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Showing posts with label YA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YA. Show all posts

Ex-Factor (Diamond Girls 1) by Elisa Dane ~ Release Day Blitz Excerpt #Giveaway

Ex Factor
Release Date: 04/22/14

Summary from Goodreads:
Nevaeh Evan’s life is uprooted after her father’s death, when she moves in with her aunt and cousin, Livvie. Her plan to lay low at her new high school isn’t working. Her friend’s jerky boyfriend keeps asking her out, the guy she likes treats her like garbage, and the thought of tumbling again makes her want to hurl.

So when her aunt pushes her into joining the elite X-FACTOR cheer leading squad, Navaeh goes along with it.  But Nev feels she doesn’t deserve to be happy. Not after what happened the night her father died.

Bodie Scott knows about grief all too well. Critically injured in an alcohol related accident the year before, Bodie struggles with the fact that he’ll never play football again, and he’s so far behind in credits he can’t see straight. That is, until he meets Nev. Haunted by their bloody pasts and wary of a shared future, Nev and Bodie turn to one another for comfort and support, and realize they’re not so alone after all. And when the party scene at school threatens the life of a loved one, the two stop at nothing to keep the past from repeating itself.

Available from:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble

“Ahh... Mr. Scott!” My gaze automatically swept to the front of the classroom, Keltar’s loud, obnoxious voice almost impossible to ignore. “So good of you to grace us with your presence today. I trust you’ve learned something during your time away from school? Violence is never the answer, young man.” Frowning, the surly Santa wannabe begrudgingly swept a pink slip of paper from a tall, muscular boy dressed in dark clothing.

My heart jumped a little in my chest as I surveyed the colossal mass of male student at the front of the class. What the hell were the people of Indigo Falls feeding their sons? Some type of über growth hormone? Over half the guys in the school looked as though they belonged on the cover of a weightlifting magazine—chiseled, as if cut from granite. And what was that about violence, and time away from school? Had he gotten into a fight? From his size, he looked like someone who could deliver massive amounts of pain with ease.

The new guy stood in complete silence as Keltar continued on, delivering the same tired speech he’d given me upon entering the room. The same nervous feeling that had plagued me when I entered the school just a short time ago returned with a vengeance, and I caught myself struggling to breathe. What the hell? The new guy, whoever he was, had a bizarre effect on me, and to be honest, it was freaking me out a little. I mean, hell... I hadn’t even seen his face and I had butterflies whirling in my stomach. How was that possible? What kind of person had that type of effect on people?

He turned around then, and the answers to my unspoken questions all but slapped me upside the face. 
Holy Mary, Mother of Pearl...

If boys were classified into two shades: light and dark, my Paper Thief, Eli would hover somewhere in the realm of ivory or beige. But this new guy was dark. We’re talking black down to the very pit of his soul type dark.

Ebony eyes void of emotion swept over the room before finally settling on his seat: the empty chair next to Erin. Short, dark hair hugged his skull, bringing attention to the chiseled line of his jaw. His features were strong, hard, and entirely masculine—beautiful. No joke, he looked like an avenging angel hell bent on mayhem and destruction. Bad. The boy was bad to the bone.

Heat scorched my neck and cheeks and my pulse ratcheted up another notch.
Electricity arced through the air as he neared the table, and the oxygen in the room seemed to thin even more. Incapable of speech or movement, I sat open-mouthed, gaping at him like an imbecilic fool. The black T-shirt he wore stretched across his broad chest like a second skin, and revealed a set of arms, one of which sported a wicked tribal tattoo. His gait was confident, yet lazy, and clearly shouted “I don’t give a fuck. I’m only here because I have to be, so stay the hell out of my way.”

Erin cleared her throat and cast me a knowing “Well, well, well. Look who thinks the bad boy is hot” smirk.

The boy’s most stand out feature was a jagged scar which ran from the center of his skull, down along the top of his left ear. It ended just below the left half of his jaw. The skin was thick, raised and silvery pink making it obvious that whatever trauma had placed it there hadn’t happened that long ago.

Heat scored the base of my skull, and I reached, as if on autopilot, for the fat, rigid bump that crawled across my hairline. How had he gotten his scar? A hundred different scenarios played out in my head, none of which included the circumstance that had earned me mine.

