Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
WARNING: Please be advised that some of our content may be unsuitable for ages 18 and under. 

Hopeless (Hopeless #1) by Colleen Hoover

Sometimes discovering the truth can leave you more hopeless than believing the lies…

That’s what seventeen-year-old Sky realizes after she meets Dean Holder. A guy with a reputation that rivals her own and an uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before. He 

terrifies her and captivates her all in the span of just one encounter, and something about the way he makes her feel sparks buried memories from a past that she wishes could just stay buried.

Sky struggles to keep him at a distance knowing he’s nothing but trouble, but Holder insists on learning everything about her. After finally caving to his unwavering pursuit, Sky soon finds that Holder isn’t at all who he’s been claiming to be. When the secrets he’s been keeping are finally revealed, every single facet of Sky’s life will change forever.

“I want to tell you exactly how I feel but there isn’t a single goddamned word in the entire dictionary that can describe this point between liking you and lovingyou, but I need that word. I need it because I need you to hear me say it.” …
“Live. If you mix the letters up in the words like and love, you get live. You can use that word.”
He laughs again, but this time it’s a laugh of relief. He wraps his arms around me and he kisses me with nothing but a hell of a lot of relief. “I live you, Sky,” he says against my lips. “I live you so much.” 

I have a huge freaking grin on my face. 

Colleen Hoover is a writing genius. I don’t know how she does it. Time and time again, she has the ability to weave an unbelievable story. I was blown away with Slammed and Point of Return, but this newest creation she has written has left me just speechless. I’m in utter awe at her talent for writing a beautiful story. Oh. My. God. I just don’t know what to say. This story was just butterflyingly beautiful. I smiled, I cried and I just loved. This made my exclusive crack-book shelf and for that, I will be adding the paperback to my “real life” bookshelf when it becomes available. Just effing amazing!

“We won’t go any further than this, I promise. But please don’t ask me to stop where we already are. I need to watch you and I need to hear you because the fact that I know you’re actually feeling this right now is so fucking amazing. You feel incredible and this feels incredible and please. Just…please. 

Sky’s life thus far is comprised of her BFF, Six, and her mother, Karen. She’ll be starting her Senior year in High School soon, but this time it’ll be different. She's been home schooled for all of her life and Karen prohibits anything electronic in the house: TVs, cell phones, internet, etc. When it comes to boys, she hasn’t really had any emotional connection to any of them. All the guys she’s been with, she feels absolutely nothing towards them, both physically and emotionally. Sky is damaged. She’s not the type to feel…anything. She doesn’t truly understand why, but the numbness she experiences time and time again isn’t anything new. She’s felt this way for a very long time, but there has to be a reason why she feels like this, right? It’s not until she runs into Dean Holder at the grocery store, she starts to feel butterflies.What is this foreign feeling? What makes this guy so different?

He reacts the way he does because there’s only one side to Dean Holder.

There are parts of him I love, parts of him I hate, parts that terrify me and parts that amaze me. 

Holder didn’t plan on going back to school. He’s been gone for a year, dealing with his sister, Lesslie’s, suicide. He’s damaged, too. His Hopeless tattoo reminds him of those who he let down in his life. He doesn’t want to feel anything toward this girl he just met, but there’s just something oddly familiar about her. When he notices her at the store, he practically demands her name. Unfortunately she is not who he thinks she is, but it doesn’t stop him from finding out whatever he can about her. The more time the two spend with each other, the more intense things become. The little things they start to learn about each other begin to add up to an even bigger picture. These two are connected in a way that neither of them ever imagined. When their secrets are revealed, both their lives are changed forever. 

“When you become mine, it’ll be a forever thing. I’ve told you before that the only thing that matters to me with you are the forevers, and I mean that.” ~ Holder 

Holder is AMAZING. I just fell in love with him. He's sopassionate and intense. When he realizes his feelings for Sky, it blows my mind at how caring and supportive he is to her. He never gives up on her. Ever. I LOVE HIM! For me, he made the story what it is: Beautiful and highly emotional. You can’t help but be enamored by him and by the story. There were so many things I highlighted and re-read just because it made me feels all kinds of tingly goodness. Like I said, Colleen Hoover has such a knack for writing and storytelling. Just do me a favor and read this gorgeous story. Oh! Before I go, just one more quote for the road:

He could kiss me for the first time, or the twentieth time, or the millionth time and I wouldn’t care if it was a first or not, because I’m pretty sure we just broke the record for the best first kiss in the history of first kisses – without even kissing. 


