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Cover Reveal: Wild Child by M. Leighton

Jenna Theopolis has always known what she wanted.  Getting out of her small hometown of Greenfield was number one on her list of priorities.  Until she met Rusty Catron.

Rusty’s fun-loving personality was the perfect match for Jenna’s inner wild child.  But what started off as a summer fling quickly turns into something more.  At least it does for Jenna.

Rusty has lived with the ghost of his father’s abandonment since he was a child, but now he’s beginning to feel the crippling effects of his scars.  He wants to trust in Jenna, but deep down he doesn’t believe someone so wild and free can ever be tamed. 

But tragedy strikes, pushing Jenna out of Greenfield and leaving Rusty with a choice to make—face his inner demons or lose the love of his life.  Forever.

Series: The Wild Ones #1.5
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella
Release Date: October 22, 2013

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About the author
M. Leighton is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Wild Ones and The Bad Boys romance trilogies.  She is a native of Ohio, relocated to the warmer climates of the South, where she lets her mind wander to romantic settings with sexy Southern guys much like the one she married and the ones you'll find in her latest books.  When her thoughts aren't roaming in that direction, she'll be riding horses, swimming in ponds and experiencing life on a ranch, all without leaving the cozy comfort of her office.

Cover Reveal organized by

Unattainable (Undeniable #3) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a virtuous and tender love story. It’s chaotic, ruthless, and tragic. This story takes love and kills its innocence, steals away the pure moments, and crushes the hearts of the broken. A story born in childhood, tying one girl to one boy, leads to a destructive path—that hurts more than it doesn’t, that shatters more than it heals—testing the love that binds the two through a lifetime. 

Tegen Matthews is the daughter of Dorothy Kelley, a club whore in the Hell’s Horsemen. A plain little girl, Tegen falls into the gritty world of the motorcycle club. When she meets a sweet, caring boy, she embraces the warmth and affection he shows her. Cage West is the son of the president of the Hell’s Horsemen. Tall and blond with deep brown eyes, as he grows up Cage realizes the power of his dimpled smile and smooth drawl. With one chance encounter, Tegen becomes forever tied to Cage. Following is a wayward journey that is filled with regrets, mistakes, and heartache, pulling at the threads that hold them together. Cage and Tegen fight hard but love harder, and in the end, what matters is where the journey takes one girl and one boy, who have been twined with one another since the beginning. 

This is Tegen and Cage’s story. 

Love doesn’t erase a broken heart, and it sure doesn’t change people. But no matter how old, how flimsy, how frayed the rope of love is, it keeps you tethered to the people you love.

I will say one more time that these BOOKS ARE CRACK!!! I can’t devour them fast enough, in fact, when this one was released I did something that I NEVER DO!! I quit a book I was reading right in the middle to dive into this one!! 

I need to make clear right off the bat that I love The Hell's Horseman as much as I ever have but I had to knock a star off of this one just because I didn’t feel Tegen and Cage the way I thought I would. The passion between them is OFF THE CHARTS, but a lot of the time it was hate and angry sex. Not that there is anything wrong with angry sex but fuckin’ seriously?! If you hate the guy that drunkenly took your virginity and never looked back for over a decade, you don’t just get over it in a weekend or two. Their story seemed rushed to me. When we met Duece and Eva, their story spanned their entire lives. Danny and Rippers story spanned many years and I feel like the story of Cage and Tegen deserved so much more time and background that we didn’t get. That is the only reason I knocked off a star.

Tegen is an angry, hot mess and has become someone she doesn’t even recognize half the time. When she ends up back home and has to deal with Cage yet again, it is obvious she still loves him by the way she vehemently hates on him all the time. I think I had the hardest time with the way they talk to each other. It is so nasty most of the time. Even when they seem to be getting it right, it fucking derails and they are off to scratching and spitting at each other again. Tegen is simply trying to guard her heart – I get that!

