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Back To You by Jessica Scott pre-Lauch Day Blitz ~ Q&A, Excerpt, Giveaway!

 Today we have a Q&A, Excerpt & Giveaway
to celebrate the release of BACK TO YOU by Jessica Scott


1.  You first introduced Trent and Laura a few years ago and readers have been eagerly awaiting their story for a few years. Did you always know when you first created them in BECAUSE OF YOU that this was how their story would play out?  

I knew they would have a story to tell but telling their story in this particular way, no I didn’t intend it. It took finding my amazing editor along with multiple attempts at trial and error to get them just right. I’m a nervous wreck about their story but I’m also really excited because I’m very happy with how their story turned out. Plus, hamsters. Who can argue with that, right?
2.  BACK TO YOU is the incredibly emotional story of a marriage at the breaking point. What or who inspired you to write this story?  

I remember standing in the ops one day and one of the guys was on the phone with his wife. He was telling her how much he was sorry, how much he didn’t want to work late. Then one of the other guys remarked that he always says that but he doesn’t ever mean it. So I had this idea of a man who was so driven to get back to war that he let his entire family and personal life suffer but I also wanted a wife who people could relate to, as well. Laura is Trent’s perfect compliment.

3.  In your own personal life, you’ve been the soldier that has deployed to a war zone and the spouse that stayed home and has taken care of the family on the home front. Which was more difficult for you in your experience? And why?

That’s a much bigger topic than we have time for but I’ll say this: each one has it’s own unique challenges. Being deployed, not being able to get home when your kids are crying that they want mommy, that’s brutal. It rips your soul out. But then coming home and your reality doesn’t live up to the fantasy? In some ways, I think it’s worse, and that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. As far as being the wife at home? I remember vividly lying awake at night, obsessively checking to make sure my ringer was turned on. I never cared when he called I just wanted to hear his voice. So which one is worse? I can’t really say. But I’m grateful that we’ve made it through each one a little bit stronger, you know?

4.  Which is your favorite story to write—a reunion romances like Trent and Laura’s where each scene is alive with their own history or a fresh romance where they meet for the very first time and everything is new? Why? 

I love a reunion story. I love the idea being able to forgive and love the person you’re with right then and not the memory of someone. I’m a huge sucker for reunion stories, honestly. I love the reconnection, the noting of how things have changed, of learning to love that person all over again, especially after a betrayal or things didn’t work in the past.

5.  Trent is such a compelling character and you do a beautiful job of showing his survivor’s guilt and the resulting anxiety and fear that provokes in him. He’s both so alpha and strong and so very broken. What inspired you to create such a complicated hero? A real life person? A culmination of your own experiences? What you’ve seen yourself in the army? And were you at all concerned about the way readers would respond to him?
Trent is going to be hard for people to read, I suspect. He comes close to crossing some boundaries and I wanted to do that deliberately: I wanted people to understand that coming home from war isn’t cured in a day or a week. It’s a process. Someone like Trent who has bled in combat isn’t going to be okay after a night of magical sex. I know that’s the fantasy but I wanted something more: I wanted the fantasy that the couple will be strong enough to make it. So for me, Trent is deeply, deeply personal because I’ve seen friends struggle with some very tough choices. And the truth is, there is no magical cure but there can still be a happily ever after if you have someone strong enough to stand with you.

6.  Laura is such an amazing character because she’s done the best for her family at every turn and supported her husband. But when all communication breaks down with her husband and he just keeps deploying, she serves her husband with divorce papers while he’s serving. It seems like such a taboo to serve papers while your spouse is deployed—is that true? And why did you choose to have Laura, the ultimate good wife, respond this way?
Laura sending Trent divorce papers while deployed I think is the ultimate prohibition. It’s just wrong on so many levels and yet, I wanted to give readers a sense of what could drive someone to their breaking point. Laura is such a strong woman and yet she broke. The strongest of us all have our breaking points. I wanted to show people how hard the war has been on everyone--not just the soldiers deploying but on the kids, on the spouses--but I also wanted to give people hope, too.

