Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
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Forever My Girl (Beaumont #1) by Heidi McLaughlin

I was never supposed to be a rock star. I had my life all planned out for me. Play football in college. Go to the NFL. Marry my high school sweetheart and live happily ever after.

I broke both our hearts that day when I told her I was leaving. I was young. I made the right decision for me, but the wrong decision for us. I’ve poured my soul into my music, but I’ve never forgotten her. Her smell, her smile. 

And now I’m going back. 

After ten years. 

I hope I can explain that after all this time. 

I still want her to be my forever girl.
Four Stars

"You don't get to come in here and demand answers, Liam. You've been off playing rock star. You're the famous Liam Page. You left this," I spread my around and point to myself. "You left me. There's no room for you here." 

I'm a sucker. You know that, I know that. I picked this book up purely because the Hero is a famous rock star. That right there drew me in. Oh come on! You know you would pick this up for the exact same reason. lol. However, there was a little more to his story. Don't get me wrong, this was very predictable, but I like knowing that it won't end in an annoying cliffhanger. It was just what I needed at the time. 

I miss the passion in her body when she's trying to show me hat's it's like to be loved by her. I'd give anything to feel that with her again, even if it's just for one fleeting, solitary moment. Just one quick taste of my girl again and I'd be complete. ~ Liam 

Liam is back. He's decided to attended the funeral of his best friend, Mason. That's what brought him back to this small town he left. He didn't want to face all those he left behind, especially Josie, his former girlfriend. She is still the love of his life. No matter how famous he is, no matter how many women he's been with, he'll always love her. It broke his heart to leave her, but how will she react when she sees him again? 

Watching his backside as he retreats should be second nature for me. This isn't the first time he's walked away from me and likely won't be the last. If I'm lucky he'll be gone for another ten years and I won't have to deal with him anymore. 

Josie is in denial. She still loves him, always has. Even though she's engaged to another man, when Liam comes back, she can't deny her feelings no matter how hard she tries. What makes it more complicated is their son Noah, the son Liam knew nothing about. Noah and Liam hit it off immediately. Liam wants nothing more than a chance to get to know his son and to win back a chance to become part of Josie's life again. 

"What was so important that you just left me?"
I sigh. "I told you, I needed something different."
"It wasn't me?"
"No." I shake my head to emphasize my point. "It wasn't you. It was never you. I hate myself for not taking you with me. I should've , but I didn't think you'd go and I didn't want you to tell me no." 

As much as I loved this story, a few things bugged me. One is the reasoning behind why Liam left without even giving her a chance to answer. How could he think she would say "no" to him? They were so in love, he shouldn't even had an doubt. Reason number two: He gets pissed at Josie for never telling him about Noah. In my opinion, he had no right to get pissed. He changed his phone number for crying out loud so he wouldn't have to face her. Pure cowardness on his part. Reason number three: Josie. There were times where her stubbornness annoyed me. Oh well. It can't be all perfect. For the most part, I did really like this story, but I did wish for some more steam…okay, now I'm just being picky. lol

What Price Paradise by Katherine Allred

All his life Tate McCullom has been taught to be responsible, and he is the very model of what a respectable man should be. Until the night he gets drunk and sleeps with a woman he barely knows.

Now, six weeks later, she's pregnant, alone, and broke. Once again, Tate must take responsibility for his actions, and makes plans to marry his child's mother. There's only one problem...he has to tell his fiancée.

Abby Grayson hasn't had an easy life. As the daughter of the town whore, people either avoid her or think she's like her mother. For Abby, it's a struggle just to fill her belly and keep a roof over her head.

Loneliness and a secret yearning for this man she thought she'd never have led her to spend the night with Tate. But the last thing she needs is a baby when she can barely take care of herself. Desperate, but too proud to ask for help, she finally agrees to accept a job from Tate - the job of being his wife. Now she has almost everything she's ever dreamed of.

