Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Freeing Asia by E.M. Abel

How does a tomboy raised in a house full of men find the sensual woman inside of her? Growing up with a widowed, retired Marine as a father and two older brothers taught Asia to be tough. But how does she stop being one of the guys and learn to find the right one? 

Finding herself won't be easy, finding love will be even harder. 

Meeting Jay opens Asia's eyes to the possibility of love and unbelievable sex but can his country club world accept the woman more comfortable in torn jeans and flip flops? Or will she find the love she yearns for in the tattooed arms of her first love, a pro skater who has come back into her life? 

With the possibility of new love or closure from a painful first love, finding her path is riddled with uncertainty and discoveries but before she can follow her heart she must first set it free.

**Not recommended for younger readers due to sexual content, recreational use of marijuana and language.**
4.5-4.75 Stars

No more tears. 

Thank you Ms. Abel for bringing an end to my book funk. I fucking loved this book; I consumed it in one day. I saw this book around GR and was awaiting its release, so as soon as it came out, I was all over it like white on rice. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. I can totally relate to the heroine and her insecurities, I guess dressing like a tomboy and having two older brothers can do that to a girl. To me, this story is about figuring out how to accept and love the person you are, flaws and all. It’s then, and only then, can you truly be happy. 

It was one thing for someone to insult you or hurt you, but it was an entirely different thing when the one person who didn’t believe in you and didn’t think you were anything special was…you. 

Asia was raised in a house full of men: Two brothers and her father. Growing up, her brothers were her main influences, which included smoking the occasional weed and drinking. She surfs, skates and likes to wear baggy clothing; the typical tomboy. Because of her older brothers’ über protectiveness, no guy in high school could even approach her, but unfortunately, Asia didn’t know this was happening leading her to believe that she was just one of the guys and nobody special. The one boy she felt a connection with was Marcus, her brother Shaun’s best friend. 

My insecurity around men hadn’t been created all on my own. I had help, and that help had come from my first love, Marcus – the guy I’d lost my virginity to. 

Marcus was her everything. After his father passed away, her alcoholic mother raised Marcus. Needless to say, Marcus spent a lot of time with Asia and her family. She secretly admired him, fearing his reaction as well as her brother’s. However one night changed all that. She lost herself in Marcus, but it wasn’t meant to be. Marcus moved away wanting to chase his dream of being a pro skater, leaving Asia devastatingly heartbroken. 

“If you wanna be free, Asia, all you have to do is see yourself through my eyes.” ~ Marcus 

Fast forward seven years, and she still hasn’t quite gotten over Marcus, but she’s trying. She’s decided to let her friend make her over. Whether it’s permanent has yet to be determined. Her new look catches the eye of Jay Clarke, a very wealthy and handsome gentleman. She starts to fall for him, but a two important things hold her back: One – she constantly hides her true self around him. He doesn’t know she use to be quite a bad girl, who use to smoke weed, dislikes wearing dresses; always opting for the comfy jeans and shirts. Will she ever fit into his world? Two – she still quite hasn’t gotten over Marcus, who now is a famous professional skater. She really can’t catch a break. Is she willing to change who she is for Jay? What happens when Marcus comes back into her life? Will she ever be free of her insecurities and be truly happy?

“You’re sexy as hell. You’re sweet. You surf, you skate. You’re so fuckin’ talented that I can’t even pick one of your damn paintings to hang in my room because they’re all so fuckin’ good. And the best part is you have no clue how special you are.” 
My eyebrows furrowed. “Why is that the best part?”
“Because that means I’m the one who gets to watch you figure it out.” 

I loved the drama in this book. Though there was a small love-triangle, it didn’t overpower the story, nor make it so angsty that my blood pressure would rise. No. It was just perfect. I loved Asia’s journey. Every time you think she’s down for the count, she would pick herself back up and try again (no matter how hurt she was.) I truly admired her character. As for Marcus, well, there aren’t really any words to describe how I feel about him. I loved watching him change too. He doesn’t do relationships, but once Asia re-enters his life, he was a goner. The way he helped Asia see her true value was just plain ole beautiful. Loved this book and I’m really looking forward to Shaun’s story next. Highly recommend! 

