Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Unbroken (Beachwood Bay #1) by Melody Grace

"Mom always told me there are two kinds of love in this world: the steady breeze, and the hurricane. Emerson Ray was my hurricane...."

Juliet McKenzie was an innocent eighteen-year old when she spent the summer in Beachwood Bay—and fell head over heels in love with Emerson. Complicated, intense Emerson, the local bad boy. His blue eyes hid dark secrets, and just one touch could set Juliet ablaze. Their love was demanding and all-consuming, but when summer ended, tragedy tore them apart. Juliet swore she’d never go back, and she’s kept that promise… Until now.

Four years later, Juliet’s done her best to rebuild the wreckage of her shattered life. She’s got a great boyfriend, and a steady job planned after she graduates. Returning to Beachwood to pack up her family’s beach house to prepare it for sale, Juliet is determined that nothing will stand in the way of her future. But one look from Emerson, and all her old desire comes flooding back. He let her go once, but this time, he’s not giving up without a fight. And Emerson fights dirty.

A heartbreaking history. An unstoppable passion. Torn between her past and future, Juliet struggles to separate love from desire. But will they find a way to overcome their tragic secrets—together? And after so much damage has been done, can a love remain unbroken? 

*This book contains adult situations and explicit content.*

4.5 Stars

Pretending like the past never happened is a recipe for disaster. 

Towards the end of this book, I started thinking….Oh my, God. This totally reminds me of The Notebook! Don’t worry folks, it doesn’t really end like that, but as I look back, it totally was just like the movie…well, not all of it per se, but it did have a lot of similarities: Young summer love, that all consuming-can’t-live-without-you type ending in heartbreak, the mother who frowned upon the relationship, the safe-sweet-third-person-boyfriend who just couldn’t take the place of her first love, and of course, the scorching kiss in the rain. Just look at the picture above…isn’t it gorgeous? Honestly, I read this book fast. I couldn’t put it down. 

There are two kinds of love in this world: The steady breeze, and the hurricane. 
The steady breeze is slow and patient. You can count on a breeze, steady and sure and true.
But there’s nothing steady about a hurricane. It’s wild and breathless and all consuming.
Emerson Ray was my hurricane. 

Juliet is headed back to Cedar Cove to pack up her family’s summer home and get it ready to sell. Going back to Cedar Cove is the last thing Juliet wants to do. She swore that she would never set foot to this place ever again. It brings nothing but heartache. Four years ago, not only did she have to deal with the death of her mother, but on the same day of her funeral, when she thought her heart couldn’t shatter even more, Emerson broke her heart. 

Emerson looks at me like I’m a goddess, like I’m water, and he’s been roaming in the desert for a thousand years in search of just one drop. Like it takes everything in him not to devour me right there where I stand. 

The relationship between Juliet and Emerson was an intense one. They made plans, four years ago, only for Emerson to suddenly call it all off. Juliet was beyond broken. She’s suffered from deep depression and panic attacks. Years of therapy and medication slowly brought her back to a life. She’s got a wonderful and supportive boyfriend in Daniel, and she’ll be graduating soon, though her career choice wasn’t her first choice. She headed for a safe life, the one she’s worked really hard for; she never wants to go through the heartache she felt that summer. 

But what happens when she runs into Emerson, because lets face it, you know it inevitable. How will Emerson react to her return? How will Juliet react? 

“You’re mine,” he says again fiercely. “Not his, not anyone else’s. You can try and pretend you don’t feel it, but you do. You’ll always be mine.” ~ Emerson 

Emerson is in utter turmoil upon running into Juliet. There’s no doubt that these two still have strong chemistry, but the way Emerson treats her at their initial meeting was cold and cruel. I seriously wanted to smack the smirk off his face. Why is he so cold to her when it was he who broke it off? This question was the biggest issue in the whole story. I hated wondering about it and thus, couldn’t stop reading until I found out. Emerson loves her, still does apparently. He was a hard guy to like, initially, but he slowly grew on me. As for Juliet, I felt for her. You can tell by the first few chapters that she is just one hot mess. The meds, the panic attacks: I was very sympathetic for her. As for the cheating…well, don’t worry, it wasn’t as bad I thought it would be. She handled it very well. But what of Juliet and Emerson, will they take a second chance?

