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Reasons I fell for the Funny Fat Friend by Becca Ann

It’s stupid to fall for your brother’s ex. It’s even worse to enlist another’s help to win the ex over. But Brody is desperate and Hayley, his partner in American Sign Language, is more than willing to lend him a few tips. 

She’s the school’s matchmaker,’ and with her bizarre and positive personality, Brody finds her easy to talk to, even about the most awkward situations. Hayley’s tips seem to be working, but as Brody learns more about his matchmaker, he starts finding reasons to spend time with her, and not the girl he thought he was in love with. 

But Hayley isn’t ready to fall for anyone. Labeled the “Funny Fat Friend” within her group, her self image makes it impossible for Brody to share his feelings without Hayley shrugging it off as a joke. 

Convincing her Brody can, and did, fall for the “Funny Fat Friend” turns out to be harder than simply falling in love.

Written by Cassie Mae under the pen name Becca Ann

Four Stars

How could I want anyone else? She’s amazing, that girl. Damn sexy, funny, and just knows how to make me feel…all that crap you’re suppose to feel when you’re with the girl you just have to be around.
I need her.
No. I crave her. 

First off, do not get let the not so great title of this book steer you away. If I can be honest, it almost made me not want to read this book. The cover is cute and I really like it, but the title? Not so much. I hate that word: Fat. I’ve always had a complex about it, but I’m sure a lot of girls do. When do we women ever think we are ever skinny enough? lol. Exactly! However, I am a sucker for stories where the not so typical skinny minnies get the hot guy, so of course I had to read it. I’m very glad I did, too :)

“I’m not exactly Miss Size Zero.”
“I’m what they call the FFF.”
“The Funny Fat Friend.” 

Hayley has always been the FFF. She’s also the friend that guys go through to get to the girl they actually want. Kind of like the matchmaker, per se. She’s set up a lot of her friends this way. She’s always felt that this was her role: The inevitable matchmaker. So when she notices her American Sign Language friend, Brody, always constantly swooning at his brother’s ex-girlfriend, Quynn, she offers her help. 

I take a deep breath and grab her hand. I’m not going to let her shake me off this time. “I like you, alright? I want to date you not out of pity, but because I…I needto. Hayles, I can’t get you off my mind.” 

Brody didn’t know what he signed up for when he takes Hayley’s offer to help him win Quynn’s heart. Brody has always been infatuated with his brother’s ex. She’s every guys’ dream: Blonde, skinny, friendly and popular. However, the more time he spends with Hayley, the more he likes her. He’s never thought of her as fat or ugly. As a matter of fact, Brody thinks Hayley is beautiful, inside and out. She makes him laugh, and just feels naturally comfortable around her. The quirky little thinks she does drive him crazy. Who knew this girl would turn his life upside down? 

I’m not going to stop until she tells me to stop. I love her. And I want to have one of my firsts with her too. 

It takes Hayley forever to believe a guy like Brody would be interested in a girl like her. Brody tries to send the right signals, but it literally goes over her head and/or she just ignores it. However, when she does let him in, it was one of those moments where I couldn’t stop grinning. I was so flipping happy, it was ridiculous. 

Just pure Awesomesauce! 

This is another one of those impromptu reads that I just needed. Just an FYI, this is strictly YA. Not too much hanky panky going around, but there was a little. Let’s just say that it was enough to make me swoon. However, I did find the clean language a little too clean. The stuff that came out of Hayley’s mouth were a bit on the very cheesy, clean side, but then again, I have a sailor mouth so the lack of dirty talk made me a bit uncomfortable. LOL! Yea. I know…I have issues. Fuck. Shit. Damn. I mean, is it really that hard to say? LOL! 

Whoops! There I go, rambling again. My bad. LOL. Anyway, I LOVED the fact that the story was told in Brody’s POV. I love getting into the guy’s head. Its so cute how he struggled to come to the obvious conclusion. He’s just a sweetheart. 

