Welcome to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Our motto: Read, Love, Review & Pimp our favorite books. 
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The Edge of Never (Edge of Never #1) by J.A. Redmerski

Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett had always been one to think out-of-the-box, who knew she wanted something more in life than following the same repetitive patterns and growing old with the same repetitive life story. And she thought that her life was going in the right direction until everything fell apart.

Determined not to dwell on the negative and push forward, Camryn is set to move in with her best friend and plans to start a new job. But after an unexpected night at the hottest club in downtown North Carolina, she makes the ultimate decision to leave the only life she’s ever known, far behind.

With a purse, a cell phone and a small bag with a few necessities, Camryn, with absolutely no direction or purpose boards a Greyhound bus alone and sets out to find herself. What she finds is a guy named Andrew Parrish, someone not so very different from her and who harbors his own dark secrets. But Camryn swore never to let down her walls again. And she vowed never to fall in love.

But with Andrew, Camryn finds herself doing a lot of things she never thought she’d do. He shows her what it’s really like to live out-of-the-box and to give in to her deepest, darkest desires. On their sporadic road-trip he becomes the center of her exciting and daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But will Andrew’s dark secret push them inseparably together, or tear them completely apart?
Five Emotional Stars

“You dwell on the past, you can’t move forward. Spend too much time planning for the future and you just push yourself backwards, or you stay stagnant in the same place all your life.” His eyes lock on mine. “Live in the moment…” 

**Wipes tears** It’s 8:00am on my day off and I’m compelled to write this now before I break down. I couldn’t fall back asleep so I decided to finish this. Yea, it was a mistake to read the last 20% this early in the morning. I was sobbing like an idiot; hyperventilating in bed while my poor hubs is trying to sleep. Nope. I had to get up; had to get my ass up and write this review now. 

Oh, my God. I don’t even know where to begin when trying to describe how much I loved this story. Definitely one of the best reads of the year. There were so many things about it that spoke directly to me, especially in the beginning. After about the fifty percent mark, the story did a complete one eighty and the tone was different. Weird thing was that it wasn’t a turn for the worse. As the story progressed, it became more of a dream and my heart was aching. I found myself sighing more, smiling more and I became entranced. I’m babbling like a moron and I apologize, but I just don’t know how to accurately review this to give it the justice it strongly deserves. 

That itch in my brain compelled me to get up. And so I did. It told me to put on my shoes, pack a small bag with a few necessities and grab my purse. And so I did.
There was no logic or any sense of purpose except that I knew I had to do something other than what I was doing, or I might not make it through this. 

Just re-reading that above line does things to me. God! There were so many times, past and present, where I can completely relate to that. The itch just to get up and go anywhere is so enticing. No plans, no direction…just go. This is exactly what Camryn does. She has a slight case of OCD, her current job is mundane and she just fought with her long time best friend. Something had to change: The suffocation became unbearable. So she decides to hop on the bus and just go…somewhere,anywhere, but here. This is where she meets Andrew Parrish.

The heart, although reckless and suicidal and a masochist all on its own always gets its way. 

Andrew. Seriously. Just…SIGH!. I’ve found another favorite book boyfriend. When I first met him, my initial thoughts of him were: Charming, devilishly handsome and a bit quirky. Okay, maybe “quirky” isn’t really the right word, but there’s just something about him that gives him, I don’t know, a little umph. Does that make any sense? No? Drat. Anyway, that was my initial assessment. After riding on the bus with him a little more, we get to find out that he’s also protective and very Alpha. He’s smitten with Camryn and wants to crack her. He knows she’s hiding something and wants to know what. He shouldn’t care, really. He has his own big bad demons to deal with. He’s on his way to his father’s deathbed. He’s holding back so many emotions and not just about his father. He has a secret of his own. 

He doesn’t want to care about Camryn, but finds himself drawn to her. They have a commonality. Camryn is on the same end doesn’t understand her connection with Andrew. It’s scaring her, she doesn’t do attachments, not since Ian’s death. But these two cannot deny the inevitable. They were meant to be, plain and simple. Finally when these two finally realize what they have, the whole book just takes on another explosive level….like eye popping, jaw dropping…HOLY SHIT! he just did not say that!

