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Debra Anastasia eBook Giveaways & Return to Poughkeepsie teaser!!

Have you read Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia yet?  Today we've got a very HOT teaser from her upcoming release Return to Poughkeepsie! 
Plus chances to win e-book copies of her books:  Poughkeepsie, Crushed Seraphim, and Bittersweet Seraphim.

A huge THANK YOU to Debra Anastasia for generously donating the e-book prizes.

He counts her smiles every day and night at the train station. And morning and evening, the beautiful commuter acknowledges him—just like she does everyone else on the platform. But Blake Hartt is not like the others . . . he’s homeless. Memories of a broken childhood have robbed him of peace and twisted delusions into his soul. He stays secluded from the sun, sure the world would run from him in the harsh light of day.

Each day, Livia McHugh smiles politely and acknowledges her fellow commuters as she waits for the train to the city. She dismisses this kindness as nothing special, just like her. She’s the same as a million other girls—certainly no one to be cherished. But special or not, she smiles every day, never imagining that someone would rely on the simple gesture as if it were air to breathe.

When the moment comes that Livia must do more than smile, without hesitation she steps into the fray to defend the homeless man. And she's surprised to discover an inexplicable connection with her new friend. After danger subsides, their smiles become conversation. Their words usher in a friendship, which awakens something in each of them. But it’s not long before their bond must prove its strength. Entanglements from the past challenge both their love and their lives.

Blake’s heart beats for Livia’s, even if her hands have to keep its rhythm. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. Love never fails, right?

In an interwoven tale of unlikely loves and relationships forged by fire, Debra Anastasia takes readers into the darkest corners of human existence, only to show them the radiant power of pure adoration and true sacrifice. Complicated families and confused souls find their way to light in this novel, which manages to be racy, profane, funny, and reverent all at once.
 How does a foul-mouthed angel end up as the last hope for all of Heaven and Earth?

When Seraph Emma is maimed and tossed from Heaven by a rogue angel who's taken charge, she fears she'll never be allowed to return. Tasked with the impossible job of showing the self-loathing (and not even human!) Jason his worth, Emma is sure she's doomed to fail.

Meanwhile, having wormed his way into Heaven, the corrupt Everett has trapped God in Hell and has designs on unleashing evil everywhere. Fortunately, if there's one thing Emma can't do (in addition to minding her language), it's give up. Determined to save Jason and get back to Heaven-even if it means going to Hell-Emma's plan is simple yet impossible: trick the Devil to save God.

What she doesn't count on is the devotion and, well, humanity she finds in Jason; the spirit, hidden compassion, and raw sex appeal within the Devil; and the vulnerability of her own heart. With the help of two unlikely allies, she'll wage the battle for Heaven. But will Emma be sidetracked by a new sort of heaven along the way?

What's truly more dangerous?

Falling from Heaven, or falling in love?

Read Grace's Crushed Seraphim review 

 Suffering is worst when you’re doing it alone. But Emma’s taking Hell like an angel—even though her languishing began with having her seraph wings torn from her back. Now her worst enemy lords his body and his evil desires over her while she tries desperately to remember the words to her favorite prayer.

As Devil, Jack used to have Hell and its women humming like well-oiled machines. Too bad he’s nowhere near the place now. Stuck on Earth as a human, he must work with a ragtag team of exiled minions and half-breeds to save the angel who’s become all that matters.

Rescuing a seraph is the plan, but breaking into Hell means letting evil things out. Once they collide, minions and angels converge in the battle of the ages: good versus evil. But which side is which? Will Jack destroy the world as he fights to save Emma, his true and timeless love, from a damnation he designed?

An action-packed sequel to Crushed Seraphim, this tale reveals—time and again—what happens when the heart’s deepest desires break free. With a story both sizzling and sensual, emotional and enigmatic, Debra Anastasia invites readers to join a battle with nothing less than love on the line.

