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ARC Review: The Suicide Princess by Anthony Bryan

"Not your mother's romance, this is an erotic thriller that will leave you breathless and have you begging for more..."

Stephanie Bradford is a young, attractive, and successful District Attorney on her way to the top. She has the near-perfect life, with an amazing husband, and she has it all in the palm of her hand. When her marriage falls into a romantic rut, Stephanie is skillfully swooned by a charming, mysterious and intriguing stranger who looks to be the answer to all of her fantasies. A whirlwind and erotic affair quickly spirals out of control, and before long, she learns that things aren’t always as they appear and people are rarely who they seem. One poor decision becomes the catalyst for a series of events that rips her life apart, and Stephanie is left with nothing but the thirst for revenge against the man who viciously stole everything from her. The Suicide Princess is a sexually charged roller coaster ride where nothing is as it seems and everything is at stake!

Release Date: October 13, 2013

 3.5 - 4 Stars

Secrets, Lies, Sweet Revenge!

An unsatisfied wife. A charming and mysterious stranger. A secret, steamy affair.

Meet Stephanie Bradford. Her career as Assistant District Attorney is taking off. The romance in her marriage...eh...not so much. Although she communicates with her husband, Jacob, what her needs are, he still leaves her frustratingly unsatisfied. Stephanie really wants to be someone's “bad girl” though. The handsome stranger she met one day left her very much intrigued. Little did she know that meeting Derrick would lead her down a pleasurable but dark and dangerous path.

The Suicide Princess is a standalone read for mature audiences (18+) seeking an erotic escape. It is most definitely a quick read with plenty of steamy, tantalizing scenes. If you like reads with Dom/sub themes, threesomes, explicit language and naughty texts, then this would be right up your alley. I'll be honest and say that Stephanie was hard for me to like; however, the author does take her down an alluring yet self-destructive road that had quite a few unexpected turns.

The Suicide Princess is also a mystery/thriller which seems to start rolling after about 100 pages. Once the mystery started playing out, I was kept on the edge and couldn't stop reading! This part I really loved, and I think Anthony Bryan did a fantastic job incorporating all the secrets, lies and twists into a wonderful tangled web. The plotting and revenge parts were so very sweet!

I sense great things to come from this author! I will keep an eye out for what comes next from Anthony Bryan.

Favorite quote:
Leave your shoes on. Always leave your shoes on.”

This quote reminds me of the cover. Every bad girl needs a pair of shoes like those!

*A complimentary copy was provided by the author for an honest review.*

 Add The Suicide Princess to your TBR on Goodreads

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Cover Reveal: Seeing Black (Seeing Red #2) by Sidney Halston

Title: Seeing Black
Series: Seeing Red #2
Author: Sidney Halston
Release: November 5, 2013
Adult Romance with some mystery/suspense

Seeing Black, the conclusion of Seeing Red, continues right where Jillian left off. The love ‘square’ has been resolved, and Jill is finally getting her happily ever after. Just as things are steaming up with her and her beau, her estranged father makes a request that sets her life spiraling out of control into an endless plunge down the rabbit hole. What will happen when Paul Black, her deceitful ex-boyfriend, reappears into her life to shed new light on her father? Could she ever trust him?   And will Alexander stick by her during the explosive blowup with her father. 
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About the Author 
Sidney Halston lives her life with one simple rule: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”–Mark Twain. Or even simpler, “Just Do It”—Nike. And that’s exactly what she did. After working hard as an attorney, Sidney picked up a pen for the first time at thirty years old to begin her dream of writing. Having never written anything other than very exciting legal briefs, she found an outlet for her imaginative romantic side and wrote Seeing Red.That first pen stroke sealed the deal, and she fell in love with writing. Sidney lives in South Florida with her husband and children. She loves her family above all else, and reading follows a close second. When she’s not writing you can find her reading and reading and reading. She’s a reader first and a writer second. When she’s not writing or reading, her life is complete and utter chaos, trying to balance family life with work and writing (and reading). But she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Torn (Connections #2) by Kim Karr

Rock star River Wilde brought Dahlia London back from the brink of hopelessness with his unwavering love and devotion. But their entangled history is about to test the strength of their relationship…

Dahlia was certain she had found true love and met her "Once in a Lifetime’ when she reconnected with River. But Dahlia’s world comes crashing down when someone from her past resurfaces, and all of River’s carefully hidden secrets are exposed.                                                               
River wants to show Dahlia that life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass—it’s about dancing in the rain. But how many times can one broken heart be mended?  Will River and Dahlia be able to stay together or will they be torn apart?

Given the end of Connected(book 1) I knew that this book was going to be angsty to put it mildly!! 

Possible Spoilers Ahead!!