“If you were to let me fuck you, you would have to let me own you.” 
“SAY IT! Son-of-a-bitch,” he says, exasperated, “just say it!”

“I want you to own me!” 

FUCK. ME. Ummm…yea. I have no words. Just take my word for it when I say this is when things get…err…more interesting. 

Seriously, just read this. This is another fine example of why I love to read. It’s a way to escape the monotony of reality. I was on that bus with Andrew. I felt everything Camryn did. I was on cloud nine by the time they made their beautiful plans towards the end of the book, but just as quickly, the cloud burst and I was left numb. I so did not see that coming at all! Just be ready for some amazing emotional twists. LOVED IT!

Bittersweet Seraphim (Seraphim #2) by Debra Anastasia

Suffering is worst when you’re doing it alone. But Emma’s taking Hell like an angel—even though her languishing began with having her seraph wings torn from her back. Now her worst enemy lords his body and his evil desires over her while she tries desperately to remember the words to her favorite prayer.

As Devil, Jack used to have Hell and its women humming like well-oiled machines. Too bad he’s nowhere near the place now. Stuck on Earth as a human, he must work with a ragtag team of exiled minions and half-breeds to save the angel who’s become all that matters.

Rescuing a seraph is the plan, but breaking into Hell means letting evil things out. Once they collide, minions and angels converge in the battle of the ages: good versus evil. But which side is which? Will Jack destroy the world as he fights to save Emma, his true and timeless love, from a damnation he designed?

An action-packed sequel to Crushed Seraphim, this tale reveals—time and again—what happens when the heart’s deepest desires break free. With a story both sizzling and sensual, emotional and enigmatic, Debra Anastasia invites readers to join a battle with nothing less than love on the line.

 Five Stars

Since reading Crushed Seraphim, I've been waiting and waiting for its sequel to find out what happened to Seraph Emma, Satan Jack, and half-breed Jason. Hardcore fans like me were left with a huge cliffhanger! From the creative mind of Debra Anastasia comes Bittersweet Seraphim, a satisfying, worthy sequel that not only ties up loose ends, but is also action-packed, highly emotional, and offers more of that special brand of humor we all loved in the first one.

If you're along for the ride the second time around, you're probably itching for more Satan Jack. Don't be alarmed when he doesn't appear in the story right away. Believe me, there is plenty of Jack and his wicked-sexy mind later on! What is in the beginning is the story of Nero and Jenny. At first I didn't know what to make of them, but as I read along, I grew to care so much for them. It turns out their story becomes integral to the plot.

Bittersweet Seraphim has a lot going on with various story lines swirling about. Jason, Dean, and Seriana, the half-breed siblings from the first book, all have major roles as Jack attempts to rescue Emma, who is stuck in Hell with her archenemy. There are challenges made that turn into fist-pumping brawls as a new ruler of Hell emerges. For Jason fans, you'll be drawn into how his HEA comes about. Jack is as brooding and swoon-worthy as ever, smart-aleck remarks and all. Its already been established in the last book why Jack and Emma belong together. Bittersweet Seraphim is all about these two fighting to be together against all odds in whatever plane of existence.

In my opinion, Ms. Anastasia did a superb job in giving her fans a sequel that is filled with more incredible and funny situations, fascinating sequences, and timeless romance that knows no bounds. For me, this is one of those stories that I fall more in love with the more I think about it long after I'm done reading it. Definitely worthy of 5 stars!

Reading Order:
Crushed Seraphim
Bittersweet Seraphim

The Prince (Original Sinners #3) by Tiffany Reisz

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...preferably in bed. That's always been Kingsley Edge's strategy with his associate, the notorious New York dominatrix Nora Sutherlin. But with Nora away in Kentucky, now it's Kingsley's chance to take her place at the feet of the only man he's ever wanted -- Søren, Nora's on-again, off-again lover -- until a new threat from an old enemy forces him to confront his past.

