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Showing posts with label Three Stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Stars. Show all posts

#ReleaseBlitz ~ Night Fury: First Act by Belle Aurora

Night Fury Banner
My name is Catarina.
Or, that’s who I was christened to be, anyways.
I live in a convent. I am a nun in training. A postulant.
I am eighteen years old.

I am a predator.
No one is safe from me.

I am protected.
No one can get to me.

By day one way, by night another. They call on me.

My name is Catarina.
Codename: Night Fury.

No one is safe from me.

I will come for you.  

"I trail her down the dark, dimly-lit hall. The sounds of our footsteps echo through the narrow space. I’m walking towards my destiny. How poetic. We reach the end of the hall. Frankie clicks in her keypad code. More humming and buzzing, the steel door clicks opens and finally – finally – I’m home. I take the first step towards the rest of my life. And I do it wearing a shit-eating grin. This is exciting. I’m excited. My life will be thrown one-hundred-and-eighty degrees. From boring to extraordinary. I can’t wait. “Welcome back to Mirage.” Frankie utters as she starts her descent down the stairs to the ground floor." - Catarina, Night Fury  

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About the Author
Belle Aurora
Belle Aurora is was born in the land down under. 

At an early age she fell in love with reading. Boredom one summer had her scouring the bookshelves at home. She stumbled across Sandra Brown’s Breath of Scandal and fell in love with romance.

Having been brought up in a loud and boisterous family of Croatian descent, she developed a natural love for dramatics and humor. Only some years ago had she discovered a new love. 

Humorous romance novels.

Kristen Ashley and R.L. Mathewson had opened a brand new world where she could lose herself yet feel safe and at home in their stories. Belle has been known to become a screeching banshee while anxiously awaiting their newest titles.
Belle never thought she would write. It had never interested her until recently. Her first novel, Friend-Zoned began to form and in February 2013 Belle typed the words Chapter One. And she fell in love.
With words.
With writing.
With a creative imagination she never knew she harbored.

In this moment, I’m happy. In this moment, I’m not Catarina the postulant, or Cat the orphan, or even Night Fury. I’m just a young woman with a crust on a guy who seems to like her, too.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I saw this book, but I knew Belle Aurora wrote it so I had to give it a go. The synopsis sounded intriguing, especially since the heroine is a postulant. I was like, “what the fuck?” Seriously? A nun in training? Will this be some sort of forbidden romance type story? Or is there something else going on? There was only one way to find out.

My lesson that day was simple. I am a gift and this is God’s will.

The story first begins with Catarina’s training, but what exactly is she training for? Another oddity is who is training her -- the answer: A priest. But as the story goes on, it becomes a little clearer that these people are more than they appear. Things start to get more interesting when Catarina receives her first assignment as well as meet her team’s newest member – Marco (Codename: Flamethrower).

My logic on this is simple. After tonight, after what I did, I don’t feel as if I have a right to remain pure. I want to be tainted, to be as imperfect as my job. I need to be dirtied, and Marco can do that for me.

I’m not a fan of serial novellas because ninety-nine percent of the time, the story is left unresolved and we have to wait for the next installment. This is no different. It was really hard trying to figure out what was going on in such a short period of time. By the time the story started to pick up, it just ended abruptly. Part of me wants to read the next installment, but this didn’t really give me enough to want to continue; I kind of wished it ended in a different place, that way, I had a little bit more to go on. Does that make sense? I don’t know. We’ll see when the next one releases.

**Complementary advanced copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review**

Maybe Baby Lite (Baby Series Lite #1) by Andrea Smith

Baby Series Lite is the anniversary edition of last summer’s Baby Series. These Lite editions have been condensed from the originals to accommodate those readers who prefer a shorter read. The essence of the story is the same, but its length has been edited and bonus chapters added on Book 2 and 3! 

This anniversary edition of 'Maybe Baby’ has been condensed from the original book to accommodate those readers who prefer a shorter read. Since the original book was released without fanfare, many readers weren't aware of this wonderful story and the continuation of it in the rest of the Baby Series Lite!

