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The Angel (Original Sinners #2) by Tiffany Reisz

No safe word can protect the heart

Infamous erotica author and accomplished dominatrix Nora Sutherlin is doing something utterly out of character: hiding. While her longtime lover, Søren—whose fetishes, if exposed, would be his ruin—is under scrutiny pending a major promotion, Nora's lying low and away from temptation in the lap of luxury.

Her host, the wealthy and uninhibited Griffin Fiske, is thrilled to have Nora stay at his country estate, especially once he meets her traveling companion. Young, inexperienced and angelically beautiful, Michael has become Nora's protégé, and this summer with Griffin is going to be his training, where the hazing never ends.

But while her flesh is willing, Nora's mind is wandering. To thoughts of Søren, her master, under investigation by a journalist with an ax to grind. And to another man from Nora's past, whose hold on her is less bruising, but whose secrets are no less painful. It's a summer that will prove the old adage: love hurts.
Five++ Enormously Dark & Sinful Stars

**Warning: There might be spoilers in this review. Please do not read this until you’ve read the Siren (The Original Sinners #1)**

♥♥ Many Waters ♥♥
Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it. ~ Song of Solomon 8:7 

As I was reading this, I thought about how I haven’t gone to confession in years, not since I attended an all girls Catholic High School. Then as the story progressed, I was thoroughly immersed in this world. I started to form bonds with all the key characters. I fell in love with Nora and her world full of beautiful men. I loved living in her world where even the most perverse thoughts and actions were okay to think about. Certain images formed in my mind and then, finally, I said, “I think it’s high time to go to confession.”

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners…

After I read the Siren, my world was turned upside down. I knew my tastes in books can run on the darker side, and I loved the majority of them. I read many stories that delve into subjects that went beyond my comfort level, but yet, I found myself enjoying immensely because the story was just that amazing. This sequel was just another part of this amazing, dark and sinfully delicious series. 

Jeg elsker dig. Due r mit hjerte. I love you, You are my heart.

Love has so many interpretations in this series. There are so many relationships formed in this book. Nora and Soren’s relationship is, of course, intensely raw and greatly misunderstood (Nora, are you proud of all the adverbs so far in my review? lol). To me, book one only skimmed the surface of their relationship. Here, their story was discussed a little more and I found myself starting to understand their bond. Their relationship is unconventional, to say the least, but we cannot help who we love. 

Then we have Griffin and Michael. My. God. I loved these two so f**king much. They complimented each other and they formed the sweetest, most affectionate bond imaginable. Griffin is just insanely sexy and I confess, I wouldn’t have minded a piece of that. LOL. He made me laugh and I just enjoyed his character immensely. And Michael. Oh, Michael, you poor damaged boy. I’m so excited that you found someone who will appreciate the wonderful man you’ve become and who will give you the type of love you need. Love these two ♥♥

Lastly, and certainly not least, there is my ♥♥♥♥Wesley♥♥♥♥. I give my whole hearted thanks to the Lord above, and Mistress Reisz of course, that he’s still as wonderful and sweet as ever. Like Nora, I’ve found myself so attached and so in love with him. There’s just something about his charm and innocence that makes him so desirable. God, I love him SO much. I’m so uber excited that the next book will be his story (well at least I hope it is anyway). Possibly bound and blindfolded. Hello I’m smiling from ear to ear just thinking about him.! Whoa. Did I just say that? Whoops. My bad. 

I feel like I’ve said so much already, but I haven’t even begun to dive into what went on in the book without giving anything away. Just know that the story did not disappoint what-so-ever. I was thrilled to have been given a chance to read it prior to the release date, but now I’m left hanging until the Prince comes out. I absolutely love this series and highly recommend it to those looking for a great story. This world where Nora resides is one where we can easily immerse ourselves in an alternate world where our deepest fantasies and desires are okay to admit. Come in with an open mind and open heart and you will not be disappointed. 

Thank you Harlequin Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this fantastic and brilliant novel before its release. OMG, I just LOVED this installment!!!!

Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot

After a car accident--an event he considers a prank gone bad--pop star, Hunter Kennedy is forced to hide out with his aunt in small-town Colorado. He’s supposed to rest, heal his scars and attend high school in disguise until the press dies down. But he only wants to get back to work.

Worse, the girl who’s been assigned to make him over into a geek is a major geek herself. Vere Roth is a chattering pixie, a blushing tornado and a complete social disaster. He’s never met a girl who’s never-been-kissed, believes in romance and thinks Hunter’s a 'nice' guy.

Funny thing is...Hunter is nice around Vere because she’s his first real friend. He also can’t seem to stop sharing his secrets or keep her out of his heart. Knowing he’d never deserve a girl as sweet as Vere, he resigns himself to the friend zone, and helps his new bestie with her own makeover. 

