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Showing posts with label Sexually Frustrating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexually Frustrating. Show all posts

Bound (Fire on Ice #1) by Brenda Rothert

College senior Kate Camden has learned to adapt - to her last year of school, to the promise of motherhood, to the fact that she’s doing it all alone. But just when she’s learned to adjust, heartache threatens to break her apart.

Pro hockey player Jason “Ryke” Ryker has it all: adoring fans, a promising career, and a beautiful wife. But when his seemingly perfect life is shaken by tragedy, he’s left questioning whether having it all is ever more than an illusion.

When circumstance brings Kate and Ryke together, they discover they don’t have to hurt alone. Bound by a grief that haunts them both, they must rely on one another to survive heartbreak. But that grief is more powerful than they realize, and the tie that binds them together may ultimately tear them apart.
Four Stars

Death is our fucked up camaraderie 

Death. Love. Second chances. Hockey.

So, yea. I couldn’t refuse this book once I found it. Both the H/h suffered a huge loss. It was this type of commonality that brought these two together. Knowing that, you knew going into this, this was going to be an emotional read. However, as the story unfolded, it wasn’t the grief nor the sadness that made me a hot mess. No worries, I’ll delve into that in a sec. 

I wasn’t the only one. Funny how I felt more kinship with this random mix of strangers than a lot of my longtime friends. 

Kate Camden suffered the loss of her 18-week-old baby. The pregnancy was purely accidental, and though she was initially conflicted about it, in the end she very much wanted the baby. With the help of her mother, she was ready to raise her baby without the father. But when she lost her baby, she was never the same. She was left a broken mess and a future with children uncertain. To help her move forward from her loss, her mother convinces her to attend a grief support group. This is where she meets NHL Hockey player, Jason “Ryke” Ryker. 

But it was something else about her that was commanding my attention. That sadness on her face – I’d been there. The haunted look in her eyes – I’d looked that way. She’d lost someone, and though I didn’t even know who, I felt like she knew me. I wanted to wrap her in my arms, take her to bed and make her feel something so deep and powerful it made the sadness go away 

Ryke was still grieving the loss of his wife. The support group has helped him a lot through his loss. When he sees the newest addition to the group, he was immediately drawn to her. He learns that she’s in need of a job. So what does he do? Offer her a position as his personal assistant. He is desperate to find out more about her, but the more time they spend together, the more interested he becomes. 

I wished for words to soothe her, but I didn’t have any. I was a hockey player, for Christ’s sake. My favorite words were fuck and fucking. 

Having feelings for Kate not only confuses him, but it completely freaks him out. He loved his wife, but their marriage was far from perfect. He doesn’t want to freak Kate out, but then again he’s trying way to hard to not make the same mistakes he did when he was married. But he slowly starts to realize that Kate is not like his wife at all, and that realization makes Kate more intriguing. 

And that was it. As soon as I heard those words I knew this was a man I could fall deeply in love with. If I let go of the tight hold I had on my heart, he would own it. 

**Sigh** These two constantly fight their attraction to one another. They’re both very hesitant to take things between them further – Kate especially. OMG! Does it make me a horrid person because I just wanted to tell Kate to get the fuck over it already?I know, I know. I should be more sympathetic, but my patience grew very thin when it came to Kate. Ryke was nothing but a gentleman to her. He was sweet, kind, generous and did nothing to deserve the mixed signals she constantly gave him. One minute they’re hot and heavy, but then out of the blue Kate puts the kibosh on it. Ugh. 

So aside from the female blue balls I got while reading this, I did enjoy it. Plus it helped a lot that Ryke was a hot hockey player. I’m a sucker for hockey and hockey players. I kid you not, but as I write this review, I’m watching HBO 24/7: Red Wings/Maple Leafs Road to the Winter Classic. If you do not know what that is, that’s okay (I guess.) I’m a die-hard Red Wings fan and I LOVE hockey players. Le sigh… Sorry, I digress. I look forward to the sequel, and no worries…this does have an ending of sorts, but I’m glad there’s more to their story. 

Price of a Kiss by Linda Kage

*new adult romance*

**explicit scenes and language**

I don’t care what my cousin says; I am not the queen of impossible relationships. I mean, just because my last boyfriend tried to kill me and left a bit of a scar on my neck, then forced me to move across the country and legally change my name to Reese Randall to escape him, does not mean—

Oh, who am I kidding? For a freshman in college, I have to have the worst dating track record ever.

