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Truth (Consequences #2) by Aleatha Romig

Claire Nichols endured the CONSEQUENCES of Anthony Rawlings’ vendetta.

When she first arrived to his home, her goal was survival. Through strength and compartmentalization Claire captivated her captor. Her resilience in the face of his rule threatened Anthony’s well developed plan. Domination became desire and power turned to love.
Their passion and adoration in a world of opulence appeared perfect. Yet, reality was a roller coaster of emotion. Claire’s world teetered on the edge of sanity as Antony monitored her every move. When given the opportunity to flee, Claire drove away. A fateful decision which set a well laid plan into motion.
However, unbeknownst to either of them, there were others who saw past the perfect facade of Anthony Rawlings. There were others who saw the TRUTH. Conspiracy and unfulfilled promises result in an early prison release for Claire. Not just a release – a pardon. According to the law, her crime never happened!
Will it be that easy? Faced with freedom from her past... can Claire seize it? Can she build a new life, mend her broken spirit, become the woman she once was, and seek her own revenge? Or is it all a game? And does the game master have different plans?
How does Sophia Burke fit into the puzzle that is Tony and Claire? Will her presence affect the future of this well esteemed man? Can he dominate twice? Is that his goal?
TRUTH continues the tumultuous saga of CONSEQUENCES, introduces new players, and uncovers more intrigue. Aleatha Romig skillfully weaves past transgressions through current deception to create a fervent world of obsessed desire. In this reality can an all-consuming relationship survive?
When buried sins are discovered they threaten not only Tony and Claire’s future -- but their very lives! Will the TRUTH be revealed in time?

Five Stars

**If you haven’t read book one, Consequences, there are spoilers below**

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. ~ Mahatma Ghandi 

HOLY MOTHER!! That was good. No. Fuck that. It was excellent. First off, thank you, Trish for convincing me to read this. After the mind fuck that is Consequences (book #1), I was waiting for my emotions to simmer down before even considering picking up the sequel. I was livid after book one.LIVID! It was mostly directed at Tony. Frankly, I was scared to read this. My mind wasn’t ready to take another beating. (Pun completely unintentional. Sorry!) 

Tony – his magnetism, his control, his dominance – was erotic. 

Book one elicited so many different feelings towards Anthony: Anger, lust, confusion, but most of all, betrayal. Tony is his own entity. I’ve never met a character that had me so conflicted, ever. I had such a strong love/hate thing for him. By the end of the book, after his ultimate betrayal, I concluded that I hated him. There was no way he was redeemable after what he did. It would take a fucking miracle. I mean, how could Claire possibly forgive him?

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. ~ Helen Keller 

Claire is given a second chance, a pardon if you will. She’s very fortunate to have friends and allies to help get her life back on track. She has found refuge with her ex-boyfriend’s fiancé, Amber McCoy, along with Amber’s brother, Harry. Oh, and may I just go off on a little tangent by saying: I LOVE HARRY! He is such a sweetheart. Okay. I could continue to gush about him, but I don't want to spoil it too much. Anyway, Claire finds comfort and friendship with them both. They welcome her and help her as best they can. She wants nothing more than to move on and leave her past behind. However, it isn’t easy considering Tony is still as obsessed with her as ever. When he finds out about Claire’s pardon, Tony is not a happy man, but he can’t help that he still loves her. He’s seriously twisted that way. How can she move on with her life knowing he’s following her every step? 

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. ~ Confucius 

This sequel wasn’t as much of a mind fuck as book one was, but some parts did have my mind spinning. So many questions were answered, but more questions arose. More layers are unraveled and more secrets are revealed. There were so many little twists and turns that when it finally ended, I was left thinking: Who was manipulating whom? My perception of Tony is still up for debate; I am still left with this internal battle when it comes to my feelings for him. I hated him after book one. Now? Not so much. Is he redeemable? It looks like he might be. Can I ever forgive him for what he has done to Claire? I didn’t think it was possible, but there’s a good chance that I might be able to. And that ending? What was that? I have my theories, but I guess they won’t get answered until book three, Convicted, is out, which I want like NOW. **Deep Breath** This really is an exceptional story. It’ll drive you bat shit crazy, but I loved the journey I have taken so far. 

