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Book Spotlight Tour: Stolen Chances by Elisabeth Naughton

Book Blurb:
Nine years ago, Archaeologist Maren Hudson lost everything when a member of her team was killed during a routine dive. Now she’s been drawn back to Mexico and the career she walked away from in order to protect the most precious thing in the world: her daughter.
One desperate phone call brings salvage expert Thad Leighton back to Mexico. For his murdered brother, he’s ready to settle the score, but one look at Maren and everything changes. Years may have passed, but she’s still as mesmerizing as she once was, and a few days on site together have him questioning his priorities and why the hell he walked away from her so long ago.

Sparks between them reignite, but Thad knows Maren is holding something back. Thrust together in the middle of the sweltering Yucatan, Thad is more than willing to strip away her layers. But while the truth might offer the second chance he’s been searching for, forgiveness may be as elusive as the relic they’re both hunting. Because when Thad unearths Maren’s biggest secret and discovers who she’s really working for, suddenly it’s not just about a life that was stolen from both of them, it’s about staying alive and outwitting a madman who will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Release Date: September 17, 2013

Author Bio

I was never one of those people who knew they wanted to be an author at the age of six. I didn’t have imaginary friends. I didn’t write stories in my journal or entertain my relatives by firelight after Thanksgiving dinner. For the most part, I was just a normal, everyday kid. I liked to read, but I wasn’t exceptional at it. And when my teachers complimented me on my writing abilities, I brushed them off. I did, however, always have a penchant for the unique and absurd. And as my mother told me all throughout my childhood, I should have been an actress—I was a drama queen before my time.

Years ago, my husband bought me Scarlett: The Sequel to Gone With The Wind. If you ever saw the book, you know it’s a long one. I sat and read that thing from cover to cover, and dreamed of one day being a writer. But I didn’t actually try my hand at writing until years later when I quit my teaching job to stay home with my kids. And my husband? After that week of reading where I neglected him and everything else until I finished Scarlett, he vowed never to buy me another book again. Little did he know I’d one day end up sitting at a keyboard all day drafting my own stories.

My writing journey has not been easy. I didn’t just sit down one day, decide I was going to write a book and voila! sell my very first attempt. As most authors will probably agree, the path to publication is filled with hours of work, pulling all-nighters I thought I’d given up in college, sacrifices, rejections, but a love I discovered along the way I just can’t live without. Instead of a big, thick book to read by lamplight (I do read much smaller ones when I get the chance), I’ve traded in my reading obsession for a laptop. And I’ve never been happier.

I’m one of the lucky ones. I have a wonderful family and fabulous husband who put up with my writing—and obsessive personality—even when life is chaotic. More than once my kids have been late to swimming or baseball because I needed just five more minutes to finish a scene. Their support and encouragement mean the world to me. I also have amazing friends and a support network I couldn’t survive without. So to all of you out there who have encouraged me along the way, sent me emails and fan letters, phone calls and congratulations, I just want to say, thank you. You make this whole writing gig that much more enjoyable. I truly wouldn’t be here without you.

Author Links

Enchantress of Books Blog Tours

ARC Review: Covet by Tracey Garvis-Graves

From the author of the New York Times bestseller On the Island.

What if the life you wanted, and the woman you fell in love with, belonged to someone else?

Chris and Claire Canton’s marriage is on life support. Downsized during the recession and out of work for a year, Chris copes by retreating to a dark place where no one can reach him, not even Claire. When he’s offered a position that will keep him away from home four nights a week, he dismisses Claire’s concern that time apart could be the one thing their fragile union can’t weather. Their suburban life may look idyllic on the outside, but Claire has never felt so disconnected from Chris, or so lonely.

Local police officer Daniel Rush used to have it all, but now he goes home to an empty house every night. He pulls Claire over during a routine traffic stop, and they run into each other again at the 4th of July parade. When Claire is hired to do some graphic design work for the police department, her friendship with Daniel grows, and soon they’re spending hours together.

Claire loves the way Daniel makes her feel, and the way his face lights up when she walks into the room. Daniel knows that Claire’s marital status means their relationship will never be anything other than platonic. But it doesn’t take long before Claire and Daniel are in way over their heads, and skating close to the line that Claire has sworn she’ll never cross.

Release Date: September 17, 2013

Four Stars

On the Island is one of my favorite contemporary romance books. When Tracey Garvis-Graves announced she was writing something new and that it was going to be women's fiction, I was rather intrigued. I enjoy reading books in this genre. I find certain struggles women go through to be fascinating. Ahhh, but Covet turned out to be so much more. It turns out anyone...women, men, married, single, young-at-heart or old can relate to the strong messages conveyed in Covet.

When I first read the summary for this book, I knew it was going to be hard to read. Did I really want to read about a crumbling marriage? However, when I was given the opportunity to read an early copy, I jumped at the chance! I adore this author's writing, but mostly I was so curious at how she would handle certain subjects.

The gist of this story centers around Claire and Chris Canton's failing marriage. When you meet them in the beginning, Chris is about a month into working at his new job. The toll the year of unemployment has had on their marriage is pretty obvious. Now their marriage is tested more than ever with Chris traveling for work several days during the week.

We've become like the proverbial two ships that pass in the night. No time for connecting, fixing, rebuilding. Just as I'd feared. I wonder how many marriages are fractured and damaged beyond repair by complacency rather than any single traumatic event.” loc 2044 eARC

One of the things I liked about Covet is that we get Claire's, Chris's and Daniel's POV. Reading about Chris's feelings and struggles just made my heart break for him. We do get glimpses of happier times which is why seeing Chris and Claire go through their current situation makes it all the more difficult. It just made me sad to see a once happy marriage falling apart, especially when there are children involved. Then there is Daniel, who is such a genuinely good person and friend to Claire. I was rooting for his happiness, too!

