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Convicted (Consequences #3) by Aleatha Romig

You must stick to your CONVICTION, but be ready to abandon your assumptions - Denis Waitley

Book #3 of the Consequences Series—

There were still lessons to learn and consequences for the truth!
When Claire Nichols met Anthony Rawlings, she didn’t know they had a past, or that he had plans for her future. Over time, the role of teacher changed—games became reality—and domination turned to desire. Despite an insurmountable history, Claire and Tony found their way back to one another.

Just when they seemed to have it all—love, respect, and the promise of a family—the game master exposed the truth. Claire’s world once again spun out of control. Unwilling to allow her child to suffer the consequences of an old vendetta, Claire fled...

At one time, Claire was held captive in an opulent mansion—then her incarceration was a cell inside a state penitentiary. Was her new prison—a tropical island—truly less lonely? Perhaps that was the game master’s plan, all along?

Who will save Claire from her oldest nightmare and her newest reality? Will it be Tony? Can he forgive her for leaving him—again? Harry? Will he utilize previously unknown connections to save the woman who infiltrates his thoughts? Maybe Phil? Will his devotion in keeping Claire and her child safe be rewarded?

As the cards are played—sins of the past, innocent victims, and truths are revealed. With compartmentalization no longer an option, is the reality too much? Could there be an even worse isolation?

With the game master dealing from a stacked deck, can this new high-stakes game possibly be won?

When it’s all over and their cards are on the table—SOME will discover their bets were too high—they have nothing left to lose—ALL will learn the crucial lesson—the most important rule—there are CONSEQUENCES for the TRUTH!

Five Plus Stars 


I must first, before I start this review, thank the beautiful and talented Aleatha Romig!! These books put me in a constant state of anxiety and I FUCKING LOVED EVERY MINUTE!!!

Theirs was a long, complicated story with a monster and a knight. What made their story unique was that these two players were the same person.

I went into Convicted with no illusions and no assumptions. I seriously had no idea where we would end up. Now, I say we, because the wonderful way this book, and entire series, was written made me feel all the pain, anxiety, love, joy and all of the emotions in between right along with Tony and Claire. And Holy Shit, what a fantastical ride it was!

I don’t want to give spoilers, which I believe I said before each review of every book, but I seriously believe everyone should experience this series for themselves! There were so many parts of this book that I loved that I will try not to run on forever but the thing I loved the most was getting to feel everything from both Tony and Claire’s POV’s! I know we got to get the POV of the other characters as well, but getting into Tony’s head was my favorite part. (So of course, I can’t wait for Behind His Eyes!!)

We all know what an unbelievable bastard Tony was in Consequences, and I for one, thought he went a long way to redeeming himself in Truth, but there were still so many unanswered questions.

Above all, Tony wanted to hold Claire in his arms, tell her how sorry he was, and how much he loved her.

Convicted was a beautiful conclusion with so much detail I felt like I was actually in the story at times. I have read a few reviews where people have complained it was slow going but I tend to disagree only because I felt that we needed each and every detail. I truly loved every minute!

I don’t feel like I can say really anything without giving something away so I will only say one more time that you MUST READ THIS ENTIRE SERIES, BECAUSE IT IS JUST FUCKING…

Sweet Home by Tillie Cole

At age twenty, Molly Shakespeare knows a lot.

She knows Descartes and Kant.

She knows academia and Oxford.

She knows that the people who love you leave you.

She knows how to be alone. 

But when Molly leaves England's grey skies behind to start a new life at the University of Alabama, she finds that she has a lot to learn — she didn't know a summer could be so hot, she didn't know students could be so intimidating, and she certainly didn't know just how much the folks of Alabama love their football.

When a chance encounter with notorious star quarterback, Romeo Prince, leaves her unable to think of anything but his chocolate-brown eyes, dirty-blond hair and perfect physique, Molly soon realises that her quiet, solitary life is about to dramatically change forever...

Mature New Adult novel — contains adult content, highly sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up*

Five Huge Stars!