If my past were a person, I would grab the throat of the motherfucker, drag her ass down Re-do Street, and once I’d beaten the ever –loving shit out of her, I’d stand over her beaten-down, broken body and say: “You stupid bitch. You ignorant, stupid bitch. Love isn’t a fucking answer. It hurts more than it doesn’t, it’s harder than it is easy, it takes work, guts and perseverance. 

She wants to believe that Cage has suddenly given up his whoring ways and wants to be a one woman man, with her. She is so scared of being broken again and ending up like her mom. Afraid of being a club whore and left with nothing when Cage changes his mind. Their road is a rough one, no doubt, but then Cage goes and says something that melts your heart, ya know, in that biker way :)

”You were never a club slut, Tegen, ” he said. “Not once did I ever fuckin’ think that. To me, you were always D’s little girl. You were family and, Teacup, you were my best friend.” 


I love you, Teacup,” he said, smiling. “Always have,” he said. “Just didn’t realize it until now.” 

All that said, however rough the ride, Tegen and Cage will get their HEA and I love that! Makes the hurt and crazy worth it.

Ok, now on to Dirty and Ellie – oh, did I forget to mention this is kind of a two part review?!

Now, it took me a minute to remember Ellie, the friend of Danny’s when she was younger that absolutely hates anything to do with the MC. But when she ends up back in town for a job interview and is beaten and almost raped by the chief of police whom she thought was an old friend, she finds an unlikely savior in Dirty. He interrupts the assault and saves her. Up until now I never paid Dirty much mind by HOLY SHIT!! There is a huge fucking story hiding there under all that hair and dirty and yuck!! Dirty is one broken, fucked up fucker!! So we all know what he needs, right?? The love of a good woman and that’s where Ellie comes in. I really wish that Dirty had gotten his own book, this was another thing that felt rushed to me. I wanted to know so much more about Dirty and what happened to him and why he is the way he is and I wanted there to be more time spent on him and Ellie learning to love each other. That all happened really fast too!!

But, as I said, those minor complaints aside I FUCKING LOVE THE HELL’S HORSEMAN!! I will read anything and everything the beautiful Madeline Sheehan writes about them!!

Four Stars

**Possible spoilers below**

“You’re a waste of big dick and a pretty face!” 

I love this series; I always look forward to each new one. There’s just something about Madeline’s in-your-face, gritty writing that just makes me want more. I love her writing style and I love how real some of these characters have come to mean to me. I am forever a fan of her books. 

From the moment I met Cage in Undeniable I was anxiously waiting for his own story. What I didn’t expect is that not only was this about him & Tegan, but we were also introduced to the secondary couple in Dirty & Ellie. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Dirty & Ellie’s story stole the show. I couldn’t get into them at first only because all I wanted was Cage, but as the story went on, Dirty’s story started to really capture my attention. However, since technically this is Cage’s story, my review will focus mostly on his and Tegan’s story. But don’t get me wrong…I will be mentioning Dirty & Ellie before this review is done. 

“No, thank you. Sorry, Cage, been there, done you, don’t care to be a repeat offender.” 

Tegan is a woman with a grudge. She’s been in love with Cage since they were kids. They were best friends growing up. As they got older, the more Tegan fell in love. However, it wasn’t the same for Cage. He was the epitome of a man-whore. One dreadful and drunken night, Tegan gave Cage her virginity hoping that he would reciprocate her feelings. Unfortunately that is not how Cage is built. He broke Tegan’s heart, and Tegan has forever cursed the day she met him. Her motto is pretty much: Fuck Cage & Fuck the club. Both have caused nothing but trouble for her and her mother. 

A string of eight little words, eight very stupid, insignificant words that meant absolutely nothing to Cage and absolutely everything to me. 
Get on the back of my bike, Tegan. 

When Tegan’s mom calls and asks her to come home to help her through another drama, Tegan has no choice but to reluctantly agree. She hates going home, but she knows her mother desperately needs her. She does everything in her power to avoid Cage while she’s home, but alas, fate has other plans. 