The love between River and Dahlia has always been a 'love at first sight' amazing thing! With everything that they went through to get where they are, about to head off to Vegas to get married, you would think their HEA would be inevitable, but hang on....Ben is back!! 

Seriously, when I read that at the end of Connected, that Ben was not really dead I'm pretty sure I said out load 'Are you fucking kidding me?' What a fucking crazy cliffhanger. So you can see why I was so excited to read this conclusion. 

Now, I knew there was shit that River wasn't telling Dahlia, things he knew that he believed she was better off not knowing. We all know, being the awesome guy that he is that he was protecting her, but as always that comes back to bite him in the ass!! When they learn that Ben is alive, and Ben is one delusional fucker to think that he and Dahlia are just going to pick up where they left off years before when he faked his death! See, crazy fucker, huh?? Especially when she learns that Ben really did cheat on her, not just came close like he assured her when they were in college, and with River's sister no less!! I know, right?! Holy Shit!

We all know that Dahlia is so freakin' head over heels in love with River that there is no way that she is going back to Ben, but River has to have his moments of insecurity to add to the angst of the story of course. Everyone's secrets come out in the end and it's rough going for a little while but I assure you there is a HEA!! I mean really how can you stay upset with each other when one of you is a delicious rock star who can write you a song to assure you that your relationship is not and never will be 'In Pieces' (this is one of my favorite parts)

There are no pieces, I promise you
Glass can shatter and bones may break
But I will always call, I will always find you
Our love is strong
Let me ease your mind, let me in, I will always love you
I will always love you
We'll never be in pieces 

Can you imagine your man writing and singing that song to you... I know right, instant panty drop!! :)


Promo event & excerpt: The Story of You and Me by Pamela DuMond

The Story of You and Me
Pamela DuMond

 She’s driven to save a life.
He’s haunted by breaking one.
Some secrets are too risky to share.
But nothing’s more dangerous than falling in love…

Nineteen-year-old Sophie doesn’t listen to the naysayers because she has hope. The kind of hope that makes you do weird things—like travel two thousand miles away from everyone she knows and loves to a strange city.

So what if her first night in Los Angeles starts with a small misstep—a brief trip to the ER after twenty-one-year-old Alejandro, the hottest guy she’s ever met, saves her during a bar fight on the USCLA campus.
The stakes are high for Sophie—life and death—as she seeks answers to dark questions in a city that can be a slice of heaven, or a piece of hell. She’s running out of time on her journey to find healing. Falling for a guy isn’t part of her plan. But healing doesn’t always come the way you think you need it.
Sophie’s healing is six-foot-two-inches tall, has stunning hazel eyes, black, shiny hair and a rock solid chest that shelters her. Her healing is Alejandro.
But he’s not your typical college party boy—he has a dangerous past. Sophie isn’t the only one who keeps secrets. As they fall in love, he fears his truth might hurt her. And Sophie doesn’t know if she has the courage to tell him:
He can’t break her—because she’s already broken.
A Story of Hope.  A Story of Love.  A Story of Redemption.
Genre: Coming-of-Age, Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult, Mature Young Adult
Release date: September 17, 2013

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“Go out with me, for real,” he said. “Not a yoga class or a walk on fire event, or a palm reading.”

I really wanted to say, yes. But, this would take us to a different place.
“We are so perfect right now,” I said. “I don’t want to screw up our relationship. I don’t want—”
He pulled me toward him and kissed me. One hand cradled the back of my head. He ran his fingers through my hair with his other hand. His lips were full and insistent. His tongue slipped inside my mouth like it was meant to be there. Tempting me. Claiming me. He tasted sweet.
And suddenly I felt like I was falling all over again. I leaned back against my front door as his lips moved from my mouth, trailing kisses down my face, down my neck.
“Sophie,” he breathed in my name. Then kissed me hard on the lips, his tongue exploring my mouth. One strong arm wrapped around my waist as he lifted me up a few inches off the ground toward him, my T-shirt scrunching up toward my breasts, my bared abdominal skin pressed tight against his thin T-shirt.
“Life is short, Sophie Marie Priebe. We are not perfect people. We don’t know how much time we will have together.”
He had no idea how scary prophetic he was being.

“But I will guarantee you this. We have something far more special than the majority of people. Consider this to be your official invitation—” His warm breath and the pressure of his full lips brought a flush to my skin. His hand traced down my neck toward the top of my T-shirt. He pulled the neckline back as he kissed my shoulder.

Shivers raced up and down my arms. “This is me. Officially asking you, Sophie, to, please, go out with me.” He tucked strands of my hair behind my ear. Kissed my ear. Kissed my hair. Kissed my shoulder.

“Yes, Alejandro. Yes, I will go out with you.” I tried to find my footing. Which was a little hard to do when he was still holding me six inches above the ground.
Gidget barked and I heard a kitchen window slam shut, muffling her yips.