Read Grace's Bittersweet Seraphim review

Return to Poughkeepsie
 Series: Poughkeepsie #2
Expected release date: December 31, 2013
Publisher: Omnific Publishing

Beckett Taylor is a murderer. Destruction and intimidation are his calling, his craft —whether he wants it that way now or not. He left Poughkeepsie to keep his brothers safe, to keep Eve safe. Set up with happy lives to live, they’re better off without him, right?
But all his willpower crumbles when he hears his brother Blake’s frantic voice on the phone. Mob forces have moved in on his old territory, and Livia’s been taken. In an instant, Beckett knows it will take an attack only he and Eve can execute to bring her back safely. All his self-imposed embargoes are torn to shreds, along with the new man he’s struggled to become.
“Brother, call Eve. I’ll be there soon.”

In this emotional and action-packed sequel to Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia conjures a tale of love at its most raw and ragged. With Beckett and Eve, how could we expect anything less? But even when it’s messy, not magical, true love perseveres. Real love finds a way—for better or worse until death does part.

 Eve set her fuck-hot red hooker heels on his bare chest.

The danger in her face was an alarm to any man who dared get this close. She could easily slam a pointy heel between his eyes.

He pulled her heels off. Declawing the tiger.

Her ridiculously tight denim shorts were in the way.

Beckett retrieved the knife from the headboard, silently cursing her for how deeply it was lodged.

She had not moved. The door hung open, jagged, from its hinges. Pounding bass from the club vibrated the floor beneath their feet.

He returned to his spot between her legs. “You want this. You want me here. Say it, Eve. ’Cause I’m the only motherfucker with the balls to do this to you. Fucking say it.”

Her voice was raw. “Do it.”

Beckett used the knife to cut away the fabric, sawing so close to her pussy that she gritted her teeth. He watched her face as he cut her loose. His knuckles were wet from brushing against her. She was so hot inside, she could probably melt the knife into a silver puddle.

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Cover Reveal & Book Trailer: Return to Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia

Beckett Taylor is a murderer. Destruction and intimidation are his calling, his craft— whether he wants it that way now or not.
He left Poughkeepsie to keep his brothers safe, to keep Eve safe. Set up with happy lives to live, they’re better off without him, right?
But all his willpower crumbles when he hears his brother Blake’s frantic voice on the phone. Mob forces have moved in on his old territory, and Livia’s been taken. In an instant, Beckett knows it will take an attack only he and Eve can execute to bring her back safely. All his self-imposed embargoes are torn to shreds, along with the new man he’s struggled to become.
“Brother, call Eve. I’ll be there soon.”
In this emotional and action-packed sequel to Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia conjures a tale of love at its most raw and ragged. With Beckett and Eve, how could we expect anything less? But even when it’s messy, not magical, true love perseveres.
Real love finds a way—for better or worse until death does part.
Series: Poughkeepsie #2
Expected release date: December 31, 2013
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Add Return to Poughkeepsie on Goodreads

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   We just adore Debra Anastasia to pieces here at Sweet Spot Book Blog and LOVE her book, Poughkeepsie!
Thessa's Review 
Grace's Review 

 The excitement continues!
Return to Poughkeepsie book trailer

*** Tomorrow we will have a very sexy teaser to share with you! ***

Author Bio
Debra Anastasia is busy, just like every other mom. There's dinner, the dogs, the kids, and their homework. The laundry pile turns into a big, heaping monster. When the clothes finally make it into the washer, it gets unbalanced and puts on an elaborate show before it cuts out. This crazy job that never ends is her first love and her crowning achievement.
 Her writing started a decent handful of years ago when along with the dogs, cat, kids, and husband, the voices of characters started whispering stories in Debra's ear. Insomnia was the gateway for the plots that wouldn't give up, wouldn't let go. In the shower, a twist would take hold and--dripping and frenzied--she'd find somewhere, anywhere to write it down.
 Debra grew up in New York and got a bachelor's degree in political science at SUNY New Paltz. At the start of her marriage, she moved to southern Maryland with her husband. She still doesn't trust crabs and all their legs, though everyone else in her family thinks they're delicious. Her favorite hobbies include knitting, painting furniture and wall murals, and slapping clowns.