Cage is tired of his man-whoring days. When he runs into Tegan, something about her looks, her smart mouth and her attitude does something to him. He’s tired of her ignoring him. It’s time to confront her and move forward. 

“I’ve always had you. Only difference is now, I’m taking you.” 

It’s no denying when these two get together, it’s pretty explosive. As much as I loved it when they finally got together, their relationship seemed a little forced. I know they were friends for a long time, but the long standing grudge Tegan couldn’t have just disappeared after a weekend with Cage…could it? I guess. And then there’s Cage. Can he really change his womanizing ways for Tegan? Is Tegan the right woman for him?

From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born. 

So as I stated, I did enjoy Cage and Tegan’s story, though Tegan did rub me the wrong way. I loved her attitude in the beginning, but as the story progressed, the more prevalent her bitchiness came across. Every time Cage shut her up was a highlight for me. 

Dirty & Ellie: I have to say something about this couple. I loved their story. It took a while for me to get into it, but once it got going, man oh man, their story was heartbreakingly beautiful. Dirty. Oh Dirty. The complexity of his character broke me. When all the layers that create Dirty started to peel away, the more I fell in love with him. The way he saved Ellie, gave her the space she needed, but yet still managed to make her feel safe, just floored me. I cannot wait to hear more about them in the future. For their story alone: 4.75 Stars

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: I LOVE THIS SERIES. Do you have ANY idea how anxious I am for the next book?! Do you?! I am salivating at the thought of reading Jase, Dorothy & Hawk’s story. SALIVATING! OMG! The drama and heartbreak surrounding Dorothy is off the charts and I seriously cannot wait!

Book Tour & Giveaway: Freeing Asia by E.M. Abel

How does a tomboy raised in a house full of men find the sensual woman inside of her? Growing up with a widowed, retired Marine as a father and two older brothers taught Asia to be tough. But how does she stop being one of the guys and learn to find the right one? 

Finding herself won't be easy, finding love will be even harder. 

Meeting Jay opens Asia's eyes to the possibility of love and unbelievable sex but can his country club world accept the woman more comfortable in torn jeans and flip flops? Or will she find the love she yearns for in the tattooed arms of her first love, a pro skater who has come back into her life? 

With the possibility of new love or closure from a painful first love, finding her path is riddled with uncertainty and discoveries but before she can follow her heart she must first set it free.

~excerpt one~
   "What?" he asked, amused.
     "I just love how attentive you are. You're a true gentleman. I've never been treated like a lady before." 
     "I usually like the bad boys," I confessed before I took a bite of my pizza."But since you're not a bad boy anymore, I guess I should try to behave myself."   
     After swallowing a bite I put my pizza down on the plate. Jay grabbed my hand and brought it up to his mouth. His eyes locked on mine as he took my index finger and slowly licked the sauce off of it. 
     Hoooly shit. 
     "Oh, I can be bad, baby"
    My entire body tingled with that single touch. As I imagined other places where I wanted that tongue to be, I could feel myself tighten between my thighs. 
    When he was done I brought the same finger to my mouth and sucked on it as I held his gaze. His eyes moved down to watch, and his lips slowly lifted into a devilish grin.
     I slid my finger out of my mouth. "Good," I murmured before smiling back.

~excerpt two~
    “So, what do you wanna do?” I asked with my hands on my hips. I couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off my face. My day just kept getting better and better. 
    Looking at me, Marcus smiled when he saw my expression, and then his eyes swept over me, stopping at the bottom of my shorts. 
    “New rule,” he stated as his expression hardened. 
    “New rule— you need to stop dressing like that when I’m here.” 
    I wrinkled my nose and glanced down at my pajamas. “What are you talking about? These are my pajamas!” I declared, holding out my arms to display my clothes. 
    He cocked his eyebrow with a slight smile. “It’s hard enough controlling myself around you, Asia. The last thing I need is you prancing around here in little shorts and tank tops.”                
    My jaw dropped, and I narrowed my eyes. “I do not prance.” 
    “The hell you don’t. You might be able to surf like one of the guys, but trust me, you don’t walk like one.” 
    I rolled my eyes, feeling my cheeks grow warm. 
    “Don’t you have some kind of muumuu or something? A potato sack?” he asked, smiling up at me. 
    “Whatever.” I turned toward the kitchen, making sure to sway my hips as I walked away.

