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Showing posts with label Tara Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tara Brown. Show all posts

My Side by Tara Brown

Erin Benson felt like she'd won the lottery when she arrived all the way from North Dakota with the keys to her first home in hand.

Crisp white walls: Check. 

Breathtaking view of downtown Boston: Check. 
Minutes from Northeastern School of Law: Check.

But home is not always where the heart is. Sometimes it’s where you find Mr. Random shacked up and sprawled out on what was supposed to be your new bed.
Between the bear spray and the handcuffs, she discovers a terrible mistake has been made.
Lochlan hasn't broken into her new home to sleep with a seedy barmaid...he owns half.

With emotions running on high, Erin is determined to tough it out until a solution can be found.
The tight quarters seem smaller with his accumulated clutter and bizarre sleeping schedule. It also doesn't help that he's the new lead singer for Thin Ice, an indie band on its rise to fame.
What happens when a quiet bookworm gets stuck with a relentless rocker?
What happens when the things you see are not the things you get?

3.5 Stars

“Safe and easy is for pussies. Be amazing and different. Be grateful for the uniqueness in you.” ~ Lochlan 

Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Another rock star book…Seriously? OMG. I’m such a fucking sucker and so fucking predictable sometimes, I make myself sick. So yes, folks…here I am again, sucked into another story involving a musician. I can’t help it. The blurb was too good to pass up. My last book was on the darker side, so I wanted something light and predicable. Is that what I got though? Yea…that’s a big fat NO. I’ll rant all about it at the end of this review. Oh yippie! lol

He was too close to me, smelling good and hovering. I liked it and I could rationalize the devil out of it, but something about him made me want to take my shirt off. 

Erin and Lochlan first met under the weirdest circumstances. She’s just moved into Boston and when she first enters her new home, she finds a stranger in her bedroom, getting it on with some chickie. So what does she do? Maces the poor guy. What they both didn’t suspect is that they have mistakenly rented the same place and are now stuck with as roomies until another place can be found. 

Erin and Lochlan are as opposite as they come, well, at least initially until we find out more about Lochlan. Erin is studying to be a lawyer, while Lochlan and his band are up and coming musicians. They’re already well known in the area and their star is quickly rocketing. 

They reluctantly become roomies for the time being, but their chemistry is undeniable. They try and try to deny what’s going on between them, but sooner or later, someone was going to crack. It was inevitable. 

“You need to look into my eyes and see the person I’m looking at. There won’t ever be anyone but you in there. When you see me at the show or signing autographs, that’s not me. This right now, with you, is me.” He stopped, pulling me into his embrace, “it’s always been me with you.” 

Lochlan is the lead singer of the band, Thin Ice, but is mostly well known for his gigantic screw up on America’s Most Talented Stars. His screw up led him to be kicked off the show. Anyway, with his star power, of course he’s a ladies man. Duh, thought you didn’t see that coming, huh? LOL. I know…predictable. Anyway, his whoring ways slowly start to simmer down, especially after he meets Erin. She has NO idea who he is and is not afraid to put him in his place. Lochlan finds that oddly refreshing and becomes smitten with his pretty roomie. She, on the other hand, is a stubborn cow. (Sorry, but it’s SO true!) She’s so attracted to him, but is always reluctant to believe that a musician like him could ever remain faithful. He constantly tries to win her heart, and every single time you think they finally have a shot, Erin’s insecurities bubbles up and ruins it. Seriously. They must’ve gone back and forth like twenty million times in the book -- hook up, break up, stay friends, hook up, break up, stay friends, hook up --- Yea you get the picture. 

“I don’t have to be a singer. I don’t have to be in a band. I don’t have to do anything in this whole world. But I do have to make you love me again." 

This book is a little on the angsty side. Believe me when I say it, but it didn’t have to be. What pissed me off the most about this book is the heroine. Shocking, I know. UGH!! I wanted to fucking bitch slap Erin so fucking badly…she had my blood pressure up and my palms twitchy. The ONLY saving grace of the story is the Hero, Lochlan. How he tolerated that selfish cow is beyond me. He made the story better. I loved how he never gave up on her. In my opinion, she wasn’t worth all the attention. Yea, she annoyed the fuck out of me. If I were to base my rating solely on her, it would’ve easily been a one to two star read. Yes, she annoyed me that badly. However, I upped it to 3.5 stars, mostly because of Lochlan, but I can’t deny that I was drawn into the drama