Wanted (Wanted #1) by Kelly Elliott

Verbally abused by her mother for years, 18 year old Ellie Johnson always believed she would never be loved or wanted by anyone. She focused all of her attention on her grades and getting into the University of Texas to start a new life away from her mother.
The last thing Ellie expected was to fall in love with Gunner Mathews, a starting linebacker for the University of Texas football team and not to mention, her brothers best friend. 
Gunner only had two passions in life, football and his grandfather’s ranch, until he falls for his best friends little sister. He will stop at nothing to show Ellie how much he wants her, even if it means he has to move faster than she would like. 
Gunner knows they are meant to be together forever, but Ellie keeps denying her feelings out of fear of being hurt again. Every time he gets close to winning her love, something pushes her away again. Will Ellie ever be able to let go of the past and let him into her heart and will Gunner be patient enough to wait for her?
What will it take for them to realize they are all each other have ever WANTED?
3.75-4 Stars

“I want to be the person who gives you all of your firsts. I want to experience them with you so I can see that beautiful smile of yours light up every time you do something new. I want to make all your dreams come true.” ~ Gunner 

OH. MY. GOD. **SWOON!!** I’m completely in love with Gunner. He totally made the story worth while. He’s one hot, sweet, sexy, tattooed Southern gentleman. Just fucking gorgeous! Oh yea, he definitely made it to my all time favorite book boyfriends. 

The story is fairly simple and highly predictable. In a nutshell, it’s a story about a young woman, who was raised by her beloved older brother and an alcoholic mother. Ellie has been on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse from her mother. She always kept telling Ellie that no one will ever want her. If it wasn’t for her hard working older brother, Jefferson, she would be lost. Her previous two relationships have ended in utter disaster. Both times, her two good for nothing boyfriends were cheating on her because she wasn’t ready to give up her elusive V-card, yet. When she caught her latest boyfriend in the midst with another woman in the school theatre, she broke down and called her big brother to come and get her. When her brother shows up to defend her and kick her latest boyfriend’s ass, he shows up with his best friend, Gunner. It was love at first sight for both Ellie and Gunner. Oh the joys of instant love. 

If you don’t like being treated like a doormat then get the fuck off the floor 

Drew “Gunner” Mathews has had his fair share of women. He and Jefferson are star football players for the University of Texas. He has never been in a long term relationship and really wasn't looking for one. But once he sets his eyes on Ellie, he was a goner. And as much as Ellie felt the same way, she was more guarded. With all the negative things her mom was feeding her, coupled with the cheating exes, Ellie was not about to be fooled again by another man. Gunner had his work cut out for him, but he was determined to convince her to give him a chance. 

“Drew….it’s another first.”
He looked at me confused. “What is baby?”
“This…this feeling…it’s a first for me.”
“Tell me Ellie.”
“I have never in my life…ever felt so completely loved and…wanted.” 

I was debating back and forth on what to rate this. For the most part, I really liked the story, and I just LOVE Gunner. Going into this story, I thought this was considered Mature YA/New Adult, but I think it teetered more on the adult side. There was a considerable amount steam, not that they were explicit or anything, but more than your typical Mature YA story would have. It also had a whole lot of cursing, which was fucking fine by me. lol. What I got annoyed with were the constant uses of the phrases: “Pesh,” “Gesh,” “Hells Bells,” “Gosh,” and “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” They were all over the place! Every time I came across them, I was like, “What the fuck?” The author constantly cusses, but is reluctant to use “God.” I don’t know. It got way annoying. 

Another thing that bothered me was the heroine Ellie. Not only did she constantly use the above phrases, but she sometimes acted like a fourteen year old girl. The way she spoke wasn’t very…I don’t know…grown up? Plus, she often jumped to conclusions and immediately got angry at Gunner. Talk to your boyfriend first before dumping him, okay Ellie? Gesh! lol. 

Lastly, another negative of the story was its length. It was way too long. There came a point where it I just didn’t care anymore. There were so many things that could’ve been cut out. I just wanted it to end so I can move on. Plus the story could've seriously used an editor to clean up the shitload of punctuation errors. 

Anyway, before I stop jabbering, I have to mention Jefferson and Ellie's BFF, Ari. She was just awesome. The shit that came out of her mouth…oh, my God, pure sailor mouth. LOVED her. As for Jefferson, totally swoon-worthy! To be honest, I was more interested in Jefferson and Ari’s story. I can’t wait for their book to come out. 