The Education of Caroline (Education of #2) by Jane Harvey-Berrick

Ten years after their broken affair, Sebastian and Caroline meet again: this time in very different circumstances, against the background of the war in Afghanistan.

Now a successful journalist, Caroline meets Chief Sebastian Hunter, US Marine. Will this chance encounter rekindle the erotic madness of her passionate affair with a younger man?
4.75 Stars

**If you have not read The Education of Sebastian, there are a few spoilers below**

Life is what happens with you least expect it. 

I was so freaking ecstatic when I heard this book finally came out because so eager to start this fantastic series. As soon as I finished The Education of Sebastian, I immediately jumped to this book. Book one ended so abruptly and on such a sad note, that I wanted more. I craved it! It’s been ten years since Sebastian and Caroline were forced apart. They haven’t seen each other since that heartbreaking day. What happens when fate intervenes and they are thrust into each other’s lives once more?

I saw Sebastian’s eyes flicker across to me, then widen with shock as recognition set in, and for the briefest of moments, he looked like the 17 year old I had known. 

After all these years, Caroline never thought he would ever see the love of her life come back into her life. Her life has changed so much since she upped and left her husband, her life and Sebastian. After struggling the first few years, she has now built a new life as a journalist. Her next assignment took her abroad as a war correspondent. It is during one of these training courses is where she runs into Sebastian again. Gone is the sweet and innocent 17 year old and in his place is a 27-year-old, tough and sexy tattooed Marine. He’s multi lingual and his talents are often used on the field, but he’s also built quite a reputation as a womanizer. When she attempts to speak with him, he gives her nothing but a cold reception. What has happened to her beloved Sebastian?

“Why didn’t you come back?” he sobbed. “I waited and waited for you, like I said I would, but you never came back! Why? Why didn’t you come back? I love you I love you I love you.” 

For three years, Sebastian waited for Caroline to come back. He waited until the statute of limitations was over; when it would be safe for Caroline to come back to him, but she never came back. He was devastated. From then on is when he started with the womanizing, but no one ever came close to replacing his beloved Caroline. Seeing her again, after all these years, is more than he can handle. He doesn’t know what to do. He still loves her, but he’s so pissed off that she never came back. Now that she’s back, he knows he can’t stay away from her. Is this the second chance they’ve been waiting for?

“That’s how you make me feel, Caro, like the world just goes away and its just you and me. I… I didn’t thinking I’d ever feel like that again. All those other women, I know it bothers you, but it was just sex. It wasn’t… this.” 

Sebastian and Caroline have their second chance and, boy, did they make the most out of it. They have a limited time together before she leaves for her assignment and he for duty. Not only did they re-kindle their physical relationship, which by the way, was off the fucking charts HOT, but they also wanted a chance to a chance to get to know each other again. They’re in Europe; Geneva to be exact, close enough to Italy. Their plan of touring Italy is about to become reality. 

I love this plan! They mentioned it quite a bit in the first book, while their relationship was just a dream. I loved how their relationship blossomed again. It happened pretty fast, but I didn’t care. These two deserved every ounce of happiness that comes their way. I LOVED partaking in their journey and I’m sad that’s it’s over. I will definitely add this to my must re-read shelf. Just LOVED it!

He frowned. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you, Caro?”
I shook my head. “No, Sebastian, I’m not. But you have to admit, it’s all been pretty fast.”
“It’s been ten years, Caro,” he said, seriously. “I’ve waited long enough.”

The Education of Sebastian (Education of #1) by Jane Harvey-Berrick

A friendship between the lost and lonely Caroline, and the unhappy Sebastian, leads to an illicit love that threatens them both.

Caroline Wilson is trapped in a cold and loveless marriage with an older man. When her husband finally wins a long sought-after promotion, Caroline feels she has little choice but to follow him to a new home in San Diego. There she meets Sebastian, a young man of 17. 