True (True #1) by Erin McCarthy

When Rory Macintosh’s roommates find out that their studious and shy friend has never been with a guy, they decide that, as an act of kindness they’ll help her lose her virginity by hiring confident, tattooed bad boy Tyler Mann to do the job…unbeknownst to Rory.

Tyler knows he’s not good enough for Rory. She’s smart, doctor smart, while he’s barely scraping by at his EMT program, hoping to pull his younger brothers out of the hell their druggy mother has left them in. But he can’t resist taking up her roommates on an opportunity to get to know her better. There’s something about her honesty that keeps him coming back when he knows he shouldn’t…

Torn between common sense and desire, the two find themselves caught up in a passionate relationship. But when Tyler’s broken family threatens to destroy his future, and hers, Rory will need to decide whether to cut her ties to his risky world or follow her heart, no matter what the cost…

Four Stars


I’ve only read one book by Erin McCarthy prior to this one. Is this what I’ve been missing? Ms. McCarthy, if you’re reading this, I beg you: Please write more New Adult novels! This was such a good read that I jumped onto her GR page and placed the next book of this series as an I-want-it-now

“It was never about sex for me, it was always about me wanting to be with you, getting to know you.” ~ Tyler 

There were a lot of elements of this book that I really enjoy in a read. I loved the fact that the heroine wasn’t your typical drop-dead-gorgeous-I-make-men-drool-when-I-walk-in-a-roomtype. She was a character a lot of women can relate to, except of course when it comes still having your v-card at the age of twenty – cause you know in today’s society, that’s just an anomaly. Oh sorry, kinda went off on a tangent there. Anyway, I loved Rory; she was a loveable, nerdy wallflower. And for her to snag the tattooed bad-boy, Tyler, well, that was just freaking awesome.

I lay in the dark and listened to the sound of his breath as it slowed and evened out, and I marveled at where I was and who I was with.
It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t logical. Yet there was no place I’d rather be. 

Rory has always been an introvert, always been on the outside looking in. It wasn’t until college when she met her two BFFs, Jessica and Kylie, that she started to open up a little more. Jessica and Kylie are a bit on the loose side, and one night when they were busy with their respective partners, Rory was out in the living room where she got in a bit of a predicament. Luckily Tyler was there to rescue her. From that moment on, he’s been on her mind. As for Tyler, well, there was something about Rory that piqued his interest. But can a girl like her ever fall for a guy with so much baggage? 

He was what people always accused me of being – there but not present. Easygoing, but distant. Smiling, but intense. 

To me, Tyler is an honorable Hero. Yes, he’s got the reputation and attitude, but when you learn of what his life is like and how he’s trying to make the best of it, you’ll fall for him too. He tries to do what’s right for Rory by staying away and keep his distance; he convinces himself that she’s too good for him. To him, she’s on the road to success, while he’s just trying to scrape by college with no true future and shit-full of problems. To Rory, however, she sees more in Tyler and the more time they spend together, the easier it is to see that he is worth falling for. 

“I mean that you are honestly one of the best guys I’ve have ever met. The question is not whether or not you’re worthy of me, the question is if I am worthy ofyou. 

This is why I really enjoyed this story. I loved how they slowly burrowed into each other’s life to the point where it hurt when they were apart. I hate to admit it, but I did choke up a little bit in some parts of the story. There was a good amount of emotion flowing through the book that kept it fresh. My only gripe is that I wish it had an epilogue. I know, lame excuse, but it’s true. I REALLY think this could’ve used one. There were a few things that needed clarification. For me, the biggest question is: (view spoiler)

I’m really looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I figured Tyler’s brother, Riley, and Jessica had a little sexual tension going on this book and I’m thrilled that the next book will be featuring them. Maybe, just maybe, I can get a little glimpse into what happened with Tyler. Well…here’s hoping anyway. 

