Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Axel (Corps Security #1) by Harper Sloan

Note from the author--This book is intended for a mature reading audience and isn't suitable for younger readers. Brash language, sexual hotness, delectable alpha males, some violence and adult situations are all over this book--you have been warned. 

Fate hasn’t always been friends with Isabelle West. In fact, fate has been a downright bitch.

Isabelle has learned the hard way how hard life can be when fate isn’t by your side. It can hand you dreams on silver platters, but it can snatch them right back and hand you nightmares. One thing Isabelle knew for sure fate was consistent with was taking away everything she ever loved.

For the last two years Isabelle has been slowly clearing the clouds of her past. Happiness is finally on the horizon. She has a thriving business, great friends, and her life back. All she has to do is jump over the last hurdle…her ex-husband.

When problems start causing her to fear her new life, and memories that are better left forgotten start rushing to the surface the last thing she needs is a ghost from her past to come knocking on her door. 

Axel never thought he would look into the eyes of Isabelle West again, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to now. He’s carried his anger for so long he isn’t sure he can just turn it off, but when he is faced with protecting her and an unexpected desire to have her again, life gets a little more complicated.

How will Axel and Isabelle deal when all their cards are put on the table and everything they thought was true blows up in their faces?

3.5 Stars

She was mine.
She is mine.
She will always fucking be mine. 

I LOVE stories that contain Uber Alpha badass Heroes; I’m just a sucker for them. This book has been on my radar for a while now, and with it’s many raving reviews, I figure now is a good time to pick it up. 

This girl ripped my heart to fucking shreds and I never knew why. It would have been quicker if she had stuck around and shot me in the fucking chest. AT least I would have died instantly, instead of bleeding out slowly for the last twelve years. 

Izzy and Axel were high school sweethearts. The moment Axel laid eyes on Izzy, he knew she was it. They were as close as two people can be; they were deeply in love. When Axel had to leave to join the Marines, he promised Izzy that he would be back to get her. 

Axel has to make his own way in the world. Raised in a foster home, he never felt like he amounted to anything. It wasn’t until Izzy and her family welcomed him into their lives. He loved her, but when he came back a few months after he left, she was no longer there. He searched all over for her, only to find out that she was married. He never knew why she abandoned him; he was left heartbroken, as well as pissed. 

“You really think that once I bury myself deep within your pussy and feel your tight walls squeezing the come right out of my dick, that I will ever want to let you go again? You must be out of your fucking mind, Princess. I won’t even be able to let you out of my fucking bed until we make up for every single day we have lost.” 

Izzy has always loved Axel, never stopped loving him actually. She never truly loved her husband Brandon, and only married him because she thought Axel was dead (blame Axel’s foster mother…what a bitch!) To top it all off, her husband is an abusive monster. With the help of her best friend, Dee, she has the courage to finally leave him. Unfortunately, two years after separating, Brandon still hasn’t finalized their divorce. He will never leave her alone. 

There’s only so much Izzy can do. She’s lucky she has Dee and Greg in her life. Greg is her best guy friend and he is one tough former Marine. He will do anything to protect his friend. Greg decides to enlist the help of his Marine friends. This is where things get interesting. Little does Greg know, but his Marine friend is none other than Axel. 

“Missed you…so fucking much, Princess.” 

This story was very predictable, but still enjoyable. As much as I LOVED Axel’s Alpha awesomeness, which I just fucking ate up, I could only give it 3.5 stars. The biggest reason why I couldn’t give it more was because of Izzy. Ok, I know she’s had it tough, especially with Brandon and her belief that Axel was gone forever. I understand why she’s messed up, but seriously…I’ve never met a heroine who cried as much as she did. Not only that, but she gets stupid drunk (a lot) which makes her even cry more. Ugh. Annoying. 

Another pet peeve of mine was how long it took for these two tofinally clear the air. OMG! It took forever! I kept yelling at Izzy to just COMMUNICATE already!! Yes, I singled out Izzy because Axel was all about straightening things out. Izzy? Not so much. She did everything she could to avoid Axel and thus prolonging the inevitable. Again, annoying. Anyway the story wasn’t perfect, but it was still an entertaining read. I will definitely enjoy Greg’s story next. I LOVE GREG CAGE!!