For an all too brief summer, their happiness blooms. 
But external pressures begin to bear down, not least from the overbearing David, and Sebastian’s parents begin to suspect that their son has a secret. Even Caroline’s new friend, Donna, realises that dark passions exist below the serene surface.
4.5-4.75 Stars

He kissed me with sudden ferocity, covering my face and throat with hard, burning kisses. His weight pinned me down as I ran my hands across the taut muscles of his back and shoulders.

“I love you,” he growled. “That’s all that matters.” 

When I came across this book, I wanted to read it like ASAP. The only thing that stopped me was that I knew it ended in a cliffhanger, so I waited for the release of the second book. As soon as book two was released, I was all over it like white on rice. I knew the premise of the story involved a thirty-year-old woman and her 17-year-old lover. Yes, that’s right: Seventeen! Did it bother me? Nope. I LOVED it just the way it is. 

“You want honesty? Well, I don’t know what will happen… but neither do you. Maybe we’ll make it… maybe we won’t. But you’re giving up before we’ve even tried. I don’t understand. Why won’t you take a chance?” ~Sebastian 

Caroline is thirty and stuck in a loveless marriage. She married David when she was only nineteen years old. Eleven years after, she’s utterly miserable. He constantly mistreats her and takes her for granted. He’s a navel officer and traveling comes second nature. When they return to San Diego for the second time around, this is when her life begins to change. 

She’s known Sebastian since he was eight years old. Now, don’t judge just yet, hear me out. When Caroline first lived in San Diego, he would constantly go over to her house and visit with her and her father. He’s never had a happy home life and going over there was like a refuge for him. He was truly saddened when she moved away. Fast forward ten years later, she returns and finds Sebastian all grown up. She’s also starting to realize that he’s constantly flirting with her. But she’s married, albeit not happily, and he’s only seventeen. So what if he’s only four months shy of eighteen: It’s not right, right? However, Sebastian is relentless. He’s always finding ways to hang out with her. It’s only a matter of time when both succumb to their attraction. 

“Can you feel yourself inside me?”
His face was filled with amazement.
“Yes,” he whispered. “I can.” 

Sebastian couldn’t believe she’d come back. He’s loved Caroline for a very long time. Crushing on her when he was only eight was just the starting point. Now that she’s here, he’s going to do everything he can to be with her. It’s always been Caroline. Always. They start an affair. Their first time was pretty memorable. Not only was Caroline Sebastian’s first, but this was also the time where she learns of his age. Heck yea, she freaked. She swore that she would wait til he turned eighteen before doing it again, but unfortunately, that plan blows up in her face. They seriously cannot resist each other. They enjoy being around each other, not only on a physical level, but also a very deep emotional level as well. Caroline starts to wake up. Sebastian makes her want things that she didn’t think were attainable. They set up a plan that when he turns 18, she will not only divorce David, but they plan on running away together. They have dreams of roaming Italy and starting a life together in New York. But how long can they keep their affair a secret?

“I love you, Caroline. I always have. My whole life.” 

The times when they were together were raw, beautiful and sensual. Sebastian is just the sweetest man in the world. He absolutely is 100%, head over heels, in love with Caroline. However, Caroline couldn’t help but constantly question their relationship. Sebastian is gorgeous. Why does he even want me? Could they make their dream work? Her fears were valid, but Sebastian kept reassuring her that they will try to do the best they can to be together. This book had me on pins and needles the whole time. I was waiting for the shoe to drop. I was emotionally invested in their relationship. When this story ended, I was a hot mess. I was glad I read this when I knew book two was out because as soon as I closed this book, I opened book two immediately. I LOVED THIS STORY!

Kaleb (Alluring Indulgence #1) by Nicole Edwards

Zoey Stranford might’ve had a crush on the sexy boy next door since middle school, but she’s a woman now, and that crush has turned into a full blown case of lust. So why is it that at twenty nine, her libido decides to ramp into high gear and the only thing she can focus on is the intensely sexy, scorching hot boy next door who is definitely not a boy anymore? 