About the Author
I'm a lover of books (YA & Adult romance), chocolate, reality television, and am a proud mother to three All Star cheerleaders. Woot!
I write Contemporary YA romance with cheerleaders. Yep. I write what I know, and it's my hope that my stories will not only take you on a romantic journey that will warm your heart, but that you'll find a new respect and interest in the sport of Cheerleading you may not have had before.

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1 ebook of Ex-Factor & $10 Amazon gift card (INT)
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Book Blitz Organized by:

Cover Reveal ~ How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love with You by T.M. Franklin

How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love with You

Release Date: 06/12/14

Summary from Goodreads:

1. Join the Drama Club
2. Do Your Research
3. Provide Something She Needs
4. Make Her Feel Secure and Important
5. Pay Attention!

6. Be a Good Friend
7. Be More Attractive
8. Be Complimentary, But Not Obsequious
9. Establish Rapport
10. Be Encouraging and Supportive
11. Give Her Space
12. Admit When You’re Wrong and Apologize
13. Find the Perfect Birthday Gift
14. Tell Her How You Feel

Seventeen-year-old Oliver Wendell Holmes (Yes, his parents are just that peculiar, but his brother’s name is Sherlock, so it could have been worse) knows that he’s different. He’s quirky, awkward, and he’s okay with that. Oliver also likes making lists—meticulous procedures for achieving his goals, step-by-step. Whether it’s “How to Get an A in Chemistry” or “How to Get Accepted to MIT,” he has a process, and it’s worked for him so far. He doesn’t even care that the popular kids mock him. Oliver’s got his eye on the prize.

So when he decides it’s time to declare his feelings for Ainsley Bishop, the girl of his dreams, it’s only natural for him to make a list—a point-by-point strategy to win her heart. He knows it will take a grand gesture for her to see all he has to offer, and her approaching birthday provides the ideal opportunity for Oliver to put his plan into action.

Finding the perfect gift is a challenge Oliver meets with his usual dogged determination. He’ll need to watch her carefully for clues to pinpoint exactly what he should give her. And along the way, he might just learn that what Ainsley really needs is not quite what he expected.

About the Author
T.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. Graduating with a B.A. in Communications specializing in broadcast journalism and production, she worked for nine years as a major market television news producer, and garnered two regional Emmy Awards, before she resigned to be a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer. After writing and unsuccessfully querying a novel that she now admits, “is not that great,” she decided to follow the advice of one of the agents who turned her down—write some more and get better at it. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days.

She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Mike, is mom to two boys, Justin and Ryan, and has an enormous black dog named Rocky who’s always lying nearby while she’s writing. Whether he’s soothed by the clicking of the computer keys or just waiting for someone to rub his belly is up for debate.

In addition to MORE, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short story, Window, as well as another short story, A Piece of Cake, which appears in the Romantic Interludes anthology. The sequel to MORE, The Guardians, will be released November 7, 2013.

Connect with T.M. Franklin
Website | Facebook | Twitter  | Goodreads

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The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley

 Title: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
Author: Kirsty Moseley

Amber Walker and her older brother, Jake, have an abusive father. One night her brother's best friend, Liam, sees her crying and climbs through her bedroom window to comfort her. That one action sparks a love/hate relationship that spans over the next eight years. Liam is now a confident, flirty player who has never had a girlfriend before. Amber is still emotionally scarred from the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father. Together they make an unlikely pair. Their relationship has always been a rocky one, but what happens when Amber starts to view her brother's best friend a little differently? And how will her brother, who has always been a little overprotective, react when he finds out that the pair are growing closer? Find out in The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom Window.
Book Links:
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I simply loved this story, it was super sweet and I admit sometimes a bit cheesy but I really enjoyed it. So much that I read in almost one sitting :)

“It’s always been you; it’ll always be you, Angel.”

This is the story of brother and sister Jake and Amber Walker(who Liam calls Angel) and their childhood at the hands of an abusive father. Also Jake's best friend Liam, whom I fell in love with, who became Amber's safety net and comfort. One night, when Amber was 8 years old her father came home and was especially abusive, she was in her room sobbing. Liam, who lived next door climbed in her window and held her and calmed her until she fell asleep. He came the next, night and the next until they spent every night together.