Wes Railey is still the object of Nora's tamest yet most maddening fantasies, and the one man she can't forget. He's young. He's wonderful. He's also thoroughbred royalty and she's in "his" world now. But Nora is no simpering Southern belle, and her dream of fitting into Wesley's world is perpetually at odds with her dear Søren's relentlessly seductive pull.

Two worlds of wealth and passion call to her and whichever one Nora chooses, it will be the hardest decision she will ever have to make... unless someone makes it for her....

Fuck it. No amount of stars can truly describe how brilliant this story is. 

…I firmly resolve, with the help of Your Grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin ~ Act of Contrition

Holy shit. Holy shit, HOLY FUCKING SHIT! This was brilliant. I’m in utter awe. No amount of words and no amount of stars can describe how much I love this book/series. With each book, Mistress Tiffany keeps getting better and better. I really don’t know how she does it. To me, nothing in the story was pretty or simple, but she manages to completely ensnare me with her words. With her words, the characters she created become real and raw. You start to connect with them. You feel their pain, both physical and emotional. You feel their longing and yearning. She just knows how to paint a beautifully raw story and you can’t help but be immersed in this world. I didn’t ever want this to end. 

“When Jesus tells us to love God with our heart, soul and mind, He is telling us that they are three and one, just as the Godhead.” ~ Stearns 

The Prince is intense, no doubt. The characters I thought I knew, I didn’t know at all. This book told the three different stories: Søren/Kingsley (Past & Present) and Wesley/Nora (Present). Each story has their own feeling and vibe; their own story to tell. However, the deeper you get into the book as a whole, you start to see patterns emerge and each story starts to collide into each other to create this masterpiece. 


The crown his parents had placed on his head, even naming him Kingsley, although a less French name had never existed…he’d take off that crown and lay it at Søren‘s feet. And the prince would become a servant and the king a commoner all night long. 

Mercy. Merci. Where do I begin to express my feelings towards Søren and Kingsley? I’ve always been hesitant in giving my heart to Søren, but after getting to know him more through the eyes of Kingsley, I can honestly say that I love him. Søren and Kingsley’s relationship, especially as teenagers, shattered me. Their relationship was intense. It was raw, painful, but full of love; it was utterly beautiful to behold. Fuck. My love for Søren and Kingsley cannot be described. They exposed so many things and reading about their struggles and their coming together was so intense. I had to occasionally put the book down because it was overwhelming and I felt it all over my body. My heart was exposed and both men marched right in. Søren and Kingsley…fuck. I love them.


“It’s always a good day when the Prince of Kentucky and the Queen of the Underground come calling.” 

**SIGH** My Wesley ♥♥♥♥. I love him. Can you tell? After the ending of The Angel, I couldn’t wait to dive into this. I was on pins and needles reading their story. They have been apart for fifteen long months. How will their relationship change? Will it flourish or is my Wesley headed for another heartbreak?

Wow. What I wouldn’t give to have been Nora in this story. To have Wesley in my arms, worshiping me…**sigh**…Oh Wesley, you certainly have haunted my dreams. Oh. My. God. The intimate scenes he shared with Nora just popped in my head. Fuck me. He has certainly grown into quite a man. **SIGH** I just fucking love him to pieces. When he hurts, I hurt. There were times where I couldn’t understand Nora and just wanted to flog her. Not that she didn’t outright adore him, but I know how he feels about her and I just wanted…I don’t know, a little more. Then again, I’m highly emotional when it comes to my Wesley. It’s my problem, I know. He has the power to make or break me. I beg you, please take care of him in the next book. He deserves to be happy. 

To Mistress Tiffany: Thank you so much for writing and creating this brilliant series. This series has become one of my all-time favorites. God has blessed you with such talent and I’m so thankful you use it to create this world. This world you masterfully created is so beautiful and so sensual. I love it. Nothing has compared to it. All these characters are embedded in my heart and soul. I will be anxiously waiting for the release of The Mistress & The Priest. 

Many thanks to Harlequin and NetGalley for providing this ARC.