I really enjoyed this story: The possessiveness of Emerson, the chemistry between him and Juliet – it was hard to walk away from their story. Like I said, by the time it all ended, I was an emotional wreck…happy, but still a wreck. Definitely recommend :)

Leo (Sign of Love #1) by Mia Sheridan

Evie and Leo met in foster care as children and formed a bond of friendship. As they grew, their bond turned to love and they vowed to make a life together when they turned 18 and were no longer a part of the system.

When Leo unexpectedly gets adopted as a teen and he moves to another city, he promises Evie that he will contact her as soon as he gets there and come back for her in a few short years. She never hears from him again.

Now eight years later, in spite of the odds, Evie has made a life for herself. She has a job, she has friends, she's content. Then a man shows up out of the blue, claiming that her long lost love, Leo, sent him to check up on her. The attraction between them is undeniable. But, should she trust this sexy stranger? Or is he keeping a secret about what his connection to Leo is really all about and why Leo disappeared all those years ago?

New Adult Contemporary Romance: Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

4.5 Stars

I look into his eyes and ask, “Why are you looking at me?”
His eyes search mine for several long seconds before he hold contact and whispers, “Because I like your face.” 

ATran recommended this book to me yesterday and after I read the blurb, I knew I had to read it ASAP. I luckily found it on Smashwords a day early than its scheduled release date and just dove right in. I was intrigued immediately. The story began with our H/h, Leo and Evie, only 15 and 14 respectively. The setting was on a rooftop, snow slowly starting to come down, not wanting to say goodbye to each other. Both children of the foster care system, Leo has been adopted and is moving. He promises to write her and come back for her when she turns eighteen so that they can begin their life together. 

“I’m going to kiss you now, Evie, and when I do, it’s going to mean that you’re mine. I don’t care how far away from each other we are. You. Are. Mine. I’ll wait for you. And I want you to wait for me. Promise me you won’t let anyone else touch you. Promise me you’ll save yourself for me.” 

Oh yea. I was SOLD. 

Fast forward eight years…

Evie has not heard a word from Leo. The last time she saw or heard from him was atop the roof eight years ago. She is now twenty-two and has worked hard to get where she is. She’s not rich by any means, works two jobs to pay rent, but no matter what, she is happy with her life. Knowing where she has been, she doesn’t take anything for granted. Her life is uneventful for the most part, except for the stalker that has been following her for last week and half. He doesn’t give off creepy vibes, especially since he looks harmless, and gorgeous, too. She’s actually amused at how obvious he is. She decides to confront him and find out why he’s stalking her.

Jake is there to fulfill Leo’s dying wish: to check on Evie and make sure she’s okay. This is how Evie finds out what has happened to her Leo: A car accident claimed his life. She doesn’t really know how to process this information, nor does she understand why Jake keeps showing up after confronting him. But it’s pretty obvious that they have an immediate connection. Evie’s beauty and, most of all, her kindness, draws him in. 

The more Evie and Jake spend with each other, the more Evie falls madly for him, but she remains hesitant. Jake is holding something back. We know barely anything about him and on a few occasions, makes Evie doubt his level of honesty. What do really know about Jake? What is he hiding?

Totally bossy. But totally sweet. And totally hot. 

“Evie,” he says quietly, finally looking at me, “what I mean is, when I fuck you, you’re going to be mine. Is that clear enough for you?” 

I honestly couldn’t put the book down. Not only was I enjoying Jake’s bossiness and aggressiveness, but most of all I wanted to know exactly who he is. What was he not telling us? Throughout the book, I was trying to read between the lines, so to speak. I formed a theory, but nothing was confirmed until towards the end. By then, I was completely engrossed wanting to know the connection. There were times where my heart actually broke for both Evie and Jake. This is definitely an emotional story and would recommend it. But be warned, the story could’ve used a little editing, but not to the point of annoyance really, but I thought I’d just mention it anyway. Happy reading!

Fighting for Flight (Fighting #1) by J.B. Salsbury

What happens when in order to win, you’re forced to lose?

The only daughter of an infamous Las Vegas pimp, Raven Morretti grew up an outsider. Liberated from the neglectful home of her prostitute mother, she finds solace as a mechanic. With few friends, she’s content with the simple life. Flying under the radar is all she knows, and more than she expects.

Until she catches the eye of local celebrity, UFL playboy Jonah Slade. 

Weeks away from his title fight, Jonah is determined to stay focused on everything he’s trained so hard to achieve. Undefeated in the octagon, he’s at the height of his career. But resisting Raven’s effortless allure and uncomplicated nature is a fight he can’t win. 