Oh Romeo, Romeo…

So are you to my thoughts as food to life, or as sweet seasoned showers to the ground ~ William Shakespeare 

Tillie Cole is an amazing writer. She is the reason why I am so blissfully happy right now. This is one of those books where if it weren’t for sleep, I could’ve easily read in one setting. God, I love those moments where you’re completely immersed in the story and you find yourself crying, laughing and just outright swooning. The only thing that saddens me right now is that it’s over. I’m just itching to just re-read the whole thing all over again; which who knows…I just might. 

I loved everything about this story; to me, it was a modern day fairy tale -- the sexy, unattainable, brooding, Alpha star quarterback falling for the sweet and lovable geeky girl, who just happens to be British (the Anglophile in me is screaming in delight). Seriously. I will never tire of stories like this, especially when they’ve been written as good as this. Plus, to top it all off, the H/h are named Romeo Prince and Molly Juliet Shakespeare.LOVED. IT!

“Why am I more? I don’t get it.”
“You just are. You somehow give me peace in my completely fucked-up world. You get me; no one has before. It’s that simple.” 

Growing up wasn’t easy for Molly. She never knew her mother; her father committed suicide and then lost her Grandmother a few years after. Raised in foster care didn’t stop her from accomplishing so much. Only at twenty years old, she moved from England to Alabama to earn her master’s. She’s always immersed herself in school and studying to forget the pains in her past. Molly has always been a little shy, never one to vie for any attention. However, when she accidently meets Romeo, her life will never be the same. 

“You’re not gonna be just a fuck to me, Mol – you’re gonna be my fuckin’ salvation!” 

Ah, Romeo. The name says it all. He’s the University of Alabama’s star quarterback. Everyone wants a piece of him, except for his parents. Though he’s never physically alone, he’s never felt so empty. There’s just so much pressure from his parents to marry well and to continue on the family empire. What he wants never really mattered. Why are his parents so unbelievably cruel to him?

When he met Molly, he didn’t know what to think. She’s different from all the other girls. First off, she didn’t even know who he was. That right there is a huge plus. Second, she’s not your typical cheerleader or wanna be groupie. She was pretty in a cute and quirky way, yes, but she was also real and interesting. He was drawn to her and he wanted to find out why. 

Home is with the person who throughout it all never gives up on you and brings you eternal happiness. 

The connection these two had was so flipping sweet. Romeo was so protective of Molly. He’s never had a girlfriend before, but once she became his, he was in the relationship one hundred percent. There were so many swoon-worthy moments, but one of my favorite moments were the kisses. OMG, the KISSES before the home games just made me melt. Plus the little parallels to William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet were so cute: The climbing of the trellis, the star-crossed lovers theme, and just the overall strong love between the two really made this story unique in its own right. LOVED. THIS. BOOK!!!

For never was a truer story of love conquering woe than this of Molly Juliet and her Romeo. 

Author provided copy in exchange for an honest review. THANK YOU, TILLIE!!!


Cover Reveal: Sweet Surrender (Sweet #2) by Angel Steel

For five long years, Chantal has been in love with Dom. They have always had a great friendship and flirted with each other like nobody’s business, which just seemed to be their thing. Chantal’s feelings for Dom were obvious to everyone but him.
After being rejected for the last time by Dom, Chantal is fed up and ready to move on…or so she thinks. She finds solace in a familiar face and starts anew. Things start to heat up, and along with new beginnings come new surprises…and secrets. An old flame resurfaces and things go awry. The crazier life gets, the harder it is to keep her secrets from the people she loves, including Dom. Can she keep these secrets hidden forever?
Dom has been hiding his feelings for Chantal for five years. He just can’t see a way to make it work. There are things about him that she can never know. One could test her limits and the other would certainly test their relationship. Either way, Dom is afraid he will lose her if she were to ever find out.
Will the love that Chantal and Dom has for each other, be strong enough for them to cope with all of the lies and deceit? Or will it end them for good?


“I would rather stay in. I kinda hurt my ankle today, so I wanted to keep the pressure off it.”

