Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
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Losing Me, Finding You (Triple M #1) by C.M. Stunich

Twenty-one year old Amy Cross's idea of a hot Saturday night is curling up with her favorite book boyfriend and secretly sneaking a bottle of her mother's wine. That is, until she meets Austin Sparks, the biker boy with a past that burns like fire and a gaze she can't look away from. Without knowing what she's doing or why she's doing it, Amy ends up on the road with Austin traveling from one city to another while learning things she's only ever read about in romance novels.

At first it seems like Austin is Amy's fantasy come true, but as their journey progresses, she starts to sense that Austin is running away from something. Amy knows that she'll do whatever it takes to help him find himself. What she doesn't expect is that she'll lose herself in the process and how good it will feel to be free.
4.5 Stars

“If you don’t want this,” he whispers as he grazes my ear with his white, white teeth. “Then you better tell me know because once I get started, I ain’t gonna be able to stop.” 

This author isn’t new to me as I’m a big fan of her Never series. When I saw that she was planning on releasing this Biker romance novel, I was one giddy schoolgirl. I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to try to deny it: I love Bad Boy Biker romance novels. I eat ‘em up like handful of M&Ms. Then when I saw the cover. HOLY SHIT! It made the anticipation even greater. Preacher’s daughter + Biker Bad Boy = Motherfucking bliss. 

Girls like me don’t wrap their arms around men in leather, straddle massive hunks of metal that my mom refers to solely as “death traps,” drive to cities we’ve never been. Girls like me put on their yellow camisoles, their white sweaters and their below the knee skirts. 

Amy Cross wants out. She’s twenty-one, a virgin, and lives at home with her very strict and very religious parents. She feels trapped; destined to be stuck in this boring life. Her only solace is through her books, of course that is until the Bikers come into town for the annual antique bike show. She more curious than ever to explore outside her suffocating bubble. It is when she decides to quickly sneak off into town that she meets Austin Sparks. Oh. My. God. 

You’re just like my favorite book boyfriend. Now I know why I was so drawn to you. 

Austin is crazy sexy: Tattoos, motorcycle, leather jacket, scar on his lip…fuck! He just screams Bad Ass. He is instantly struck with curiosity when he approaches Amy. For some unknown reason, he is drawn to her. Is it her innocence? Perhaps. But he knows there’s something more to Amy than what’s on the surface. Underneath her outward innocent appearance, lies somebody wanting to breaking out of her shell, and he might just be the man who can show her. 

She is fucking pretty, no doubt about it, but it’s not just her round eyes and swollen lips that draw my attention. Shit, I don’t know what it is, but I want to own this girl, feel her beneath me as I slide inside and know that she belongs completely and solely to me. 

Austin and Amy have a connection. They don’t quite know what it is nor how to deal with it, but they know one thing, they’re not ready to part yet, especially Amy who has had enough of her life. After an altercation with her strict parents, she reluctantly asks Austin to take her away and even asks to join his MC. Her desperation is palpable and Austin feels the need to protect her. But is introducing her to the MC life really a good idea? He doesn’t feel the same about his MC and to try to shield Amy from the ugliness he has to deal with isn’t going to be easy, but by God he’s determined to do it. He wants her and nothing will stop him from completely possessing her. 

“If you can think of your lover in six senses, then I’d say you’re nailed. They’ve got themselves wrapped around your heart….and your cock.”
“Six senses?”
“Sight, sound, taste, scent, touch, and other, that thing you can’t figure out that means everything.” 

Austin doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into. I love how he gradually comes to realize what she means to him. Well technically their relationship doesn’t really come gradually considering they just met, but that connection they have is undeniable. 

I really enjoyed this story, and I LOVED Amy and Austin. She is such a sweet and beautiful girl and it broke my heart at how suffocating her life was before she met Austin. She finally has the chance to be free. As for Austin, well, he was just what I wanted as a Hero: Just flat out sexy. They were unbelievably perfect for each other. Their scenes together…Fucking Hot!! Loved it. This author definitely doesn’t disappoint. 

Other favorite quotes

-- Perversion is just another form of art. It’s like painting or drawing or sculpting. Except instead of paint, us perverts use sex as our medium. 