Broken Beauty (Broken Beauty Novellas #1) by Chloe Adams

**Contains graphic content and the sensitive topic of rape and its aftermath. Not intended for teens under the age of 18.**

Sometimes bad things happen to beautiful people.

When socialite party girl Mia Abbott-Renou wakes up in a garden she has little recall of the previous night -- except that she is naked...hurt...terrified. Not only has she been raped, but she knows one of her assailants: the son of a wealthy politician who happens to be her own father’s political ally.

Mia wants and needs justice. Except this privileged boy has an alibi and her father forbids her from going to the police. It’s a critical election year, one that his party might lose if his image as a doting father is soured due to Mia being labeled a lush or worse, promiscuous.

Devastated at not having the support of her family, Mia finds herself in a tug-of-war with her conscience over what to do, especially since she can’t remember exactly what happened that night. Worse, the men who attacked her have hurt several other girls, and Mia may be the key to stopping them.

Mia tries to forget, until the unthinkable happens, and she’s left reeling once again, faced with a new challenge that will force her to take more control of her life.

Originally published in October 2012 as "No Way Back" by Chloe Adams

Four Stars

I loved this book, everything about it except that it was too friggin' short and ended right in the middle of the story. So of course I can't wait for more!!

This is a heartbreaking story of a young woman who is brutally raped and beaten by two men she knows and her politically powerful family is more worried about damage control than this beautiful, broken young woman!! This is heartbreaking to read! How can parents be so cold and awful. I had tears in my eyes more than once reading this short but incredibly powerful installment of this series!

Mia knows her attackers, but under the instruction of her father and fathers staff she is convinced that she can't be sure. Especially since one of the attackers is the son of one of her fathers biggest supporters! And God forbid she should make waves or cause problems!

But Mia has some wonderful people on her side. Her BFF Ari and Dom, the hero policeman that was there to save her. Once Mia learns that she is one of seven other women who were raped by these same men. They all have matching rape kits but none but Mia remember, none but Mia were able to fight back!!

This book ends on a cliffy that SUCKS!! Mia discovers something that rocks her world again and can't imagine where we are going from here, but I can't wait to find out!!

***This book was provided to me by Netgalley***

Withstanding Me (Breakneck #2) by Crystal Spears

While the chaos and bloodshed have slowed for a short period, life is never quiet in the world of Breakneck. The club is taking time to regroup from internal betrayal and the changing of the guard in a rival group.
Zig Zag became a father at the age of thirteen. While raising a child has never been easy, now his eighteen year old daughter Tatiana makes his life downright hard. She has caught the eye of Travis, the new President of the rival MC Gunners, but all she really wants is Shadow, the newest addition to the Breakneck family. When Shadow’s rejection sends Tatiana running from the only family, home, and safety she’s ever known, ZZ is crazy with worry. The distraction caused by Tatiana’s disappearance could prove to be Zig Zag’s downfall.

If that isn’t enough, ZZ finds himself rampantly attracted to the one and only Storm. She’s beautiful, quick and witty. Their friendship is the one thing that keeps him from growing crazy, and Storm stands by ZZ through all the turmoil. Zig Zag is not accustomed to hearing the word no, so Storm’s constant withstanding just draws him in deeper. Their friendship is one thing keeping him from going crazy, until one night…

The club is regrouping and rebuilding from the mayhem known as the Russian Mafia. A hit is ordered on Tatiana, Storm, Winter, and Piper.

Tatiana’s egg donor reveals secrets that a thirteen year old Zig Zag was too young to understand.

Braxxon is out of reach while he helps Greg Cage deal with some dirty business.

Bloodshed… Secrets… Betrayal… Trauma… Welcome back to the Breakneck world.
4.5 Stars

“Lesson for you, Miss Martini. I want your pussy so I shall have your pussy, and anything or anyone standing in my way will be taken out.” 

I just finished Seize Me (book #1) and wanted more of this world. I was thrilled to find out that this book was already out. I immediately jumped right back in. This story starts off where Seize Me ended, but focused on two different characters, Zig Zag (a.k.a. “ZZ,” a.k.a. Mason Dillon) and Storm (a.k.a. Apple… her full name is actually Apple Drye Martini…kudos to Storm’s alcoholic mom for that name). 