Jonah trades in his bad-boy reputation and puts his heart on the line. But when her father contacts her, setting in motion the ugly truth of her destiny, Jonah must choose. In a high-stakes gamble where love and freedom hang in the balance, a war is waged where the price of losing is a fate worse than death.

Will the hotheaded Jonah be able to restrain his inner fighter to save the woman he loves? 

Or will Raven be forced into a life she’s been desperate to avoid?

4.5 Stars

“You’re part of me now. I’d do anything for you. I’ll fight for your life as I’d fight my own.” ~ Jonah 

It was instant cover-love for me when I first came across this book. After I read the synopsis, I was further intrigued. A story involving a MMA Fighter and a daughter of a notorious Vegas Pimp…seriously?! Yea. I was all over this. I love stories involving sport celebrities, but I find that they’re even better when they involve tough-as-nails-sexy-tattooed-bad-boy MMA fighters. These guys are just badass Alphas! **Sigh** They are so appealing. They’re possessive, aggressive and fight for what is theirs, OMG, instant LOVE on my end. Love these kinds of Heroes. 

I’m drawn to her by some unseen force. Everything from my thoughts to my dick gravitates in her direction. Like getting caught in a rip tide, one minute I’m swimming, free to go in any direction, and then I feel a tug. 
…Yeah, that’s how it is with Raven. One minute I’m free, navigating the waters of my life, and, now, I feel a tug. 

Jonah “The Assassin” Slade has a reputation around Las Vegas. Not only is he a famous MMA fighter, but also he’s also infamous with the ladies. He’s pretty much a bag them, shag them and leave them type. He’s always functioned this way, figuring every woman out there just wants a piece of his fame and money. However when he meets Raven, his life will never be the same.

Raven is not your average woman. Her parents a prostitute and a notorious pimp. We learn in the very beginning that she was bred to become of one her father’s harem of escorts. He’s a very big fish in Vegas; rich and very well known in Vegas. She has been laying low as a mechanic and working in a garage. I love this part about her. Yes she’s sweet and beautiful, but I love that she’s not your typical girly-girl type. She first meets Jonah when he visits her garage looking to hire someone to fix up one of his classic cars. He’s heard of a great mechanic named Ray who can fix up and restore classic cars: Little did he know that the “Ray” is actually Raven. She’s unique and Jonah immediately takes notice. 

This story is almost an instant love kind. Almost. Raven certainly believes she is unworthy of love. Her parents didn’t really show her any growing up. Plus, how could anyone love a girl with her kind of background? No wonder she’s still a virgin at twenty. As for Jonah, well, he definitely falls for Raven fast, but he clearly is taken aback by his instant affection towards her. He tries to fight his feelings, but in the end, it was inevitable. 

I’ve been avoiding this since the day I left home, not wanting to be responsible for another person’s happiness and wellbeing. 
I have a choice to make, and screwing her out of my system isn’t one of them: face my fears and take a shot at a relationship or let her go. She’ll go on living her life until someone worthy of her love comes along.
Oh, hell no! 

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I love that it was told in dual POV, both Raven & Jonah’s. They both showed the depth of vulnerabilities and their capabilities to love and be loved. They both fight to be together, especially when Raven’s father comes to claim her. Lots of drama and tons and tons of sexy good times. I cannot wait for the next installment in this series. It’ll feature Jonah’s best friend and fighter, Blake. He is a freaking riot in this story and not to mention gorgeous. Gahh! Can’t wait! 

Blind Faith by Kimberley Reeves

Serena was only fifteen when four teenage boys dragged her inside a cold, dark cave and robbed her of her innocence. Though her phobia of men and the loss of her eye sight are constant reminders it happened, Serena has no memory of the brutal attack. Now at age twenty-two, she is ready to conquer her fears and lets an old high school friend rent out the upper floor of her house. Can Will Duncan help cure Serena's insecurities or will the secrets he harbors about that night shatter her faith in men forever?
3.5 Stars

“What do you feel, Serena?”
“Your heart,” she squeezed out, “it…it’s racing.”
“Because of you.” 

This was another sporadic read for me. It was a freebie on Amazon a couple days ago and the blurb just intrigued me. Plus I found the cover to be very hauntingly beautiful, too; as it turns out, the story was very similar. There were so many things I enjoyed about this story. The Hero, Will, is AMAZING. He’s patient, loving, sweet and has loved our heroine, Serena since she was fourteen years old. He’s never forgiven himself for what happened to her. Seven years later, he has been given a chance to, not only be there for her, but to love her as well. 