Unfortunately, only one thing will gain her Tate's love - his realization that the night he spent with her was no drunken accident. It was a last-ditch attempt to win the woman he really wanted.
4.5 Stars

“Sometimes I want to forget about all the responsibility and do things just for me. Do it because I want it, not because it’s what I need to do.” ~ Tate 

When I was browsing last night for my next read, I came across this and said, “meh! Why not?” The blurb sounded good, and I loved Katherine Allred’s Sweet Gum Tree. This could be a very good read. Yea. It was a mistake to start this last night. Since I couldn’t sleep, I started this a little after midnight and kept on reading until 4AM. I could’ve kept going, but a girl’s gotta sleep sometime. What I didn’t expect is waking up at 8AM and finishing the whole darn thing. I couldn’t put this down. I don’t know what it was, but something about the story kept me going. 

“You don’t have to be scared anymore, Abby. We’ll figure something out, I promise. We’re in this together.” 

Tate and his on and off again fiancée, Diane, were “off” when he got drunk one night and slept with Abby. What he didn’t expect was for her to become pregnant. And yes, it’s his. Tate is the only man Abby’s ever slept with, despite the reputation that followed her. She’s undeservedly inherited her mother’s reputation as the town whore. Abby’s life isn’t what she expected. She a hard worker, but still remains poor and alone. The one night Tate needed someone, she didn’t hesitate to help him. It felt good to be needed, especially by someone whom she’s had hidden feelings for. Now to add to her multitude of problems, she’s pregnant. What is she to do? 

Tate, being a respectable and honorable man, offers her an alternative. He offers her his hand in marriage. She’ll help around the ranch, cooking and cleaning and in return she won’t have to worry about rent, food and medical expenses. But the biggest return is that she won’t have to go through this alone. He’ll be there for her and their baby. But what about Diane? His relationship with Diane is complicated. They’ve been together for a long time with multiple break ups and make ups. He knows she’s cheated on him, but he knows she always runs back to him. The last time they spoke, she called it off, again, but his responsibility to Abby and his child take precedence over his drama with Diane. He made is choice and he’s going to marry Abby. 

“You really want me?” Even now she sounded surprised. 
He took her hand and guided it to the front of his jeans. “Woman, I want you so badly it’s killing me.” 

Abby and Tate’s relationship was a little rocky at first. I mean, they’re practically strangers. But the more they spend time with each other; they develop deeper feelings towards each other. The pink elephant in their relationship was Diane. Will Tate ever want Abby for her, or is he still in love with Diane? Abby felt responsible for putting Tate in such a predicament and feels like this arrangement she has with him has an expiration date. Tate however intends to keep his vow to Abby and will try to convince her that he’s in it for the long haul, no matter what. 

“To hell with my responsibilities!” He spun from the window facing her fully. “I need you for myself, damn it, and I’m not giving up until you see that.” 

I really liked this story. Like, really liked it. There was a certain charm and just the right amount of drama to keep me hooked. This story was such a pleasant surprise. I love getting absorbed in the emotions flowing through the characters. I have to admit that Tate was a little clueless at times and did want to smack some sense into him. Thank goodness for his brother, Buddy, and his BFF, Joe, for showing him what he couldn’t see what was right in front of him. I laughed, cried and just outright enjoyed this story. Highly recommend! 

Beautifully Damaged by L.A. Fiore

Ember Walsh was always the quiet one, enjoying a book and a glass of wine over the noise and crowds of a club, but when her best friend asks her to come out and meet the boy she likes Ember's world is turned upside down. He appears like a mythical avenging angel, inked, gorgeous and completely out of her league but one look and Ember no longer wants the quiet, she wants him.

