Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Dangerous to Know & Love by Jane Harvey-Berrick

Silence is only skin deep.

Nineteen year old Daniel Colton is the guy all the girls want to date, and the man all the guys want to be. Moody, with an explosive temper, closed off and sullen, he’s also beautiful, tatted in delicious ways, with a pierced eyebrow and spiky black hair. It’s rumoured he has piercings in other places, too. Is he really mad, bad and dangerous to know?

Daniel lives with his older brother, Zef, and their home is party central. You want drugs, a good time, liquor, no questions asked? Colton’s is the place to go.

When Daniel and good girl Lisanne Maclaine have to work together on an assignment, Lisanne finds there’s a lot more to the college’s bad boy than his reputation. He’s intelligent and funny and good company. And then she discovers his secret, why he’s so closed off to everyone, and determined to keep people at arms’ length. But being his secret-keeper is harder than she ever dreamed.

Recommended for readers 18+ due to sexual references and sex scenes, some coarse language, drug references and drug use.

4.75-5 Stars

♥♥♥ Daniel ♥♥♥ Le Sigh… 


Dear Jane,

You are one talented writer. Much like your Education of…series, I fell in love. I fell in love with the characters and I especially fell in love with the story. Don’t ever stop sharing your stories because the world, and me, would seriously be sad. 

Your devoted reader for life,

“I heard you. Oh, God, I heard you.” His head dropped to his chest and he blew out a shaky breath. “I love you, baby doll. So much.” 

I LOVE THIS AUTHOR. I am a HUGE fan of her Education of…series and when I saw that this was out, I was all over it. I did not hesitate, I passed go and just immersed myself in the story. If it wasn’t for work holding me back, I would’ve read this in one sitting. Yes, I kid you not. I didn’t want this to end. As soon as I finished, I just wanted to go back to page one and start it all over again. Such a wonderful and emotional ride. 

“Told you I was irresistible, baby doll,” he said, immodestly. “But I only want you.” 

Lisanne (a.k.a. Lis) thought Daniel was a prick when she first meets him. Sexy, yes, but a total jerk. From her perspective, he seemed rude and completely standoffish. Daniel has got one heck of a bad reputation at the University: Womanizer, troublemaker, full of himself, and there’s even a rumor that he’s a drug dealer. He was definitely not the type of person she should be involved with. However, when they are paired up for a class project, she learns that Daniel is keeping quite a secret. A secret that sheds a whole new light to the mystery surrounding him. 

“What does it make you feel, Lis? Because it’s all bullshit. You… me… it’s just different… 

There was nothing extraordinary about Lis that immediately caught Daniel’s eye. She’s pretty, but she probably thinks she’s too good for a guy like him. He’s got too much baggage for anyone to carry. His life and his problems are his business alone and isn’t compelled to let anyone in. But when Lis figures out his secret, he has no choice but to trust her. Slowly, Lis becomes a figure of hope to Daniel. Even after learning his secret, she doesn’t run. She’s fearless in wanting to get to know him better. She’s a game changer. 

“I won’t hurt you, baby doll. I just want to make you feel good.” 

Can I just say, right here, right now, that I absolutely LOVE it when Daniel calls Lis baby doll… total SWOON!!!! To me, this term of endearment works for this couple; it makes me love Daniel so much more. There’s just something about this story that I couldn’t get enough of. There was just the right amount of drama, angst and steam. It was a little hard to get into in the beginning, but I’m glad I stuck through it, because the rest was absolutely amazing. LOVED IT. LOVED IT. LOVED IT. I will definitely be looking out for more from this fantastic author. 

Beneath the Beauty (Beauty #2) by Skye Warren

In the long anticipated sequel to Amazon Erotica BestsellerBeauty Touched the Beast, Erin and Blake explore their new intimacy and encounter old enemies.

When Blake receives an offer to return to his alma mater as associate professor, he knows this is his chance to reenter the world—and to be worthy of the woman he loves. Erin wants this chance for him to heal… even if it means leaving her behind.

Beneath the Beauty is a novella in the Beauty serial. Don’t miss the sexy initial installment, Beauty Touched the Beast, available now.

Four Stars

To her he was beautiful. 