“Voyeurs,” I said to Alejandro as his lips brushed mine.
He frowned. And slowly let me slide down his body. His gorgeous face. His dimpled chin. I closed my eyes because I just wanted to feel him: His muscular solid chest. His tight abs. His hardness. When my feet hit the ground, he backed away from me.
I swayed for a moment and wanted to say, “Fuck you, caution. Screw you, MS! You can’t own me. This is my time!”

“Gimme Shelter” blared from Alex’s phone. I opened my eyes and reached for him, but he was standing a couple feet away from me the sidewalk. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Someone needs a Driver. I can’t believe it. Not tonight.” He stared at his phone.
“You’re leaving?”
“Sorry, Bonita. It’s important. I made a promise. I’ve gotta go.” He jogged toward his Jeep.
“Okay,” I said as my knees felt weak and I leaned against my door.
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He got into his Jeep and drove away.
About the author
Pamela DuMond is the writer who discovered Erin Brockovich's life story, thought it would make a great movie and pitched it to 'Hollywood'.
She's addicted to The X Factor. The movies Love Actually and The Bourne trilogy (with Matt Damon -- not that other actor guy,) make her cry every time she watches them. (Like -- a thousand.) She likes her cabernet hearty, her chocolate dark and she lives for a good giggle.
When she's not writing Pamela's also a chiropractor and cat wrangler. She loves reading, the beach, yoga, movies, animals, her family and friends. She lives in Venice, California with her furballs. If she ever gets her act together, she might even blog more often.
She's constantly updating her website, which you can find at http://www.pameladumond.com

Event organized by AToMR Tours 

Love Plus One (G-Man #2) by Andrea Smith

A year ago 19-year-old Lindsey Dennison's life took an abrupt turn. While away at Cornell for her freshman year at college, her parents' marriage imploded. Lindsey learned the harsh truth about her father, and his involvement in criminal activity. He'd slipped out of the country with his lover on the eve of his arrest, deserting his only child. Lindsey was left trying to pick up the pieces of the life she now realized had been a house of secrets and lies for all of those years.

After her mother's second marriage relocates her from Indianapolis to Washington, D.C., Lindsey decides to start fresh at a new college closer to where her mother, step-father and baby brother Bryce are now living. Life is different now for Lindsey, but it's about to change even more. Trace "Taz" Matthews, an FBI agent is about to rock her world in more ways than one. Taz is a confirmed man-whore but Lindsey has a problem she's certain he can fix . . . but will he?

Despite their best efforts, Lindsey and Taz are tossed together by fate on more than one occasion, and this G-Man doesn't appreciate the distraction. Issues at home with her mother suddenly cause Lindsey's life to become increasingly complicated. There's a budding romance on the horizon for Lindsey with a wealthy and attractive guy she meets at school; but things are never quite as they seem. Lindsey will learn a brutal lesson about trust, compassion and strength. Taz will learn lessons about love, intimacy and honor, and that sometimes doing the right thing has consequences.

This book is intended for mature audiences.
Warning: Explicit Sex, contains rape scene.

Wow!!! I am really loving the G-Man series!! They just keep getting better and better!

If I thought that I couldn't love this story more than Diamond Girl's story of Slate and Sammie, imagine my fucking surprise at how over the moon I now am for Lindsay and Taz!! So much so that I finished it practically in one sitting!

At first I had a little issue with this smoking hot guy with a stupid name like Taz, but I quickly got over it! We met Lindsay in Diamond Girl, she is Sammie's 19 year old daughter and Taz, who is Slate's FBI buddy, and consequently a tad older than Linds at 28. Who cares...age is just a number, but then there is the issue of Taz being a bit of a man whore and oh yeah, Lindsay still having her pesky V card!! :)

Lindsay offers herself up to Taz and he accepts until of course he discovers she is a virgin and declares there is no way he is going there! Breaks her heart a bit but Lindsay is a tough chick and picks her self up and moves on. Go girl! But life constantly throws them together until there is no denying there is something between them that they can't ignore. Soooo...some hot sex and dirty talking later, they are making it work!

However, being that her man and her step-father are FBI you know there is some suspense/drama thrown in there. It's a good idea to read Diamond Girl before this one so that you are better able to follow the story and the drama that unfolds. In the end, Lindsay is kidnapped and horribly brutalized before Taz can get to her, which of course is when he realizes that he is madly in love with her. No worries though, as always(well mostly) a HEA is delivered!! We have to wade through some pain and heartache first but it all works out...or so we believe! I know there are more to come in this series and still some loose ends left out there so I guess we will have to wait and see how it all ends! 

I will definitely be right there to get me some more smokin' hot, dirty talkin' G-Men!!