Trace Montgomery has buried his damaged past with women and fighting until one day he meets an angel and suddenly he wants more, he wants her. For her, he's determined to overcome his demons but will the dark secret that links their pasts bring them closer or will it tear them apart.
Four Stars

“I couldn’t imagine loving someone with that kind of intensity, and knowing that the one you’re with is the only one you’ll ever want.”
I realized that I was rambling so I stopped talking as Trace just looked at me. His expression was completely unreadable. He wrapped his hands around my face as he looked deeply into my eyes before he whispered, “I can…” 

This story was…surprising. I kept going back and forth on how I wanted to rate this because my emotions were all over the place. This book was actually divided into two parts. The first part left me frustrated, pissed off and just an emotional wreck. I wasn’t sure if I could’ve gone on, but the masochist in me wanted to see how the story will pan out. Boy, am I really happy I decided to continue on because the second part was a doozey. The revelations were both surprising and heartbreaking. There were so many twists and turns that took my mind a moment or two to gather exactly what was going on. But what really mattered to me the most was that all those revelations just made Trace & Ember’s relationship stronger. 

The real Trace Montgomery was far more complicated and I feared that underneath his seemingly put together and beautiful outer package existed a damaged soul. 

To say Trace Montgomery has issues is putting it mildly. The man has demons that he’s dealt with his whole life, alone. He’s never let anyone close, ever. All he has in his world is his sister, his best friend, Rafe, and the hordes of nameless women that frequent in and out of his bed. But no one, no one, knew the extent of his burdens. He feels like he’s too damaged to be worthy of love. That’s why when he meets and falls for Ember, he knows he’s living on borrowed time. There’s no way a woman like her would ever stay with someone like him, especially if and when she ever learnt the truth about his past. His eyes never left mine when he said, “I want you but I don’t want to want you.” 

He was gorgeous but more, he equally beautiful on the inside and all he saw was the damaged man he believed himself to be. 

I give Ember some credit. To deal with Trace’s Jekyll and Hyde moments takes A LOT of patience. I was proud of her. Don’t get me wrong, there were several times she acted like a doormat, but when she finally stuck up for herself; those moments are when she shined the most. It was pretty tiring in the beginning when she kept telling herself that Trace was out of her league. Trace’s horde of women consisted of exotic beauties, not shy, big brown eyed brunettes like her. But for some reason, her and Trace are constantly running into each other. The next thing you know, they become friends…sort of. Trace keeps hinting he wants more, but something is holding him back. Ember is determined to find out what makes Trace tick. Trace does everything he can to push her away, but like I said, Ember never gives up on him. She knows there’s something going on between her and Trace and that their relationship is worth fighting for. She’ll do anything to prove to Trace that he is indeed worthy of love. 

That’s what I wanted: Someone who knew me better than I knew myself, someone who knew all the worst of parts of me yet still loved me. 

This story is a rollercoaster of emotions. For me the first part of the book was extremely frustrating. Trace’s decisions and how he acts upon pushing Ember away pissed me off. I was angry at him. I understand his need to remain closed off and why he felt the need to push her away, but why he couldn’t unburden himself to Ember was perplexing. The second part of the book was both happy and sad. We finally got a chance to get to know Trace. Once he shared his past, things started to make sense. I knew it was going to be heartbreaking hearing what happened to him, but when he actually said the words…oh, my God. How a father could do what he did was beyond disgusting and disturbing. But there was more. We find out more about his past connections to Ember and her family. I couldn’t believe the amount of drama in the second half. Whew!! Okay, if you’re in the mood for an angsty drama with a touch of suspense and mystery, then pick this up. It’s one crazy ass ride. 

Oh Wait!! Two minor things I need to mention before I shut up:
One. Lucian is a secondary character in this story that desperately needs his own story. He’s just so sweet and wonderful (oh and extremely sexy). I would LOVE to read his own story. 
Two. This story is in desperate need of some editing. There are several of instances of run on sentences. (I know this because, trust me, I’m guilty of this, too). I wish the author took the time to insert some pauses or something to know the scene changes. It’s not bad or anything, but just an annoyance. 

Hopeless (Hopeless #1) by Colleen Hoover

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He 

terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

“I want to tell you exactly how I feel but there isn’t a single goddamned word in the entire dictionary that can describe this point between liking you and lovingyou, but I need that word. I need it because I need you to hear me say it.” …
“Live. If you mix the letters up in the words like and love, you get live. You can use that word.”
He laughs again, but this time it’s a laugh of relief. He wraps his arms around me and he kisses me with nothing but a hell of a lot of relief. “I live you, Sky,” he says against my lips. “I live you so much.” 