It’s no wonder love is the last thing on my mind when Mason Lowe enters my life. But the chemistry between us is like bam! Our connection defies logic. And he’s just so freaking hot. Being around him makes me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt before. I even like bickering with him. He could be my soul mate...except for one teeny tiny glitch.

He's a gigolo.

Boy, do I know how to pick them.
3.5-3.75 Stars

“Every woman treats me that way, Reese. I’m not a person to them. I’m just…a good time or something vile to be avoided at all costs. And then you came along and you…you hugged me. You are the first person who sees me, Mason, not sex for sale." 

I can never turn down gigolo stories. Hence why I wanted to read this as soon as possible. The synopsis immediately grabbed my attention. I knew going in that this was not going to be a typical, straight forward romance. Oh no. There were a whole lot of other things in the mix. This was definitely interesting read. 

“Sometimes it’s more about the quality than the quantity that counts.” 

Reese has the worst track record when it comes to men. I mean her last boyfriend did try to kill her. Now she’s in hiding waiting for his trial to begin. He’s one very determined stalker. Now she’s miles away from her home, attending a new school. Luckily she is staying with her cousin so at least she has some support. On her very first day, she immediately notices Mason. How could you not? He’s very attractive, very sexy and apparently very unattainable. Why? Because rumor has it that he’s a gigolo. Ah, her luck just continues. 

“I could never deserve you. You’re too good for me. You’re out of my reach.” 

Mason did not want this life, but circumstances in his life lead him to this path. We find out how he got involved in the very beginning of the book. And for the record, that prologue was hard for me to read. It was downright cringe-worthy. Poor Mason. He was stuck between a rock and hard place when he fell down that path. What else could he do? He needed to take care of his mother and his little sister Sarah, who in addition has Cerebral Palsy. Responsibilities just keep piling up. And things just get even more complicated when Reese enters his life. He wants her, but knows he can’t have her, not while he’s still doingthat. Ugh. This is such a cluster fuck. 

“You’re the warm sun that shines when everything else is dark,” he went on, lifting his hands to rest them against the wall on either side of face. “A smile and a hug in a roomful of disapproval. You’re…” Wincing, he pressed his forehead against mine. “You’re everything.”
A single tear trickled down my cheek. My smile trembled with effort. “I love you too.” 

Eventually Reese and Mason become friends - close, flirty friends, mind you. Lines get blurred, but both remain adamant to not cross it. I really liked seeing their friendship blossom, and it kept the story interesting. I admired Mason’s control and would even go as far as calling him admirable. As for Reese…well, it took me a long time to get use to her. She was incredibly superficial in the beginning and it took a while for her character to develop. I did love their flirty moments, but as the story went on, I felt myself getting antsy. I wanted something to happen. I mean COME ON! Ugh. Anyway, the first 70% was me waiting for them to finally get it and when they finally did, BOOM! Something happens and I was left shocked. I understood where Mason came from and the reasoning behind his actions, but that does not mean I liked it…at all! It completely rubbed me the wrong way, offended the hell out of me and left a horrible taste in my mouth. I just couldn’t get over it….hence, the less than four-star rating. Anyway, I did like the majority of this book, and it was a good story, but that thing was just...wrong. Grr! 

Josh & Hannah (Redwood Falls #1) by Lynda Chance

Josh Turner wants Hannah more than life itself. She's perfect and new . . . but she's a McIntyre. She's from the richest family in the county, and he's a Turner, from the wrong side of the proverbial tracks. And to make matters worse, there's no love lost between their families.

New Adult 92K words / suitable for 18+ AN ALPHA-MALE IN THE MAKING

Four Stars

“You belong to me now, understand? You’re mine; we’re exclusive. Nobody else gets to touch you, and I mean not at all.” His nostrils flared and Hannah’s heart stopped before taking up a faster cadence. “I own you.” His eyes searched hers. “I hope like hell you can handle it.” 

Saw this book last night while surfing GR last night and when I saw the words Alpha-Male in the making, I was sold. God, I’m so easy. This was pretty simple read, nothing too complex or anything, though it was a bit repetitive at times. 

For those looking for an adult, steamy novel, this isn’t really what you want. I guess it’s more of a New Adult – with just a little bit of steam, lots of making out which led to a whole lot of sexual frustration. But that’s okay. The main reason why I picked it up was because of Josh – the Alpha-Male in the making. 

Josh was stunned when his kiss of compassion derailed against his will, because a kiss of hunger and need. 