-- “If you want me to be exclusive,” Austin whispers into my ear, grunting as the thrusts deep. “Then you’re going to have to keep me satisfied, sugar. Think you’re up for it?”
“The question is,” I breathe, squeezing as tight as I can around him, so that he’s forced to stop, to give into the power that’s between my legs and wait for me to release him. “Can you handle me? I have high expectations, you know. All us romance readers do. We’re spoiled by words.” 

-- Finally, I think. After all these years of reading about bad boys and alpha males and delicious men with ridiculous names, it’s my turn. Mine. Mine. Sorry, Horse: Sorry Kellan Kyle: Sorry, Ty McCabe: Sorry, Travis Maddox: Sorry, Gideon Cross. But I’m breaking up with all of you. 

-- “Let me know what I need to do,” I tell him, suddenly noticing a spot of bright metal gleaming in the tip. He's pierced! Oh dear God. How did I not notice before? “Austin, I … ” 
“Oh shush, sugar, and just suck it.” 

Rock My Bed (Black Falcon #2) by Michelle Valentine

Everything always seems to fall into place for twenty-four year-old Aubrey Jenson, except for when it comes to her luck with men. Bad boys always draw her in and crush her heart, and Black Falcon’s lead guitarist, Riff, is no exception. After sharing a few wild nights together, she leaves him behind, knowing a guy like Riff isn’t the relationship type, merely just a play thing.

When she returns to New York, she tries to get the passion she felt in Riff’s arms out of her head by dating Isaac, a successful representative at Center Stage Marketing. Just when she thinks she’s forgotten Riff, she’s forced to see him again when her best friend, Lanie, ropes her into being a bridesmaid for her upcoming wedding to Black Falcon front man, Noel. 

Sparks fly instantly between Aubrey and Riff when they’re forced to reunite, and suddenly she finds herself caught between the man that’s good for her and the one who completely rocks her in every way. 

**New Adult Romance--Book 2 in the Black Falcon series. This book can be read without reading book one.**


4.5 Stars

“Let me have just one night to fuck you senseless. I guarantee I’ll have you speaking tongues before the nights through.” 

I fucking devoured this book. I bought this first thing this morning and I read it non-stop. By lunchtime, I was finished. I couldn’t put it down. Riff and Aubrey’s story was fan-fucking-tastic, and DAMN, it was HOT HOT HOT. Fuck! I cannot get over how happy reading this made me. Ever since I finished Rock the Heart (Black Falcon #1), I wanted Riff and Aubrey’s story badly. 

This chick has another thing coming if she thinks I’m some sad, sappy asshole. I’m not a guy that can be tamed. Ever. 

Riff is one tattooed bad ass motherfucker. He’s the lead guitarist of Black Falcon and is famous for his Mohawk and womanizing ways. He is the epitome of a manwhore. After each show, he actually hands out “golden tickets” to a few lucky ladies who will be sharing his bed that night. He doesn’t do commitment. He doesn’t do relationships. Love is something very foreign to Riff; he feels like he’s undeserving of it. Something happened in his past that prevents him from feeling like he deserves it. However, things are about to change when he first sets his eyes on Aubrey. She’s definitely a game changer. 

Kitten turns toward me and licks her lips before giving me a little wink. God, she’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s taking me every bit of my self-control not to throw her down on this bench seat and fuck her on the spot right here in front of everyone. 

Aubrey exactly knows what type of man Riff is, and she’s just fine with that. Aubrey is feeling the pressure to find Mr. Right. This poses a problem because Aubrey has a thing for the bad boys. When Riff hands her one of his “golden tickets,” she’s more than tempted to take him up on his offer, but ultimately she denies him. However, one internet search later has her befriending him and their flirting begins. Both can’t get each other off their minds and you know when they meet again, OH MAN! it’s gonna be fucking HOT. Initially for Aubrey, Riff is going to be her “last hurrah” before settling down. As for Riff, Aubrey is just an itch he desperately needs to scratch. Of course both you and I know where this is headed. 

“I don’t mean to hurt you, Kitten. I fucking love you and I don’t know how to handle it.” 

**SIGH** I was so sad when I finished this story. Riff and Aubrey have to be one of my favorite couples. I don’t know what it is about them, but I just LOVE them together!!

