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Burning (Tears of Sin #2) by Rachel Firasek ~ Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Burning by Rachel Firasek

Series: Tears of Sin #2
Publication date: March 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Cover Designed by:  Mina Carter Design

“Never say never.”

Gabe James never thought he’d suffer from a broken heart. He never thought he’d have to work for a living. And he sure as hell never thought he’d fall for a woman that carries a torch for the man that is trying to ruin his life.

Jade McKenzie has danced with demons most of her life, and just when she feels like the dark clouds have lifted, a pointless fight with an ex-boyfriend leaves her with a scarred face and ends her ballet career. Now she dances on a stage where the sway of her hips trumps the pirouettes of her past, a mask concealing her marred beauty. But nothing will stop the pain of shattered dreams.

Except love.

With Gabe’s career on the line and the threat of financial ruin blazing on the horizon, he’s guarded against a woman threatening to distract him even further when he needs his focus most. Jade can’t escape the memories of her past or Gabe’s heated glances—even if he swears that it’s her enthralling him. The two together are like kerosene and matches waiting for a spark. For a woman with no future and a man on the verge of losing hope, the only things left to cling to are their determined wills and the promise of a burning love.

***Burning is a New Adult Contemporary Romance recommended for Adult readers due to some violence, language, and sexual content.***

Book Link: Goodreads 

 Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. 

She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart! 

~ Author-Hosted Giveaway! ~
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Cover Reveal ~ Enjoy Your Stay (Welcome to Sugartown #2) by Carmen Jenner


Title: Enjoy Your Stay (Sugartown #2)
Author: Carmen Jenner
Publisher: Independent
Genre: Contemporary New Adult
Release Date: March 3, 2014
Cover Designer: Frankie Rose

The last thing Holly Harris expected was to wind up nineteen, knocked-up, and all alone. When Coop left to pursue his dreams of becoming a rock god, he left a tiny piece of him behind.
Holly wishes he hadn’t.
Jackson wishes he hadn’t.
Jackson Rowe tried filling the void his family left by drinking, screwing around, and leaving a string of heartbroken women in his wake. Moving back to Sugartown should have been easy, but he hadn’t counted on the fact his sometimes attraction to Holly would still be alive and kicking—and he sure as hell hadn’t counted on her being pregnant with another man’s baby.
They drive one another crazy, and yet they can’t stay away.
When old flames resurface, and even older wounds are torn open, can two people so similar make it work? Or will their stubbornness only drive them further apart?
*Content Warning. Intended for a mature 18+ audience. Contains angst, a crap-tonne of profanity, short-tempered Australian wildlife, and some very pregnant sex. 
“We gonna talk about last night?” “No. We’re not going to talk about it. We’re not going to have a repeat performance, and we’re not talking about it.” “Okay then.” Jackson snatches up another handful of popcorn and shovels it in his mouth before chewing with it half-opened. I swear, one day I’m going to shove my fist in there, and then maybe he’ll learn to shut the hell up. “So you don’t want me to eat you out right here on the couch?” I drop the bowl and popcorn spills out all over my lap. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and whisper, “I hate you.” “No you don’t. You want to, but sweetheart, you got all kinds of feelings for old Jack, and none of them are based on hatred.” “Would you please not refer to yourself as old Jack? You sound like a paedophile.” “Night, Hols. Old Jack’s going to take a shower before hitting the hay. I might even forget to lock the door so you don’t have to kick it down.” “I hate you!” I scream as he saunters away chuckling. “Sure, sweetheart, you just keep telling yourself that.”  
Meet Carmen

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something author, doctor, pilot and CIA agent.
She's also a compulsive, flagrant prevaricator who gets to make things up for a living.
While Sugartown may not technically exist, Carmen grew up in a small Australian town just like it, and just like her characters, she always longed for something more. They didn't have an Elijah Cade, though. If they did, you can be sure she would have never left.

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Other Books By Carmen


Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown #1)


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(5) eBook Copies of Welcome to Sugartown
(1) e-ARC of Enjoy Your Stay
(2) Swag Packs

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Cover Reveal ~ Love, In English by Karina Halle

LIE full cover final jpg

He’s thirty-eight. I’m twenty-three. He speaks Spanish. I speak English. He lives in Spain. I live in Canada. He dresses in thousand-dollar suits. I’m covered in tattoos. He’s married and has a five-year old daughter. I’m single and can’t commit to anyone or anything. Until now. Because when they say you can’t choose who you fall in love with, boy ain’t that the f*#king truth. To a restless dreamer like Vera Miles, it sounded like the experience of a lifetime. Instead of spending her summer interning for her astronomy major, she would fly to Spain where she’d spend a few weeks teaching conversational English to businessmen and women, all while enjoying free room and board at an isolated resort. But while Vera expected to get a tan, meet new people and stuff herself with wine and paella, she never expected to fall in love. Mateo is unlike anyone Vera has ever known, let alone anyone she’s usually attracted to. While Vera is a pierced and tatted free spirit with a love for music and freedom, Mateo Casales is a successful businessman from Madrid, all sharp suits and cocky Latino charm. Yet, as the weeks go on, the two grow increasingly close and their relationship changes from purely platonic to something…more. Something that makes Vera feel alive for the first time. Something that can never, ever be. Or so she thinks. 

