Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Josh & Hannah (Redwood Falls #1) by Lynda Chance

Josh Turner wants Hannah more than life itself. She's perfect and new . . . but she's a McIntyre. She's from the richest family in the county, and he's a Turner, from the wrong side of the proverbial tracks. And to make matters worse, there's no love lost between their families.

New Adult 92K words / suitable for 18+ AN ALPHA-MALE IN THE MAKING

Four Stars

“You belong to me now, understand? You’re mine; we’re exclusive. Nobody else gets to touch you, and I mean not at all.” His nostrils flared and Hannah’s heart stopped before taking up a faster cadence. “I own you.” His eyes searched hers. “I hope like hell you can handle it.” 

Saw this book last night while surfing GR last night and when I saw the words Alpha-Male in the making, I was sold. God, I’m so easy. This was pretty simple read, nothing too complex or anything, though it was a bit repetitive at times. 

For those looking for an adult, steamy novel, this isn’t really what you want. I guess it’s more of a New Adult – with just a little bit of steam, lots of making out which led to a whole lot of sexual frustration. But that’s okay. The main reason why I picked it up was because of Josh – the Alpha-Male in the making. 

Josh was stunned when his kiss of compassion derailed against his will, because a kiss of hunger and need. 

Hannah McIntyre and Josh Turner have been neighbors for most of their life, but their lives are nothing alike. Hannah comes from a wealthy, loving family. Josh spent most of his childhood with his abusive, low-life drunk of father. At the age of thirteen, his aunt and uncle took him away from that life, but he constantly worried that the reputation of his father would follow him. 

Hannah was only fifteen when her and Josh’s life would change forever. When he witnessed beautiful young Hannah being shunned by the mean girls at this high school, he felt the need to intervene. He kissed her in front of everyone. He soon found out that he was her first kiss. After that revelation, he instant felt the need to protect her; to possess her. He has never felt this way about anyone before, not in his eighteen years of his life. Women have always come easy. She turned his world upside down, but there was a catch: She was a McIntyre and she was only fifteen.

He wanted her with an ache in his gut that he knew couldn’t be appeased by someone else. There was no sense in even trying. It had to be Hannah. Only Hannah. And with turmoil settling in his stomach, he knew that he couldn’t have her. At least not yet. 

As much as Josh wanted Hannah, he knew he had to set some limits. He was eighteen, she fifteen. She was a girl with a good reputation, good family background, and he was the son of drunk. What could he possibly give her? But no matter what, he couldn’t stay away from her. Their connection strong, their hold on each other was beyond anything either could comprehend. They were infatuated with one another. Could two people with so many roadblocks (family, money, age) have a chance at a relationship? 

All he could think about was the fact that no one would ever have Hannah but him. He would have all her kisses, he would be the guy who took her out and held her clamped to his side; he would be the one who eventually took her virginity 

It’s no secret that the biggest reason why I enjoyed this story so much was because of Josh and his extreme Alpha-ness; he was possessive, strong, and oh so protective of Hannah. I will never tire of Alpha Heroes. NEVER. I’m sure guys who are like this in real life aren’t as charming, but that’s why I love immersing myself in these types of books where I know, well at least the majority of the time, that they have a soft spot for the women they love. **sigh** Yea, I can’t get enough of them. 

The story did get a little repetitive at times, especially in regards to why Josh was so adamant on waiting. It felt like every chapter it had to be repeated that he was waiting for her to become of age. Not only that, but he was fixated at how Hannah had come from a family of wealth. Oh the pride of men. Very repetitive. 

I will definitely be checking out the next book in the series about Hannah’s brother, Zach and Josh’s cousin, Katie. I had an inkling that these two had some chemistry brewing. I’m so looking forward to reading that. 

Cover Reveal for Sweet Home by Tillie Cole

This author took me by surprise with her book, Eternally North, which was one of my top reads of the year. Now Ms. Cole is back with a brand new story and I just cannot wait to dive into it. The cover is gorgeous and the blurb sounds amazing! **Sigh** October is just too far away. 

Genre: Mature New Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher/Release Date: To be self published on 14th October 2013
Cover Designer: Damon @ Damonza
Cover Reveal Organised By: Kelly @ Have Book Will Read



"I had never put much thought into the story of Romeo and Juliet. Never once truly considered the plight of the ill-fated lovers or what they went through to be together. All that changed when my life spiralled onto a similar path." 

The University of Alabama.

Crimson Tide Football.

One unattainable senior star Quarterback.

And, me, Molly Shakespeare, an English transfer student.