Below is a link to a scene in Tyler’s POV. DO NOT READ if you haven’t read this, but I thought I’d tack it in just because I loved Tyler. 

Beneath the Burn by Pam Godwin

They meet by chance. The timing is wrong.

Three years later, she finds him again, but their separation was poisoned with narcotics and bloodied by enslavement.

Her freedom gambled away, Charlee Grosky escapes the international businessman who held her captive. But his power reaches beyond her protective barriers and threatens everyone she has come to love.

Jay Mayard wears his tortured secrets under his rock god facade. Drugs are his release, even as he seeks to be the man forged of the steel only she can see.

In a celebrity world filled with paparazzi, groupies, and drugs, Jay and Charlee must face their worst fears. When the battle is over, what will be left...Beneath The Burn.

Genre: Romantic/Erotic Thriller

Content warning: Includes graphic rape, sex, anal, bondage, and violence. Age 18+ only.
Five +++++ Stars!!! 

♥♥ ♥Jay & Charlee ♥♥♥

**Possible spoilers below**

Dare to be vulnerable with me. 

Holy. Shit. This story is so fucking good.

Two hours of sleep. That’s all I had. I could not put this down. It’s one of those stories that will stay with me for a long, long time. As soon as I finished, I cried with exhaustion, but yet I wanted to turn back to the beginning and start this rough and heartbreaking journey all over again. 

It is not for everyone. The first 20% or so was hard to stomach. It’s explicit, graphic, and violent; it does not hold back. It will violate you, make you cringe and cry. But just so you know, underneath all the ugliness, the burn it leaves behind will leave a lasting impression. 

Life was jaded like that, throwing them together when he couldn’t tolerable affection and she was desperate for it. 

Jay is broken. He doesn’t like to be touched. He hides himself in a haze of drugs and women. The only solace is his music. When he stumbles into Charlee’s tattoo shop after a late night haze, all he wants is to feel numb; to lose himself underneath the sting of a needle. No one has ever touched him, nor seen the scars on his back. But one look in Charlee’s blue eyes, has him feeling thing he has never felt before. After leaving her, he feels the need to change for her. He will return to her after the completion of his tour, a new man, a worthy man. However it wasn’t mean to be. He returns to learn that his Charlee was dead, at least that’s what he was lead to believe. 

He could try all he wanted. Her tears were involuntary, but she was not broken and her strength was her own. 

Damn. I love Charlee. She has got to be one of my favorite heroines. She’s endured so much pain and torture under the hands of Roy Oxford. No matter how hard she tried, she could never outrun him. He will always hunt what is his. After two years of his abuse, she escaped, only to be brought back to him four years later. Abducted again soon after meeting Jay. The short memory of their encounter fresh in her mind. Those scars. Wow. What he must have gone through. The strength she sensed in him would get her through this. But escaping Roy this time around will be much harder.

She was his greatest possibility. His reason. His why. He would give whatever she needed to be whole and happy, because loving her was as essential as drawing air. 

Three years later…
Thank God for Nathan Winslow. If it wasn’t for him, she would still be in Roy’s clutches. Nathan is an ex-marine and brother of Noah, Charlee’s loving boyfriend at the time of her abduction. They are constantly on the run from Roy and his seemingly infinite amount of dirty connections. But things are about to change when fate intervenes and Charlee is on the cusp of seeing Jay again. 

By this time, Jay is a mega rock star. His songs about Charlee, the heartache, the longing, catapulting him and his band to superstardom. Losing Charlee destroyed him. He’s constantly in a drug induced state while burying himself in countless, faceless women. But once she comes back into his life, he cannot believe his salvation, has been alive all this time. When he finds out why she disappeared, he has a new purpose: He will keep her safe at all costs -- he will not lose her again. But how long can he keep her safe from Roy especially in a drug haze he constantly fights? Can he give her what she wants as a lover? Charlee, too, is fighting her own demons. 