She tortures him daily for ridiculous guy advice on how to snag her life-long crush. A guy Hunter thinks is totally wrong for Vere, and sadly, one who has taken note of Vere’s transformation.

When Vere asks her best friend for some kissing advice, Hunter can’t resist...

And that’s when things get out of control...

High School Romance, first love, sweet romance.
4.5-4.75 A++ Stars!

Cheekbones and muscles and…are boys allowed to be this beautiful? 

I’m a huge fan of this author…like HUGE. After I read Almost, and fell completely in love with the story and the writing, I was going to read anything this author put out. So when I saw this was going to be her next story, I was beyond excited. How could I not? Celebrity boy band singer meets and falls for an adorable, cute and geeky girl. Oh yea, I was all over this on release day :)

Girl was cute with that pink face.
“Would you stop?” She shifted her feet.
He went for honesty again. “I’ll try but, your cheeks! Makes you look like a little gnome.” 

There is no doubt that Vere is one shy girl, especially when it comes to her longtime crush, Curtis Wishford. He is her brother’s best friend and has been crushing on him forever. She has the tendency to blush beet red whenever he’s around and goes completely clams up when he tries to talk to her. Not to mention the incident that happened between that left her with quite a reputation. Poor Vere, she just can’t catch a break. Will she ever get over her shyness?

“I’m Hunter Kennedy. Some of this you know already, some you don’t. I’m a guy who was so lost and depressed that I freaked out and tried to hurt myself because I felt so down.” 

Hunter Kennedy, a seventeen year old heartthrob, is part of the boy band, GuardeRobe. Even though he has everything, he feels nothing but emptiness and loneliness. The fame, the money, the girls, could not cure him of his depression. He’s got no one to turn to; not even his own mother. One day, Hunter’s depression goes to the extreme and he almost commits suicide. Not knowing what to do, his mother sends him to Colorado to live with his Aunt after he is released from a residential home for treatment. The plan is for Hunter to go incognito, rest and be away from the limelight. He is not a fan of this plan. All he wants is to go back to work with his band, but he feels like he owes his mother for his “stunt.” So off to Colorado he goes. 

“I know, of course, you’re a person and all that. But to me, I’m determined to think you’re a fake guy, Dustin McHugh.” ~ Vere 

When he reaches Colorado, he meets Vere and her family. They live next door to his Aunt. Vere and her brother, Charlie, are enlisted to help Hunter blend in. Considering Hunter’s high profile persona and extreme good looks, it’s going to be hard to hide him. So Vere helps him become Dustin McHugh, Hunter’s dorky alter ego. Vere does everything she can to conceal Hunter’sassets. Take Hunter and add dorky clothes, a retainer, hat and glasses that darken in the sunlight, plus a lisp, and you’ve got Dustin. He is the anti-Hunter. No one recognizes him. As Dustin, Hunter begins to feel liberated. He no longer has to worry about paparazzi or a horde of screaming girls. He can just be. To top it all off, Vere has designated him as her BGF: Best Guy Friend. For some reason, Vere doesn’t get all weird and stuttery around Hunter. This is wonderful! She can practice being normal around guys with the help of Hunter. They soon become very close friends.

The twisting pain in my chest, or the strange way I feel like I suddenly can’t breathe without you helping me? ~ Hunter (inner monologue) 

Hunter has never felt this way about anyone before. Vere and her friendship have meant the world to him. For some reason, making Vere happy makes him happy. He can’t believe that she doesn’t know how wonderful she truly is. She’s sweet, kind, loyal and is truly a beautiful person, inside and out. 

The girl can make pie from scratch. And she comes over to hang out with Aunt Nan so they can watch TV and knit? KNIT. She’s actually making me a hat! Who does that kind of granny stuff?
The cutest girl in the world, that’s who. 

I just flat out loved Vere. I can totally see myself being friends with her and her BFF, Jenna. As for Hunter, well, he was just an amazing character. I really felt for his character and was so happy he found a friend and kindred spirit in Vere. She completely blindsided him with her sweet and caring persona. With her at his side, he felt like he could do anything. He was able to smile and laugh and just be himself because for once in his life, no one was using him for anything. However, when Vere asks him to help her with winning Curtis’ affection, Hunter begins to feel trapped. 

He knew, without a doubt that he wanted her, but it wasn’t his usual understandable, physical kind of want. He wanted what he couldn’t have. He wanted her to be his, as in, his girlfriend. He wanted the right to love her. 