All it took was one look. One fateful gaze into a set of chocolate brown eyes and my world shifted on its axis. Only weeks into life at a new American College and he entered my world -- Romeo Prince. 
Romeo's devastating bad-boy façade and stern tone captured my heart in an instant and for the first time in years, I'd found someone who ripped through my defences, I'd found my home, I'd found someone who made me... feel.

A darkness.

An uncontrollable anger.

An almost-realised NFL dream.

Romeo Prince, on the surface, had it all; looks, money and talent in abundance. In reality he was a pawn, a puppet tied to his parent’s rigid and masterful strings, casting his seemingly perfect life in misery. 
One fateful meeting with the new English transfer student, and his life was thrust into turmoil. His choice was simple, choose duty or choose love. Both came with consequences, but one would change his life forever. 

Mature New Adult novel – contains adult content, highly sexual situations and mature topics. Suited for ages 18 and up*


Tillie Cole is a Northern girl through and through. She originates from a place called Teesside on that little but awesomely sunny (okay I exaggerate) Isle called Great Britain. She was brought up surrounded by her English rose mother -- a farmer's daughter, her crazy Scottish father, a savagely sarcastic sister and a multitude of rescue animals and horses. 
Being a scary blend of Scottish and English, Tillie embraces both cultures; her English heritage through her love of HP sauce and freshly made Yorkshire Puddings, and her Scottish which is mostly demonstrated by her frighteningly foul-mouthed episodes of pure rage and her much loved dirty jokes.

Freeing Asia by E.M. Abel

How does a tomboy raised in a house full of men find the sensual woman inside of her? Growing up with a widowed, retired Marine as a father and two older brothers taught Asia to be tough. But how does she stop being one of the guys and learn to find the right one? 

Finding herself won't be easy, finding love will be even harder. 

Meeting Jay opens Asia's eyes to the possibility of love and unbelievable sex but can his country club world accept the woman more comfortable in torn jeans and flip flops? Or will she find the love she yearns for in the tattooed arms of her first love, a pro skater who has come back into her life? 

With the possibility of new love or closure from a painful first love, finding her path is riddled with uncertainty and discoveries but before she can follow her heart she must first set it free.

**Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, recreational use of marijuana and language.**
4.5-4.75 Stars

No more tears. 

Thank you Ms. Abel for bringing an end to my book funk. I fucking loved this book; I consumed it in one day. I saw this book around GR and was awaiting its release, so as soon as it came out, I was all over it like white on rice. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. I can totally relate to the heroine and her insecurities, I guess dressing like a tomboy and having two older brothers can do that to a girl. To me, this story is about figuring out how to accept and love the person you are, flaws and all. It’s then, and only then, can you truly be happy. 

It was one thing for someone to insult you or hurt you, but it was an entirely different thing when the one person who didn’t believe in you and didn’t think you were anything special was…you. 

Asia was raised in a house full of men: Two brothers and her father. Growing up, her brothers were her main influences, which included smoking the occasional weed and drinking. She surfs, skates and likes to wear baggy clothing; the typical tomboy. Because of her older brothers’ über protectiveness, no guy in high school could even approach her, but unfortunately, Asia didn’t know this was happening leading her to believe that she was just one of the guys and nobody special. The one boy she felt a connection with was Marcus, her brother Shaun’s best friend. 

My insecurity around men hadn’t been created all on my own. I had help, and that help had come from my first love, Marcus – the guy I’d lost my virginity to. 

Marcus was her everything. After his father passed away, her alcoholic mother raised Marcus. Needless to say, Marcus spent a lot of time with Asia and her family. She secretly admired him, fearing his reaction as well as her brother’s. However one night changed all that. She lost herself in Marcus, but it wasn’t meant to be. Marcus moved away wanting to chase his dream of being a pro skater, leaving Asia devastatingly heartbroken. 

“If you wanna be free, Asia, all you have to do is see yourself through my eyes.” ~ Marcus 

Fast forward seven years, and she still hasn’t quite gotten over Marcus, but she’s trying. She’s decided to let her friend make her over. Whether it’s permanent has yet to be determined. Her new look catches the eye of Jay Clarke, a very wealthy and handsome gentleman. She starts to fall for him, but a two important things hold her back: One – she constantly hides her true self around him. He doesn’t know she use to be quite a bad girl, who use to smoke weed, dislikes wearing dresses; always opting for the comfy jeans and shirts. Will she ever fit into his world? Two – she still quite hasn’t gotten over Marcus, who now is a famous professional skater. She really can’t catch a break. Is she willing to change who she is for Jay? What happens when Marcus comes back into her life? Will she ever be free of her insecurities and be truly happy?