Hannah McIntyre and Josh Turner have been neighbors for most of their life, but their lives are nothing alike. Hannah comes from a wealthy, loving family. Josh spent most of his childhood with his abusive, low-life drunk of father. At the age of thirteen, his aunt and uncle took him away from that life, but he constantly worried that the reputation of his father would follow him. 

Hannah was only fifteen when her and Josh’s life would change forever. When he witnessed beautiful young Hannah being shunned by the mean girls at this high school, he felt the need to intervene. He kissed her in front of everyone. He soon found out that he was her first kiss. After that revelation, he instant felt the need to protect her; to possess her. He has never felt this way about anyone before, not in his eighteen years of his life. Women have always come easy. She turned his world upside down, but there was a catch: She was a McIntyre and she was only fifteen.

He wanted her with an ache in his gut that he knew couldn’t be appeased by someone else. There was no sense in even trying. It had to be Hannah. Only Hannah. And with turmoil settling in his stomach, he knew that he couldn’t have her. At least not yet. 

As much as Josh wanted Hannah, he knew he had to set some limits. He was eighteen, she fifteen. She was a girl with a good reputation, good family background, and he was the son of drunk. What could he possibly give her? But no matter what, he couldn’t stay away from her. Their connection strong, their hold on each other was beyond anything either could comprehend. They were infatuated with one another. Could two people with so many roadblocks (family, money, age) have a chance at a relationship? 

All he could think about was the fact that no one would ever have Hannah but him. He would have all her kisses, he would be the guy who took her out and held her clamped to his side; he would be the one who eventually took her virginity 

It’s no secret that the biggest reason why I enjoyed this story so much was because of Josh and his extreme Alpha-ness; he was possessive, strong, and oh so protective of Hannah. I will never tire of Alpha Heroes. NEVER. I’m sure guys who are like this in real life aren’t as charming, but that’s why I love immersing myself in these types of books where I know, well at least the majority of the time, that they have a soft spot for the women they love. **sigh** Yea, I can’t get enough of them. 

The story did get a little repetitive at times, especially in regards to why Josh was so adamant on waiting. It felt like every chapter it had to be repeated that he was waiting for her to become of age. Not only that, but he was fixated at how Hannah had come from a family of wealth. Oh the pride of men. Very repetitive. 

I will definitely be checking out the next book in the series about Hannah’s brother, Zach and Josh’s cousin, Katie. I had an inkling that these two had some chemistry brewing. I’m so looking forward to reading that. 

Mid-Life Love by Whitney G.

If you'd asked me what love was two years ago, I probably would've said, 'It's this amazing feeling that obsesses and possesses you; it's what me and my husband currently have.' If you ask me that same question today, I'll say, 'Please get the hell out of my face.’

Claire Gracen's life is picture perfect. Her career as a marketing director is on the brink of being legendary, and her marriage to her high school sweetheart has never been stronger. No, wait. It has. It used to be amazing and fulfilling, but one day Claire realizes that she's been living a lie and her best friend and husband have committed the ultimate betrayal.

Broken and depressed, Claire is in need of something new—new city, new job, new friends. 

When she happens to attract the interest of the sexiest man she's ever met, a man significantly younger than her, she immediately turns him down—only to later discover that this man is Jonathan Statham, self-made billionaire and CEO of Statham Industries. Her boss.

Jonathan Statham is unlike any man she's met before. He's used to getting whatever he wants—whenever he wants, and he isn't about to take no for an answer. 

Sexy, unpredictable, and charmingly clever, Mid Life Love is a story that will captivate you, entertain you, and force you to fall deeply in love with the characters.

Three Stars

I'm a huge fan of the older woman / younger man stories. Can't get enough of them really. So when one of my GR friends pointed this out, I was giddy. However, with that said, I'm kinda sad that I didn't like it as much. To be frank, I couldn't get over the annoying heroine. The Hero, however, is COMPLETELY swoon-worthy. Loved Jonathan! He made the story worthwhile. He was sexy, sweet, possessive and just HOT. How he never gave up on her, is a complete miracle. Claire was constantly battling her insecurities, especially their age difference. She continuously turns him down, while he incessantly pursues her. Why? I still don't know. I know she's gorgeous and all, and is different from the women he's previously dated, but I seriously didn't get it. It seemed a little forced to be honest. 