About E.M. Abel

My husband is awesome and also a Chief in the US Navy. This means crazy schedules, uncertainty and lots of nights spent alone writing on my computer. 
I have two amazing kids who always know how to make me laugh. 
I've been passionate about writing ever since I wrote my first poem in the 3rd grade and I've been using it as a means to express myself ever since. 
I think because I hold my emotions so close and fear being vulnerable I use different forms of self expression- writing, drawing, painting, photography, tattoos- to show the world who I am.
The one rule I use everyday is the Golden Rule—"Treat others the way you'd like to be treated." I believe karma is very real and sometimes she can be a bitch if you make her that way. 
I love acting crazy, I love to laugh, I love making people laugh, I love the ocean, I love dancing like no one is watching, I love good music, I love good books... and I love my family, friends and readers. It's crazy that I feel a connection with people just because they read something I wrote, but I do. It's an awesome feeling. 

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Axel (Corps Security #1) by Harper Sloan

Note from the author--This book is intended for a mature reading audience and isn't suitable for younger readers. Brash language, sexual hotness, delectable alpha males, some violence and adult situations are all over this book--you have been warned. 

Fate hasn’t always been friends with Isabelle West. In fact, fate has been a downright bitch.

Isabelle has learned the hard way how hard life can be when fate isn’t by your side. It can hand you dreams on silver platters, but it can snatch them right back and hand you nightmares. One thing Isabelle knew for sure fate was consistent with was taking away everything she ever loved.

For the last two years Isabelle has been slowly clearing the clouds of her past. Happiness is finally on the horizon. She has a thriving business, great friends, and her life back. All she has to do is jump over the last hurdle…her ex-husband.

When problems start causing her to fear her new life, and memories that are better left forgotten start rushing to the surface the last thing she needs is a ghost from her past to come knocking on her door. 

Axel never thought he would look into the eyes of Isabelle West again, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to now. He’s carried his anger for so long he isn’t sure he can just turn it off, but when he is faced with protecting her and an unexpected desire to have her again, life gets a little more complicated.

How will Axel and Isabelle deal when all their cards are put on the table and everything they thought was true blows up in their faces?

3.5 Stars

She was mine.
She is mine.
She will always fucking be mine. 

I LOVE stories that contain Uber Alpha badass Heroes; I’m just a sucker for them. This book has been on my radar for a while now, and with it’s many raving reviews, I figure now is a good time to pick it up. 

This girl ripped my heart to fucking shreds and I never knew why. It would have been quicker if she had stuck around and shot me in the fucking chest. AT least I would have died instantly, instead of bleeding out slowly for the last twelve years. 

Izzy and Axel were high school sweethearts. The moment Axel laid eyes on Izzy, he knew she was it. They were as close as two people can be; they were deeply in love. When Axel had to leave to join the Marines, he promised Izzy that he would be back to get her. 

Axel has to make his own way in the world. Raised in a foster home, he never felt like he amounted to anything. It wasn’t until Izzy and her family welcomed him into their lives. He loved her, but when he came back a few months after he left, she was no longer there. He searched all over for her, only to find out that she was married. He never knew why she abandoned him; he was left heartbroken, as well as pissed. 

“You really think that once I bury myself deep within your pussy and feel your tight walls squeezing the come right out of my dick, that I will ever want to let you go again? You must be out of your fucking mind, Princess. I won’t even be able to let you out of my fucking bed until we make up for every single day we have lost.” 