When college student Tylar Preston goes to work for the wealthy Sinclair family stables the summer of her senior year, she quickly meets with unexpected events and the disturbing unraveling of her past. Is her past destined to taint her future?

Pulling Tylar from unspeakable danger, Trey Sinclair, an arrogant high-powered attorney makes it his mission to protect the innocent and unworldly young woman from the dreams that haunt her. Spirited and independent, Tylar proves to be a challenge to the stubborn and unyielding young lawyer. Together their often bumpy journey weaves itself mysteriously, comically, passionately and erotically down a path that promises to engage and move the reader in this emotionally stirring story.

For anyone who has ever been in love or in lust, 'Maybe Baby Lite' will stir those forgotten feelings of passion and emotion within you; making you ageless as you travel the romantic and erotic journey with Tylar and Trey unraveling the secrets of their past.

This book is intended for mature audiences.

Three Strong Stars

I’m fucked up, that’s why! I smother her, I fucking smother her. I can’t help it…I love her. 

I came across this book a lot, but was never in the right mood for it. Plus, I was a bit leery considering the original book was six hundred plus pages. Whoa, right? But after my friend, SueBee, told me that the story was being cut down (practically half in length), it definitely moved up on my TBR. However, when I received the opportunity to read an ARC of the ‘shortened’ version, I couldn’t resist. 

This story is about Tylar & Trey. Tylar is a twenty-year-old equine studies student. She starts her summer by working for Sinclair Stables. There she meets Trey Sinclair. He’s older than Tylar and the sparks fly when they first meet. Even throughout their initial banter, it was apparent that these two had massive chemistry. Though I really wouldn’t categorize this as insta-love, I can totally see it being perceived that way.

Anyway, as we get to know Tylar, we find out that her past is pretty traumatizing. Her mother? OMG! I can’t even call her that. She is a vile and selfish character. I couldn’t believe half the things she did to Tylar. She was not a mother; she was cruel, selfish and her behavior was just deplorable; she seriously disgusts me. No wonder Tylar’s memories are a bit hazy. I would be having nightmares too. Needless to say, Tylar is slightly damaged, but just slightly. 

Tylar is a likeable character for the most part, but what I didn’t get was why Trey was so into her. I couldn’t see what was so special about her; I couldn’t feel their connection, like at all. Like I said, Tylar is likeable, but there were a lot of times where she rubbed me the wrong way. I was all like, “Geezus, Trey, what do you see in this girl? She is not worth all this trouble.” True story. 

As for Trey, well what I can say? I really liked him. I LOVED the fact that he was all Alpha and super possessive (yea, I know I have issues lol). But I just couldn’t understand his attraction to Tylar. I think that is why I couldn’t really give the story more than three stars. I liked the fact that it had a bit of suspense, and the scenes with Trey and Tylar: H-O-T., but I just couldn’t connect with Tylar and Trey’s relationship. 

But please do not let my lack of connection deter you from reading this. It has gotten a lot of wonderful reviews, and I can understand why. It has a lot of things readers of romance love in their stories: Alpha Hero, young innocent heroine, a little bit of mystery, lots of bantering and flirting between the H/h, which ultimately leads to some very smexy scenes :)

Thank you Andrea Smith for providing this ARC for an honest review 

Mid-Life Love by Whitney G.

If you'd asked me what love was two years ago, I probably would've said, 'It's this amazing feeling that obsesses and possesses you; it's what me and my husband currently have.' If you ask me that same question today, I'll say, 'Please get the hell out of my face.’

Claire Gracen's life is picture perfect. Her career as a marketing director is on the brink of being legendary, and her marriage to her high school sweetheart has never been stronger. No, wait. It has. It used to be amazing and fulfilling, but one day Claire realizes that she's been living a lie and her best friend and husband have committed the ultimate betrayal.

Broken and depressed, Claire is in need of something new—new city, new job, new friends. 