The relationship between Brody and Hayley matures at a nice rate; nothing was ever rushed. Sometimes, I wished it moved a slight bit faster, but meh! I was still all good with the results ;) This was such a fast, predictable and enjoyable read and would recommend it to anyone looking for a very good, very cute and clean YA story. 

Rule (Marked Men #1) by Jay Crownover

Opposites in every way . . . except the one that matters 

Shaw Landon loved Rule Archer from the moment she laid eyes on him. Rule is everything a straight--A pre-med student like Shaw shouldn’t want--and the only person she’s never tried to please. She isn’t afraid of his scary piercings and tattoos or his wild attitude. Though she knows that Rule is wrong for her, her heart just won’t listen.

To a rebel like Rule Archer, Shaw Landon is a stuck-up, perfect princess-and his dead twin brother’s girl. She lives by other people’s rules; he makes his own. He doesn’t have time for a good girl like Shaw-even if she’s the only one who can see the person he truly is.

But a short skirt, too many birthday cocktails, and spilled secrets lead to a night neither can forget. Now, Shaw and Rule have to figure out how a girl like her and a guy like him are supposed to be together without destroying their love...or each other.

4.5-4.75 Stars

I loved Rule like it was my mission in life. I loved him like it was inevitable… 

So the first thing I noticed right away is the cover. It’s gorgeous and I could not say no to a guy who looked like that. I mean, have you seen him? He’s gorgeous! And those tattoos? Total fuckingSWOON!! YUMMY. After I finished this book, I had to Google more tattooed hotties. I engulfed this book. I just couldn’t stop reading. Today was my day off and I was determined to be lost in a book. The story had drama, a little bit of angst, and a whole lot of sexual tension between the H/h which led to some wonderful times in between the sheets. This was just what the doctor ordered.

“Gotta tell you, Rule, I’m a fan of kissing with all that metal in your face. I never thought that was something I would be into, but you sure make it work.” 

Rule is moody, complicated and brash, but underneath his tough tattooed exterior lies a man who’s sweet, artistic, charming, brilliant and loyal. He’s also PIERCED in all the right places**wink & smirks** Just picturing his piercings makes me squirm and blush. Oh. My. God. Is it hot in here? FUCK! He’s hot. 

Anyway, I digress. He’s always been the odd brother out in his family, but when his beloved twin dies, he was an outcast more than ever. He’s always played by his own set of rules. He’s a very successful tattoo artist and is a big hit with the ladies. The way his parents treat him, especially his mother, makes him feel unworthy of being loved. He has never had a serious relationship and goes from one fling to another. 

“So Nash and I went out and there were redheads and there were brunettes and there was even a super-hot chick that looked kinda like Pink, but you think any of them did it for me? No, Shaw, not one because they weren’t fucking you; ever since you walked out on Sunday all I’ve been thinking of is you.” 

Shaw Landon has loved Rule Archer since she first laid eyes on him. Ever since his twin brother, Remy, took her home, everyone in Archer family welcomed her with open arms. Her own family has never made her feel as welcome as the Archers did. She never did belong her parents' world of the privileged and rich. They even tried to push her towards a man like Gabe, a man of good breeding, but completely psycho. 

Shaw has always been a fixer. Every Sunday, she picks up Rule from his apartment to drive him to visit his parents. She constantly finds him sprawled naked with his flavor of the week next to him, but she does it; no matter how much it hurts knowing that Rule never really sees her. As for Rule, he hates Sundays, but he always reluctantly goes. Little did he know that she would do anything for him. She always puts up with his bullshit without a hint of complaint. In Rule’s eyes, a girl like Shaw was in his eyes, unattainable. 

It wasn’t until the night of Shaw’s birthday that everything changed…

“What are you trying to say Rule?”
“I don’t know, all I know is other girls aren’t you and that isn’t cutting it for me. I think we need to figure out what’s going on between us.” 

This story between Rule and Shaw was one I couldn’t put down. Rule could be such an asshat sometimes, but I loved that he was trying. He wanted to be the type of man Shaw deserved. All Shaw ever wanted was Rule, flaws and all. The angst was kept at a minimum, but the drama was all there. 