Okay, I’m done. Sorry for my jibber jabber. If you’re looking for a long, simple read and don’t mind the constant cussing andother overly used childish phrases, then I think you will enjoy this.

The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden (Coincidence #1) by Jessica Sorensen

There are those who don’t get luck handed to them on a shiny platter, who end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, who don’t get saved.

Luck was not on Callie’s side the day of her twelfth birthday when everything was stolen from her. After it’s all over, she locks up her feelings and vows never to tell anyone what happened. Six years later her painful past consumes her life and most days it’s a struggle just to breathe.

For as long as Kayden can remember, suffering in silence was the only way to survive life. As long as he did what he was told, everything was okay. One night, after making a terrible mistake, it seems like his life might be over. Luck was on his side, though, when Callie coincidentally is in the right place at the right time and saves him.

Now he can’t stop thinking about the girl he saw at school, but never really knew. When he ends up at the same college as Callie, he does everything he can to try to get to know her. But Callie is reserved and closed off. The more he tries to be part of her life, the more he realizes Callie might need to be saved.
4.5-4.75 Stars

In the existence of our lives, there is a single coincidence that brings us together and for a moment, our hearts beat as one. 

I was so looking forward to reading this book. The book I was reading prior to this tore me up and when I was looking for my next read, I wanted something I could swoon over and make me feel all ooey-gooey. Does that make sense? lol. When I saw that this had come out, I was all over it thinking, “yes! this is exactly what I was looking for!” **Fist pump!** I mean look at all the potential this book just oozed: The cover is gorgeous. The storyline sounded like something right up my alley; it’s rated as Mature YA, which I just love. So when I picked this up, I was not disappointed whatsoever. I was absolutely absorbed in Callie and Kayden’s story. I could not put this down. 

There is something about someone trusting you enough with their secrets that makes it easier to trust them. It’s like they’re opening their heart and in return yours should open up to them, too. 

Callie and Kayden. Where do I begin to describe this story? Both characters are severely traumatized. Callie projected her hurt outwardly with her shyness, her chopped hair, dark baggy clothes and dark eyeliner. She was considered a freak in high school. She wasn’t always like this, but what happened to her when she was only twelve, dramatically changed her. She was never the same. 

From the outside, Kayden’s life seemed perfect. He’s handsome, star football player and was very popular. But what others didn’t see was that he came from a very abusive household. No one knew that his father was beating him and his brothers. Because he and brothers were encouraged to play sports, the bruises and broken bones were easy to hide. To cope, Kayden has a tendency to self inflict pain; he has the cuts and scars to prove the hurt. On the night of his graduation party, Kayden was on the receiving end of his father’s anger. What he didn’t expect was for someone to intervene the beating. 

“That’s you, Callie, you’re the only person that’s ever made me feel happy about anything. That night you saved me, you changed something in me – you made me want to live.” 

Ever since the night Callie intervened, Kayden wanted to thank her and ask her a million questions. He never had the chance until he literally ran into her in college, although he didn’t recognize her at first. She changed. Callie and her BFF, Seth (who I ADORE by the way), have made a list of things to do in order to make their lives better. Outwardly, Callie is slowly changing; her hair, her clothes…she was trying to move on from her past. College was fresh start. However, inside she was still struggling to let people get close to her, even touching made her uncomfortable. Kayden wanted to get to know her. Why is she so skittish? Why did she save him that day? Why is he so drawn to her? 

I want nothing more than to be with her and protect her, like no one ever did for me. I want to make sure nothing bad happens to her. 

**Possible spoilers below**

**SIGH** So here I am, cruising through this beautiful story. I am loving Every. Single. Moment. these two share. I’m in pure utter bliss. Seriously. Then all of a sudden…BAM! The ending came and I was left with my heart thudding, and my mouth agape. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. With. This. Shit.Seriously. What the fuck just happened!?!? **Bangs head on wall** I kinda knew this was coming, but I was hoping my intuition was wrong. Nope. I was right all along. Fuck. My. Life. All I have to say is that cliffhangers suck major ass. Well there’s no denying I really liked this story, just hated the abrupt ending. Luckily for me, there is a sequel and it’s due out at the end of February. Thank GOD! Now I can breathe a little better.

Mogul (Groupie #3) by Ginger Voight

In the final book of Ginger Voight's Groupie Trilogy, Andy and Vanni have returned to Los Angeles to happily prepare for the birth of their child. A reformed Ladies' Man, Giovanni Carnevale now embarks on a fairy tale life of monogamy with the woman he loves, but the ghosts of his past still continue to haunt their newfound happiness.