Keep in mind that Liam is only two years older than her so nothing icky was happening here, but we fast forward 8 years and they are still spending every single night together. Amber basically can't stand Day Liam, who does nothing but tease and pester her, but she loves Night Liam who makes her feel safe and calm and keeps the nightmares away.

Night Liam was considerate, loving and thoughtful. Day Liam was a flirt, slut and a jerk. However, both night and day Liam made me feel safe and protected. ~Amber

There is nothing sexual happening here up to this point. Amber knows that her brother and Liam are man whores of the worst kind and she doesn't hide how much she despises that about them both. Until.... you got it, there starts to become feelings there on Amber's part but she can see no reason that Liam would want anything to do with her. But, unbeknownst to her, Liam has been in love with her since he met her at six years old!

This was one of my favorite parts, when Liam's mom tells Amber about his sixth birthday party where he saw her for the first time and why calls her Angel all this time.

“He turned to me, and do you know what he said to me? He said in a deadly serious tone, 'Momma, am I dead?' And I said 'no honey, you're not dead', and he shook his head, looking all confused about something. Then he pointed to you dancing and said, 'if I'm not dead, then why is there an Angel in our house.'”
 I won't give much more of the story away except to say that it is fairly fast paced, a sweet love story, and a tad far fetched at times, but that's why we read fiction, right?? I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did :)

Love is Blind by Shayna B.

Hailey Baker was a normal teenager- friends, the occasional party and a great boyfriend. But that all changes one night when an accident kills her parents and leaves Hailey with a serious back injury.

Seven months after the accident, Hailey has struggled to learn to walk again and is now about to start at a new school after moving in with her uncle. Determined to live a normal life, she doesn't let her injury slow her down. When she meets Blake Adams, her life changes once again- this time for the better.

Blake was the school's golden boy until he lost his sight in a freak accident two years earlier. Going through life withdrawn and miserable, he expects to remain alone for the rest of his life. But then he meets Hailey, and all his expectations are thrown to the wind.
Four Stars

“Since I’m blind, you shouldn’t get mad when I don’t see things other people can see.” 

This book was brought to my attention from one of my GR friends. Once I read the synopsis, I was intrigued. I love stories involving damaged Heroes. I find them extra brooding and extra moody. More often than not, that hard exterior is just a cover up. Buried underneath all that lays a man who’s sensitive, caring, loyal and loving. And boy was I right.

“What if I decide to keep going the way I have been?”
“Then I feel sorry for you. Life’s full of too many wonders to waste it wallowing in misery. Do you want to just exist? Or do you want to actually live?” 

Our heroine, Hailey is on the hard road to recovery. She’s been through a lot in the past year. She’s lost her parents to a horrific car accident, while in the same accident leaving her brother in a coma and leaving her with a severely injured back. Depression and doubt was plaguing her, especially when her prognosis for walking again was low. However, with the help of her Uncle Liam and her brother’s best friend, Jared, she was able to overcome a lot. Though she’s not a 100%, she is able to walk, but does have bouts where she still occasionally uses a wheelchair. After the accident, she wasn’t ready to face her friends so she moved in with her Uncle and started at a new school. 

He nuzzled at my neck. “I can’t change who I am.”
I shivered a little as his breath tickles me. “I’ll never ask you to change who you are. Although I might try to tweak you a little bit here and there.” 

Blake lost his sight about two years ago. A lot has changed since that time. He no longer wants to hang out with his friends, he’s become unapproachable and known to have a quite the temper. When he meets Hailey he was rude, harsh and just downright unfriendly. What did this girl want from him?

Hailey didn’t know what to make of Blake the first time she met him. She sensed a connection of some sort from him despite his cranky and moody disposition. It wouldn’t take long to find that out that she and Blake share a commonality. It was this commonality and empathy for each other that eventually brought them together.

He gave me a light kiss. “So you’ll be my girlfriend?
“Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“You’ll probably regret it at some point.”
I laughed. “You’re probably right,” I agreed teasingly. 

This was story had lots of emotional moments and is very heartwarming. I really enjoyed seeing Blake’s moody exterior coming crashing down. Bailey didn’t try to change him. As a matter of fact, he was still pretty moody, but just a toned down version of him. I loved it. The pace was just right and nothing was rushed, nor was there a ton of unnecessary drama nor angst. Just an all-around good, YA story.