Sitting down near her foot, and placed it in his lap and rubbed it lightly.
“Well we can do that.” Smiling down at her. Running his hand up her leg to her thigh and lingered there. He was so close to where she wanted him. Leaning over her, “Do you trust me, baby?” He whispered against her lips, Nodding was the only thing she could do, as he leaned further over her and pulled out her satin blindfold.
Laying her further down on the bed, he leans over and whispers in her ear, “Your wildest dreams.” What did he mean by that! He didn’t know her wildest dreams! She felt as the satin blindfold slid over her head, resting over her eyes. He moved further up the bed and tied her hands together against the headboard with the rope from her silk gown.
When he was finished, she heard a rustling noise, knowing exactly what is was, she felt her nipples harden and her clit swell. Panting now, he guides an ice cube over her stomach and down to her pussy, making her gasp at the contact. Sliding his hand lower between her legs, she felt him lean over and start to lick her.
Chantal’s feet started to curl, her body shaking. Chantal could feel how slick she was, God she wanted to touch him. Then he stopped all contact. After what seemed like an eternity in her dark room, he comes back at her again, but this time she feels the tip of his cock on her nipples as he straddles her on her stomach. She could feel the heat from his body being this close to hers. As his cock nudged her chin, “Open,” he asked.
Obeying his wish, she opened her mouth as he glided it around her mouth. She moaned at the taste of him. But that is as far as he goes. Frustrated, “Tease,” Chantal groans.
She tried to move close to him, but he pressed harder against her, and then he gently grabbed the back of her head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Finally. Swirling her tongue around the head of him, she heard him groan, making her wetter than she had even been before. Loving the sound that came from him, Chantal started moving her mouth over him as much as she could. Her clit swelled further and she could feel the tingles going through her whole body.
Chantal wanted to scream at him to put it in her in pussy, but I want this to be perfect! The only thing she could do was groan as he pushes his hard cock deeper in her throat.
Jesus she was on fire, she needed to touch herself, something, anything. She was so close to coming without being touched. The suspense was killing her. Chantal’s body started writhing, squirming under his body. She needed to touch him, bad.
Moving all of a sudden removing his hardness from her mouth and slowly works his way down her body. Sliding off completely, he reaches towards where I want him most and starts kissing and licking. Asking myself is this? It is. This is the moment….. Chantal was ready to explode. Then he just stops. Just like that. She wanted to scream. “Please.” She whispered. She felt the moment when he got off the bed. What was he doing now? She had never ever been this turned on in her life.
Everything is so quiet in the room, and then Chantal hears the ice bucket again. Leaning over her, starting at her nipples, rolling the ice cube around them. Then ever so slowly he traces a line with his mouth down her stomach. Once he reaches her core, parts her lips and she feels him slide between her legs, entering her slowly with his hard cock. He drives deeper inside her, cupping her ass with his hand and really starts thrusting, letting out a moan at what he was doing to her. She needed more, but didn’t know what.
It was like he knew what she needed. Sliding his hand up behind her knee and drapes it over his shoulder. Wiggling them both up the bed, he starts hammering harder into her.
It felt like her head was going to explode, “Oh fuck, oh fuck,” She screamed.
Then he stops, “I need to take a piss.” 
What? Damn!! Fuck!!! She was so close, right there on the verge. “Please.” She moaned. But got nothing from him as she heard him open the door and goes to the toilet… Within seconds he is back and quickly slides back into position, and immediately starts slamming into me. 
“Fuck, Jesus Christ,” She hisses. This is what I asked for! She heard him quietly giggle.
“Harder, faster, deeper… Fuck you feel good.” She screams.
He does as she asked, and she feels herself coming over and over again….. Then it hits her, a cramp. “Shit, that hurts.” Her body is telling her to stop, but her pussy has a mind of its own, saying keep it coming… In the end her body wins out. He stops, “What’s wrong.” She could hear the concern in his voice.
“Cramp.” She groaned around the pain. He rest his body over hers, rubbing her aching leg with his hand. She felt a drop of sweat dripping from his body onto her chest. Then out of nowhere, “Open your mouth.” He removes himself from her and off the bed completely. Lying on the bed with her mouth wide open, what the hell is going on? Then something enters her mouth. Sucking a little on the object, and realizing it was a lollypop. 
“Suck it.” He growls. Doing as she was told, she licks and sucks the shit out of the pop the best way she knew how. She found it interesting that she had never seen this side of him, but it really excited her. 
“That’s enough.” He told her and removes it from her mouth. Chantal feels him move and places it inside her pussy, swirling it around. Removing it from inside her, he then pushes it inside her mouth. 
“Now it’s time for the real fun,” He tells her as he removes the blindfold and the lollypop.