Anne Eliot is a fantastic writer. The pace of the story was a little slow in the beginning, but eventually picked up. She really does her best to develop her characters so that the readers can better understand them. The switching of POV between Hunter and Vere were flawless. You can really get into their characters. She makes them so relatable that you have no choice but to love and care for them. Just amazing writing. I will read everything that this author puts out. This is a very clean YA story that I think teens and adults will just love. I just wish there was a little epilogue at the end, but that’s just me wanting more. I’m just greedy that way. Loved it!!

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits #1) by Katie McGarry

"I won't tell anyone, Echo. I promise." Noah tucked a curl behind my ear. It had been so long since someone touched me like he did. Why did it have to be Noah Hutchins? His dark brown eyes shifted to my covered arms. "You didn't do that-did you? It was done to you?" No one ever asked that question. They stared. They whispered. They laughed. But they never asked.

So wrong for each other...and yet so right.

No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

This is easily one of my favorite reads of the year and it even made my very selective crack-book shelf. This story is ridiculously good, no, it is excellent. It’s simply brilliant. The story and its characters were emotional, raw and beautiful. It was not your normal YA story. It was so much more than that. 

For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life. 

Echo had it all. She had her mom, dad and beloved brother, Aires. She was also part of the popular crowd, member of the dance team and dating the captain of the basketball team. This was her normal. This was her life before Aires died serving in the military and before the incident with her mother. Even though she cannot recall all the events surrounding the incident, the event left her scarred physically and emotionally. She will no longer have normal. Now she’s seeing a therapist, her father is now married to her now pregnant former babysitter and no longer part of the popular crowd. This doesn’t deter Echo from trying to achieve normal again. She believes that if she can remember the events of the incident, she can start to heal and possibly start accept her life now. However, no one will tell her what happened, not her therapist and certainly not her father. She’s left to try piece everything together on her own. Desperate to find out, she befriends and enlists the help of Noah.

Noah wasn’t always about getting high, chasing girls and earning a bad reputation. He once had a promising future until the day he lost his parents, leaving him and his two younger brothers parentless and in the mercy of the foster care system. He and his younger brothers were separated and placed in the care of different foster families. Noah’s first foster family experience ended in disaster and was unfairly deemed as emotionally unstable. Convinced that his brothers were also placed in an unsuitable environment, he is determined to find out all he can about his brother’s family, hoping he can dig up dirt to use in a possible custody battle for his brothers once he turns eighteen. Unfortunately, his therapist will not give him the information he needs. Initially Echo was only there to help him and vise versa. According to Noah, she’s a siren. He’s not supposed to feel anything for her. He’s not a commitment/relationship type of guy. So what is it about Echo that makes him feel differently? She makes him want more. What is going on?

”Echo, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen because I don’t know. I don’t hold hands in the hallway or sit at anyone else’s lunch table. But I swear…on my brothers that you’ll never be a joke to me and you’ll be much more than a girl in the backseat of my car.” 

Echo and Noah were not designed for one another. Plus, in their own eyes and in the eyes of others, they’re deemed as damaged. Who would want all their baggage? The road to their relationship was rocky. They both denied their feelings for each other, thinking that it’ll just add further complications to their already difficult lives. Fate, however, brought these two together for a reason. They start to develop a trust not easily given to others and they slowly start to heal. Their relationship was real and raw. They made each other realize that there was more to life than what was dealt; that it was okay to want more. Together they made a passionate couple and my heart ached for them to work everything out. 

There is so much more I can say about this book. I can easily delve into how much I loved Echo and Noah and how they complemented each other perfectly. I can also start going and on about the secondary cast of characters, like Lila, Isaiah and Beth, which were all amazing, but that would make this review longer than it already is. 

My parting thoughts are as follows: This was just excellent. Its one of those stories that when you finish, you just want to flip back to the beginning and read everything all over again. I love Echo and Noah’s story. I love how emotional it is; I love how it made me angry; I love how it made me tear up. I especially love how happy I was with the end result. I love everything about this story. I highly, HIGHLY recommend!!

Playing for Keeps (Neighbor from Hell #1) by R.L. Mathewson

Done with being the world's biggest pushover, Haley decides that things are going to change starting with the aggravating neighbor who has too much charm and not enough restraint. What she didn't expect was to be sucked into his world, but Haley has a game plan and she won't let herself forget just what the bad boy next door is capable of. 

The last thing Jason expected was for his little shy neighbor to go Rambo on him over some ruined flowers. After he decides to take her under his wing he can't help but notice that she fits very nicely in his life. Now the only thing left is to convince her that this is anything but a game.
Five Delicious Buttercream Frosting Flavored Stars (whew! Stay that ten times fast :)

This was such a wonderful find. I LOVED every moment of this story. I could not put it down for the life of me. How could I not? Not only did it have a great romantic story line, but a lot of scenes in the book made me laugh out loud. Particularly when they involved Jason Bradford and his insane obsession with food. Gotta love a man with a big appetite. Word of caution, never get in the middle of a Bradford man and his food. It was freaking HIGH-larious! And Haley was simply lovable as our heroine. They started out as friends and their relationship just took a natural course. Nothing felt rushed and it was perfect. Their chemistry was such a joy to read. Very well done, grasshopper. Very well done! Highly, HIGHLY recommend!!!