“Ah darling, I want the kind of woman that wants the shit I give them. Women like you are way to good for the likes of me. You deserve to be protected, owned, loved, cherished, worshipped, and any other good shit you can think of. I don’t do the fallin’ in love thing, baby.” 

We first met Storm right after Winter & Braxxon took over the club that she was forced to strip/prostitute herself from. Storm was kidnapped and trafficked into this life. Though she was given a chance for a fresh start, she decided to stay and help Winter with the club, especially when Winter gave her the opportunity to manage it. The sisterly bond she feels towards Winter makes her feel like she’s actually of value, and not just a piece of meat. Its because of her past, that she refuses Mason what he wants. She doesn’t want to just be another notch in Mason’s bedpost, she wants more. 

“I know you can give me this. I just know it, but I’m tired of waiting. I’m ready, damn am I ready, but you never will be even though you can be. Baby I’ll be your best friend. I’ll be the voice you need to hear, but I won’t be the body you want to be near. Because baby, you just want a few nights and I want more than that from you.” 

Oh Mason, Mason, Mason - You stupid, silly, stubborn man. Seriously…he’s a prime example of a commitment-phobe. All he wants is to fuck Storm. That’s it. Nothing more. He doesn’t do love, nor emotions. In his life, he has only loved two women: His ma and his daughter. Every other female is just pussy to him. However, he knows that Storm is different and that scares the fuck out of him. 

“When it’s just you and me babe, I’m Mason to you, no club, no fuckin hits, no fuckin idiot traffickers. It’s Just. Us.” 

Mason is losing the battle. After he and Storm call it truce and just remain friends, he wants her more than ever. Storm is slowly burrowing into his heart and he can’t do anything to stop it. She is everything he wants: Loyal, caring, beautiful and has an incredible heart. She doesn’t even have to force anything on him. Just being herself is enough to crack Mason.

This book was slightly different from Seize Me. It was still violent and still very sexy, but for me, it was more emotional than book one. Let me try and explain. Seize Me was pretty raw and gritty. It was fast paced, extremely violent and had more of an edge. This, however, seemed to simmer down on the violent aspect, but only slightly. It focused more on the emotional attachment of the Hero, the heroine and their family, both the MC and their immediate ones. Multiple POVs were used in this story, where as Seize Me was just Winter and Braxxon’s. Lots of events are happening around Mason and Storm, but it never deterred the focus of their relationship. I’m a little sad that I finished this book so fast because now I have to wait for the next installment: Shadow & Tatiana’s story. Oh boy…that’ll be fun! Looking forward to it.

First Temptation (Covert Affairs #1.5) by Joan Swan

Counterterrorist agent Taft Walker knows the Mexican cartel smuggling game. But posing as part owner of an adult store to ferret out the newest tunnel into the US is a first. So is Zoe Brooks, his partner, new to undercover and a sex-toy virgin. Taft’s up for the sexy challenge. At least until he sees the real Zoe beneath her tough façade and realizes, for the first time in his life, he’ll have to risk his heart to win.

After the death of a teammate, Border Patrol Agent Zoe Brooks is ready to get off the front lines. She’s willing to tolerate a swaggering partner like Taft for a chance to work investigations with ICE. But she’s not prepared for the way he understands her deepest, sexiest desires. Or the fact that she’ll have to break her own rules to grab hold of the passion she’s always wanted.

 Note:  Also appears in the anthology Wicked Firsts
Four Stars

Wowza! What a fantastic novella to accompany the Covert Affairs series by Joan Swan! After reading Intimate Enemies, which is one of my faves, I wanted more! I love these characters and was delighted that Rio is in First Temptation, too.

There were so many things I loved about First Temptation. Right away there is action and danger. Zoe Brooks is a border patrol agent who is ready to change jobs. Her first assignment working undercover with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) pairs her with agent Taft Walker. They butt heads for a bit, but soon there's a lot of fiery chemistry igniting between them as they pretend to be a couple running a shop...a sex toy shop! Oh boy...does it get delicious with sex toys, poles and some very sexy dirty dancing!

One of the things I love about Joan Swan's romantic suspense is that her heroines are just as swoon-worthy as her heroes. Being a woman in this line of work is not easy. Zoe is strong-minded and can get the job done even in heels. She's such a sensual tease! For the first time in his life, Taft, a non-commitment type of guy, wants something more!