The only problem is that Zoey and Kaleb have been best friends for as long as she can remember. Not to mention, Kaleb and his brothers are working on buying Stranford land to build a new resort, and she’s more than a little hesitant about his intentions.

Kaleb Walker has had his eye on Zoey for close to twenty years, but never before has he considered taking their friendship to the next level, no matter how many fantasies he’s had about her over the years. That doesn’t explain why Kaleb is hell bent on having her – in as many ways as possible. 

Kaleb finds himself in a precarious situation. His brothers have nominated him to pursue Zoey’s father about purchasing the land needed to get their new resort off the ground. Finding out that Carl Stranford is on the brink of foreclosure and Zoey might just lose her house and the land, Kaleb now has to convince her to put aside her pride and let him help her.

It doesn’t take long before the flames start burning bright and hot, and the two of them burn up the nights and the days as they explore each other’s forbidden fantasies. But can their friendship survive a business transaction or the new friends with benefits clause? Or will they realize that they’ve been overlooking something much deeper that’s been right in front of them all along?

Warning: This book contains sexual encounters and graphic language that some readers may find objectionable, including, but not limited to m/f/m encounters, anal sex, exhibitionism, and voyeurism. Consider yourself warned! Contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18.

Erotic Romance
Mature Audience

3.5 Stars

“I can’t promise gentle, and I can’t promise I’ll shower you with sweets words. As much as I want to, I’m not that man.” 

I’ve seen this book around for the better part of the last few weeks. It’s been taunting me every time I went into my TBR, looking for my next read. I’ve seen all the good reviews and figured, “why not?” Now let me say this now: This book is incredibly HOT! Like make you squirm and gets you all hot and bothered type of HOT. The sex scenes had my jaw dropping and my imagination running wild. If I were to rate the book on the steaminess and sex alone, hands down this would’ve been an easy Five Star read. However, I had to take into consideration the plot too. Yes folks, there was an actual plot in this story, which was good, but nothing too fantastic. 

“I’ve waited too damn long to have you.” 

Zoey Stranford and Kaleb Walker have been friends for a long, long time. They even went to their High School Prom together, but neither wanted to take it to the next level and possibly ruin their friendship. Plus the complication of Kaleb and his brother wanting to buy Zoey’s father’s land is just another reason to not go there. But like all these friends-to-lovers story lines, something was about to give. 

Zoey and Kaleb start out with a kiss, but what they felt after that made them even more lustful for each other. After years of waiting for each other, you know the sparks were going to fly. HOLY FREAKING HOTNESS, did it ever fly! Like I said, the steam in this book is beyond hot…it’s fucking scorching! Plus, Kaleb’s best friend, Gabe, also makes a few appearances and even joins Kaleb and Zoey between the sheets. That just takes it to a whole new level, too. FUCK! Just fucking hot. **Squirms**

In addition to Kaleb, we are also introduced to his brothers: Travis, Sawyer, Braydon, Brendon (who are twins!!!), Ethan and Zane. Each is sexy, of course, and by the looks of it, will be getting books of their own. Yea. I think I’ll check those out, too, when they come out. Call me crazy, but I’m so looking forward to Braydon & Brendon’s story…apparently they have a reputation for sharing women. Shit. I think I just realized that I have a thing for hot Alpha male twins. **Squirms** Sorry, my imagination just totally went astray there. Teehee. 

WHEW! Anyway, if you want a really, really smoking hot read with a very predictable plot, this is definitely for you. 

Reservation (Preservation #2) by Rachael Wade

A sequel to the Amazon bestselling romance, Preservation, told from Ryan’s point of view.

Old Habits Die Hard.

Ryan Campbell is not only leaving his title of Professor behind to move on to bigger and better things at Simon and Warden Publishing, he’s also become Seattle’s rising literary star. Sitting on the overwhelming cusp of newfound fame, he learns soon enough that being popular has its downside. 