Undeniable (Undeniable #1) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a typical love story. This is an all-consuming, soul-crushing, tear-your-heart-into-pieces story. It’s intense, gritty and raw, dark and disturbing, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is an epic love story that knows no boundaries and has no time limits. It grows and develops—with hurt, sacrifice, and heartache—over the span of a lifetime. 

Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcycle Club. Growing up with bikers in the club lifestyle is all that she knows. When she’s a young girl, Eva meets the reason for her existence. Deuce West is the sexy, biker bad-ass of the Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Like Eva, he was born and raised in the club—but that’s where the similarities end. Their first meeting is innocent, but as Eva matures into a woman, their chance reunions evolve into a fit of lust and love. Fate continues to bring them together time and time again, but their twisted journey is filled with pain, betrayal, and bloodshed that could tear them apart. Eva sees in Deuce what he cannot see in himself—a man worthy of love—and Eva spends her lifetime proving to him that her undeniable love is the one thing he can’t live without. 

This is Eva and Deuce’s story. 

It wasn’t easy. 
Nothing worth doing ever is.
And love is worth everything.
4.75-5 Stars

Prologue: Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why.”
I don’t remember the day I was born, but I remember the day I found out why.
His name was Deuce.
He was my “why”.
And this is our story.
It is not a pretty one.
Some parts of it are downright ugly.
But it’s ours.
And because I believe everything happens for a reason, I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Holy fucking shit. I fucking devoured this book. DE-fucking-VOURED. I'm sorry for my cussing, but this book is 99% swearing, and tack on the fact I already have a sailor mouth, I'm going to be swearing A LOT. There are a million things I want to say, but I have no idea where to start. I’m lost on words. One thing is for sure is that this is not your typical romance. Not. Even. Fucking. Close. It’s raw, gritty and so fucked up, it will give you whiplash. 

**Possible spoilers ahead**

I have to introduce to you to the main cast of characters. You can get a good feel of the story just by knowing who they are. 

Eva Fox – Biker brat and daughter of Preacher. The only one who can control Frankie. First met Deuce when she was only five years old and has been smitten with him ever since.
Deuce – President of the Hells Horseman motorcycle club. He’s eighteen years older than Eva. Like all bikers, he is sexy as sin, very Alpha and very possessive. Not very faithful to his women, though. 
Frankie - Good looking, pureblooded Italian biker brat who was orphaned when he was only fifteen years old. Preacher took him under his wing when Eva was only twelve. He has a very short fuse, has anger issues and severe abandonment issues. He is prone to night terrors, but finds peace and solace in Eva’s bed (no worries, it remains platonic…at least in the beginning). He is intensely possessive of Eva. He is hugely and insanely jealous of any man coming near her. Will do anything to have her.
Damon Fox (“Preacher”) – President of the infamous “Silver Demon’s” motorcycle club. He is very protective of his daughter and is one dangerous man. 
Kami - Eva’s BFF. She’s the daughter of a Senator. She is very promiscuous and lived a very wild life prior to her arranged marriage to Chase. Stuck in a loveless marriage, both Chase and Kami agree to engage in multiple affairs. 
Chase Henderson - Highly paid lawyer who graduated from Harvard. Went to prep school with both Kami and Eva. Married to Kami, but has always wanted and loved Eva. Though he is very handsome and smart, he is also a bit of a sleaze and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

“So I let you treat me like a piece of fucking furniture who’d be right where you left me every time you decided to grace me with your presence because I promised you I wouldn’t run. But I can’t do it anymore!” ~ Eva 

Deuce is Eva’s world. Every small encounter they have is monumental. Just when you think they’ll be together, something always happens to make the other run away. There are tangents all over the place. Multiple lovers, multiple heartaches and just crazy ass, high, intense drama. I’m not really going to go into the plot. There’s just too much going on. Just know that it was no smooth path for Eva and Deuce’s HEA. Far from it. 

“Get the fuck off her, mother fucker, before I blow a hole through your fuckin’ skull.” ~ Frankie 

My emotions were all over the place in this one. Yes, Deuce and Eva made me crazy, but the character that made me most conflicted is Frankie. If you notice, he’s the one I had to describe the most to. I’m actually disturbed at myself that I felt so much for him. Mentally, he was not all there and to me, he was just an overall sad character. He’s a murderer and just outright psychotic, but the way he died at the end just made me cry. Like Eva, I guiltily had a huge soft spot for him. Yes, call me crazy, but I really couldn’t help it. 