Amazon / B&N

Taken by the Vampire King (Vampire Warrior Kings #3) by Laura Kaye

Henrik Magnusson is supposed to be immortal, but a mysterious ailment leaves the vampire king near death, and not even the blood of the Proffered, human virgins trained to serve the elite, can sustain him. Then he rescues a beautiful young woman from his enemies, and is filled with blood lust and desire he hasn't felt for centuries.

Photographer Kaira Sorenson's life takes a nightmare turn when she's attacked by blood-thirsty creatures—and saved by a vampire. She should be afraid of Henrik, but she can't deny her intense attraction to this regal, enigmatic being—nor the fact that her blood may be his only salvation. Now she must decide if she's willing to be his forever…

3.5 Stars

If you're looking for quick vampire reads that tug at your heart, consider reading Laura Kaye's Vampire Warrior Kings series. One of the things why I continue to enjoy this series is because each installment takes part in a different part of the world. In Taken by the Vampire King, the reader is transported to beautiful Norway.

Vampire Warrior King, Henrik Magnusson is ill. He's dying and has pretty much accepted his fate. As the fight against the Soul Eaters continue, Henrik rescues a woman who he seems to be undeniably drawn to. Will she be able to save him?

I think for me the first book, In the Service of the King, has been my favorite of the series thus far. It was my first introduction to this particular vampire world. With that being said, Ms. Kaye does a great job explaining this vampire world in each book making them wonderful, novella-length, standalone reads.

I just loved the setting and the insights to the Northern Lights in Taken by the Vampire King. As someone who has never seen these natural light displays in real life, I found the mythology behind the Aurora Borealis to be quite fascinating! Henrik and Kaira find they have a lot of things in common. Their romance is a heart-warming one!

*A complimentary copy was provided for an honest review.*

Cover Reveal: Down and Out by Kelley R. Martin


Title: Down and Out
Author: Kelley R. Martin
Expected release date: November 26, 2013
Genre: Contemporary
Age Group: New Adult

Book Description:
 “Tattooed package of sin.”
That’s how Savannah Ryan would describe Declan Whitmore, the deliciously tatted and pierced fighter who holds the top spot in Veritas, Boston’s newest underground fighting organization. Declan is relentless when he sets his sights on someone, both in and out of the ring, and Savannah’s witty comebacks and tight little body have just landed her on his radar. 
There are a couple of teensy problems, though. Declan just happens to be Savannah’s new boss, which normally wouldn’t have stopped her from sleeping with him, but this recently reformed bad girl is trying to go straight after heading down a dangerous path. It’s too bad that Savannah’s new road to salvation doesn’t include pit stops for hard muscles, a beautiful face, and the prettiest damn pair of green eyes she’s ever seen.
Declan’s used to getting any girl he wants, but turning over a new leaf means too much to Savannah. She’s not going to make this easy for him. Her jaded exterior has kept people out and held her secrets in for as long as she can remember, and that’s exactly how she wants it to stay. But as Declan gets glimpses of the real girl inside, vulnerable and afraid, he makes it his mission to tear down those walls and free her. 
What if this tattooed package of sin is all the salvation she needs?
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About the Author
Kelley lives in the great state of Texas, but she swears it's not all country music and cowboy boots... Okay, some of it is, but not all of it. She's got an amazing husband, who continues to inspire her every day. Even after twelve years and two of the cutest little girls you could possibly imagine.  

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