7.  Agent Chaos and Fluffy, the family hamsters, almost steal the show with their disappearing acts and they add the perfect amount of cuteness and comic relief. What inspired you to add them into the story?
Ah Fluffy and Agent Chaos. So for readers who don’t know, we have hamsters. It all started when we volunteered to buy the pre-k class pet. I didn’t realize that this would include home visits for the holidays. Fluffy was the first hamster and she promptly escaped within the first 24 hours. After that, we’ve become a multiple hamster household and well, when they escape, it’s madness because we have dogs and cats who, by some miracle, haven’t actually ever managed to capture one of the little buggers.
This story badly needed something to lighten it up. I thought adding in some escaping rodents would be the perfect thing to break up a really tough interaction between Trent and his kids. They provided a bridge for him to cross, a way to reach them while he was still getting used to them.

8.  Big wedding or small? Hamsters or dogs? Sweats or lingerie?

Small wedding. Both hamsters and dogs and cats. Sweats all the way.

9.  Emma and Ethan, Trent and Laura’s kids, are adorable and watching Trent learn how to be a dad again is an amazing thing. How do you think Trent got so detached from his family?  

Coming home to be a parent again is probably the hardest thing soldiers do. The kids have changed, they have their own wants and needs and, well, they’re not your soldiers. They don’t listen like your soldiers have to. The noise and the chaos and the constant needs are really tough to get used to again, so I think Trent just ran away because it was too much to deal with.

10.  Since this is such an emotionally charged story, was it difficult for you to write? Or did it come easily? 

It was very, very difficult to write. I wanted to push boundaries and create at least a glimpse of what it’s like to come home. I wanted to give readers a taste of the emotions that people go through, the fear, the uncertainty but also the love and the hope and the relief that their loved one is home safe.

11.  Since you’ve been in Trent’s shoes, what is the hardest thing about readjusting to civilian life after a deployment? 

The crowds and the entitlement. To this day, I won’t go into crowded stores or wait in crowds. It’s suffocating. And it’s funny because when I first came home, I was so annoyed at people complaining about lines and traffic and school starting. I was just so grateful to be back. Now, I’m much more sympathetic to everyday gripes and groans. I think it’s just part of how we get through our days.

He's in for the fight of his life . . .

Army captain Trent Davila loved his wife, Laura, and their two beautiful children. But when he almost lost his life in combat, something inside him died. He couldn't explain the emptiness he felt or bridge the growing distance between him and his family—so he deployed again. And again. And again . . . until his marriage reached its breaking point. Now, with everything on the line, Trent has one last chance to prove to his wife that he can be the man she needs . . . if she'll have him

. . . to win back his only love.

Laura is blindsided when Trent returns home. Time and again, he chose his men over his family, and she's just beginning to put the pieces of her shattered heart back together. But when Trent faces a court martial on false charges, only Laura can save him. What begins as an act of kindness to protect his career inflames a desire she thought long buried—and a love that won't be denied. But can she trust that this time he's back to stay?

Series: Coming Home #3
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Buy Links: 

So, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?” she asked, minimizing her e-mail to be able to focus.

Don’t throw me out of the office,” he said, trying to keep his voice light. “But I need to talk to you about Trent’s case.”

Laura leaned back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest, and started counting to ten.

I know you’re having a hard time with him.”

Laura sucked on her top lip for a moment before answering. “I wouldn’t necessarily call filing for divorce a hard time.”

And that’s what I need to talk to you about.”


Just hear me out, okay?”

She ground her teeth but after a moment nodded.

Listen, there’s no case against Trent. It’s weak at best. With the Article 32 about to start, we have a good chance of getting it stopped here before it goes to court-martial. But I need to plant doubt that the allegations against him are true.” He met her gaze. “I need you to do that.”

Laura chewed on her bottom lip, playing his words over and over in her head, not understanding what he was asking of her. “What do you mean, you need to plant doubt?”

The primary witness against your husband, PFC Adorno—”

Oh, we’ve met,” Laura said dryly.

Patrick’s smile was humorless. “Yes, well, that’s part of the prosecution’s problem. She’s alleging that Trent was inappropriate but the problem is that she and Lieutenant Randall were caught in their shenanigans downrange.”

Laura frowned. “So you think this is a ploy to get herself out of trouble?

Her and her husband. If they were working together to steal the missing weapons systems, then what better way to get out of trouble than to make this stuff up against Trent? Takes the focus off her and her husband completely.” Patrick leaned forward, tapping his index finger on the desk. “If I can cast Trent as a sympathetic family man who would never do anything like what she’s alleging, this case is all but dismissed. I’m not attacking her. All I have to do is make Trent look better than the story she’s telling and we’ve got a win.”

And you need me to paint on a happy face and be the loving wife.”