The Wilke family wants to see him pay for the damage he has done to their precious Baylee, who still lies in a vegetative state. For her brother, Donny, money will never be enough to make up for what Vanni has done, but that is where the Wilke family first seeks their revenge. They demand millions of dollars in restitution, which forces Vanni to reevaluate his career path and participation in his band, Dreaming in Blue.

To ensure he has enough money to make up for his mistakes as well as provide for his baby, Vanni takes on the job as judge for a new reality talent show called "Fierce." Here he champions an unlikely contestant, proving to his detractors that he truly is a man of substance - more than anyone could have imagined. This includes producer Graham Baxter.

Graham tries to move on, but when he discovers that Andy is pregnant he cannot stop dreaming of what might have been. Maggie watches on helplessly, as hopelessly in love with him as he is with someone else. She considers moving on before he shatters what is left of her heart. It takes a couple of matchmakers (and a fairy godfather named Jorge) from "Love Plus One" to show Graham a side of Maggie he's never seen before. 

The biggest threat to Vanni and Andy's Happily Ever After is grifter Holly Neal, who returns to Los Angeles claiming to carry Vanni's baby. Graham and Andy suspect she is up to her old tricks, but Vanni knows truly turning over a new leaf means he has to do right by all the people he has wronged - including a child he may have conceived with another woman.

In the end, it is Andy and their baby who may pay the biggest price of all for his sins, when Baylee's unexpected death finally sends her psychotic brother over the edge.

Everything blows literally to pieces, forcing Vanni - and Graham - to risk it all for the sake of love.

Author Ginger Voight continues her popular GROUPIE saga with book three, amping up Rubenesque romance with steamy sensuality, and pulling the curtains off of celebrity royalty.
Four Stars

**If you have not read the first two books, Groupie and Rock Star, please stop here and read them first. The following review may contain spoilers.**

It was what he always thought a honeymoon would be like. He just needed to find the one woman he’d ever want to marry. Now he knew with all certainty that woman was Andy. 

First off, a huge, massive THANK YOU to the fabulous Ginger Voight for allowing little ole me to Beta Read this. It was an honor and privilege, let me tell you. I was dying after reading book two, Rock Star. So much happened in that book and I had TONS of unanswered questions at the end. I was so excited to get my hands on this and finally gain some much needed closure and happiness. This was me after I finished reading Mogul:

UPDATE 12.09.12

Relaxing. Calming. **Exhale** Yep. I'm a happy and content girl. **smirks** Talk about a crazy ending! 

This wasn’t as angsty as the first two books, but it was still an emotionally charged read. No character is perfect and everyone had their own little flaw; it seemed that I wanted to slap everyone sometime or another. lol. 

He sighed again as he glanced down at Andy as she slept in his arms. He’d been such a dick for so long. Why couldn’t he just keep it in his pants and be a grown-up? 

My biggest source of happiness was seeing the transformation of Vanni. Ladies, he FINALLY grew up. Thank God! Womanizing, selfish and egotistical Vanni was gone. He finally had Andy and he was not about to fuck it up. Never again!! It was torture to read his downward spiral in book two and to see him finally take responsibility for his actions and still protect Andy was such a breath of fresh air. I loved committed and loving Vanni. However, the subject of Holly and their baby was still a question we desperately needed an answer to. Is the baby really Vanni’s? How did Andy take the news?

This wasn’t just some guy sharing her bed. This was the love of her life, her unexpected soul mate. 

Oh Andy, Andy, Andy…her HEA with Vanni is within her reach, but man, his past constantly hounds her. The drama with Holly is nothing compared to what she faces in this book. Someone is out for revenge on Vanni and has their sights on Andy. There is so much backstabbing, lying and deceit surrounding Vanni that it’s hard to know who to trust anymore. Vanni tries his best to be there for her and their baby, but he’s an honorable man and wants to help Holly. Gahh! Don’t even get me started on how I felt about him and Holly. Ugh. He has nothing but good intentions, but really, Vanni?! All I can say is that I totally side with Andy. No wonder she still runs to Graham for comfort.

“But what’s more my business, is how your selfish, entitled, egomaniacal behavior affects someone I love. See, that’s more than business. That’s personal.”

“She’s not yours to protect,” Vanni reminded quietly.