Izzy has always loved Axel, never stopped loving him actually. She never truly loved her husband Brandon, and only married him because she thought Axel was dead (blame Axel’s foster mother…what a bitch!) To top it all off, her husband is an abusive monster. With the help of her best friend, Dee, she has the courage to finally leave him. Unfortunately, two years after separating, Brandon still hasn’t finalized their divorce. He will never leave her alone. 

There’s only so much Izzy can do. She’s lucky she has Dee and Greg in her life. Greg is her best guy friend and he is one tough former Marine. He will do anything to protect his friend. Greg decides to enlist the help of his Marine friends. This is where things get interesting. Little does Greg know, but his Marine friend is none other than Axel. 

“Missed you…so fucking much, Princess.” 

This story was very predictable, but still enjoyable. As much as I LOVED Axel’s Alpha awesomeness, which I just fucking ate up, I could only give it 3.5 stars. The biggest reason why I couldn’t give it more was because of Izzy. Ok, I know she’s had it tough, especially with Brandon and her belief that Axel was gone forever. I understand why she’s messed up, but seriously…I’ve never met a heroine who cried as much as she did. Not only that, but she gets stupid drunk (a lot) which makes her even cry more. Ugh. Annoying. 

Another pet peeve of mine was how long it took for these two tofinally clear the air. OMG! It took forever! I kept yelling at Izzy to just COMMUNICATE already!! Yes, I singled out Izzy because Axel was all about straightening things out. Izzy? Not so much. She did everything she could to avoid Axel and thus prolonging the inevitable. Again, annoying. Anyway the story wasn’t perfect, but it was still an entertaining read. I will definitely enjoy Greg’s story next. I LOVE GREG CAGE!!

Broken Beauty (Broken Beauty Novellas #1) by Chloe Adams

**Contains graphic content and the sensitive topic of rape and its aftermath. Not intended for teens under the age of 18.**

Sometimes bad things happen to beautiful people.

When socialite party girl Mia Abbott-Renou wakes up in a garden she has little recall of the previous night -- except that she is naked...hurt...terrified. Not only has she been raped, but she knows one of her assailants: the son of a wealthy politician who happens to be her own father’s political ally.

Mia wants and needs justice. Except this privileged boy has an alibi and her father forbids her from going to the police. It’s a critical election year, one that his party might lose if his image as a doting father is soured due to Mia being labeled a lush or worse, promiscuous.

Devastated at not having the support of her family, Mia finds herself in a tug-of-war with her conscience over what to do, especially since she can’t remember exactly what happened that night. Worse, the men who attacked her have hurt several other girls, and Mia may be the key to stopping them.

Mia tries to forget, until the unthinkable happens, and she’s left reeling once again, faced with a new challenge that will force her to take more control of her life.

Originally published in October 2012 as "No Way Back" by Chloe Adams

Four Stars

I loved this book, everything about it except that it was too friggin' short and ended right in the middle of the story. So of course I can't wait for more!!

This is a heartbreaking story of a young woman who is brutally raped and beaten by two men she knows and her politically powerful family is more worried about damage control than this beautiful, broken young woman!! This is heartbreaking to read! How can parents be so cold and awful. I had tears in my eyes more than once reading this short but incredibly powerful installment of this series!

Mia knows her attackers, but under the instruction of her father and fathers staff she is convinced that she can't be sure. Especially since one of the attackers is the son of one of her fathers biggest supporters! And God forbid she should make waves or cause problems!

But Mia has some wonderful people on her side. Her BFF Ari and Dom, the hero policeman that was there to save her. Once Mia learns that she is one of seven other women who were raped by these same men. They all have matching rape kits but none but Mia remember, none but Mia were able to fight back!!

This book ends on a cliffy that SUCKS!! Mia discovers something that rocks her world again and can't imagine where we are going from here, but I can't wait to find out!!

***This book was provided to me by Netgalley***