“You’re sexy as hell. You’re sweet. You surf, you skate. You’re so fuckin’ talented that I can’t even pick one of your damn paintings to hang in my room because they’re all so fuckin’ good. And the best part is you have no clue how special you are.” 
My eyebrows furrowed. “Why is that the best part?”
“Because that means I’m the one who gets to watch you figure it out.” 

I loved the drama in this book. Though there was a small love-triangle, it didn’t overpower the story, nor make it so angsty that my blood pressure would rise. No. It was just perfect. I loved Asia’s journey. Every time you think she’s down for the count, she would pick herself back up and try again (no matter how hurt she was.) I truly admired her character. As for Marcus, well, there aren’t really any words to describe how I feel about him. I loved watching him change too. He doesn’t do relationships, but once Asia re-enters his life, he was a goner. The way he helped Asia see her true value was just plain ole beautiful. Loved this book and I’m really looking forward to Shaun’s story next. Highly recommend! 

True (True #1) by Erin McCarthy

When Rory Macintosh’s roommates find out that their studious and shy friend has never been with a guy, they decide that, as an act of kindness they’ll help her lose her virginity by hiring confident, tattooed bad boy Tyler Mann to do the job…unbeknownst to Rory.

Tyler knows he’s not good enough for Rory. She’s smart, doctor smart, while he’s barely scraping by at his EMT program, hoping to pull his younger brothers out of the hell their druggy mother has left them in. But he can’t resist taking up her roommates on an opportunity to get to know her better. There’s something about her honesty that keeps him coming back when he knows he shouldn’t…

Torn between common sense and desire, the two find themselves caught up in a passionate relationship. But when Tyler’s broken family threatens to destroy his future, and hers, Rory will need to decide whether to cut her ties to his risky world or follow her heart, no matter what the cost…

Four Stars


I’ve only read one book by Erin McCarthy prior to this one. Is this what I’ve been missing? Ms. McCarthy, if you’re reading this, I beg you: Please write more New Adult novels! This was such a good read that I jumped onto her GR page and placed the next book of this series as an I-want-it-now

“It was never about sex for me, it was always about me wanting to be with you, getting to know you.” ~ Tyler 

There were a lot of elements of this book that I really enjoy in a read. I loved the fact that the heroine wasn’t your typical drop-dead-gorgeous-I-make-men-drool-when-I-walk-in-a-roomtype. She was a character a lot of women can relate to, except of course when it comes still having your v-card at the age of twenty – cause you know in today’s society, that’s just an anomaly. Oh sorry, kinda went off on a tangent there. Anyway, I loved Rory; she was a loveable, nerdy wallflower. And for her to snag the tattooed bad-boy, Tyler, well, that was just freaking awesome.

I lay in the dark and listened to the sound of his breath as it slowed and evened out, and I marveled at where I was and who I was with.
It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t logical. Yet there was no place I’d rather be. 

Rory has always been an introvert, always been on the outside looking in. It wasn’t until college when she met her two BFFs, Jessica and Kylie, that she started to open up a little more. Jessica and Kylie are a bit on the loose side, and one night when they were busy with their respective partners, Rory was out in the living room where she got in a bit of a predicament. Luckily Tyler was there to rescue her. From that moment on, he’s been on her mind. As for Tyler, well, there was something about Rory that piqued his interest. But can a girl like her ever fall for a guy with so much baggage? 

He was what people always accused me of being – there but not present. Easygoing, but distant. Smiling, but intense. 

To me, Tyler is an honorable Hero. Yes, he’s got the reputation and attitude, but when you learn of what his life is like and how he’s trying to make the best of it, you’ll fall for him too. He tries to do what’s right for Rory by staying away and keep his distance; he convinces himself that she’s too good for him. To him, she’s on the road to success, while he’s just trying to scrape by college with no true future and shit-full of problems. To Rory, however, she sees more in Tyler and the more time they spend together, the easier it is to see that he is worth falling for. 

“I mean that you are honestly one of the best guys I’ve have ever met. The question is not whether or not you’re worthy of me, the question is if I am worthy ofyou. 

This is why I really enjoyed this story. I loved how they slowly burrowed into each other’s life to the point where it hurt when they were apart. I hate to admit it, but I did choke up a little bit in some parts of the story. There was a good amount of emotion flowing through the book that kept it fresh. My only gripe is that I wish it had an epilogue. I know, lame excuse, but it’s true. I REALLY think this could’ve used one. There were a few things that needed clarification. For me, the biggest question is: (view spoiler)

I’m really looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I figured Tyler’s brother, Riley, and Jessica had a little sexual tension going on this book and I’m thrilled that the next book will be featuring them. Maybe, just maybe, I can get a little glimpse into what happened with Tyler. Well…here’s hoping anyway. 