Patrick shook his head. “No, I need you to be one half of a loving couple. And I need you to do it publicly where everyone can see it—in the PX, in the chow hall, everywhere. I need the officers on this board to believe exactly what I’ll be telling them on the day of the hearing.”

She looked down at her empty ring finger, absently rubbing the bare skin beneath the bandage. “Everyone knows that we’re having problems, Patrick.”

Then make sure everyone knows you’ve fixed it.” He leaned back. “I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t think it was our best shot at getting this whole thing thrown out.”

She looked up at him. “Why didn’t Trent ask me to do this?”

Patrick swallowed and looked away. “He refused to drag you into this,” he said quietly. “For what it’s worth, I don’t in a million years believe the allegations against Trent. I don’t think he would ever, ever be unfaithful to you.”

Laura pressed her lips together in a flat line. “You’re wrong, Patrick. He’s been cheating on me for years. It was just with the army instead of another woman.”


Let me think about it,” she said quickly. “I won’t say no out of hand but I can’t make this decision on a whim.”

Patrick leaned across the desk, gripping her hand. “I know this is hard for you, Laura. I know what I’m asking you to do.”

She said nothing for a long moment and he gave her a sympathetic but firm smile. “Give it some thought, okay?”

When she was alone, she sat there, staring at the picture of her family. Wondering how she was going to bring him back into the kids’ lives and then rip him out again. What he was asking wasn’t fair. He had no idea what this was going to do to her family.

She glanced at the photo on her desk as she typed furiously, trying to get ahead of the flood of e-mails in her inbox.

There was a quiet rap on her office door. “I’m not here,” she said quickly, looking up.

Her fingers froze on the keyboard. Her heart stopped in her chest.

Trent stood in the doorway. He had a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. His glasses hid the darkness of his eyes. There was a streak of dirt on his cheek. An assault pack hung limply from his left hand.

A thousand emotions ripped through her all at once, rioting for supremacy as she drank in the sight of her husband.

Ex-husband, she reminded herself. Or at least he was supposed to be.

She wished that this were a normal homecoming. One where she would rush across the small space and crash into him. His arms would come around her and she would inhale the strong spicy scent of his skin. Feel the heat of his touch. Savor that first, wild kiss.

Instead she had this. This empty chasm between them, echoing with loneliness.

And she had no idea how to cross it.

About the author:
 USA Today bestselling author Jessica Scott is a career army officer; mother of two daughters, three cats and three dogs; wife to a career NCO and wrangler of all things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even worse housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her assigned weapon and someone liked some of the stuff she wrote. Somehow, her children are pretty well-adjusted and her husband still loves her, despite burned water and a messy house.

She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.

She's pursuing a PhD in Sociology in her spare time and most recently, she's been featured as one of Esquire Magazine's Americans of the Year for 2012.

Social Media Links: 

~Blitz-Wide Giveaway~
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Blog Tour ~ Shatter (Phoenix Rising #4) by Joan Swan, Review & Giveaways!

 We are delighted to be a stop for the SHATTER Virtual Tour! Be sure to check out BOTH giveaways below!

For seven years, Halina Beloi has been in hiding. But she's never forgotten Mitch Foster, the long, lean man she had to leave behind. Until, that is, Mitch shows up with a list of questions and a 9mm in his hand.

All Mitch knows is that Halina broke his heart and disappeared. But new information has surfaced implicating her as a player in the deadliest game of Mitch's life. This time, he's not letting go without answers. Now terror, danger and heat will fuse them together or shatter the future. . .


by Joan Swan 

Genre: Romantic Suspense (with paranormal elements) 

Heat Level: 3.5/5 

Elements/Tags: romance, suspense, paranormal abilities, conspiracy, firefighters 

Publisher: Kensington 

Publishing Date: 12/31/13 

Series: Phoenix Rising, 4 

Format: Print and Ebook 

Words: 110k

Book Links 

 Five Stars

A brilliant installment to the Phoenix Rising series! (A non-spoiler review) 

I have been a fan of this series from the very beginning. In book 1, FEVER, we were introduced to Alyssa's twin brother. Helloooo, Mitch Foster! As the series grows, his fan base seems to grow as well. I mean, how can one read this series and not fall in love with this cocky, smart-mouthed, confident attorney with the playboy personality, and how the hell does he have all these connections!? Fans championed for his story, and now here it is. Joan Swan does not disappoint! SHATTER is fan-freaking brilliant!!!