  Release Date: April 20th, 2014
  Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance 

Standalone. The silence crackled above our heads like a live wire. I could feel Jorge’s eyes on us as he reluctantly placed Mateo’s drink on the table and walked away. Part of me wished for him to come back, to break up the tension and the startling intensity in Mateo’s eyes. The other part was selfishly glad Jorge was leaving us in peace. When he disappeared back into the restaurant, Mateo and I were the only ones on the patio. I broke away from his eyes, focusing instead on his bottle of Aguila and the condensation that ran down the sides, looking blissfully cool in the sticky night air. Through all the weeks of joking, talking, the innocent physical contact, now I was astutely nervous about being alone with him. It wasn’t so much that I was afraid of him – I was afraid of me. Ever since that remark at dinner, I’d been afraid of what I’d do to him, how I’d break that moral code I promised for myself. He’s married, he’s married, he’s married, I told myself, watching a drop of water race from the beer to the table. His wife is beautiful and lovely, his daughter is sweet and you aren’t either of those things. But I could only tell myself that so many times. “Vera,” he said thickly. “Vera, look at me.” His voice was commanding, reaching a depth I hadn’t heard before. My eyes slowly slid over to him. I tried to speak but could only suck in my lip, probably taking all my lipstick off. “Show me the stars again,” he said. His eyes speared me like nothing else, his face becoming dangerously handsome. I looked up to the clear sky, to see the stars, but he reached out and grabbed my hand. His touch was hot, like his fingers were searing into my skin, that feeling of entering a hot tub on a cold night. I couldn’t help the shiver that ran gently down my spine. “Not those stars,” he said huskily, leaning forward. His lips were wet and slightly open. “Your stars. Why I call you Estrella.” I swallowed hard, my pulse burning along. I turned around in my chair so my back was to him and lifted up my hair, gathering it on the top of my head. His chair scraped loudly on the ground as he got up, a sound that struck a new kind of fear in me. No. Not fear. Anticipation. I heard him stop right behind me. I held my breath, wondering what he was going to do. One rough finger pressed down against the back of my neck, right on the spine where the tattoo began. I closed my eyes to the feeling, the currents it caused, traveling all the way down, making me wet. Jesus, I needed to get a hold of myself. “What star is this?” he asked, sounding like silk. I could wrap myself in his voice. “Alpharatz,” I whispered, as if I was letting him in on a secret. Maybe I was. His finger slid diagonally down, a trail of fire across the Pegasus line. “And this one?” “Markab.” “Why Pegasus?” I paused, the truth on my lips. Fuck it. We’d been nothing but honest with each other. “Because I want to fly free. And there’s no place higher than the stars.” He didn’t say anything for a few beats. I was tempted to turn around, to look at him, but I didn’t want him to take his finger off my neck. I was leaving in three days. He was going back to his family. This was all I had, his skin on my stars. He leaned in, his hot breath at my neck. “Are you afraid that love will clip your wings?” His words sank into me, making my blood buzz. Love. This was too hazardous a subject to discuss with him, not now. Not ever. With my breath shaking, I inched my neck away from his mouth and turned to face him. “No,” I said, looking him straight in the eye. “I’m afraid that losing love will.” His expression softened. He looked at my lips, his beautifully long eyelashes casting shadows on his tawny skin. “Then that makes two of us,” he whispered softly and for a long second I thought he was going to get it over with and finally kiss me, put an end to this strain between us, the yearning that made me ache inside. But he straightened up, his gaze avoiding mine, and went to retrieve his beer from the table.

karina halle pic

With her USA Today Bestselling The Artists Trilogy published by Grand Central Publishing, numerous foreign publication deals, and self-publishing success with her Experiment in Terror series, Vancouver-born Karina Halle is a true example of the term "Hybrid Author." Though her books showcase her love of all things dark, sexy and edgy, she's a closet romantic at heart and strives to give her characters a HEA...whenever possible.
Karina holds a screenwriting degree from Vancouver Film School and a Bachelor of Journalism from TRU. Her travel writing, music reviews/interviews and photography have appeared in publications such as Consequence of Sound, Mxdwn and GoNomad Travel Guides. She currently lives on an island on the coast of British Columbia where she’s preparing for the zombie apocalypse with her fiance and rescue pup."


