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Showing posts with label guest post. Show all posts

Eyes Turned Skyward by Rebecca Yarros ~ Dream Cast + ARC Review

It is our pleasure to have Rebecca Yarros on the blog today with a special guest post! Today is release day for Eyes Turned Skyward, and this is her dream cast! Take it away, Rebecca...

Thank you so much for having me! I have to say that dream casting is one of my favorite things to do. When else can you look at pictures of hot guys and know it’s legitimate work?

Let’s start off with…

Jagger Bateman.
He’s absolutely Alex Pettyfer, and has been since Full Measures. Blonde hair, gorgeous eyes…heck, gorgeous everything, and a smile that kills. Yep, Jagger all the way. Jagger is a new army Lt, determined to graduate top of his class in flight school.

Paisley Donovan.
My Paisley is definitely AnnaSophia Robb. She has Paisley’s golden tresses, petite frame, sweet disposition and spark of fun. Paisley is the daughter of the commanding general, and definitely Jagger’s biggest weakness.

William Carter
Paisley’s uber-perfect, uptight boyfriend is definitely Steven Krueger. Oh, did I mention that he’s Jagger’s biggest rival at flight school? Yeah, that gets awkward really fast.

Morgan Bartley
Paisley’s best friend and roommate. She’s sassy, loyal, and not afraid to tell Paisley, or Will, how it is. She’s Nina Dobrev to me.

Grayson Masters
(Rebecca casts fitness model Mike Thurston) Jagger's quietly intense roommate, who is there when he's needed, but doesn't let anyone or anything in.

And what would Eyes Turned Skyward be if we didn’t have a little of the Full Measures cast to join?

Josh Walker
He’s in flight school with Jagger, rounding out the trio of guys living in the house, and taking every weekend he can with Ember. Josh is Theo James. Always. Those eyes, that smile, that body? Josh. Josh. Josh.

Ember Howard
She’s still in college at Vanderbilt, but spends every minute she can with Josh. My Ember will always be Bonnie Wright.

Samantha Wallace
Ember’s best friend is back, welcoming Paisley into their little group. She’s very Kat Graham to me!

Magnolia and Richard Donovan
Paisley’s parents are still reeling from the loss of her older sister, Peyton, more often than not overstepping their parental boundaries with Paisley. Definitely Mark Harmon and Felicity Huffman for me!

That’s it for Eyes Turned Skyward!

Thank you so much for having me, and giving me an excuse to look at pictures of Alex Pettyfer. ;)

 Thanks! ~Rebecca

What an awesome cast selection! THANK YOU, Rebecca, for stopping by. Congratulations on this new release!!!

Release Date: December 8, 2014


Since her sister's death, twenty-year-old Paisley Donovan has been treated like delicate glass by her parents. She may share her sister’s heart condition, but nothing will stop her from completing her Bucket List, even if it kills her. And it almost does, until Jagger Bateman pulls her from the ocean and breathes more than air into her lungs—he sets her soul on fire.

Jagger is enrolled in the country's toughest flight school. He's wickedly hot, reckless, and perfect for a girl looking to live life to the fullest. Except that Paisley is the commanding general's daughter, and her boyfriend is Jagger's biggest rival. Now Paisley must decide just how much to risk for a guy who makes her heart pound a little too hard.

They're flying through dangerous territoryand one wrong move could make them crash and burn...

Five Stars

An unforgettable, passionate story!

Twenty year-old Paisley Donovan lives with a heart condition, and she’s counting her days. She lives each day trying to check things off her bucket list. To say her parents are overbearing is putting it lightly, but I understand why they’re that way, since they already lost a daughter. The whole situation this family endures just saddens me. Jagger Bateman is a cocky, non-relationship type of guy whose biggest dream is to fly. Jagger just got into flight school, and he realizes he can’t afford any distractions until the day he rescues Paisley.

In an unforgettable story with alternating POV, there is both instant attraction and a beautiful, gradual build up of romance. Paisley and Jagger both have things that they delay telling each other, but neither can resist and ignore the unresolved, unexplored tension sizzling between them. It’s a story that seeks truth and forgiveness and is so very passionate! While reading Eyes Turned Skyward, I wrapped myself around each word and each character until I was utterly consumed by everything that happened. Yes, it’s that type of story…all-consuming.