This was classic Mitch—the Mitch she'd known all those years ago. He'd always seemed to own an endless well of patience and compassion and love inside him.” 

Shatter reveals a much more tender and vulnerable Mitch. The title for his book is so appropriate. It's been seven years since his heart had been shattered into a million pieces by Halina Beloi. Mitch finally catches up to her, and now he's demanding answers. Did he even truly know her at all?

Trouble—she was definitely trouble. Always had been in one way or another. Trouble for his body. Trouble for his mind. Trouble for his heart.” 

In the beginning I didn't know what to make of Halina. Yes, she's scientifically intelligent and can stand her ground well against threat, but why the heck did she leave Mitch in the dust years ago? Well, what is revealed is very insightful, and one thing is for sure...she never stopped thinking of him.

He was too close to his breaking point. No one pushed him like Halina did. No one.” 

The entire team is back in this book. Yay! Mitch struggles emotionally throughout this story. Is Halina worth the risk? Is she worth risking getting hurt again? I love how the team helps Mitch see things in a different perspective as he sorts out his feeling for Halina. They are truly an awesome, supportive group! Their banter is funny and how they work together as a cohesive team continues to be fascinating.

We are magic together, baby. Always have been.” 

It is no surprise to me that Shatter is full of action, nail-biting suspense, and steamy romance. Joan Swan writes all that so deliciously well. What did surprise me was how significant Shatter is to the series. Ms. Swan ties Mitch's story so beautifully to the series arc. Everything that happens blows my mind in such an amazing way! Although just enough back story is provided, I truly feel that to get a full understanding of the series and characters that this series is best read in order. I promise you that getting to Mitch's book is worth it! Even if you start with this book, at least you'll get a lovely dose of what this team is all about and perhaps consider picking up the previous books. Loved, loved, loved the ending to Shatter!!! Thank you, Joan Swan, for giving us a captivating and incredible story for Mitch!

Baby, you have to admit, us together—that was crazyamazing.” 

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review.*

Meet Author Joan Swan:

NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Joan Swan writes sexy romantic suspense for Kensington (Phoenix Rising Series) and independently (Covert Affairs Series).  She also works as a sonographer at a top medical facility in San Francisco and lives in magnificent wine country on the central coast of California with her husband and two daughters.


Tour Wide Giveaway Details:

Tour Wide Giveaway: (1) Kindle Fire HD, (1) Kindle, and (1) $25 eGC to Amazon or B&N will be gifted to three different lucky commenters from the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog-Hosted Giveaway
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ARC Review ~ Beautiful Addictions by Season Vining

Josie Banks is a girl without a past.  After being found unconscious with no memory, she was shuffled in and out of foster homes where she suffered years of abuse. An experience that left her broken, damaged, and clinging to drugs and meaningless hook-ups to numb her pain.

When Josie disappeared years ago, she took a piece of Tristan with her.  She’s the girl he thought he lost forever—the one he’s never been able to forget.  Now a twist of fate has brought them back together again, and he never wants to let her out of his inked arms.  But Tristan is haunted by a dark past of his own.  On the run from ruthless criminals that shattered Josie’s world years ago, reentering her life puts them both in grave danger.

As Josie and Tristan’s lives become tangled once again, they find themselves unwilling and unable to escape the relentless pull that draws them together.  But will the past leave their love in ruins—or bind them together for a lifetime? 

Release date:  January 28, 2014

Book link:  Goodreads

Four Stars

This book was a pleasant surprise. I mean I had high hopes simply from the tattooed beauty on the cover but you never know. However, this one was a winner!

This is a story of a girl who was just barely surviving who had no memory of her past and the boy who never stopped loving her.

Josie Banks spends her days numbing herself with drugs and sex, no feeling, that's her motto. That is until she catches sight of a boy in an alley that she feels an unexplainable draw to. She sits in the shadowy corner of the bar he works in night after night just to be near him.

Tristan is aware of the girl in the shadows every night and is just as curious as the rest of the staff, but one night when she fails to slip out before his break is over, they come face to face!! Tristan is blown away! Josie is the girl he loved as a boy, whom he thought was long dead, standing before him and she has no idea who he is.

Josie was in a coma and woke with no memory of her life before. She is placed in witness protection as the FBI is protecting her from the people that murdered her father.

Even though she doesn't remember him, Josie can't deny the intense draw she has to Tristan, and he has never stopped loving her and is not about to let her go now that he has found her again. No matter what they have to go through to make her safe and have a life together.