“She is if you refuse to,” Graham replied. 
**SIGH** I love Graham. I just love him. I still wonder what it would’ve been like if Andy had chosen Graham over Vanni. It’s no contest, Graham has always been the better man. As much as I loved Vanni’s transformation, Graham had remained the same, honorable and loving man I grew to adore. He’s the safe and obvious choice, but I guess we can’t chose who we love. At least Graham found happiness, too, in this book. :) 

I’m sad that the drama is over, but happy with how everything turned out. The adventure and the torture were well worth it. It was such a great ride. This is a definite must read for those who have followed the series: It provided the closure we all needed. Well done, Gin! Well done :)

Comfort Object (Comfort #1) by Annabel Joseph

Nell, an out-of-work professional submissive, is desperate to find a job when she meets handsome film star Jeremy Gray at the restaurant where she works. He says he needs a personal assistant, but the work contract he shows her details not organizational duties, but sexual ones. Jobless and homeless, Nell agrees to work for him anyway, on the promise that he will pay for her to finish her college degree when her stint as his "assistant" is complete. The start of their formal Dom/sub relationship is rocky, but they soon fall into a mutually satisfying, highly sexual routine. They play vanilla boyfriend and girlfriend in public, while Jeremy uses Nell as his kinky comfort object behind the scenes. Then a stalker threatens their secret lifestyle, and their contract may not be strong enough to hold them together. This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, strong BDSM theme and content including spanking, dubious consent, exhibitionism, menage (m/f/m), group sex.
4.5-4.75 Stars

“Go on,” Jeremy breathed.
I shrugged. “Well it was work, you know? Ultimately the scene was between her and her dom. I was kind of beside the point.”
“Just the facilitator.”
“No, not at all. He was the facilitator. I was only the prop. I was always the prop, the thing people used to get off.” 

HOLY FUCK! I missed my kinky stories. I never realized how much I missed them until I picked this up. I was scrolling through all my Kindle books and saw this. I’ve had my eye on this book for ages, but for some reason I finally decided to read it. This story had me wrapped around its finger. I was so absorbed in this story; the whole world around me complete disappeared. I kid you not. Yes, the premise of the book is completely unrealistic, but who gives a fuck, right? lol. I mean, isn’t that why we read? To get away and fantasize? Oh yea. This had kinky fantasy written all over it and I just loved it. 

The applicant understands that she will act as submissive and/or sexual slave to give comfort and relaxation in private, and function as a loving and affectionate girlfriend in public, and under no circumstances will behave in any way that exhibits or suggests her submissive status in public. 

Nell is a professional submissive. She earns good money and loves the work. One day, a very gorgeous man employs her for her services, but unfortunately club rules prohibit any fluid exchange with the staff. So what does Mr. Gorgeous do? He proposes Nell for an after hour play. Their additional play and fuck after work hours was more then both had bargained for. Yes, they had fun, but Mr. Gorgeous outs her extra curricular activities and gets her fired from the club. Little does Nell know but Mr. Gorgeous actually works for Jeremy Gray, a very famous actor with a taste for the kinky side of sex. Jeremy is looking for a new submissive to do as he pleases. Ever heard of the saying, “I want a lady on the street, but a freak in the bed?” Yup. That pretty much sums up what Jeremy wants. Mr. Gorgeous was just sampling the goods Nell had to offer and recommended her to Jeremy. He is immediately intrigued by Nell. She has everything he wants in a submissive woman. Nell is livid when she finds out who outted her and why. So what if Jeremy was famous, sexy and dominating, she wants nothing to do with his proposal. Unfortunately he doesn’t take “no” for an answer and he practically makes it so she has no choice but to accept. 

He was good at everything. He could deal with anything. And I finally realized that sex was his drug. Sex was the thing that kept him ticking. Sex was his heroin, and I was the dealer. We were constantly getting “high.” 

The lengths Jeremy went through to get her to say yes is a bit much, but I quickly got over it. I wanted to live vicariously through Nell and travel the world with Jeremy as his personal assistant/sex slave. And Oh. My. God. The stuff Jeremy’s into is kinky. Take Christian Grey and multiply it by like a hundred. Yea. He holds nothing back: Anal, oral, vaginal, orgasm control/denial, m/f, m/f/m, m/f/m/f, f/f. Various toys including, nipple clamps, anal plugs, canes, floggers, whips…oh fuck it…you get the idea. The weird thing is that all the sexual play wasn’t over powering. There was a lot of it, don’t get me wrong, but I wasn’t bothered by it like most of BDSM, erotica books sometimes do. I just loved this story. It was an erotic escape that I thoroughly loved. Highly recommend.