There were a couple reasons why I couldn’t give this a full five stars. One: This book needed some serious editing. This version I have is supposed to be the tweaked out version, but they need to go over it again because the slight mistakes they missed made sentences long and drawn out. It even made it confusing at times. Two: The separation between Rule and Shaw towards the end seemed a little drawn out. Aside from that, I really enjoyed this and I cannot wait for the next book that stars Ayden and Jet. But for now, I know I’ll be thinking about Rule, his tattoos and his piercings (**Blushes**) for a long time to come ;)

Running Barefoot by Amy Harmon

When Josie Jensen, an awkward 13-year-old musical prodigy, crashes headlong into new kid Samuel Yazzie, an 18-year-old Navajo boy full of anger and confusion, an unlikely friendship blooms. Josie teaches Samuel about words, music, and friendship, and along the way finds a kindred spirit. Upon graduation, Samuel abandons the sleepy, small town in search of a future and a life, leaving his young mentor behind. Many years go by, and Samuel returns to find his old friend in need of the very things she offered him years before. Their roles reversed, Samuel teaches Josie about life, love, and letting go.

Deeply romantic and poignant, 'Running Barefoot' is the story of a small town girl and a Native American boy, the ties that bind us to our homes and families, and the love that gives us wings.

4.5-4.75 Stars

“True love sufferth long, and is kind; true love envieth not. True love vounteth not itself, is not puffed up. True love does not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil. True love rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in truth. True love beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endoureth all things.” ~ 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13 

Tell me that is not one of the most beautiful things ever. I’m completely blown away by this story. I cannot begin to describe the emotions that ran through me while I read this. If that opening line above didn’t tell you, I’ll tell you right now: This is aVERY deep, emotional love story. The story contained several spiritual and religious components, and along with the music, it wove a beautiful story.

“You always had this light that made you seem like royalty…such an incredible mind, such beauty and humility. You took my breath away, time after time, day after day, on that smelly old school bus.” 

Josie and Samuel first met when she was only thirteen and he eighteen: She in seventh grade, he a high school senior. They rode the same bus to school every day and was assigned to sit next to each other. Josie, though young in age, has been through a lot in life. She lost her mother very early in her life and took it upon herself to take care of her father, and three older brothers. She is wise beyond her years, tall, pretty and easily intimidates a lot of the boys in her school. She’s also a very accomplished piano player and avid reader. She is not your typical thirteen-year-old girl. Josie grew up fast. 

When she meets Samuel, he was one very angry boy. Samuel is half Navajo Indian and half Caucasian. He lost his father early in life and lived with his mother on the reservation before finally moving in with his grandparents. The feeling of not belonging has always plagued Samuel. His half/half heritage has always made him a target at school and at the reservation. He hardly talks to anyone, but the girl sitting next to him slowly melts his icy reserve. 

During their bus ride is where hey talked of books, music, and religion. The friendship between Josie and Samuel became very strong. However, no one really knew the extent of it. It was kept mostly between themselves because honestly, how would it look? Once Samuel graduated, he joined the Marines. It broke Josie’s heart, as well as mine, when he went away. At first, they constantly wrote each other and kept in touch. Two years after, Samuel returned home to visit, but he and Josie had a falling out of sorts. Josie and he moved on as best they could. 

“You were so young, and the feelings between us were too intense. I found myself thinking about you like you were my girl. Then I would remember how young you were, and I would be ashamed of myself.”

“You see, in my mind, I always kept track. I would mark time with your birthdays. Josie is sixteen – but I’m 21. Josie is 17, still too young.” 

Josie is twenty-three when twenty-eight year old Samuel returns. Josie has been through a lot during his absence. She has lost another person she loves and dreams of becoming a famous pianist were put on the backburner as she cared for her father. Samuel is currently on leave and is there to help his aging grandparents. When he first encounters Josie, he notices her bright spirit has diminished into something sad. Their friendship soon rekindles, but is friendship really what they want? 