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: My Now & Forever by H.J. Bellus


Whose parents abandon them in a trashy trailer when they are five years old? Oh Yeah! Mine do!

Hey Hoochies! I'm Milly, and I am tired of taking kicks to the gut. A broken family, an asshole husband and the loss of loved ones have left me crying Uncle, and declaring a serious case of the Fuck-Its! 

I had my heart broken, stomped on and shattered before I ever started on my journey to find my little piece of happiness. With a bucket list, a '66 Ford and wild dreams, I set out on an adventure that changed my life forever. Follow me on my journey that resurrected my inner badass.

I found my soul sista from another mista, and opened my dream shop along the way. Just when I gave up on finding true love, a pirate and a princess swept me off my ever lovin' feet and filled my world with sprinkles, mac n’ cheese and the courage to live again. They forced my fragile heart to trust and love without fear. 

Truth is, nobody’s past stays hidden forever. It’s an invisible monster waiting to attack and destroy. It has the capability to ruin everything you’ve worked to set right. All it takes is one final blow to the gut to end everything.

***Sexual Content and Adult Language***


Author Bio
I am an independent author excited about releasing my first novel very soon. A big dream coming true!!! I'm all country...the kinda country where green grass grows and corn pops up in rows....love Miranda and her bad ass music!!! Just a simple country girl getting one story out of her head at a time...I always fall hard for a trucker style hat...especially if it's a John Deere hat....loves me a good ol' farm boy!!!!!!

Find H.J. Bellus on...
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Hell's Knights (MC Sinners #1) by Bella Jewel

Sex. Who really knows sex? I mean, we've all had sex, great sex even but when you get down to the details, how many of us actually see sex for the raw, primal act that it is?

I thought I knew sex. I've had sex. Heck, I've felt lust. Once, I've even felt love. I thought I knew exactly what sex was. 

Until I met Cade.

He's the meaning of sex. 

He's a biker.

He's dangerous.

He's powerful.

He's dominant.

He wants me.

My world is about to change, for the better? I don't know. But here's my story, I hope you're ready for it because it's not the beautiful, heart wrenching story most people have to tell. It's passionate, forbidden, morally incorrect and downright, fucking beautiful.
Four Stars

”Sugar, if I wanted my dick wet, I could get it wet anywhere, with anyone. I don’t want my dick wet. I want it fuckin’ drenched, drippin’ and surrounded in you.” 

**Jaw Drop**


Ladies, did that get your attention? For those of you who know me, I’m a huge fan of dirty talk. Like. Huge. Yes, pun intended. I think that’s why this book called to me. First off it’s a biker book. Like Celebrity/Rock star books, Biker books call to me. It never fails. Bikers are all Alpha, all badass, and uber possessive of those they love. It’s like imbedded in their genes or something. And the dirty talk…H-O-T! Oh yea. I freaking devoured this book! 

“Your life was bad; I see it in your eyes. When you grin, your face is empty, and I have no doubt when you smile, your eyes won’t shine like they should. One day though, baby, I will make them shine.” 

Addison is up a shits creek without a paddle. She’s twenty-one years old with no money, no job and her life, which was already in the toilet, worsened when her druggie-whore mother died. Now her only choice is to go to her father, the president of the Hell’s Knights MC. Not only does she find out that he didn’t abandon them, but that he indeed loved her and her mother. Though she is very hesitant in the beginning, she can’t help but start to feel that maybe her life is starting to change. However, she her past isn’t completely behind her. She’s haunted and hunted; she has to be careful to not make the same mistakes that screwed up her life. This includes staying away from MC bad-boy Cade Duke. 

