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Showing posts with label Suzanne Wright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suzanne Wright. Show all posts

From Rags by Suzanne Wright

There has only been three people in Jaxxon Carter's life who truly mattered to her. Her mum, who committed suicide. Her sister, who she hasn’t seen since her teens. And Connor McKenzie, who disappeared from her life the same day he left their foster home. The hardest part of that was that he never completely left her life because she was forever seeing him on T.V. or in magazines as a Formula One Driver. But Jaxxon refuses to live a ‘woe is me’ life, even in spite of living alone in her one-roomed flat and being expected to survive on a ridiculously low income. Then one night she is offered a modelling job and before she knows it she has been catapulted to the peak of success, gaining fame, fortune and security. Oh and a stalker. 

Connor McKenzie is busy trying to shake off his crazy ex-girlfriend – another woman who thought she could get around his no marriage rule – when he sees Jaxxon on the cover of a magazine. Remembering how close they had once been, he’s shocked when she doesn’t respond to his attempts to contact her and then acts indifferently to him when they meet. But Connor can’t let it go. The only reason he had kept his hands off her ten years ago was that she had been younger than him. Now that they’re adults, he isn’t prepared to allow anything – not even Jaxxon – to stop him from having her. 

Warning: This novel contains a bitchy female who curses like a sailor, a persistent alpha male who doesn’t understand the word ‘no’, and explicit hot sex in some very public places.
Five++ Bloody Brilliant Stars :)
Okay. I need to calm my arse down a little here. Normally I would swoon over the Hero, but I must say, I loved the heroine more. Yes, I would go bi for this cheeky Brit. Mother Lord Jaxxon was a fantastic female lead. She was not your typical heroine. She’s beautiful, but she’s no where near conceited. She’s ballsy, curses like a sailor, and not at all intimidated by anyone. She tells it how it is and there is no censor on that mouth of hers. She’s mental and I effin love her. God knows I read a ton of books, but Jaxxon is my first ever female crush. 

Alright, with that said, I must also give our hero, Connor, his due. It takes a mans-man to tame Jaxxon. Connor is all Alpha. He’s sexy, extremely possessive, and can easily kick anyone’s arse. He doesn’t do relationships. Because of his star status, he could have his pick of any woman, so why settle? Of course there are other reasons why he will never commit, but that’s for you to read and find out. However, Jaxxon is his Achilles heel. He just won’t admit it yet. 

Jaxxon and Connor are former foster kids. They grew up together with Connor always looking out for Jaxxon. She’s always had this sort of magnetism that attracts the opposite sex, even the creepers. Connor was always there to fight off any bloke who even looked at her funny. However, when it was time for Connor to leave the system, he left Jaxxon promising her that he would back. Jaxxon has always loved Connor and it devastated her when everyone she loved, especially Connor, left her. 

Fast forward eight years. Jaxxon is working as a barmaid working at a shite-hole pub fending off creepers. She always held her own and no one ever intimidated her. Believe it or not, it was at this pub that she was discovered. A model scout, looking for the right face for a new line of cosmetics, found her I-don’t-give-a-shite-I-can-wipe-your-arse-on-the-floor attitude alluring and automatically knew she was the right girl for the job. The more pissed off she was, the better she came off on camera. Jaxxon couldn’t believe she was model. She never thought of herself that way. She was reluctant, but knowing that it would give her financial security she wants to live on her own terms, she took it.

Connor was now a famous Formula One driver. He’s got a shag em’ and leave em’ reputation when it comes to women. It was during another break-up that he happened to notice Jaxxon on a cover of a magazine. He decides to phone her thinking that they could just “catch up”. Jaxxon doesn’t even return his call. He is frustrated and curious to know why. When they unintentionally see each other at a charity event, all hell broke loose. Jaxxon wants nothing to do him and Connor will not take “no” for an answer. What do you pair up an Alpha male and an Alpha female? A f**king great story. 

The chemistry between the two was beyond intense. Good God these two were off the bloody charts. I bloody loved everything about their story and add the fact that they were both Brits (and if you know me, I love everything British) and that the story took place in London, how could I not love this story!? It was fantastic and I'm so happy I found this gem. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!