“I fucking love you. I don’t deserve you, but I will spend the rest of my life earning that right. You are my music, do you understand?” 

The things Charlee and Jay went through were both horrific. The strength they found in each other was a beautiful thing to witness. The lengths Jay & Nathan went through to keep her safe was beyond admirable. 

I cannot begin to express how much I loved this story. It was non-stop action, love and suspense. So much was happening and the story never lost its edge. I was captivated from beginning to end. It wasn’t pretty and wasn’t easy, but FUCK! was it worth it. FUCKING LOVED IT!!!

Ever Enough by Stacy Borel

What happens when the man you thought was the one, ends up being the one that got away?

When Finley breaks her heart on graduation night, eighteen year old Emilyn is left alone to pick up the pieces of her life. After muddling through the next ten years-including immersing herself in a lifeless marriage-she is brought to her knees when she encounters Finley at her high school reunion. Long ago buried emotions and feelings bubble to the surface and when Finley kisses her, Emilyn flees the scene. Arriving home to find her husband in the arms of another woman, Emilyn is forced to return to her hometown and start again. But is it possible to start afresh when the past just won’t seem to let you go?

Finley has spent the ten years since high school focused on his career. As a songwriter, he has never had a problem getting women. But when he realizes that the woman he let go a decade ago could be his happy ever after, he decides to do whatever it takes to get her back. But are some hurdles too great to overcome?

Four Stars

“I swear I’m never leaving you again Em. Never! You are mine. Do you understand me? Mine! And if I have to spend the rest of my life finding every single piece of your broken heart, I will. I will put you back together again Em. I’ll do it because I’m still so in love with you. I will fix you, and I’ll fix this.” 

Emilyn and Finley were high school sweethearts. They were very much in love with each other. It all came crashing down when Finley ups and leaves her on their graduation night. Emilyn is devastated. She doesn’t understand why and she never fully recovers from losing Finn. She even enters a loveless marriage, a marriage that ends in disaster. But I’ll save that for later. 

Emilyn and Finn are given a second chance when they meet again for their ten-year high school reunion. Emilyn is a hard sell when it comes to attending, but with the help of her kick ass best friend, Harper, she is convinced that not only Finn won’t be there, but also attending would be a fun getaway from her husband. When they see each other, they realize what they knew all along: They belong together, but with their circumstances, her marriage, their distance…how will it all end?

“I’ll follow your rules and stay behind your line in the sand. But the moment you cross that line yourself, or you ask me for more, it’s game on.” He winked at me and walked away.
Jesus H. Christ.
I was fucked.

Emilyn finds out the hard way that her husband is not only cheating asshole, but also an all around piece of shit. Yea, I’m not sugarcoating…he’s a fucking douche. Luckily we have Finn to take our mind and hearts away. Though Emilyn is hesitant to give her heart again, it’s only a matter of time before Finn breaks through her shell. 

I really enjoyed Em and Finn’s story. There are a lot of things that are thrown in the mix, and it’s not as predictable as I thought it would be; it made for great drama. I also LOVED Em’s best friend Harper. She is amazing and so fabulously fun…I’m hoping that the next book (if there is one) to be about her and Finn’s BFF Kyler.

I do have to mention a few things that bothered me, prevented me from giving it a full five stars. One – the reasoning behind why Finn left Em in high school wasn’t good enough for me. Two – the ending seemed a little rushed and I wanted just a little more. Three – I wish the epilogue included something about Em’s ex-husband, like, say he got gonorrhea or something. Trust me…the cheating bastard deserves every horrible thing. Haha. 

Sizzle (Bad Boy Rockers #1) by Lexi Buchanan

Thalia is twenty-one and has just finished her sophomore year of college, and is trying to avoid going home to her stifling parents who have a curfew of nine every night, and have a bad habit of treating her like she's still ten years old. Her new boyfriend, Liam, invites her to spend the summer with him and his family, so as she’s been unable to find a local job to keep her at college, Thalia jumps at the chance. Liam tells her that she can be his guest at his brother, Jack’s, wedding at the end of the summer.