Promo event & excerpt: The Story of You and Me by Pamela DuMond

The Story of You and Me
Pamela DuMond

 She’s driven to save a life.
He’s haunted by breaking one.
Some secrets are too risky to share.
But nothing’s more dangerous than falling in love…

Nineteen-year-old Sophie doesn’t listen to the naysayers because she has hope. The kind of hope that makes you do weird things—like travel two thousand miles away from everyone she knows and loves to a strange city.

So what if her first night in Los Angeles starts with a small misstep—a brief trip to the ER after twenty-one-year-old Alejandro, the hottest guy she’s ever met, saves her during a bar fight on the USCLA campus.
The stakes are high for Sophie—life and death—as she seeks answers to dark questions in a city that can be a slice of heaven, or a piece of hell. She’s running out of time on her journey to find healing. Falling for a guy isn’t part of her plan. But healing doesn’t always come the way you think you need it.
Sophie’s healing is six-foot-two-inches tall, has stunning hazel eyes, black, shiny hair and a rock solid chest that shelters her. Her healing is Alejandro.
But he’s not your typical college party boy—he has a dangerous past. Sophie isn’t the only one who keeps secrets. As they fall in love, he fears his truth might hurt her. And Sophie doesn’t know if she has the courage to tell him:
He can’t break her—because she’s already broken.
A Story of Hope.  A Story of Love.  A Story of Redemption.
Genre: Coming-of-Age, Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult, Mature Young Adult
Release date: September 17, 2013

Add to your TBR on Goodreads 
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“Go out with me, for real,” he said. “Not a yoga class or a walk on fire event, or a palm reading.”

I really wanted to say, yes. But, this would take us to a different place.
“We are so perfect right now,” I said. “I don’t want to screw up our relationship. I don’t want—”
He pulled me toward him and kissed me. One hand cradled the back of my head. He ran his fingers through my hair with his other hand. His lips were full and insistent. His tongue slipped inside my mouth like it was meant to be there. Tempting me. Claiming me. He tasted sweet.
And suddenly I felt like I was falling all over again. I leaned back against my front door as his lips moved from my mouth, trailing kisses down my face, down my neck.
“Sophie,” he breathed in my name. Then kissed me hard on the lips, his tongue exploring my mouth. One strong arm wrapped around my waist as he lifted me up a few inches off the ground toward him, my T-shirt scrunching up toward my breasts, my bared abdominal skin pressed tight against his thin T-shirt.
“Life is short, Sophie Marie Priebe. We are not perfect people. We don’t know how much time we will have together.”
He had no idea how scary prophetic he was being.

“But I will guarantee you this. We have something far more special than the majority of people. Consider this to be your official invitation—” His warm breath and the pressure of his full lips brought a flush to my skin. His hand traced down my neck toward the top of my T-shirt. He pulled the neckline back as he kissed my shoulder.

Shivers raced up and down my arms. “This is me. Officially asking you, Sophie, to, please, go out with me.” He tucked strands of my hair behind my ear. Kissed my ear. Kissed my hair. Kissed my shoulder.

“Yes, Alejandro. Yes, I will go out with you.” I tried to find my footing. Which was a little hard to do when he was still holding me six inches above the ground.
Gidget barked and I heard a kitchen window slam shut, muffling her yips.

“Voyeurs,” I said to Alejandro as his lips brushed mine.
He frowned. And slowly let me slide down his body. His gorgeous face. His dimpled chin. I closed my eyes because I just wanted to feel him: His muscular solid chest. His tight abs. His hardness. When my feet hit the ground, he backed away from me.
I swayed for a moment and wanted to say, “Fuck you, caution. Screw you, MS! You can’t own me. This is my time!”