I have such a love/hate thing with novellas. Beauty Touched the Beast (Beauty #1) is a prime example. I really liked that story, though it was way too short, I found it amazing that Skye was able to convey how strong and palpable their chemistry was in such a short amount of time. I was salivating for more; more of Erin and Blake’s story. Thank you, Skye, for writing this and adding to their story. 

He had realistic expectations. He was ugly as sin. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. It was only a matter of time before she never came back. 

I’m a sucker for the scarred and damaged Heroes, and Blake is a prime example. He’s a soldier of war and was left badly scarred after his last tour of duty. He became a recluse; his only source of happiness came to his house twice a week in a form of his housemaid, Erin. Much to his surprise, Erin, also harbors feelings towards him. So what happens when Blake decides to go back into the real world? How will his career affect their relationship, especially when one of his associates, an ex-lover, comes back into the picture? 

And he’d known all along what had driven her – but he would interpret that as pity, not…well, what was it? Kindness? Love? She wanted him to be happy, not to worry, but the world would always judge him, would always mock and belittle him for the scars he’d earned protecting it. 

I’m so excited that there will be more to come. No worries, dear readers, these two novellas do not end in cliffhangers. They ended with the promise of more to come. Those of you familiar with Skye Warren’s work, you know some of them are pretty dark stuff. Do not fret, though, this isn’t dark; just pure erotic goodness. Thank you, Skye, for this ARC. I cannot wait to see what happens to Erin and Blake next :)

Unbeautifully (Undeniable #2) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a story about fate or destiny. This is a story about pain, sorrow, and suffering. This is an impulsive whirlwind romance between two lovers that are not meant to be together. Theirs is not a world with sunshine and roses. Instead, their love blossoms in a secret world full of crime, violence, and death. Their story is about what can be born from nightmares.

Danielle “Danny” West is the daughter of Deuce West, President of the Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club. A sweet and beautiful girl, she loses her way, searching for things that are always out of her reach. Erik “Ripper” Jacobs is the Sergeant of Arms in the Hell’s Horsemen. Once a man who always had a smile on his face, his life takes a turn for the worst when a tragedy befalls him, leaving him scarred and broken. During a midsummer night, Danny and Ripper’s paths cross, forever changing their lives. Hastily, their lust turns to love until another tragedy forces them apart. On a journey that is marred with ugliness and chaos, Danny and Ripper must discover if their unforeseen connection can find the beauty in their world. 

This is Danny and Ripper’s story. 

Everything has beauty. Even the ugly. Especially the ugly.
Because without ugly, there would be no beauty

Five Stars

“I wanna rip you the fuck open,” he said, breathing harder as his thrusts became brutal. “I want all of me inside all of you, not just my fuckin’ cock, baby, but all of me. All of you.”
“Yes,” she whimpered. “I want all of you.” 

FUCK. ME. That shit was fucking awesome.

Just. Fucking. Awesome. 

I’m such a happy girl right now. Just like Deuce and Eva’s story in book one, I devoured this story of Ripper and Danny. This story isn’t pretty; no candy, chocolate-covered hearts nor flowers made any appearances. This author writes stories that are truly raw, unapologetic and just downright addictive. 

Ours was the furthest thing from a picture-perfect romance; it was more of a car crash, a metal-bending, blood-splattered disaster that left no survivors, only bad memories and heartache.
But it was ours.
And because it was ours…I wouldn’t change a thing. 

When I finished Undeniable, I was left with the thought that Deuce’s daughter, Danny, was going to end up with ZZ. So when I read the blurb and found out that it was Danny and Ripper’s story, I was a little confused, but still very intrigued. 

Ripper and Danny: What an unlikely pairing. After Frankie carved him up in book one, Ripper is horribly scarred, dangerous and teetering on the edge of going completely crazy. You do not want to be on his bad side. As for Danny, she’s beautiful, bright, and a future full of potential. Deuce wanted more for her; never to live a biker’s life. So, how did Ripper and Danny end up together?

Ripper had been walking around life pissed off, not giving a shit about anything, until he’d made the mistake of fucking a girl he’d never given a second thought to before and everything had changed. Suddenly he cared about what was going to happen next… 

The way this story was told was nothing short of creative. We start off where book one ended: At a barbeque with Deuce, Eva, Cage, Danny, ZZ and the rest of the MC. In the first chapter, we see ZZ proposing marriage to Danny, while Ripper just watches in horror, waiting to hear her response. Then immediately, we are taken back three years prior to where Ripper and Danny’s story began. 