I have a huge freaking grin on my face. 

Colleen Hoover is a writing genius. I don’t know how she does it. Time and time again, she has the ability to weave an unbelievable story. I was blown away with Slammed and Point of Return, but this newest creation she has written has left me just speechless. I’m in utter awe at her talent for writing a beautiful story. Oh. My. God. I just don’t know what to say. This story was just butterflyingly beautiful. I smiled, I cried and I just loved. This made my exclusive crack-book shelf and for that, I will be adding the paperback to my “real life” bookshelf when it becomes available. Just effing amazing!

“We won’t go any further than this, I promise. But please don’t ask me to stop where we already are. I need to watch you and I need to hear you because the fact that I know you’re actually feeling this right now is so fucking amazing. You feel incredible and this feels incredible and please. Just…please. 

Sky’s life thus far is comprised of her BFF, Six, and her mother, Karen. She’ll be starting her Senior year in High School soon, but this time it’ll be different. She's been home schooled for all of her life and Karen prohibits anything electronic in the house: TVs, cell phones, internet, etc. When it comes to boys, she hasn’t really had any emotional connection to any of them. All the guys she’s been with, she feels absolutely nothing towards them, both physically and emotionally. Sky is damaged. She’s not the type to feel…anything. She doesn’t truly understand why, but the numbness she experiences time and time again isn’t anything new. She’s felt this way for a very long time, but there has to be a reason why she feels like this, right? It’s not until she runs into Dean Holder at the grocery store, she starts to feel butterflies.What is this foreign feeling? What makes this guy so different?

He reacts the way he does because there’s only one side to Dean Holder.

There are parts of him I love, parts of him I hate, parts that terrify me and parts that amaze me. 

Holder didn’t plan on going back to school. He’s been gone for a year, dealing with his sister, Lesslie’s, suicide. He’s damaged, too. His Hopeless tattoo reminds him of those who he let down in his life. He doesn’t want to feel anything toward this girl he just met, but there’s just something oddly familiar about her. When he notices her at the store, he practically demands her name. Unfortunately she is not who he thinks she is, but it doesn’t stop him from finding out whatever he can about her. The more time the two spend with each other, the more intense things become. The little things they start to learn about each other begin to add up to an even bigger picture. These two are connected in a way that neither of them ever imagined. When their secrets are revealed, both their lives are changed forever. 

“When you become mine, it’ll be a forever thing. I’ve told you before that the only thing that matters to me with you are the forevers, and I mean that.” ~ Holder 

Holder is AMAZING. I just fell in love with him. He's sopassionate and intense. When he realizes his feelings for Sky, it blows my mind at how caring and supportive he is to her. He never gives up on her. Ever. I LOVE HIM! For me, he made the story what it is: Beautiful and highly emotional. You can’t help but be enamored by him and by the story. There were so many things I highlighted and re-read just because it made me feels all kinds of tingly goodness. Like I said, Colleen Hoover has such a knack for writing and storytelling. Just do me a favor and read this gorgeous story. Oh! Before I go, just one more quote for the road:

He could kiss me for the first time, or the twentieth time, or the millionth time and I wouldn’t care if it was a first or not, because I’m pretty sure we just broke the record for the best first kiss in the history of first kisses – without even kissing. 


Wanted (Wanted #1) by Kelly Elliott

Verbally abused by her mother for years, 18 year old Ellie Johnson always believed she would never be loved or wanted by anyone. She focused all of her attention on her grades and getting into the University of Texas to start a new life away from her mother.
The last thing Ellie expected was to fall in love with Gunner Mathews, a starting linebacker for the University of Texas football team and not to mention, her brothers best friend. 
Gunner only had two passions in life, football and his grandfather’s ranch, until he falls for his best friends little sister. He will stop at nothing to show Ellie how much he wants her, even if it means he has to move faster than she would like. 
Gunner knows they are meant to be together forever, but Ellie keeps denying her feelings out of fear of being hurt again. Every time he gets close to winning her love, something pushes her away again. Will Ellie ever be able to let go of the past and let him into her heart and will Gunner be patient enough to wait for her?
What will it take for them to realize they are all each other have ever WANTED?
3.75-4 Stars