1. I love how he calls her Kitten
2. I love how he wants her to call him by his birth name (Zach) instead of his stage name. It makes her unique and I practically swooned!
3. I love the scene in the Mexican restaurant when they were practically groping each other under the table. Riff almost lost his mind! So fucking HOT!
4. I love that Riff wanted to see Aubrey so much that he decides to spend his break with her. He can be so unbelievably sweet. And ladies...he cooks!! Love it. 
5. I love how lovesick Riff gets when he’s away from her. So fucking sweet!! OMG, I LOVE RIFF!!!

I'm so sad Riff’s story is finished because I desperately want more! That’s okay though, I still have the twins to look forward to. I wonder whose story is next. Will it be Tyke? Trip? Seriously, my pervy mind is going nuts thinking about these twins. Fuck. Me. I want these two so….fucking….badly! I ache! I can’t wait for more!!! I LOVE this series!!

Diamond Girl (G-Man #1) by Andrea Smith

The fall of 2011 finds thirty-five year old Samantha Dennison sending her only child off to college and generally feeling F-R-U-M-P-Y. Her loveless marriage to 'the mannequin' has become intolerable; her daughter and best friend have both advised 'Sammie' to get a life of her own. Her husband has his own agenda which does not include her.

Sammie finally heeds their advice and starts with a Kickboxing/Pilates class; ultimately, learning to pole dance. From there, she is well on her way to finally carving out a secret life and identity all of her own. The thrill of the dance and sexuality she discovers within herself is a potent mixture. She gets a part-time job as a dancer in an Indianapolis Gentleman's Club called Jewels. She becomes the dancer known as 'Diamond' and very quickly catches the attention of a 'bad-boy' biker named 'Slate.'

Slate is the ultimate 'alpha' male; however there is a problem: he simply wants it to be about exclusive sex; Sammie wants and needs more from Slate. Sammie is certain that she has embarked on a dangerous, cougar-type relationship with the twenty-something biker and 'prospect' member of the notorious Outlaw Motorcycle Club. She soon finds out that she is totally out of her league with Slate and the dangerous people he associates with in Indianapolis during the summer of 2012. Something big is brewing in Indy; it ain't about race cars either.

'Diamond Girl' will keep the reader on the edge of their seat from beginning to end; this book has it all: passion, erotica, romance, danger and possibly more...much more.

Four Stars

I was visualized as a daughter; a wife; a mother; a best friend by those people in my life, but I had no clue as to how I viewed myself as a person. I had never bothered to carve out an identity for myself. 

When I first read the description of this book, I knew I had to have it. Not only does the story involve an older woman and a younger man, which if you know me, I love, but words likeUltimate Alpha Male & Bad-boy Biker, got me hook, line and sinker. Oh like you could resist, too. 

So we have Sammie (a.k.a. Sunny) a housewife, who is fed up with her husband’s neglectful behavior. Not only that, but we immediately suspect that he’s also a cheating rat bastard as well. Forced to marry young because she became a pregnant teen, there wasn’t really a lot love in their marriage. I won’t go much into detail regarding her husband Jack, but let me just say he is a Grade A – Asshole. And cheat. And liar. And an all around scoundrel. You get the idea. 

Anyway, now that Sammie’s daughter is off to college, she feels the need to do something for herself. She starts working out, taking Pilates, kickboxing and even pole dancing. Sammie is beautiful woman and a friend suggests that she try pole dancing as a part time job. Knowing her husband travels a lot for work, she reluctantly agrees to try, but later turns out that she really enjoys it. As Diamond she feels free and liberated. It’s during her work is where she meets Bad Biker Boy, Slate. 

“Did we make love today, Slate?”
“We fucked baby. That is what you and I do. We fuck. And today we did it damn well.” 

Slate is a Prospect for the Outlaws MC. Although he was about nine to ten years younger, the age difference between Slate and Sunny never really became an issue. Slate wanted Sunny, and vise versa. Sex with Slate was unlike she has ever experienced, but unfortunately that’s all Slate wants. Their relationship is strictly sexual. Neither really knew anything about each other. For all Slate knew, Sunny is married to an asshole trucker and lives in a trailer. He has no idea how far off he really is. However, when Sunny’s alternate life collides with her real life, things start to get real interesting. Believe it or not, both of Sunny’s lives are actually entwined. Shit is about to hit the fan when she finds out Slate isn’t really who she thought he is. Plus more complications arise between the two that threaten to comprise their situation

“Slate,” I said softly, “Can’t you let me be the judge of that? I can’t fuck you and not love you; I’m sorry, that is just the way that I am.” 
“Jesus Christ, Sunny,” he hissed, “I’m not that person; I’m sorry.” 