The Siren (Original Sinners #1) by Tiffany Reisz

The Siren is a modern-day retelling of My Fair Lady with uptight English literary fiction editor Zachary Easton as an unwilling Professor Higgins and well-known wild child Nora Sutherlin as his erotica-writing Eliza Doolittle. Zach only has six weeks left at Royal House New York before he heads to Los Angeles to take over as Chief Managing Editor at Royal West. When his boss orders him to help Nora Sutherlin rewrite her latest novel, Zach agrees to work with her only if he is given complete control over the fate of her book. If Nora doesn’t rewrite it to his satisfaction in six weeks, Royal won’t publish it.
4.75-5 Stars

As we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation…

So I’ve finally had some time to digest my initial thoughts on this beautifully erotic book. I was left heartbroken, yes, but that shouldn’t take away from the rest of the story. I initially gave this review 4.5 stars based only on how I felt at the end. I thought about it, and I realized that that judgment was unfair. To be quite frank, whatever I may end up saying will definitely not do this book the justice it deserves. I love this story, plain and sinful. **Ehem** I meant plain and simple. lol. This was differently beautiful, darkly seductive and passionately erotic. (Love those adverbs ;-). If you do not come into this book with an open mind, you might be put off. Otherwise, this was definitely one of those memorable stories that will stick with you. There are a lot of shockers in this one; some of which, spun my beliefs, and quite possibly yours, into a wonderful little tailspin. You have been warned.

This story centers on Nora Sutherlin, a famous erotica writer, who not only writes the stories, but lives it. In the Underworld, Nora is a famous and most sought after Dominatrix. Though, technically she’s a Switch, once being the submissive of her former lover, SØren. Before I continue, I must confess that I developed a rare lesbian crush on Nora. She has become one of my all-time favorite heroines. She has a wicked sense of humor, smart, and extremely seductive. I completely understand why men and women plunk down their money to just have the opportunity to kiss her boots. To say that she is a unique character is a severe understatement. There’s just something about her. It doesn’t hurt either that she is constantly surrounded by beautiful and gorgeous men either. 

”He’s sexually aroused by inflicting pain and humiliation. And he’s phenomenal at it.” ~ Griffin describing SØren 

SØren: (Beautiful and gorgeous man #1) Whoa. Where do I begin? There’s only so much I can say about SØren. He is first and foremost a sadist. He is dead sexy and extremely intimidating. His commanding presence alone can stop a room full of people. He and Nora were long time lovers prior to this story. They were, and still are, madly in love with each other. They were together for years, he as her Dom and she his sub. He inflicts pain, that is what he is good at and that is what Nora craves, until she runs away. Though she is no longer owned by him, she is still drawn to him. 

”Push, lunge, shove, attack, force, jab,” he rattled off the words. “I do love a man with a big vocabulary.” ~ Nora 

Zach Easton: (Beautiful and gorgeous man #2) He is Nora’s editor. He’s just relocated to the States after separating from his wife, Grace. It’s obvious that he is still in love with her and has a difficult time trying to move forward. He was very reluctant to accept the role of Nora’s editor. Apparently he’s not a fan of romance novels. However, with the persistence of his boss, he takes on the role. Nora, being Nora, starts to intrigue Zach. He’s never met anyone quite like her. She’s bold and brash. To me, I think Nora is there to help Zach heal and move forward. And that’s exactly what happens. 

”I will save you from yourself”…he could hear Wesley saying those very words to Nora. He hadn’t leaned yet you couldn’t save someone who didn’t want to be saved. 

♥♥Wesley♥♥: (Beautiful and gorgeous man #3) He is Nora’s nineteen year old, gorgeous, charming and virginal brown eyed roommate/intern. Although, Nora tells everyone he’s only sixteen to maintain her “street cred” (lol). He’s a southern gentleman who is completely and utterly in love with Nora. She loves him, but holds herself back knowing that he will never belong into her world of dark, erotic love. According to Nora, he’s too vanilla for her wild tastes. I’m so in love with Wesley, it’s ridiculous. 

Honorable mentions: Kingsley Edge and Griffin Fiske. I can’t write this review without at least acknowledging these two delectable gentlemen. ;)

Alright so there you have it. I LOVED this story. The ending was not what I wanted, but luckily there are at least two more books after this. I want those two books like yesterday. lol. I’ll definitely be stalking Mistress Reisz’s website and GR for when these two are coming out. Cannot wait for more!!