It was the night of Danny’s senior prom. Danny’s home life with Deuce and Eva has been a miserable one ever since the night Frankie took Eva; Deuce and Eva were never the same. Everything was strained between the two and Danny was feeling the effects of it. All she wanted was to leave her prom. It was Ripper who picked her up. It was Ripper who helped her forget. Nothing was ever the same between them ever again.

“But I ain’t never wanted pussy like I want yours and…Danny, I ain’t gonna touch another bitch, don’t even wanna. Fuck, baby, since that night at the lake, I haven’t done shit but jerk myself off, thinking of you.”

The relationship between Ripper and Danny is passionate and intense. You can’t help but be immersed in it. The drama surrounding them made it even fiercer. There’s the club, Deuce, who will immediately put a hit out on Ripper if he ever found out about them, Ripper’s feeling of being undeserving of Danny, and so many other factors that can force them apart. 

We existed in a world where words weren’t needed. Everything I needed to know, everything he was feeling, I could already see on his face and feel through his touch. 

I love immersing myself in this world that Madeline created. All this. This crazy-ass world, with its crazy ass characters, that are all beautiful and dangerously flawed, is what makes reading so enjoyable. The balance between heartache and happiness was just executed flawlessly. I love Ripper’s possessiveness and raw power, but it was his vulnerabilities that made him so lovable and beautiful. He and Danny are a perfect match. 

I was glad to see more of Eva and Deuce’s story connected with Danny and Ripper’s. I’m also ecstatic to hear that there will be THREE more books to this series:
- Cage & Tegan, 
- Hawk, Dorothy & Jase (This has insane drama written all over it!)
- ZZ’s 
I anxiously await for all of these. CAN. NOT. WAIT. 

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay

I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.

Full of rage and without a purpose, former pianist Nastya Kashnikov wants two things: to get through high school without anyone discovering her past and to make the boy who took everything from her pay.

All 17 year-old Josh Bennett wants is to build furniture and be left alone, and everyone allows it because it’s easier to pretend he doesn’t exist. When your name is synonymous with death, everyone tends to give you your space.

Everyone except Nastya, a hot mess of a girl who starts showing up and won’t go away until she’s insinuated herself into every aspect of his life. The more he gets to know her, the more of a mystery she becomes. As their relationship intensifies and the unanswered questions begin to pile up, he starts to wonder if he may ever learn the secrets she’s been hiding or if he even wants to.

The Sea of Tranquility is a slow-building, character-driven romance about a lonely boy, an emotionally fragile girl, and the miracle of second chances.

Please Note: This book contains mature content including profanity, drug/alcohol use, and sexual situations/language.

4.5-4.75 Stars

“I just wanted one person who would look at me and not want to see someone else.”
“Who looks at you like that?” I lift my head up and lower my hands so I can see her face, and I can’t imagine anyone looking at this girl and wanting to see anything but her. 
“Everyone who loves me.”
“Who is it they want to see?”
“A dead girl.” 

I want to start off by saying two things:

One: I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot because this has been sitting in my Kindle since September 28, 2012. That’s almost 7.5 months of just sitting there; waiting to be read. Yes, I’ve seen all the rave reviews, but it wasn’t until yesterday that I decided to finally give it a go. 

Two: Thank you, God, for FINALLY leading me to this book. I’mFINALLY out of my book funk. For the last week and half, I’ve picked up at least six to seven books and was unable to get into any of them. I was beyond frustrated. Thanks to this incredible story, I finally feel normal again, alive. 

Running away is her thing. Hiding is mine. 

This story is amazing. I have to admit it was kinda hard to first get into, but something about it kept my interest. I wanted to find out who Nastya is and who she was. What happened to her? Why is she the way she is? Why does she no longer speak? As we start to get to know Nastya, we are also introduced to Josh. He is also an enigma that I wanted solved. This is what kept my interest. What draws these two damaged people together? 

I’ve come to expect us, too. I expect her. I expect her here. I expect her at home. I expect her in my life. 
And it’s terrifying. 