Although Josh and Ember from Full Measures are part of this book, Eyes Turned Skyward can definitely be read as a stand-alone. I personally haven’t read Full Measures, but I loved Josh and Ember so much that I now need to backtrack and read their story. I know there are many fans! New-to-me author, Rebecca Yarros, is a phenomenal storyteller, and I’m glad I was given the chance to read this story. I adored every bit of Eyes Turned Skyward!

Book links:
Entangled Publishing: http://bit.ly/1s95Zyr

Add to your TBR on Goodreads

About the author
Rebecca Yarros is a hopeless romantic and lover of all things chocolate, coffee, and Paleo. In addition to being a mom, military wife, and blogger, she can never choose between Young Adult and New Adult fiction, so she writes both. She's a graduate of Troy University, where she studied European history and English, but still holds out hope for an acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Her blog, The Only Girl Among Boys, has been voted the Top Military Mom Blog the last two years, and celebrates the complex issues surrounding the military life she adores.

When she's not writing, she's tying on hockey skates for her kids, or sneaking in some guitar time. She is madly in love with her army-aviator husband of eleven years, and they're currently stationed in Upstate NY with their gaggle of rambunctious kiddos and snoring English Bulldog, but she would always rather be home in Colorado.

Author's New Release Giveaway!
Check it out HERE

Blog Tour ~ Sugar's Twice as Sweet by Marina Adair Top 5 + Giveaway

I'm super excited to be a part of this blog tour!
Congratulations to Marina Adair on her latest book release!
Today we have a guest post, excerpt and the tour-wide giveaway.

Marina Adair's
Top 5 favorite "Southern" things
 #5. The food. Everything is smoked, BBQ, fried, or coated in gravy—including most vegetables, except mac-and-cheese. Yup, only in the South is that cheese goodness considered a vegetable on most restaurant menus.  

#4. Grannies. Having grown up with two I can attest that Southern grannies rule. My Grandma Stowell made the best buttermilk biscuits on the planet, knew how to hug you until the world felt safe, understood the importance of masterful storytelling, and always put the fear of God in you with phrases like, “Honey, you’re going to split hell wide open and fall in with that kind of lie.”

#3. Can we talk biscuits? I know food already made an appearance on list, and we have mentioned biscuits, but when made right, these beautiful, fluffy little slices of heaven can be life altering. Add a little honey or homemade bumble berry jam and it is a religious experience.

#2. Country Music. All I need to say is, Eric Church’s Love you Like Wrecking Ball. Listen to that song and try not to swoon, I dare you. 

#1. Southern Gents. Oh, ladies, there is nothing sexier than a sweet talking, down-home southern man in shit kickers and worn jeans who flattens his vowels when he speaks, know how to treat a lady, and doesn’t hesitate to go after what he wants.

Thank you, Marina, for stopping by! Y'all need to listen to that Eric Church song, because it will make you swoon! ~Grace

(November 25, 2014; Forever Mass Market; $6.00)

He's trouble she doesn't need . . .

Thanks to a cheating fiancé, Josephina Harrington's perfect life just crashed and burned. Moving in with her overbearing parents is definitely not an option. No, she needs to prove she can make it on her own. And she will-by turning her great-aunt's old plantation house into a destination getaway. She's just not expecting her contractor to be so hands-on-and so totally irresistible.

. . . but everything she wants

Bad-boy golf champion Brett McGraw figured his hometown of Sugar, Georgia was the perfect place to lay low and get his life back up to par. The leggy blonde with a pint-sized pup is the kind of sweet 'n sassy trouble he never saw coming. She doesn't know a nut from a bolt and before long, he's renovating her house . . . as she steals his heart. Can he convince Josephina that his womanizing ways are in the past and he's ready for forever?