Maybe that's how it starts. You stumble upon something that helps you cope, fills a void. Makes you feel something different than what you currently feel. You know in the long run it probably won't be good for you, but you do it anyway. Tell yourself you can handle it. And before you know it you're in so deep that you can't find your way back out.” loc 1339 eARC

I found Covet to be quite the page turner! Tracey Garvis-Graves has a knack for writing women's fiction. She handles various topics and emotions with tender loving care. The heartache, loneliness, and desperation can be felt throughout the pages. Covet had realistic situations that many can relate to, and some may even see this story as a wake-up call with many lessons learned. Covet reminds us all not to take loved ones for granted. Also, human beings are truly resilient creatures. We have the strength to adapt and change during hard times to reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you, Ms. Garvis-Graves for a very moving and touching story!

* A complimentary copy was provided for an honest review. *

Cover Reveal & Review: Have Gown, Will Wed by Killian McRae


Release date: September 25, 2013

Age Group: Adult

Genre: Contemporary Romance/Chick Lit

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours 

Add to your TBR on Goodreads

Book Description:
Back in college, the bras-before-bros sisterhood decided to live for achievement in the boardroom, not the bedroom. Rosalind Betters embraced that philosophy, pursuing her career and little else. But when her last single friend, Kamakshi, announces her engagement in of all things, an arranged marriage, Rosalind reevaluates the merits of matrimony. In her typical gung ho fashion, she names a date, books a venue, hires a caterer, and picks out a dress, all before finding a groom. Taking a lesson from Kamakshi and too busy to do otherwise, Rosalind hires San Francisco's best headhunter, Xavier Hommes, to find her better half for her.
At first, Xavier thinks Rosalind is one of the eccentric personalities for which the city is famous. As the search starts, however, Xavier finds himself hating his task for reasons he never would have suspected. If Rosalind really wants a man who will make her happy, she need look no further. As W-Day approaches and Rosalind starts falling for someone Xavier himself headhunted, he walks the line between professionalism and passion, trying to decide if competing to become Mr. Betters is worth the risk to his commission, his reputation, and Rosalind's happiness.

About the Author

Killian McRae would tell you that she is a rather boring lass, an authoress whose characters’ lives are so much more exciting than her own. She would be right. Sadly, this sarcastic lexophile leads a rather mundane existence in the San Francisco Bay Area. She once dreamed of being the female Indiana Jones, and to that end she earned a degree in Middle Eastern History from the University of Michigan. However, when she learned that real archaeologist spend more time lovingly removing dust with toothbrushes from shards of pottery than outrunning intriguing villains with exotic accents, she decided to become a writer instead. She writes across many genres, including science fiction, fantasy, romance, and historical fiction.

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Four Stars

C’est la vie. Every silver lining had its cloud. One thing Rosalind knew for sure: unlike scores of literary inventions and hallmark movie heroines, no empty place in her heart existed where a widget called “man” would fit. 

I never knew there was such a thing as an intelligently written, humorous romance until I started reading this story. That’s the only way I can accurately describe this story. I knew immediately from the description that this was going to be a one of a kind read and I was spot on. 

“But that’s what gets me, Kam. This is what we allwanted to do? We all said bras and biz before the bros, cash before cocks. What happened to everyone? 

The story itself is a pretty unconventional and very different. We have a very strong, independent heroine in Rosalind who doesn’t need a man in her life to define who she is. She’s beautiful, smart, driven and extremely determined. Back in college, Rosalind and her friends always put their careers first before even thinking about settling down with a man. But as the years went by, her friends slowly started to build their family life and put their careers second. It was only her and her best friend, Kamakshi, left. Then came the dreaded day when even Kamakshi became engaged. This is the day that Rosalind began to see things differently, too. What good is having a successful career when there is no one to share it with? But with her blooming career keeping her busy, she has no time for the complications and time consuming activity called dating. So what does she do? She hires Xavier Hommes. No, Xavier is not a matchmaker per se, but a career headhunter. His company helped Rosalind find her perfect assistant, so she figures he can find her a husband. Yes, it’s unconventional, but Rosalind doesn’t do things half-assed. She’s all in.

“Okay, we have a deal. You agree to provide me with a list of potential spouses, and I’ll commit BetaHouse to Hommes HQ for one year, and your fee will be payable upon execution of my proposal for marriage, regardless of the response of the third party. 

Xavier couldn’t believe the deal he just made, but the question remains: “Why does this beautiful woman need his help in finding a husband?” This is the most outrageous request his company has ever gotten. As much as he wants to say “no,” he can’t. This business her growing company can bring his is just too good to pass up. What he didn’t expect is to slowly fall for Rosalind himself. But will it come too late when he inadvertently found and set up someone else for her? 

Je t’aime 

As I said before, this nonconventional love story is intelligently written. Yes, there are times where the story is pretty predictable, but I didn’t care. I kept flipping the pages because I just adored Xavier and Rosalind and I couldn’t wait for them tofinally get together. There were, however, a few drawbacks to this story. One, I wanted steam! After all the sexual tension, I wanted a massive explosion….yes, pun intended :) Two, the beginning of the story started off a little slow, but once Xavier was introduced, it took on a better pace. Third, I know I’m not dyslexic nor illiterate, but I had the hardest time pronouncing Kamakshi’s name. I know, it’s my problem, but it did hinder my enjoyment…just a tad. Otherwise, I’m happy I had an opportunity to read this ARC and looking forward to more from this author. 

Copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review.