I thought this novella was very fun and exciting. It had a great balance of action, suspense, sexy times, and romance with heart. I giggled, I swooned, I was kept at the edge of my seat. If you're looking for something quick to read in the romantic-suspense genre that is also erotic and thrilling, you may want to try this one out.

First Temptation can be read as a stand-alone. It's also part of the anthology, Wicked Firsts.

*A complimentary copy of First Temptation was provided for an honest review*

Seize Me (Breakneck #1) by Crystal Spears


This novel contains explicit language, sex, drugs, abuse and sexual situations that some might find offensive. 

Winter Belov was the sweet innocent one in her crime family, the dutiful daughter that never disappointed her father. One day, her father does the unspeakable. When he turns his back, Winter flees across the country, taking her life savings with her, determined never to enter that sort of lifestyle again.
No longer innocent, she now lives in Nevada. Lana is her best friend and the only family Winter has. Together, they are two of the best exotic dancers in the county. While working a shift, Pyro, Lana’s long time crush, propositions Winter. He begs her to do a private gig at Breakneck. She accepts, with the condition that Lana dances with her.
When Winter’s eyes lock with Braxxon Breaker's, the President of Breakneck, she realizes she is no longer free; she has been seized. He is everything she is running from but at the same time, everything she wants. Braxxon will not take no for an answer, and purposely disrupts Winter’s life.
Rivals of Braxxon’s club are vicious and they do something that will have him out for blood. Winter's and Braxxon’s relationship is anything but a normal one. If they want to be together, crimes must be committed, friendships will be broken and people are going to die.
What happens when all that chaos mixes with Winter’s father locating her? It will be a bloodshed when Winter and Braxxon seek revenge and take no prisoners.

For readers 18 & up only!

4.5 Stars

“You’re mine. I’ve fucked you raw. That makes you mine” 

Oh. My. God. I love badass Biker books. Love, love, love them. But before I go on, I have read a lot of mixed reviews regarding this book, and as I was reading this, I can kind of see how some might be put off by this story. However, I was not one of those readers. Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop. I became immersed in this world of violence, drugs, sex and abuse. This is definitely not for everyone, but it was made for me.

She’s my Winter for my hottest summer days. She’s the Angel for my hell. I will never leave her. She’ll have to do the leaving and even if she did leave, she’d still own every single inch of me. 

Winter Belov is a Russian Mafia princess, but no one except her best friend, Lana, knows about that. She ran away from that life after her father shot her boyfriend/lover in the head. She’s in hiding. Though she ran away with plenty of money, she chooses stripping to get by. One night Lana convinces Winter to accompany her the Breakneck MC’s party for their President’s thirtieth birthday, with Lana and Winter as the main entertainment. Winter wants nothing to do with that life, nor anything resembling her old one, but she’ll do anything for her friend, so she reluctantly agrees. It’s only for one night right? How much trouble can they possibly get into?

I know that I’ll never be the same ever again. Braxxon has seized me, and something tells me he isn’t letting me go. 

Braxxon is the President of the Breakneck MC. Once he sees Winter in her Angel costume sticking her foot in one of his men’s crotch to teach him a lesson, he was a goner. No one has ever stormed into his life like her. She’s strong, independent, and refuses to take crap from anyone, including him. Yes, he’s all about fucking her and possessing her, but she doesn’t make it easy especially when she refuses to be thrust back into the life of violence. However, fate has a different plan for them.

The only thing that’s clear is that I have this connection with this man holding me, and I’m down for the count. His gray eyes grab a hold of my soul and pull me with a force so strong that there is no going backwards, only forward. He now owns me. I tried to stay away, and he’s made that impossible. I couldn’t get away even if I tried. 

The pull Braxxon has on Winter is too strong to deny. Their relationship is constantly tested especially living in this world of violence. Nothing comes easy for them. NOTHING. 

A lot of events in this story were difficult to read. They were far from pretty, but it made the story more raw and effective. I was seriously immersed in this world. So many things I loved about this story: The strong, badass Hero and heroine (oh, yea…I loved Winter’s character), the dirty talk, the hot sex and just the intensity of it all just kept me thoroughly entertained; it actually reminded me a lot of Madeline Sheehan’s Undeniable Series, which is never a bad thing :) I couldn’t wait to dive into book two.