“Gimme Shelter” blared from Alex’s phone. I opened my eyes and reached for him, but he was standing a couple feet away from me the sidewalk. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“Someone needs a Driver. I can’t believe it. Not tonight.” He stared at his phone.
“You’re leaving?”
“Sorry, Bonita. It’s important. I made a promise. I’ve gotta go.” He jogged toward his Jeep.
“Okay,” I said as my knees felt weak and I leaned against my door.
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” He got into his Jeep and drove away.
About the author
Pamela DuMond is the writer who discovered Erin Brockovich's life story, thought it would make a great movie and pitched it to 'Hollywood'.
She's addicted to The X Factor. The movies Love Actually and The Bourne trilogy (with Matt Damon -- not that other actor guy,) make her cry every time she watches them. (Like -- a thousand.) She likes her cabernet hearty, her chocolate dark and she lives for a good giggle.
When she's not writing Pamela's also a chiropractor and cat wrangler. She loves reading, the beach, yoga, movies, animals, her family and friends. She lives in Venice, California with her furballs. If she ever gets her act together, she might even blog more often.
She's constantly updating her website, which you can find at http://www.pameladumond.com

Event organized by AToMR Tours 

Reasons I fell for the Funny Fat Friend by Becca Ann

It’s stupid to fall for your brother’s ex. It’s even worse to enlist another’s help to win the ex over. But Brody is desperate and Hayley, his partner in American Sign Language, is more than willing to lend him a few tips. 

She’s the school’s matchmaker,’ and with her bizarre and positive personality, Brody finds her easy to talk to, even about the most awkward situations. Hayley’s tips seem to be working, but as Brody learns more about his matchmaker, he starts finding reasons to spend time with her, and not the girl he thought he was in love with. 

But Hayley isn’t ready to fall for anyone. Labeled the “Funny Fat Friend” within her group, her self image makes it impossible for Brody to share his feelings without Hayley shrugging it off as a joke. 

Convincing her Brody can, and did, fall for the “Funny Fat Friend” turns out to be harder than simply falling in love.

Written by Cassie Mae under the pen name Becca Ann

Four Stars

How could I want anyone else? She’s amazing, that girl. Damn sexy, funny, and just knows how to make me feel…all that crap you’re suppose to feel when you’re with the girl you just have to be around.
I need her.
No. I crave her. 

First off, do not get let the not so great title of this book steer you away. If I can be honest, it almost made me not want to read this book. The cover is cute and I really like it, but the title? Not so much. I hate that word: Fat. I’ve always had a complex about it, but I’m sure a lot of girls do. When do we women ever think we are ever skinny enough? lol. Exactly! However, I am a sucker for stories where the not so typical skinny minnies get the hot guy, so of course I had to read it. I’m very glad I did, too :)

“I’m not exactly Miss Size Zero.”
“I’m what they call the FFF.”
“The Funny Fat Friend.” 

Hayley has always been the FFF. She’s also the friend that guys go through to get to the girl they actually want. Kind of like the matchmaker, per se. She’s set up a lot of her friends this way. She’s always felt that this was her role: The inevitable matchmaker. So when she notices her American Sign Language friend, Brody, always constantly swooning at his brother’s ex-girlfriend, Quynn, she offers her help. 

I take a deep breath and grab her hand. I’m not going to let her shake me off this time. “I like you, alright? I want to date you not out of pity, but because I…I needto. Hayles, I can’t get you off my mind.” 

Brody didn’t know what he signed up for when he takes Hayley’s offer to help him win Quynn’s heart. Brody has always been infatuated with his brother’s ex. She’s every guys’ dream: Blonde, skinny, friendly and popular. However, the more time he spends with Hayley, the more he likes her. He’s never thought of her as fat or ugly. As a matter of fact, Brody thinks Hayley is beautiful, inside and out. She makes him laugh, and just feels naturally comfortable around her. The quirky little thinks she does drive him crazy. Who knew this girl would turn his life upside down? 

I’m not going to stop until she tells me to stop. I love her. And I want to have one of my firsts with her too. 

It takes Hayley forever to believe a guy like Brody would be interested in a girl like her. Brody tries to send the right signals, but it literally goes over her head and/or she just ignores it. However, when she does let him in, it was one of those moments where I couldn’t stop grinning. I was so flipping happy, it was ridiculous. 

Just pure Awesomesauce! 

This is another one of those impromptu reads that I just needed. Just an FYI, this is strictly YA. Not too much hanky panky going around, but there was a little. Let’s just say that it was enough to make me swoon. However, I did find the clean language a little too clean. The stuff that came out of Hayley’s mouth were a bit on the very cheesy, clean side, but then again, I have a sailor mouth so the lack of dirty talk made me a bit uncomfortable. LOL! Yea. I know…I have issues. Fuck. Shit. Damn. I mean, is it really that hard to say? LOL! 