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Three days later, Josephina shoved the last scrap of wallpaper into the trash bag and knew it was quitting time. Her arms were sore from scraping off glue, which was littering the wood floor, she had a big bruise on her forehead from running into Brett’s elbow—and sharing breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a man who made her motor hum only added to her aches.
True to his word, he had asked her out every day. And every day it became harder to say no.
Today had been the worst, she thought as she watched the play of Brett’s muscles while he supported a plank of rotted wood over his head. He was all rippled and gorgeous and flashing that orgasm-inducing smile. The one that curled up slightly at the corners, saying he’d caught her drooling. Again.
“A simple yes is all it would take,” he said in that southern-boy way that made her heart warm. Along with some other, more pertinent, parts.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She stepped sideways, right into a bowl of nails, knocking them over. Then, blaming Brett for taking up too much damn space, she picked up the handsaw off the floor and reached into her back pocket for a pair of gloves—coming up empty.
“I’ve got an extra pair in my tool belt,” he said with humor in his voice as he jerked his chin toward his goodie bag, um, tool belt. “Right there in the center pocket. You see them?”
Oh, she saw them all right. She also saw how incredibly amused he was.
“Don’t move.” Eyeing him, she cautiously reached into the pocket, careful not to touch any of his tools. She grabbed the leather gloves and jerked her hand back.
Doing her best to ignore his laughing, she crawled up to the fifth rung of the ladder and sawed away the remaining few inches of beam. Between the sexy smiles and “accidental” brushing of bodies, Brett kept her in a constant state of unbalance.
“So to clarify, you’re saying you don’t want to go out with me,” he mused.
She sighed, sawing through the end of the beam and wondering why she kept repeating herself. “Dating wouldn’t be a good idea.”
“Why is that?” he asked, lowering the beam to the floor.
This time she was certain he was flexing his arms on purpose.
“Because we’d go out, have a good time, come home, and have sex. Only instead of just amazing no-strings sex it would be complicated by all this other stuff, which would make things weird. Eventually I’d be short one contractor, miss my opening date, and wonder what happened.”
Not wanting to look at him, she set the saw on the top of the ladder, ready to move to the next spot.
“First off, I’m in this for the long haul, I gave you my word on that.”
Josephina turned around to ask him if he was talking about the inn, but then she forgot how to speak. Brett blocked her descent, climbing up behind her to the second rung, which brought him eye level. He gripped her hips and backed her up against the ladder. “And, sugar, sex between us wouldn’t be amazing, it would be earth-shattering.”
That’s what I’m afraid of.
He sculpted his hands down her sides to her thighs, paying extra attention to her bottom on the trip back. She rested her hands on those biceps she’d been watching all week so she wouldn’t fall over as the air whooshed out of her lungs.
Hell, she’d suffered from severe oxygen deprivation since the minute she found him this morning, standing on the front porch, latte in one hand, a cheese Danish in the other, and the sun cresting behind him.
The man redefined “sexy contractor.” The faded college T-shirt clung to his impressive chest. And the hotter it got, the clingier the material became. Which was why four o’clock was Josephina’s new favorite time of day. It was when Brett shucked his shirt. And the tool belt he wore weighed down his jeans, giving her a prime view of chiseled abs and lean hips, and highlighting his yummy parts.
And that wasn’t even the most tempting part. Nope. The more she saw Brett as a normal hot guy, the more the never-going-to-date-him rule seemed to blur, and the harder he became to resist.
“I suck at relationships,” she rushed out, more for her than him. “I get so lost in the other person that Josephina goes MIA. I can’t do that again. Not now when people are counting on me. When I’m counting on me.”
“It’s just a date, Joie. I’m not down on one knee.” He sounded so sincere her heart pounded as if he were.
“Date implies the start of something, and you’re leaving.” And if I let you, you might take my heart with you when you go. “And I’m staying here, in Sugar.”
With a single nod, Brett let her slide past him on the ladder.

He wasn’t giving up, not by a long shot, she could see that in his eyes. But he was letting it go—for now.

About the Author:
Marina Adair is a lifelong fan of romance novels. Along with the Sugar series, she is also the author of the St. Helena Vineyard series. She currently lives in a hundred-year-old log cabin, nestled in the majestic redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains, with her husband and daughter.

As a writer, Marina is devoted to giving her readers contemporary romance where the towns are small, the personalities large, and the romance explosive. She also loves to interact with readers and you can catch her on Twitter at @MarinaEAdair or visit her at www.MarinaAdair.com.

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