“I did my best to be a man you could be proud of.” 
“You were the bar I measured everything by.” ~ Samuel 

The story was not rushed. The relationship that blossomed between the Josie and Samuel took a natural progression that involved a lot of deep conversations. If you’re an impatient person, this is probably not the book for you. I do have to warn you though, it did feel a little overwhelming at times, but not enough to bother me. I was not easily deterred. I was too engrossed with Samuel and Josie’s relationship to keep me going. The fact that there was no of steam whatsoever didn’t even bother me; I loved them both too much too care the lack of. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a beautiful and emotional love story. 

Jackson Rule by Dinah McCall


Jackson Rule had spent nearly half his life behind bars for murder. Now he was starting over-or trying to. Once he laid hungry eyes on his new employer, though, his resolve to lead a simple, solitary life deserted him, replaced by yearnings for fierce, forbidden passion. 


Preacher's daughter Rebecca Hill was raised to give folks the benefit of the doubt--though maybe this time she'd taken charity a bit too far. True, Jackson Rule had paid his debt to society, and was a hard, honest worker. What threatened to undo her was the sheer burning desire she felt in his presence, and the sinking feeling that her heart would be his captive forever.

3.75-4 Stars

“Be careful, lady.” His voice was harsh as his hands raked through her wet, tangled hair, bringing her face closer to his own. 
“Of what?”
“Of this.” He cupped her hips with his hands and lifted her off her feet. “Of that.” His groin had swelled in one huge ache and was pressing into her flesh. “Of me.” 

I needed a break from my current read and decided to pick this up. I’m not really sure why I decided to, but I think I just needed some good ole fashioned predictable drama, especially one that involved redemption and second chances. I love these types of stories. Yes, this involved an ex-con/murderer, but I knew that there was something else to our Hero’s story and I was determined to find out.

And the facts were that he was an ex-con and the woman he wanted was the daughter of a man of God. It was an impossible situation, and Jackson knew it. 

An ex-con and a preacher’s daughter. Yea, you know there was going to be some drama in this book. Jackson Rule was just released from prison after serving fifteen years for shooting his father. The thing about it is, if you’d ask him if he’d do it all over again, he’ll tell you without a doubt, yes, he would. His father was very abusive to him and his sister. One day, it all came crashing down. Now he’s out, he wants nothing more than to make a life for himself and hopefully rekindle the relationship he had with his sister, who has been in a mental health facility all these years after the murder. He is determined to find a job, but being an ex-con, he knew it wasn’t going to be easy. 

He lowered his lips and she forgot to move. And when they connected with her lips, she forgot to breathe. 
Gently. Coaxing. Taking. Giving.
His mouth moved from one pleasure to another until Rebecca lost all track of place and time. 

Who was this man that suddenly appeared in Rebecca’s life. She’s never met such a contradiction. Jackson doesn’t seem to be at all what he’s pegged to be. A murderer? An ex-con? Yes and yes. However she saw something more in Jackson, especially after he saved her life more than once. Her father is always preaching about forgiveness and after his heroic display, she easily decided to take the risk and hired Jackson to help around her greenhouse. The fact that was what he was didn’t faze her. Nope, she’s as strong willed as they come. She wasn’t surprised that he was a model worker, hardworking and honest. What she didn’t expect is the chemistry brewing between her and Jackson. 

Jackson however, knew he was never going to be good enough for a woman like Rebecca. He wouldn’t risk the type of scrutiny she would endure if they decide to make their working relationship into something more. No. He would stand his ground. He will fight his feelings. He could never live with himself if her reputation was to be tainted by a man like him. So begins the battle of wills.

“I love you, Rebecca Hills, more than you will ever know.”
He wasn’t certain, but he imagined that he heard her whisper “thank God” right before the kiss. 