“I want to be the person who gives you all of your firsts. I want to experience them with you so I can see that beautiful smile of yours light up every time you do something new. I want to make all your dreams come true.” ~ Gunner 

OH. MY. GOD. **SWOON!!** I’m completely in love with Gunner. He totally made the story worth while. He’s one hot, sweet, sexy, tattooed Southern gentleman. Just fucking gorgeous! Oh yea, he definitely made it to my all time favorite book boyfriends. 

The story is fairly simple and highly predictable. In a nutshell, it’s a story about a young woman, who was raised by her beloved older brother and an alcoholic mother. Ellie has been on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse from her mother. She always kept telling Ellie that no one will ever want her. If it wasn’t for her hard working older brother, Jefferson, she would be lost. Her previous two relationships have ended in utter disaster. Both times, her two good for nothing boyfriends were cheating on her because she wasn’t ready to give up her elusive V-card, yet. When she caught her latest boyfriend in the midst with another woman in the school theatre, she broke down and called her big brother to come and get her. When her brother shows up to defend her and kick her latest boyfriend’s ass, he shows up with his best friend, Gunner. It was love at first sight for both Ellie and Gunner. Oh the joys of instant love. 

If you don’t like being treated like a doormat then get the fuck off the floor 

Drew “Gunner” Mathews has had his fair share of women. He and Jefferson are star football players for the University of Texas. He has never been in a long term relationship and really wasn't looking for one. But once he sets his eyes on Ellie, he was a goner. And as much as Ellie felt the same way, she was more guarded. With all the negative things her mom was feeding her, coupled with the cheating exes, Ellie was not about to be fooled again by another man. Gunner had his work cut out for him, but he was determined to convince her to give him a chance. 

“Drew….it’s another first.”
He looked at me confused. “What is baby?”
“This…this feeling…it’s a first for me.”
“Tell me Ellie.”
“I have never in my life…ever felt so completely loved and…wanted.” 

I was debating back and forth on what to rate this. For the most part, I really liked the story, and I just LOVE Gunner. Going into this story, I thought this was considered Mature YA/New Adult, but I think it teetered more on the adult side. There was a considerable amount steam, not that they were explicit or anything, but more than your typical Mature YA story would have. It also had a whole lot of cursing, which was fucking fine by me. lol. What I got annoyed with were the constant uses of the phrases: “Pesh,” “Gesh,” “Hells Bells,” “Gosh,” and “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” They were all over the place! Every time I came across them, I was like, “What the fuck?” The author constantly cusses, but is reluctant to use “God.” I don’t know. It got way annoying. 

Another thing that bothered me was the heroine Ellie. Not only did she constantly use the above phrases, but she sometimes acted like a fourteen year old girl. The way she spoke wasn’t very…I don’t know…grown up? Plus, she often jumped to conclusions and immediately got angry at Gunner. Talk to your boyfriend first before dumping him, okay Ellie? Gesh! lol. 

Lastly, another negative of the story was its length. It was way too long. There came a point where it I just didn’t care anymore. There were so many things that could’ve been cut out. I just wanted it to end so I can move on. Plus the story could've seriously used an editor to clean up the shitload of punctuation errors. 

Anyway, before I stop jabbering, I have to mention Jefferson and Ellie's BFF, Ari. She was just awesome. The shit that came out of her mouth…oh, my God, pure sailor mouth. LOVED her. As for Jefferson, totally swoon-worthy! To be honest, I was more interested in Jefferson and Ari’s story. I can’t wait for their book to come out. 

Okay, I’m done. Sorry for my jibber jabber. If you’re looking for a long, simple read and don’t mind the constant cussing andother overly used childish phrases, then I think you will enjoy this.