There is a crap ton of stuff going on in the background of this story and some really wonderful secondary characters that round out this story into something fantastic!

***This book was provided to me as an ARC by Netgalley

Tessamari’s Crack Books & Favorite Reads of 2013

Happy New Year!!

2013 was a great year for books. With so many candidates to choose from, I decided to make two lists. So now I present to you my Crack Books & Favorite Reads of 2013. 

This is the crème-de-la-crème. These books are addicting. They either tore me up, left me an emotional wreck or just made me outright swoon. I was always in a severe book funk afterwards & I will never tire of pimping out these books.
(In no particular order)

Making Faces by Amy Harmon
If God makes all our faces, did he laugh when he made me?
I have no appropriate words to describe how I feel about this book. It’s one of favorite reads of ALL-TIME. This was such a beautiful and emotional story. All I wanted to do when it ended was to start it all over again. I had a major book funk after this one. (Full Review)

Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin
Dare to be vulnerable with me
Jay & Charlee’s story wasn’t easy to read, but man was it fucking good. I could not put this story down; I only had two hours of sleep, but it was so worth it. It was dark, explicit and got pretty graphic at times, but I can’t deny how excellent it was. (Full Review)

Sweet Home (Sweet Home #1) by Tillie Cole
For never was a truer story of love conquering woe than this of Molly Juliet and her Romeo.
Tillie Cole has become a go-to author for me. This book was un-putdownable. I love my Romeo. He was full of Alpha, possessive, protective sexiness. Such a sweet story! (Full Review)

Sex Love Repeat by Alessandra Torre
They both own my heart now, an equal division fought over by two sets of blue eyes.
Fantasy escapism. I’m all for monogamy and all its swoony glory, but seriously…this story, as fucked up as the situation was, I wanted it; I wanted the fantasy that was Madison’s life. She has a relationship with two drop dead gorgeous men, a sex life to fucking die for, but never once was she ever cheating on the other. Both Stewart and Paul knew about each other; accepted and even embraced this unique situation. They both loved her, too, and she loved them both equally. Seriously. This book had me in a lustful fantasy-filled haze for days. (Full Review)

Eternally North (Eternally North #1) by Tillie Cole
I couldn’t deny that he was all muscle and pure gorgeousness. Bad attitude though. What a bloody shame.
This was the first book by Tillie that I fell in love with. Tills has pure talent when it comes to making Alpha Heroes. Here, we have Tudor North: Bad-boy, brooding Hollywood actor. And like my Romeo, inside that tough-ass exterior lies a big-ole teddy bear. This story also had a great cast of characters: Tash (loved this heroine and her Geordie accent), Tink & Tate. Such a entertaining read. (Full Review)

There is No Light in Darkness (Darkness #1) by Claire Contreras
I love you to the moon and back.
The writing was flawless, the characters were all unforgettable and the story was very moving. Plus this story had Cole Murphy. He is AMAZING. He’s everything I love in my Heroes: Super sexy, smart, protective, possessive, persistent, and so full of love. He made this story great. (Full Review)

Beauty From Pain (Beauty #1) by Georgia Cates
“No. I can’t love a lie and that’s all we were.”
A strong Alpha male Hero, sizzling sex and just a touch of angst…how could I not love this story. This had so many little things that made the story so unique. I was just happy that book two came out when I read this because this, my friends, ends in a big cliffhanger. (Full Review)

Dangerous to Know & Love by Jane Harvey-Berrick
“I heard you. Oh, God, I heard you.” His head dropped to his chest and he blew out a shaky breath. “I love you, baby doll. So much.”
This author’s Education of… series is also a huge favorite of mine this year. However, this was story made my list simply because I’m so in love with the story’s Hero, Daniel. I couldn’t get enough of him. This story was full of drama, angst and steam. I wanted to read it all over again when I finished. (Full Review)

Unbeautifully (Undeniable #2) by Madeline Sheehan
“I wanna rip you the fuck open,” he said, breathing harder as his thrusts became brutal. “I want all of me inside all of you, not just my fuckin’ cock, baby, but all of me. All of you.”
“Yes,” she whimpered. “I want all of you.”
I fucking love Madeline Sheehan. This second book in her Undeniable Series was fucking awesome. Just. Fucking. Awesome. This wasn’t pretty; no candy, chocolate-covered hearts nor flowers made any appearances. This was raw, unapologetic and just downright addictive. (Full Review)