Whoops! There I go, rambling again. My bad. LOL. Anyway, I LOVED the fact that the story was told in Brody’s POV. I love getting into the guy’s head. Its so cute how he struggled to come to the obvious conclusion. He’s just a sweetheart. 

The relationship between Brody and Hayley matures at a nice rate; nothing was ever rushed. Sometimes, I wished it moved a slight bit faster, but meh! I was still all good with the results ;) This was such a fast, predictable and enjoyable read and would recommend it to anyone looking for a very good, very cute and clean YA story. 

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits #1) by Katie McGarry

"I won't tell anyone, Echo. I promise." Noah tucked a curl behind my ear. It had been so long since someone touched me like he did. Why did it have to be Noah Hutchins? His dark brown eyes shifted to my covered arms. "You didn't do that-did you? It was done to you?" No one ever asked that question. They stared. They whispered. They laughed. But they never asked.

So wrong for each other...and yet so right.

No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal. But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

This is easily one of my favorite reads of the year and it even made my very selective crack-book shelf. This story is ridiculously good, no, it is excellent. It’s simply brilliant. The story and its characters were emotional, raw and beautiful. It was not your normal YA story. It was so much more than that. 

For people like me and Echo, our souls contained more scar tissue than life. 

Echo had it all. She had her mom, dad and beloved brother, Aires. She was also part of the popular crowd, member of the dance team and dating the captain of the basketball team. This was her normal. This was her life before Aires died serving in the military and before the incident with her mother. Even though she cannot recall all the events surrounding the incident, the event left her scarred physically and emotionally. She will no longer have normal. Now she’s seeing a therapist, her father is now married to her now pregnant former babysitter and no longer part of the popular crowd. This doesn’t deter Echo from trying to achieve normal again. She believes that if she can remember the events of the incident, she can start to heal and possibly start accept her life now. However, no one will tell her what happened, not her therapist and certainly not her father. She’s left to try piece everything together on her own. Desperate to find out, she befriends and enlists the help of Noah.

Noah wasn’t always about getting high, chasing girls and earning a bad reputation. He once had a promising future until the day he lost his parents, leaving him and his two younger brothers parentless and in the mercy of the foster care system. He and his younger brothers were separated and placed in the care of different foster families. Noah’s first foster family experience ended in disaster and was unfairly deemed as emotionally unstable. Convinced that his brothers were also placed in an unsuitable environment, he is determined to find out all he can about his brother’s family, hoping he can dig up dirt to use in a possible custody battle for his brothers once he turns eighteen. Unfortunately, his therapist will not give him the information he needs. Initially Echo was only there to help him and vise versa. According to Noah, she’s a siren. He’s not supposed to feel anything for her. He’s not a commitment/relationship type of guy. So what is it about Echo that makes him feel differently? She makes him want more. What is going on?

”Echo, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen because I don’t know. I don’t hold hands in the hallway or sit at anyone else’s lunch table. But I swear…on my brothers that you’ll never be a joke to me and you’ll be much more than a girl in the backseat of my car.” 

Echo and Noah were not designed for one another. Plus, in their own eyes and in the eyes of others, they’re deemed as damaged. Who would want all their baggage? The road to their relationship was rocky. They both denied their feelings for each other, thinking that it’ll just add further complications to their already difficult lives. Fate, however, brought these two together for a reason. They start to develop a trust not easily given to others and they slowly start to heal. Their relationship was real and raw. They made each other realize that there was more to life than what was dealt; that it was okay to want more. Together they made a passionate couple and my heart ached for them to work everything out. 

There is so much more I can say about this book. I can easily delve into how much I loved Echo and Noah and how they complemented each other perfectly. I can also start going and on about the secondary cast of characters, like Lila, Isaiah and Beth, which were all amazing, but that would make this review longer than it already is. 

My parting thoughts are as follows: This was just excellent. Its one of those stories that when you finish, you just want to flip back to the beginning and read everything all over again. I love Echo and Noah’s story. I love how emotional it is; I love how it made me angry; I love how it made me tear up. I especially love how happy I was with the end result. I love everything about this story. I highly, HIGHLY recommend!!