Like I said, I really enjoyed stories like this. I’m happy Rebecca believed in Jackson and never gave up on him no matter what her father or her friends say. There were only a couple drawbacks that prevented me from loving this read. One: Needs more steam. (Yes, I have issues, but you already knew that.) Two: It seemed like it took the two forever to finally get together. The story wasn’t slow or anything, but it really could’ve helped if things moved along faster. As for the ending, well, that was a bit of a shock, but no worries, it ended happily. Overall, a very good contemporary read. 

Reaper's Property (Reapers MC #1) by Joanna Wylde

Marie doesn’t need a complication like Horse. The massive, tattooed, badass biker who shows up at her brother’s house one afternoon doesn’t agree. He wants Marie on his bike and in his bed. Now.

But Marie just left her abusive jerk of an ex-husband and she’s not looking for a new man. Especially one like Horse—she doesn’t know his real name or where he lives, she’s ninety percent certain he’s a criminal and that the “business” he talks with her brother isn’t website design. She needs him out of her life, which would be a snap if he’d just stop giving her mind-blowing orgasms.

Horse is part of the Reapers Motorcycle Club, and when he wants something, he takes it. What he wants is Marie, but she’s not interested in becoming “property of”.

Then her brother steals from the club. Marie can save him by giving Horse what he wants—at home, in public, on his bike… If she’s a very, very good girl, she’ll get lots more of those orgasms only he can offer, and he’ll let her brother live.


A Romantica® contemporary erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave
Four Stars

** WARNING: This review contains some graphic dirty talk, which if you know me, I fucking love that shit, but if you don’t, well…just proceed at your own risk**

“This pussy,” he said, fingering me. I moaned in response, ashamed at how easily he made me wet. “This pussy is mine. You are mine. I’ll fuck you when and where I want, and you can either take it or get the fuck out. Are we clear?” 

Did that get your attention?? Because seriously, that line still gets to me. Holy Mother FUCK!! **Deep breath** Give me five seconds to recuperate from that. 5…4…3…2…1… 

Okay. So, umm, yea. I ran across this book on Facebook, read the blurb and just couldn’t say no. Come on you guys! Get this: The Hero is a tattooed, badass Alpha biker named Horse. That’s right, you heard me. HORSE! It took me a nano second for mind to come to an obvious and pervy conclusion and another minute to shuck $7 for this book. Was it worth it? Hells fuckin yea it was!

“Someday,” he whispered softly in my ear. “I don’t want to hurt you. Not until you’re ready for me… But someday I’m going to own all of you, Marie. You’re all mine, babe. Knew it the first time I saw you. Couldn’t give you up if I tried.” 

Marie just moved back into her brother, Jeff’s, house after leaving her no good cheating soon to be ex-husband. Marie adores and loves Jeff. So when he gets into some serious trouble with a local MC, The Reapers, she doesn’t hesitate to help him. Anything. 

“This is your option,” Horse said to me abruptly. “You want to keep dumbass alive, pack a bag and climb on my bike when we leave. You do what I tell you, when I tell you, no questions and no bitching.”
“Why?” I asked blankly.
“So you can cook dessert for me,” he snapped. 
“Why the hell do you think?” he said, voice strained. “So I can fuck you.” 

Horse will do anything to have Marie. Ever since he first laid eyes on her, he was determined to make her his. Horse and Marie had their chances to be together, but Horse’s personality was confusing the hell out of Marie. Not to mention his involvement in an MC and what all that entails; including access to the MC’s harem of easy women. She did not want to be just another notch on his bedpost. When Jeff fucks up, this was his opening he needed to have Marie right where he wants her. 

“I’m not gonna let you go, Marie. I’m keeping you and I don’t care if I go to hell for doing it. I don’t care about anything but fucking you.” 

Just like sexy Rock Star books, I’ve also learned that I’m a sucker for Badass Biker books. To me, they are the epitome of what I love most about my Alpha Heroes: They’re strong, brooding, sexy, possessive, protective and have that don’t fucking mess with me or my woman attitude. Fucking swoon! If you’re a fan of Madeline Sheehan’s Undeniable, you will probably like this read. It’s not as good, nor as intense, but still a great read nonetheless.