Bikers galore in this book, which means lots of testosterone…a whole lot. With them come the women, the money, the cussing, and the fighting. This book held nothing back. There is rape and violence of every sort in this story, so just be warned. As for me, I’m all about fucked up stories. Yes, yes, we already know I’m disturbed, but I think they’re the best kind. They leave a lasting impression, just like this one. Highly recommend!!

Seduced in the Dark (Dark Duet #2) by CJ Roberts


The exciting, titillating, and action-filled conclusion to Captive in the Dark.

What is the price of redemption?

Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood.

The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end.

Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance? 

Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice?

It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human beings revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie.

“Live for me, Kitten. Be all those things you’d never be with me. Go to school. Meet a normal boy and fall in love. Forget me.” 

**Sob, sob, sob, sob** Oh God, just typing those words makes me cry. I fucking loved this book. I love it so much. I can’t believe it’s over. I felt nothing but hollow inside after it was done. Whatever words that I spew out for this review will never do it justice. 

Never had I wanted to laugh, and weep, and fuck, and devour another human being until there was nothing left of him – until we were one person and I could feel peace. ~ Livvie 

First thing I want to mention is that C.J. Roberts is one hell of a writer. The woman has got some mad skills when it comes to story telling. Holy Fuck was this story brilliantly crafted. This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. Bravo!

This was not an easy read. Far from it. C.J. Roberts did not hold back the punches and I thank God, and C.J., for that. It would not have been the same if she had. This story will strip you bare, leaving you raw, traumatized and vulnerable. I literally hurt. My heart ached and my mind thoroughly fucked. This is not a pretty story. The journey is dark and filled with unimaginable things. You will not be the same when the journey is done.

It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human being revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie. 

Caleb is one tortured soul. I literally cried when we find out more about his past. It is tremendously heartbreaking. He is damaged, but I don’t care. I love him. I will repeat. I love Caleb. Yes, he can be one rough son of a bitch, but underneath his cruel and tough façade, lies the true him. That despite his violent, brutal and painful past, he is just a man wanting to be accepted and loved. At least that is my theory. He seeks acceptance from Rafiq, the man who freed Caleb from his hell. He owes him everything and will do anything in his power to please him. He has remained loyal to him through everything. Ever since Livvie came into this life, he’s been rethinking this whole revenge thing, but he doesn’t want to disappoint Rafiq. And then of course, there’s Livvie. Caleb has his doubts about her. Livvie acts like she wants to run away with him; to only love him. But isn’t her ultimate goal survival? Because there is no way that a woman like Livvie would ever desire to be with a monster like him…right?

My heart, independent of my logic, had reserved a place for my tormentor and my solace. 

Even after all the mind games, the torment, the heartaches that Caleb dishes out, there is no doubt Livvie is in love with him. Her strong will is the main reason why I love her. She is one of the bravest heroines I’ve ever come across. She constantly pushes Caleb’s buttons, knowing the possible consequences because she believes wholeheartedly that he will do the right thing. Caleb constantly tests her will, trying to push her away, but she is one tough and stubborn woman. Her relationship with Caleb is complex to say the least, but Holy Mother, it is scorching. I want their relationship to work, but after all that’s happened and what’s going to happen, do they have a future?

“The truth is… I wonder if I’m not fucked up, too. I should hate you, Caleb. Now I’ve decided what my fate will be. I should want to kill you. I don’t. I can’t imagine never having known you.” 

This series has completely blown me away. Like Livvie, my emotions were everywhere. I was so conflicted. Did I enjoy my mind being fucked and toyed with? Yes. Absolutely 100%, YES. If that makes me fucked up, so be it. I’m proud of it. Because of this series, I’ve learned that my tolerance to unique tales is limitless. My mind is free and open to explore new things. I feel liberated and I feel phenomenal. Thank you, C.J. You are one amazing writer and I look forward to all of your future works.