I really can’t go into the story because there isn’t anything I could really say to sum up the complication that is this story. Just know that this far from a typical. Nastya and Josh’s relationship is not predictable, it’s not hearts, flowers and roses; it’s far from it. These two are broken. All they want is to be alone, to disappear and to go through life unnoticed. However, they slowly and reluctantly intertwine into each other’s lives. Ultimately they find a home, a sense of belonging, when they’re with each other. 

Maybe if I can solve him and he can solve me, we can explain each other. Maybe that’s what I need. Someone to explain me. 

This was such an emotional story. Nastya and Josh are just….sigh I don’t know. I don’t know how to adequately describe them. I love them together. The scenes where they were just together is what made them so real and beautiful as a couple. When they’re apart, something just feels missing; they are incomplete without each other. I don’t know. I feel like I’m just jabbering because this story has made a mess out of me. Thank God for that, you know? I feel more alive because of it. I just wish there was an epilogue.

Before I go, I have to just say that as much as I love Josh, I love Drew, too. Drew is Josh’s best friend and a well-reputed manwhore (or is he?). At first I wasn’t sure what to feel about him. What is his role in this story? Then as the story goes on, the more I fell in love him. He’s such a smart-ass. He’s funny as hell and all around wonderful guy. This is a fairly emotionally charged story and if it wasn’t for Drew, I think I would’ve drowned in the seriousness of it all. Drew’s humor and loyalty just made him that awesome...True story. LOVED him. LOVED this story. 

"What did you see when you died?"
"Your garage." 
Le sigh... =)

Friend-Zoned (Friend-Zoned #1) by Belle Aurora

Nikolai Leokov never thought he'd fall in love with the only girl he's ever befriended. 

Valentina Tomic has issues with commitment after the ultimate betrayal. 
When Tina decides to make broody Nik's day better, she never thought she would end up friends with the hard man. 
Nik has never had a woman be so affectionate to him without expecting something in return. 
Nik and Tina cordially invite you to read Friend-zoned. 
A story of friendship, humour and love.

4.5 Stars

I want to protect her from everything that’s bad in the world. I want her to need me. But we’re friends. And friends don’t do shit like that. 

I love, Love, LOVE friends to lover type stories, and this story is as awesome as it gets. This was so freaking cute! I had such a toothache from smiling so much. OMG, this story has everything: Strong Alpha Hero, a loveable-non-annoying heroine, a wonderful cast of supporting characters (whom I can easily see myself being friends with, too), tons of humor, and just the right amount of drama. So good!

“So we can be friends, right?”
(Wait, what?)
I stare at her, a frown forming at my mouth.
(Did I…? Did I just get Friend-zoned?)
I look over again to see Tina nodding vigorously and smiling brightly.
Wow, this has never happened to me before. 

Nik didn’t know what to do when Valentina (Tina), just waltz into his life. At first, he didn’t know if she was going to be a typical woman; only wanting him for his money and connections. He was pretty sure that’s what she wanted. Until she friend-zoned him. So here they were, a new friendship formed. 

Tina was all about being Nik’s friend. Yes, he’s sexy and smart, but she wasn’t ready for that type of relationship, yet. Being a friend to Nik would be enough for now. 

“You’re pussy whipped.”
I claim, “I can’t be pussy whipped. I haven’t even had the pussy to be whipped!”
(Take that, Ghost! Oh, wait…)
He chuckles, “That’s even worse, bro.”
(Fuck me, it totally is.) 

Nik has never had a woman friend before. What is he suppose to do with her? He didn’t expect the hurricane that is Tina. All the little things she does for him completely leave him dumbfounded. Slowly, he starts to see something in Tina; something that he didn’t even know he was looking for. Suddenly, he wants to make their relationship more, but is too afraid to ruin what they currently have. Can they make the jump?

“You’re it. The one. The start. The finish. You are how my story ends.” ~Nik 

OMG! Nik totally made me swoon. His slow transformation was so much fun to read, and Tina…I just loved her character. She never came off as fake or annoying. She was a breath of fresh air. Nik never stood a chance. As for the supporting characters, I LOVED each and every one of them, especially Asher (a.k.a. Ghost) and Nat. I cannot wait to read their story next!