Attracted to the buzz surrounding his new career, former lovers begin to creep back into his life, and potential ones emerge with enticing advances. While he works to juggle reserved, yet stressful, wedding plans with Kate and his new public image, he has enough to manage without worrying about Carter and Dean—Kate’s loveable albeit eccentric friends—and their latest shenanigans. 

Surrounded by a lifestyle that includes temptation at every turn, Ryan finds himself immersed in a world full of scandal and lies, where his oldest weaknesses thrive and his ghosts return to haunt him. Questioning whether his life with Kate is his best path, he must discover if he’s still capable of being the man he aspired to be when she first became his, or if happily ever after is only an illusion.

4.75-5 Stars

I've been trying to do it right
I've been living a lonely life
I've been sleeping here instead
I've been sleeping in my bed...

I belong with you
You belong with me
You're my sweetheart ~ Ho Hey by The Lumineers 

If there’s anyone in the world who deserves a happy ending, it’s two broken people who taught each other to love. 

First off, a HUGE and MASSIVE thank you to Rachael for giving me the opportunity to beta read this. I loved Preservation and I couldn’t wait to continue Kate and Ryan’s story. What made this book even extra awesome is that it’s told completely in Ryan’s POV. I’m such a sucker for these types of stories because as a woman, I’m curious to know what makes a man tick, especially for someone as damaged as Ryan. Getting into Ryan’s head was an interesting experience. I felt so much more sympathetic for him. 

Every moan, muscle clench, and ragged breath told me she was mine, and I hers. I continued to punish her with ruthless strokes, filling her ear with hot breath. “You belong to me,” I demanded “Next time someone touches you, remember you’re my sunrise. Remember this,” I hammered her with one fierce strike, jolting her backward on the counter. 

Damn, Ryan! Holy fucking hotness! Ryan is hotter than ever and deeply in love with Kate. Changes are happening all around them. Ryan is now a published author, with his book in serious talk for a movie deal. His celebrity status is skyrocketing fast. While all this is happening, his fiancé, Kate, is thousands of miles away, working. They are trying their hardest to make this long distance relationship work, but man, it’s not easy. 

Now that Ryan is in the celebrity limelight, his notorious past is creeping out of the woodwork; it’s slowly coming back to haunt him. He needs his Kate to keep him grounded, but he’s left to deal with it alone. Ryan wants nothing more than to announce to the world that he’s engaged and happy, but his publicist has other plans. The risk of scandal is always nipping at Ryan’s heels. However, what concerns him most is how Kate will react to what she reads in the tabloids. 

“I do trust you, Ryan. But it takes effort. It’s not without pain.” ~ Kate 

We all know Kate has her trust issues and it has taken her forever to get to where she is today, especially with former-playboy Ryan. To me, Ryan did nothing wrong in this story. No. Wait. There was this one thing, that pissed me off and made me cringe, but I forgave him because he did come to his senses right away. However, since this was told in Ryan’s POV, we knew immediately he never wanted to intentionally hurt Kate; that’s the last thing he ever wanted to do. Will their relationship survive? Will Kate ever fully trust Ryan? 

“Nothing is worth what I have with you. Will you please give me a chance to prove that to you?” ~ Ryan 

Reading this through Ryan’s eyes was fantastic. His struggle to balance his career, while maintaining a long distance relationship with Kate was frustrating and heartbreaking at times. It was a tough pill to swallow, but those times when he and Kate were together more than made up for it. Speaking of Kate, I only have one thing to say to you potential readers: Be patient with her. Her tendency to overreact was the only drawback to the story. I know she has had trust issues in the past, but you would think getting engaged to a man such as Ryan would’ve resolved most of those issues. She was definitely worthy of a few bitch-slaps ;)

This story was such a great addition to the Preservation series, but after I was finished, it was a bit of a bittersweet moment for me. I will miss Kate and Ryan tremendously, but I am HIGHLY looking forward to Carter and Whitney’s story in Declaration.This is definitely another winner from this fabulous author.