This story was actually more than I expected. It was hot and erotic, but it also had an actual story. There was something brewing in the background. Things were not what they seemed to be. There was even a little bit of mystery and suspense woven into it. This was definitely more than a typical Bad Biker Alpha tale. The heroine’s decision to enter such a life is a little far fetched, but it didn’t bother me since the story turned out to be quite entertaining. Since this is book one of the G-Man series, I’m going to assume there will be more to look forward to.

Real (Real, Raw, & Ripped #1) by Katy Evans

A fallen boxer.

A woman with a broken dream.
A competition…

He even makes me forget my name. One night was all it took, and I forgot everything and anything except the sexy fighter in the ring who sets my mind ablaze and my body on fire with wanting…

Remington Tate is the strongest, most confusing man I’ve ever met in my life.

He’s the star of the dangerous underground fighting circuit, and I’m drawn to him as I’ve never been drawn to anything in my life. I forget who I am, what I want, with just one look from him. When he’s near, I need to remind myself that I am strong–but he is stronger. And now it’s my job to keep his body working like a perfect machine, his taut muscles primed and ready to break the bones of his next opponents . . .

But the one he’s most threatening to, now, is me.

I want him. I want him without fear. Without reservations.

If only I knew for sure what it is that he wants from me?

4.5 Stars

♥♥♥ REMY ♥♥♥

I feel…fevered.

Yea, that one line pretty much sums up how I felt throughout this book: Fevered. I’ve never been so hot and bothered as much as I was while reading this book. I was seriously wound up tight. Fuck! The sexual tension in the book was fucking INSANE!Potential readers, you need to bring your patience because Remy will work you up like no Hero has ever done before. Ladies, he has issues, like major ones, that keeps him closed off, sexually and emotionally. This story is intense, but so worth it. 

The guy is just too much. Too much male. Too much masculinity and pure raw beast. Put together, he’s just like sex on a stick and every female around me is shouting at the top of her lungs how much she wants to lick. 

When Brooke agreed to accompany her friend to an underground boxing match, she did not expect her life to completely change. She had caught the eye of the Remington (Remy) the “Riptide” Tate. Can I just tell you that their first meeting is unforgettable? I just have to say something about it only because I thought it was straight out of a movie...totalswoon! Ok, get this: They both catch each other’s eye. Remy, just having won his first match is getting ready for his next one, when Brooke decides to leave and take a break. As she walks away and turns her back on the ring, she immediately hears an instant KObeing delivered by Remy. Remy scared she was leaving before getting her name, immediately jumps out the ring, runs after her, and introduces himself. When she tell him her name, his lips curl and he meets my gaze. “Brooke Dumas.” He just fucked my name right in front of me. FUCK. ME. **Fans self**

I’m all desert, and he has the perfect to use. 

Remy wants Brooke. Knowing she’s an out of work sports rehab therapist, Remy offers her a job on his team. She is to accompany him and his team for the remainder of the fighting season. What she didn’t expect was to be completely lusting after him. 

Remy is sending her all the right signals. The chemistry between is near its boiling point. It is obvious that he wants her, and wants her bad. She’s ready to self-combust from all the sexual tension. The pressure is mounting and mounting, but something is holding Remy back.

“When I take you, you’ll be mine,” he says, a soft promise in my ear. He slides his thumb along my jaw, then gently kisses my earlobe. “You need to be certain.” His eyes are so hot that I’m on fire with the lust in them. And the word “mine” makes the empty place between my legs swell with longing. “I want you to know me first, and then, I want you to let me know if you still want me to take you.” 

Fuck, fuck….just FUCK! Seriously!? What is Remy’s secret? What is holding him back from claiming Brooke as his own? He wants to claim her, but he wants to be certain that she knows what she’s getting herself into, because once she’s his, there is no turning back. She doesn’t want to scare Brooke away once she finds out what’s holding him back. Remy wants her more than anything he’s ever wanted in his life. He is freakishly intense when it comes to Brooke. He’s severely possessive and protective of her; his feelings for her is crazy passionate. He’s the epitome of Alpha maleness and I loved every single moment of it.