Blog Tour ~ Marking Her (Marked #1) by Elena M. Reyes, Review & Giveaway!

Presented by
MaE Book Tours

Talan wants to mark Maya—with more than his ink. The owner of a prominent tattoo shop, he’s used to being hit on by easy women. Though “easy” is not a word associated with Maya when she comes in to support her friend. Flirtation ensues, but what will it take to break the painted man.

Title: Marking Her (Marked #1)
Author: Elena M. Reyes
Genre: Erotica/Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 17th 2013

Book Links: AmazonGoodreads

3 1/2 Stars!!

Let me just start by saying that I really enjoyed this book!! I mean we have a deliciously hot, tattooed hero and a feisty, take no shit heroine so what's not to love right? Right! My only complaint is it was too short, IMO! Now, I know that there is more story to come and this is only the first book in the series but this girl is impatient! Especially when it involves a tattooed, pierced hottie!!

Talon is the yummy owner of a prominent tattooed shop and has had his fill of women throwing themselves at him. That is until a regular brings a sassy friend with her for her tattoo appointment. Holy Crap, do we watch Talon fall hard and fast! But Maya isn't going to make it way for Talon.

Maya wants Talon but not for one night and she knows that if she gives in he is likely to be the love 'em and leave 'em type so she makes him work for it.

This book is a lot of alpha posturing, flirting and sexual tension! Ya know, if that's your thing! :)

I am anxiously waiting the next installment!

Author Bio: 

Elena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would. 

As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned.

Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn't until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and letting her characters grow.

~Tour-Wide GIVEAWAY~
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Blog Tour ~ Beck (Corps Security #3) by Harper Sloan

Harper Sloan
Book 3 - Corps Security Series
 **Warning** This book is intended for a mature reading**
I’ve always been good at wearing masks. Not letting anyone see the real me. I’m content being the happy-go-lucky best friend. The strong willed boss. The independent woman who doesn’t need a man.
But the truth is I’m just as broken as the rest of you. I’m terrified that all it will take is one person to make all my carefully constructed walls crumble into fine dust. So I guard my heart with everything I have. Determined to never let anyone get close enough to hurt me again.
All is perfect until HE walks into my life. No… he doesn’t just walk. He struts his good-looking, sex-oozing self-right into my space and demands that I see HIM. Making me want what I know I can’t have.
So I did the only thing I know how to do.
I run.
But he just won’t let me go.
The second I see her, I know she will be mine. I see past the gorgeous smiles and heart-stopping laughter. I see HER. She doesn’t want me to know her secrets or the past that haunts her, but I make it my mission to find out.
To make her mine.
She can run all she wants, but it will never be far enough to stop me from coming after her.
She’s it for me and she knows it.
She’s just too scared to admit it.
**NO cliffhanger, HEA, inter-connected standalones**

About The Author
Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed 'Estrogen Ocean', much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her ereader attached. As an ex-reviewer and blogger, Harper's passion for reading runs deep. It wasn't until 'Axel' decided to take up residence that she realized her true calling. 
She started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn't take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

Social Links
Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/harpersloanbooks
Twitter: @harpersloan 
Instagram: @harper_sloan

Five Stars

HOLY CRAP! The Corps Security books just get BETTER and BETTER!! The moment I got my ARC I actually set aside what I was reading to hang out with Beck & Dee!!

I fell in love with this series when I read Axel, became mildly infatuated when I read Cage and if there was any doubt that I am all in, totally smitten and can't get enough that was blown away with Beck!!

OMG! This book made me ache, cry, and want to throw my hands up and cheer at the strength of these characters and the love they have for each other!

We met Dee and Beck in the first book and their story has been simmering in the background for the last two complete stories, but I can honestly tell you that you have NO IDEA how much was happening right under out noses! Now since this was graciously given to me as an ARC I am going to continue to be very vague in my reviewing of the story and just tell you how much I loved it, only because there is so much that happens that I would be brokenhearted if I gave any spoilers that ruined the story for any of you!! I am only going to tel you that if you love this series, this installment will not change that! The love that Beck has for Dee is such an amazing thing it will awe you, I promise!!

When you love someone, you fight. You fight for them, and you fight with them. She needed me to fight for her then, and I'll continue to do that until she can fight for herself again.

This book has it all - love, tears, suspense and even some regret and sadness. But I loved every minute and I know you will too!! Now, seriously...BRING ME MADDOX!!! I can't get enough of there Corp Security boys!!!