to incorporate the names of well-known fictional secret agents in the story. She sure knows how to draw out the tension between two people while creating a story that finds the right balance of emotion, suspense, intrigue and romance. I really did not want this story to end. I felt like I was part of the adventure the entire time! I'm already bouncing in my seat for the next book!

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

 ~ Author-Hosted GIVEAWAY ~ 

Melissa Cutler is giving away a copy (print or digital) of TEMPTED INTO DANGER, which is book one of her ICE: Black Ops series (SECRET AGENT SECRETARY is book 2) to one commenter (USA only, sorry).  She would like to know...

What’s YOUR current favorite song or band? Or what was the last song or album you bought?

Please comment below. Giveaway ends 1/19/14.  One commenter will be chosen at random. Good luck!

Asking For Trouble (Line of Duty #4) by Tessa Bailey ~ Guest Post, Review, Giveaway!

We're so very excited to have Tessa Bailey here today answering some questions about her Line of Duty series! We have a giveaway below!

~ Q&A ~
1.  The response to your Line of Duty series has been overwhelmingly positive. Why do you think readers are drawn to your characters and/or couples, in particular to Brent and Hayden from Asking for Trouble? 

First of all, thank you so much for having me & I’m so excited to be here talking about the Line of Duty series. I like to think readers are drawn to my characters because they’re strong, while being relatable at the same time. My heroes are most certainly dominant alpha males, but they’re flawed and they are aware of those flaws. It makes us want to root for them, especially when it becomes more and more obvious the heroine is the only thing that can make him feel complete. Second, I make no bones about being an instant-lust junkie. My characters are always jonesing for each other from page one and I think that’s something that excites readers. I likes the sexy! In ASKING FOR TROUBLE, Brent and Hayden were especially fun to write because they were both stubborn as hell. It wasn’t just bickering for the sake of bickering, though. They had legitimate reasons to dislike each other and I think that’s important in an enemies-to-lovers story.

2. What was your favorite scene to write in Asking for Trouble? 

Definitely the final scene, which I can’t totally ruin here! It involved some running, panicking and possibly some singing. Suffice it to say, the big, arrogant alpha male gets put through his paces. I smiled the entire time I wrote it.

3. Can you share with us a little of what you're currently working on? 

A lot! The final book in the Line of Duty series will be out in February. After that, I’m involved in a wedding continuity with some amazing authors, including Laura Kaye, Samanthe Beck, Katee Robert and Diane Alberts. That will come out in June. I’m working on two new series (including some light BDSM), but they’re still in the beginning stages, so I can’t say too much.

Quickie questions:

Current favorite song or band? 
My favorite band is the Black Keys – absolutely love them. I’m a huge fan of the National. I’m going to see Haim in March, which I’m super excited about, too. As for my favorite song, I probably have a list a mile long. “Funeral” by Band of Horses always makes me cry. “Fake Empire” by the National is another. When I need to feel sexy for a scene I’m writing, I like “Play with Fire” by the Rolling Stones or “In the Cold, Cold Night” by the White Stripes. 

Sweet or savory? 

Read anything good lately?
YES. I just finished the This Man series by Jodie Ellen Malpas. Be still my heart. Jesse Ward was an amazing, multi-layered character and I fell hopelessly in love with him. I have a horrible book hangover. Also, I read “Stripped” by Edie Harris, which I immensely enjoyed!

Thank you, Tessa Bailey, for stopping by to chat with us!

Brent Mason and Hayden Winstead can't stand each other. She plans exclusive parties for her rich familys charities. He's a rough and tumble cop who rigs explosives for a living. Could two people be any less suited for conversation? They think not and prefer to keep it that way.

Unfortunately, their two best friends are deeply, disgustingly in love. Forced together, the mutual attraction simmering beneath the surface of Brent and Hayden's non-relationship grows with every argument until it explodes into a scintillating night of mind-blowing sex. And it wont be the last, as far as Brent's concerned.

Hayden has a secret, though. Her father's company is relying on a merger to save them from financial ruin, and only Hayden's marriage to the CEOs wealthy son can secure the deal. If she's to protect her family, she'll have to forget Brent. And he has no intention of being forgotten.

Series: Line of Duty #4
Release Date: November 25, 2013
Publisher: Entangled Brazen 

Book Links: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo

Line of Duty Series:
Protecting What's His
His Risk to Take
Officer Off Limits
Asking for Trouble

Author Links: WebsiteFacebookTwitterGoodreads

Four Stars 

Brent and Hayden are two people who are arch enemies. Each make assumptions about the other. Brent is a blue-collar, hard-working, true alpha-hero. Hayden is from a wealthy, uptown family, yet she seems down-to-earth and grateful for the fortunes in her life. 

Before I let you restrain me, I'm going to make damn sure you're too revved up to stop.” 

From the beginning the sexual chemistry between Brent and Hayden is downright intense! Both have domineering personalities, so there were several fun and steamy scenes where they each explore surrendering control to the other. Whoa, baby, were those scenes fan-your-self explosive! For the most part, though, these two bicker and annoy each other to the tenth degree. It takes a while for them to get on the right page; however, Ms. Bailey shows that enemies indeed can be friends and lovers.

Tessa Bailey is a new-to-me author. Asking for Trouble is the first time I got to experience reading about her popular heroes. There are many fans of her dirty talking heroes, and now me included. I was also thoroughly entertained by the witty banter, sarcastic humor, and the delicious balance between heat and heart in her writing. Another thing I enjoyed were the secondary characters who are Brent and Hayden's good friends. I will definitely go back and read the previous books in this series and get to know them better.

*A complimentary copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

 ~ Blog-Hosted Giveaway~

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Cover Reveal ~ Cursed be the Wicked by J.R. Richardson

Cursed be the Wicked

Author – J.R.Richardson

Genre – Paranormal Mystery Romance 

Release Date: March 5, 2014


Cooper Shaw lives his life under a pen name and enjoys the anonymity it provides during his journeys across the globe as a seasoned writer for a travel magazine. When his job lands him in his hometown of Salem, Massachusetts to cover the famous Festival of the Dead, he soon realizes that he can’t stay invisible forever as he faces ghosts from a past he’s been trying to forget ever since he left.

The city holds nothing but bad memories for Coop until he meets a quirky young woman with an old soul and curious insights by the name of Finnley Pierce. While she acts as his tour guide through a town he thought he knew, Finn helps him unearth the truth of his childhood and might even begin to open up his heart. 

By unraveling the mystery of his father’s murder, Coop may finally accept who he is, where he came from, and perhaps even realize what he wants for his future.

About the author:
A writer of stories and lover of life.
Jo grew up in Maryland with four siblings, three parents and an endless number of cousins within the vicinity.  Today she lives in Florida with her two girls and a husband that shares her same sense of humor and basic take on life as we know it.
Life is too short to put dreams on the back burner.
She’s always loved writing, so in her spare time, she wrote a novel that’s been picked up by the good people at Soul Mate Publishing.