Below is a link to a scene in Tyler’s POV. DO NOT READ if you haven’t read this, but I thought I’d tack it in just because I loved Tyler. 

Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin

They meet by chance. The timing is wrong.

Three years later, she finds him again, but their separation was poisoned with narcotics and bloodied by enslavement.

Her freedom gambled away, Charlee Grosky escapes the international businessman who held her captive. But his power reaches beyond her protective barriers and threatens everyone she has come to love.

Jay Mayard wears his tortured secrets under his rock god facade. Drugs are his release, even as he seeks to be the man forged of the steel only she can see.

In a celebrity world filled with paparazzi, groupies, and drugs, Jay and Charlee must face their worst fears. When the battle is over, what will be left...Beneath The Burn.

Genre: Romantic/Erotic Thriller

Content warning: Includes graphic rape, sex, anal, bondage, and violence. Age 18+ only.
Five +++++ Stars!!! 

♥♥ ♥Jay & Charlee ♥♥♥

**Possible spoilers below**

Dare to be vulnerable with me. 

Holy. Shit. This story is so fucking good.

Two hours of sleep. That’s all I had. I could not put this down. It’s one of those stories that will stay with me for a long, long time. As soon as I finished, I cried with exhaustion, but yet I wanted to turn back to the beginning and start this rough and heartbreaking journey all over again. 

It is not for everyone. The first 20% or so was hard to stomach. It’s explicit, graphic, and violent; it does not hold back. It will violate you, make you cringe and cry. But just so you know, underneath all the ugliness, the burn it leaves behind will leave a lasting impression. 

Life was jaded like that, throwing them together when he couldn’t tolerable affection and she was desperate for it. 

Jay is broken. He doesn’t like to be touched. He hides himself in a haze of drugs and women. The only solace is his music. When he stumbles into Charlee’s tattoo shop after a late night haze, all he wants is to feel numb; to lose himself underneath the sting of a needle. No one has ever touched him, nor seen the scars on his back. But one look in Charlee’s blue eyes, has him feeling thing he has never felt before. After leaving her, he feels the need to change for her. He will return to her after the completion of his tour, a new man, a worthy man. However it wasn’t mean to be. He returns to learn that his Charlee was dead, at least that’s what he was lead to believe. 

He could try all he wanted. Her tears were involuntary, but she was not broken and her strength was her own. 

Damn. I love Charlee. She has got to be one of my favorite heroines. She’s endured so much pain and torture under the hands of Roy Oxford. No matter how hard she tried, she could never outrun him. He will always hunt what is his. After two years of his abuse, she escaped, only to be brought back to him four years later. Abducted again soon after meeting Jay. The short memory of their encounter fresh in her mind. Those scars. Wow. What he must have gone through. The strength she sensed in him would get her through this. But escaping Roy this time around will be much harder.

She was his greatest possibility. His reason. His why. He would give whatever she needed to be whole and happy, because loving her was as essential as drawing air. 

Three years later…
Thank God for Nathan Winslow. If it wasn’t for him, she would still be in Roy’s clutches. Nathan is an ex-marine and brother of Noah, Charlee’s loving boyfriend at the time of her abduction. They are constantly on the run from Roy and his seemingly infinite amount of dirty connections. But things are about to change when fate intervenes and Charlee is on the cusp of seeing Jay again. 

By this time, Jay is a mega rock star. His songs about Charlee, the heartache, the longing, catapulting him and his band to superstardom. Losing Charlee destroyed him. He’s constantly in a drug induced state while burying himself in countless, faceless women. But once she comes back into his life, he cannot believe his salvation, has been alive all this time. When he finds out why she disappeared, he has a new purpose: He will keep her safe at all costs -- he will not lose her again. But how long can he keep her safe from Roy especially in a drug haze he constantly fights? Can he give her what she wants as a lover? Charlee, too, is fighting her own demons. 

“I fucking love you. I don’t deserve you, but I will spend the rest of my life earning that right. You are my music, do you understand?” 

The things Charlee and Jay went through were both horrific. The strength they found in each other was a beautiful thing to witness. The lengths Jay & Nathan went through to keep her safe was beyond admirable. 

I cannot begin to express how much I loved this story. It was non-stop action, love and suspense. So much was happening and the story never lost its edge. I was captivated from beginning to end. It wasn’t pretty and wasn’t easy, but FUCK! was it worth it. FUCKING LOVED IT!!!