“I don’t want a simple fuck though, I want something that’s real. Something like you…” 

Cade, Cade, Cade. He’s trouble and he’s sex on a fucking stick. I love Cade. When he sets his mind to something, God help anyone who stands in his way. What he wants is Addison. When she first comes waltzing through the club like she didn’t give a fuck, he was immediately in lust. She’s an enigma to him and very much a challenge. She doesn’t make it easy for him. The more she rejects him, the harder he tries because there was something about her that made him want to protect her, especially from her past. It was only a matter of time before Addison would succumb to his charms. 

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this book. I loved Cade’s dirty talk and Addison’s take-no-shit attitude. The sex was off-the-charts-HOT and the story kept me turning the pages. This definitely quenched my Alpha Hero Biker needs and will hopefully quench yours too. Very much looking forward to the next book in the series.

Teaser: Reunited in Danger by Joya Fields

One of my favorite stand-alone romantic-suspense reads this summer has been Reunited in Danger by Joya Fields.  It's got plenty of action, danger, and an endearing second-chance romance.
Today we have a teaser featuring the main couple, Logan and Keely. Enjoy!

Reunited in Danger
Joya Fields
Genre:  Romantic Suspense
Length:  210 pages
Release Date: July 8, 2013

Keely Allen’s life goes into a tailspin when her adoptive father is viciously attacked. And the detective who offers to help her? None other than the sexy, love ’em and leave ’em man who once broke her heart.
Homicide Detective Logan North carries a haunting secret that has always kept his emotions on lockdown. But when he is forced to work alongside his former lover, the heat is still there between them, burning hotter than ever. Logan is determined to keep the luscious and tempting Keely at a distance…but he made a vow not to leave until all are safe.

On their race to solve the tangled web of crime, drug deals, and human trafficking, dangers abound—both to their lives…and to their hearts.


Wishing she didn’t look so good in a pair of worn jeans and an old red University of Maryland sweatshirt, he slammed the door and set the lock.
“Keely.” He stood by the door, afraid to trust himself around her. He had to keep her at a distance. As teens, he’d been too wild for her, as adults, he couldn’t give her what she wanted.

Anger grew in his gut. What if she’d been attacked in his own neighborhood, on her way to see him, and he’d been inside watching a movie? He faced her, using his best cop tone. “Do you know how many muggings there were on the next block last month?” He could have bought a house in a safer neighborhood, but he liked the fact everyone knew he was a cop. His presence kept crime down on this block. But he’d never expected women to come over at odd hours in the night.

She didn’t even have the grace to look chastened as she took a swig of beer and shrugged. “So, I see you still like Louis L’Amour movies.” She smiled and pointed at the television screen with her beer bottle.
He forced himself to take a slow, calming breath, counting to ten.
“Logan?” A furrow formed between her brows and she stood. Her long brown hair, damp from the rain, clung to the sides of her face. A loose tendril fell across her cheek.
He wanted to step forward, brush it aside, grab her face in both hands, and kiss the hell out of her.

“Why didn’t you return my calls when I reached out to you a few years ago?”
So that was why she was here. To finish the conversation they’d started earlier, before the street outside her dad’s house had erupted in chaos.
She set her bottle on the table and took a step closer to him.
His gaze dropped to follow her pink-painted fingertips as she reached for the hem of her sweatshirt. Surprise shot through him as she yanked it over her head, tossing it to the sofa. She wore a thin beige halter and no bra. He stared at the pert outline of her nipples, and his mouth went dry.

Oh, holy shit.

With every ounce of willpower he possessed, he forced his eyes higher and stared back at her. But focusing on her eyes didn’t do him much good. Her blue eyes sparkled in the dim lamp light, sending him signals he knew only too well.
She hadn’t come over solely to get the answers to her questions. She’d come here to seduce him. And God help him, he didn’t know if he had the strength to resist.

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