I never imagined this kind of man existed. Or that I could ever have something like this for myself. These moments. This…connection. 

I have to give huge props to this author. The way she writes is incredible. I don’t know how she strings together words and adjectives, but when she does, its pure fucking magic. She literally fucked me with her creative words. I was beyond floored with her inventiveness. She made Remy as incredible as he was. He was strong, damaged and broken, but she made him vulnerable, sweet and sexy at the same time. I really enjoyed this story, but it did give me serious blue balls, that is, if I actually had balls, but it was all worth it. I can’t wait for what this author puts out next.

Wanderlust by Skye Warren

Can love come from pain?

Evie always dreamed of seeing the world, but her first night at a motel turns into a nightmare. Hunter is a rugged trucker willing to do anything to keep her—including kidnapping. As they cross the country in his rig, Evie plots her escape, but she may find what she's been looking for right beside her.

Wanderlust is a dark erotic novel which explores dubious consent, captivity, and power play. Not intended for those uncomfortable with the subject matter or under eighteen.

4.75 Stars

And I was helpless to resist, too weak to fight the mounting pleasure, too relieved to find myself spread and held and wanted, oh finally, someone did want me, and even if it was perverted and dirty, at least it was new. 

I don’t know what it is about Skye Warren’s books, but they are like crack to me. So when I was presented with an opportunity to receive this ARC, I was all over it. I dropped everything I was doing, including my current read, just to dive into this story. I am a huge fan of Dark Erotica, especially by Skye. Be warned though, they’re not for everyone. Her stories often include a lot of scenes that might make some uncomfortable: Dubious consent, kidnapping, captivity and psychological tug of war. It will definitely stretch your comfort level. I don’t know what it says about me, but I love books that do just that. 

I was an animal bred in captivity, unprepared for the harshness of the wild. 

Evie has led a very sheltered life. She is beautiful and knows first hand what it is to be lusted after, even by her own mother’s boyfriend. The world was too scary according to her mother. She would constantly worry that she wouldn’t know how to protect herself from the ravening men who would attack Evie as soon as she left home. Unfortunately, Evie has had enough. She wants to see things, especially Niagara Falls for which she has seen a lot of in her stolen library book. She’s finally going to risk it and head for the Falls, but as soon as she makes a stop at a dodgy hotel, her plans have gone completely awry. There she meets a handsome trucker named Hunter, a man who doesn’t take no for an answer. 

There was only one good reason I could think of why a man who looked as good as he did would force a woman – because he preferred it that way. 

As soon as Hunter sees Evie, he knew he must have her. Her beauty and innocence lured him in. After forcing his way into her life, he knew immediately that one night with her was not enough. He kidnaps her and takes her along in his semi. He is often rough and forceful with her, but almost immediately after taking her like that, he does a one-eighty and treats her with an almost reverent-like manner, almost like he’s atoning for his treatment of her. It’s his back and forth behavior that makes Evie, and my, head spin. Something in Hunter’s past has brought him to this point in his life, both fighting his domineering, possessive side to his softer and tender side. Let the mind fuck begin. 

There was something there, something large and scary lurking under the water. Every once in a while it would surface with a flip of my stomach, like when a man would speak to me with a certain authority, give me an order…
I didn’t like it, or maybe I liked it too much. 

Hunter is playing one big mind fuck on Evie’s emotions. She shouldn’t want this, but yet she can’t figure out why she would. She’s starting to find similarities between her and Hunter. Both have been sheltered in some ways and both needing that comfort they find in one another. She’s had ample opportunities to escape, only to find herself back within Hunter’s arms. In some perverse way, she is starting to trust him. He wants her more than anything, but is he redeemable? Can he ultimately atone for what he’s done to her? Can she forgive him? 

Not all those who wander are lost. 

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again: I love Skye Warren’s stories. I admit my comfort level was once again tested, but that’s what makes her stories so appealing to me. My curiosity for the dark, twisted and perverse tales will always compel me to read these stories. There’s just something unique about them, almost like escapism. You pray it never happens to you, but yet your curiosity tugs at you to find out what happens. My curiosity will always win. Thank you again, Skye, for giving me the opportunity to read and review this ARC. I anxiously await your next book.