Jack is twenty-five and feels as though he’s drowning. He’s engaged to Mia, against his will, because it’s always been drilled into him, family comes first. Jack’s studying for a law degree, and wants to go out on his own once he graduates, specializing in criminal law. His father wants him to accept a junior partnership in the law firm owned jointly by him and Lewis, his fiancées father, to practice family law.

Then he meets his brother’s girlfriend, Thalia, and he can’t get her out of his head. He needs her to keep her distance, because every time she smiles in his direction, he wants to carry her to his room and do really naughty things to her.

Then Saturday night arrives and Liam takes Thalia to a new bar that has opened on the outskirts of town, where she discovers Jack’s big secret. By day he’s the good looking, slightly older brother with a chip on his shoulder, who gives her hot looks, and by night he’s Phoenix, singer/guitar player for bad boy group ‘Deception’, who makes her sizzle to the core!

He has muscle.
He has tattoos.
He has piercings.
He has a mouth that makes her panties wet every time he opens it. He is supposed to be getting married.
He is also her boyfriend’s brother....

3.75 Stars

“You’re my brother’s girlfriend, and I’m engaged.” 
“I don’t understand.” The anger drained out of me as I moved closer to him.
“I know you don’t, but you need to stay away from me, because I’m not sure I have the strength to stay away from you. There’s something about you…” 

I added this book to my TBR a while back, anticipating its release. First off, who could resist this cover? Holy hotness! Second, the series title included the word rockers in it, so you know I couldn’t refuse. So when I searched Amazon and found out it was released, I was all over this. 

I tore through this book in one day, but I have to confess that the last 30% of the book got a little annoying and I’ll tell you why in a little bit. For the most part, it was a good read and not as angsty as I thought it was; which was a relief by the way. Sometimes too much angst makes my blood pressure go up and I have no choice but to put it down and breathe. However, this story was actually far from angsty. Believe it or not, there wasn’t really any real cheating involved. Can you believe it? I mean, after reading the blurb, I thought for sure there was going to be an abundance, butnope, nada, zero, zilch -- no cheating. I don’t want to give anything away, but let me just say that the story could’ve been more complicated, and it was, but then again it wasn’t. LOL. Did you get that? 

The one huge positive in the story was the Hero, Jack – VERY swoon worthy, and very honorable. Not to mention the fact that the man has got some tattoos and some well placed piercings **smirks**. Another positive is his band mates, Donovan and Reese. Holy shit, these guys are H.O.T. Just so you know, these guys are best friends, who like share things. Get my drift? Hot, hot, HOT! I’m seriously looking forward to their stories. 

However, Jack and his crew can only take a story so far. There were a number of things that prevent me from giving this at least four stars. Here are a few minor negatives:

One: This wasn’t really a rock star story. It just so happened that Jack, Donovan and Reese played together. They’re not famous, yet. So I really wouldn’t consider this a rocker story.

Two: Welcome to reasoning behind why the last 30% of the book annoyed me. lol. For most of the story, Thalia, our heroine, referred to Jack as Jack. It wasn’t until later on when she found out he goes by the name of Phoenix on stage. From then on she referred to him by Phoenix. Yea. I wasn’t feeling that name, especially when she was screaming and moaning it. Yep. Definitely wasn’t feeling it. 

Three: The reasoning behind the forced marriage was a little extreme, particularly on the bride’s father’s side. When I found out why he was so adamant on having Jack as a son-in-law, I was just like What?! That’s it? Really?! That’s pretty lame. To find out that all this drama was because of that was a bit of a let down. 

All in all, the story was pretty entertaining. Plus the steam factor in this story is high on this one, too, so I wasn’t disappointed in that department. I’m definitely going to be on the look out for Reese’s story due out next year. But for now, I hope you guys enjoy Jack’s piercings…oh, umm, I mean… story. :)