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
Maybe if I can solve him and he can solve me, we can explain each other.
I had this book on my TBR since September 2012, but it wasn’t until this year that I finally picked it up. And when I did…WOW!! Just. Wow. This book kept my interest wondering what drew the damaged Nastya & Josh together. They were real and beautiful, just like this story. (Full Review)

Wanderlust by Skye Warren
And I was helpless to resist, too weak to fight the mounting pleasure, too relieved to find myself spread and held and wanted, oh finally, someone did want me, and even if it was perverted and dirty, at least it was new.
Skye is one of my go-to Dark Erotica authors. There’s just something about her stories. Mind you, they are not for everyone. This one contained dubious consent, kidnapping, captivity and psychological tug of war. What astonishes me is that I always end up liking the supposed bad guy. Another excellent example of this is Skye’s most current release: Don’t Let Go, which was also another favorite of mine this year. (Full Review)

Falling Into You (Falling #1) by Jasinda Wilder
Fermented grief is far more potent.
It’s emotional stories like this that make reading so much fun. Don’t get me wrong, I was a blubbering hot mess reading this, but I loved it. Kyle, Nell & Colton…their story is just one big emotional story. This was intense and I loved every single moment. (Full Review)

True Love Story by Willow Aster
We Belong Together
This book consumed me and when I was finished, I was left in a huge haze. This love story between Sparrow and Ian isn’t pretty. There were times where I was smiling and laughing one minute, then angry and extremely hurt the next. My heart was put through the blender reading this, but it made me feel alive… Crazed almost. (Full Review)

Truth (Consequences #2) by Aleatha Romig
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. ~ Confucius
This sequel wasn’t as much of a mind fuck as book one was, but some parts did have my mind spinning. I don’t know how Aleatha does it. Her writing is flawless, complicated, but the story smoothly fabricated. Who knew I could love Tony after his actions in book one. Only a handful of authors can sway my emotions like this and Aleatha definitely surprised me when my feelings were swayed. (Full Review)

Running Barefoot by Amy Harmon
“I did my best to be a man you could be proud of.”
“You were the bar I measured everything by.” ~ Samuel
This is the second book that made my list by the talented Ms. Harmon. I swear, this author has a way of telling a story. This was a very deep, spiritual & emotional love story. (Full Review)

Painted Faces by L.H. Cosway

He really is a beautiful mess. A beautiful mess that sucks you in and messes you up too.
To be quite honest, when I first read the synopsis, I was a bit hesitant. I wasn’t sure how I would like my Hero dressing in women’s clothing. I like my men as men, like all rugged and pure Alpha male. But let me tell you something: Nicholas isn’t character to be written off quite quickly. My reluctance was very short lived. I think it all came down to the writing and storytelling. Seeing Nicholas/Viv in Fred’s eyes was so…I don’t know…entrancing. I’m honestly left speechless as to how I can describe my feelings towards Nicholas. One thing is for sure, like Fred, you can’t help but love him. (Full Review)

Though these books didn't make my crack-book list, doesn't mean I didn't love them. The books featured here have also made an impact. There’s a mix of Alpha possessive Heroes, as well as sweet, swoon-worthy ones. But what these books have in common is that they all kick-ass and have also earned the right to be pimped out by me. 
(In no particular order. Click title for my full review.)

Reaper’s Property (Reaper MC #1) by Joanna Wylde

Rule (Marked Men #1) by Jay Crownover

Reservation (Preservation #2) by Rachael Wade

The Education of Sebastian (Education of #1) by Jane Harvey-Berrick

The Education of Caroline (Education of #2) by Jane Harvey-Berrick

Leo (Sign of Love #1) by Mia Sheridan

Stinger (Sign of Love #3) by Mia Sheridan

Rock My Bed (Black Falcon #2) by Michelle A. Valentine

Strings (Hard Rock Harlots #1) by Kendall Grey

Friend-Zoned (Friend-Zoned #1) by Belle Aurora

Tangled (Tangled #1) by Emma Chase

Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine #1) by Shay Savage

Jane’s Melody by Ryan Winfield

Fear of Falling by S.L. Jennings

Freeing Asia (Breaking Free #1) by E.M. Abel

True (True Believers #1) by Erin McCarthy

Can’t Go Home (Oasis Waterfall #1) by Angelisa Stone

Don’t Let Go (Dark Erotica #4) by Skye Warren

Breathless by Rose J. Bell

The Redhead Plays Her Hand (Redhead #3) by Alice Clayton