“It’s simple really. If the voices only come after I kiss you, then the only logical solution is to never stop.” ~ Will 

Serena was brutally attacked and raped at only fourteen years old. The traumatic experience left her blind and without any recollection of the event itself. Her family has been overbearing since the attack and she has had enough. She finally has the courage to move out and be on her own. With the support of her Aunt, Serena gets her chance. To her surprise, her new roommate to be is none other than her high school crush, and her brothers’ best friend, Will Duncan. 

Slowly with Will’s help, she is starting to live. Her trust in men is one big hurdle for Will to overcome, but he is a patient man and he wants nothing but to be a part of Serena’s life. The only person hindering her progress is her older sister, McKinley. I’m going to take my opportunity right now and say McKinley is one wicked Bitch (with a Capital B). I’ve never met such a selfish, manipulative, cold-hearted villain, ever! Ugh I fucking hated her. Not only does she want Will for herself, but wants to stop him from helping Serena remember what happened the night of the attack. What is she hiding from her? And what role did Will play that night? 

This is where the running stops, she told herself. This is where your life begins. 

When Serena finally gives Will a chance, my heart just melted. Will is wonderful and he only had Serena’s best interest at heart. I LOVE him. As for McKinley, she is one Grade A Bitch. I cannot say that enough. As much as I enjoyed the story, the ending was kinda too abrupt for me. I felt like justice could’ve been given. Call me vengeful, but after I found out what role McKinley played in her sister’s rape, I wanted her head to roll! That was kind of disappointing. Aside from that, it was pretty good, emotional read. 

Escorted (Escorted #1) by Claire Kent

She hired him to take her virginity...but now she wants even more.

Lori might be a popular romance writer, but she's never been anything but a flop with sex and love in her personal life. Still a virgin at twenty-six and increasingly frustrated by her inexperience, she decides to take matters into her own hands. She hires a talented, sexy male escort to take care of her inconvenient virginity.

She assumes one time with Ander will be enough, but she never dreams how much pleasure he can make her feel. Once isn't nearly enough. Twice isn't enough either. Soon, she becomes one of his regular clients.

Lori knows that nothing would be as foolish as falling in love with her paid escort, but she's never been wise with her heart. And, despite his professionalism, he doesn't seem entirely immune either.

3.75-4 Stars

The tension wasn’t just arousal. Wasn’t lust or impatience. It was emotion.

I’m a fan Gigolo Heroes so I figured I’d give this one a shot. Often times, these books are predictable, steamy and full of emotion: All of which are just fine by me. Sometimes it’s just what the doctor ordered. How could a story featuring a hot sex god falling for the innocent woman not be good? Okay, maybe things can go wrong, but luckily this wasn’t one of them. It was far from a perfect story and it could’ve used a extra something, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. 

“You taught me how to have sex, how to have an orgasm, how to use my trusty vibrator, how to get myself off, how to use dozens of sexual positions, how to give a blow job, and how to ice skate.” ~ Lori 

Lori is a famous romance novelist looking to finally get rid of V-card. The reasoning behind why she remained one is believable enough, but still…twenty-six! Wow. Since it has taken her this long to lose it, every time she gets close to a man, her anxiety kicks in and pretty much ruins the chances of getting intimate. She’s so sick and tired of having this problem that she just wants to freaking lose it already! So her solution…hire a male escort. Enter Ander.

“You taught me how to be with someone genuinely, how to enjoy sex, how to express emotion, how to value myself, how to feel, how to love, how to trust. How to live. You’re never going to win this game.” ~ Ander 

Ander has been a long time male escort and very good at this job. When he meets Lori, something about her innocence intrigues him. He was very patient with Lori during her first time, but at the same time came off a little too clinical for me. It was almost like a “How To” guide to lose your V-card safely and effectively. Don’t get me wrong it was still hot. 

So finally, Lori loses “it.” So what now? She’s still self conscious about her abilities so her only solution is to continue to hire Ander…you know, to practice. (Hey, if you have the means and money, why not?!) However, the more encounters Ander and Lori have, they do start to develop a sort of friendship. Their road to a relationship is a very slow one and doesn’t happen overnight. 

The story contained a whole lot of sexy, steamy scenes, but I enjoyed the times where Lori and Ander were making another type of connection. I loved Ander. He tried to remain professional with Lori, but it was refreshing to see him starting to break out of that shell and show her the real him. This was a pretty quick read and after I got over that whole dental damfiasco (don’t ask, I’m naïve…had to Google that one), I actually did enjoy this.