When she happens to attract the interest of the sexiest man she's ever met, a man significantly younger than her, she immediately turns him down—only to later discover that this man is Jonathan Statham, self-made billionaire and CEO of Statham Industries. Her boss.

Jonathan Statham is unlike any man she's met before. He's used to getting whatever he wants—whenever he wants, and he isn't about to take no for an answer. 

Sexy, unpredictable, and charmingly clever, Mid Life Love is a story that will captivate you, entertain you, and force you to fall deeply in love with the characters.

Three Stars

I'm a huge fan of the older woman / younger man stories. Can't get enough of them really. So when one of my GR friends pointed this out, I was giddy. However, with that said, I'm kinda sad that I didn't like it as much. To be frank, I couldn't get over the annoying heroine. The Hero, however, is COMPLETELY swoon-worthy. Loved Jonathan! He made the story worthwhile. He was sexy, sweet, possessive and just HOT. How he never gave up on her, is a complete miracle. Claire was constantly battling her insecurities, especially their age difference. She continuously turns him down, while he incessantly pursues her. Why? I still don't know. I know she's gorgeous and all, and is different from the women he's previously dated, but I seriously didn't get it. It seemed a little forced to be honest. 

**Sigh** Only in books. 

In real life, she would've been dumped and left. No one deserved that kind of rejection over and over again. Plus! How could he be okay with keeping their relationship a secret? For the majority of the book, she kept wanting it between just them, no matter how much he wanted to show the world how proud he was to have her as his. Really, Claire? Really? Yea. You totally deserved to be bitch-slapped. 

Like I said, I wished I had liked this more. It had so much potential, but the heroine completely ruined it for me.

The Valentine's Arrangement by Kelsie Leverich

Tattoo artist Ronnie Clark is counting the days until Valentine's Day is over. Ronnie doesn't do romance. She doesn't do flowers or dates, and she sure as hell doesn't do love--not anymore. After her fiancé cheated on her while deployed, she has vowed never to fall in love again, especially with a soldier.

Sergeant First Class Kale Emerson is home on his mid-tour leave from Iraq, but he can't wait to return to finish leading his soldiers on their mission. He's got no time for a relationship...but casual sex, that's a different story. And when he meets Ronnie, a snarky, gorgeous, take-no-prisoners kind of woman, a fast fling is all he can think about. But when Kale realizes he's met his match with a bombshell woman who is hell bent against love, will just sex be enough? And will winning her over both body and soul be the toughest battle he ever fought?
Three Stars

"You can stop mind fucking me now."
Kale's eyes came close to popping out of his head. "Excuse me?"
Ronnie rolled her eyes. "Let's get this straight, Soldier. I'm not sleeping with you. You can get it out of your pretty little head, and I suggest you do so before I stick a needle to your skin." 

I saw this book on Facebook, thought the cover was beautiful, the blurb interesting and the next thing I knew, I had to have it. Maybe it was the kind of day I was having or if I was just in one of those moods where the cover was too pretty to say no to, but I had to start reading it immediately. I hate to say it, but this story didn't wow me. 

”I don’t have a problem with pain, baby. Touch me wherever your little heart desires,” he whispered as his mouth reached her ear.
Holy fucking…he was driving her body insane. 

Ronnie is a very talented tattoo artist who broke up with her ex-fiancé after finding out he cheated on her while he was deployed in Afghanistan. Men are just cheating bastards. With Valentines Day just around the corner, the last thing she needs is to meet a man like Kale. He’s a soldier and is sex on a stick. It’s pure lust at first site for both Kale and Ronnie. Both aren’t looking for a relationship, but both agree to just a physical relationship. I mean, he’ll be leaving soon again anyway, right? No strings attached, just sex. 

Well obviously we all know where the story goes from here. I did find Kale sexy and hot, though Ronnie did annoy me a little. I didn’t mind the predictability and the steam factor is very hot, but there was just something missing. I can’t really pinpoint it, but it’s the reason for the three star rating.