**Sigh** Only in books. 

In real life, she would've been dumped and left. No one deserved that kind of rejection over and over again. Plus! How could he be okay with keeping their relationship a secret? For the majority of the book, she kept wanting it between just them, no matter how much he wanted to show the world how proud he was to have her as his. Really, Claire? Really? Yea. You totally deserved to be bitch-slapped. 

Like I said, I wished I had liked this more. It had so much potential, but the heroine completely ruined it for me.

Wait for You (Wait for You #1) by J. Lynn

Some things are worth waiting for…

Traveling thousands of miles from home to enter college is the only way nineteen-year-old Avery Morgansten can escape what happened at the Halloween party five years ago—an event that forever changed her life. All she needs to do is make it to her classes on time, make sure the bracelet on her left wrist stays in place, not draw any attention to herself, and maybe—please God—make a few friends, because surely that would be a nice change of pace. The one thing she didn’t need and never planned on was capturing the attention of the one guy who could shatter the precarious future she’s building for herself.

Some things are worth experiencing…

Cameron Hamilton is six feet and three inches of swoon-worthy hotness, complete with a pair of striking blue eyes and a remarkable ability to make her want things she believed were irrevocably stolen from her. She knows she needs to stay away from him, but Cam is freaking everywhere, with his charm, his witty banter, and that damn dimple that’s just so… so lickable. Getting involved with him is dangerous, but when ignoring the simmering tension that sparks whenever they are around each other becomes impossible, he brings out a side of her she never knew existed.

Some things should never be kept quiet…

But when Avery starts receiving threatening emails and phone calls forcing her to face a past she wants silenced, she’s has no other choice but to acknowledge that someone is refusing to allow her to let go of that night when everything changed. When the devastating truth comes out, will she resurface this time with one less scar? And can Cam be there to help her or will he be dragged down with her?

And some things are worth fighting for…

4.25-4.5 Stars

“Go out with me,” he asked, running a hand through his wet hair, pushing it back from his face. 
“No,” I whispered.
And then the dimple appeared in his cheek, and I let out the breath I was holding. He started up the steps. “There’s always tomorrow.”
I followed him. “Tomorrow’s not going to change anything.”
“We’ll see.”
“There’s nothing to see. You’re wasting your time.”
“When it concerns you, it’s never a waste of my time,” he replied. 

Le Sigh. The very first thing I have to say is that I FUCKING LOVE CAMERON! Ok, there I said it. Sorry folks, but I had to get that out first. Cameron has joined my elite ultimate book boyfriend shelf. He made this story awesome. 

Okay, now that I have that out of my system, onto my review :)

“If a cookie was a code word, whatever it symbolizes, it’s been in your mouth, sweetheart.” ~ Cam 

Fine. I confess. Cam never really left my system. LOL. I love him too much to not repeat some of his memorable lines. Seriously. The guy can get underneath your skin like no other. He’s beyond swoon-worthy with his adorable dimple, his sexy smirk, his tattoo, his abs, his ability to cook eggs and his pet tortoise, Raphael: He was just simply fucking adorable! **sigh**

Anyway… **giggle**

He first met Avery when she accidently ran into him on her way to their Astronomy class. It also turned out that he lived down the hall in the same apartment building as she. It seemed like Avery couldn’t shake this guy loose, but then again why would you want to. But then again, Avery is a whole new level of messed up.

Avery. OMG. There were times where I wanted to slap her. I’m telling ya’ll right now: You need all the patience in the world to deal with Avery. Seriously. What is up with these heroines I’ve been reading lately? My palms have been twitching a lot lately. Sheesh! I know, I know, she has issues, like huge, massive ones. She’s attending college far, far away from home because she is running away from her past; life in her hometown has simply become unbearable. After an incident at a Halloween party when she was fourteen has left her with no friends, and an unsupportive family. No wonder she’s one hot mess. Then along comes Cam and slowly, like really, really slowly her life begins to shift for the better. 

“I’m serious about you, Avery. If you want me for real, you have me.”
Closing my eyes, I placed my hands on his chest. “I want you for real.” 

I LOVE Jennifer Armentrout’s style: She’s able to create memorable characters and her execution of telling a story is near flawless. Though there were definite fun times and laughter in this story, which is classic Armentrout style, there were some very mature subject matters that were dealt here. I would like to dive into them, but alas, I cannot do that without giving out spoilers. Though I was expecting more of an adult novel, this read more like a New Adult/Mature YA book: Yes, there were smexy scenes, but not as much as they were in her previous J. Lynn books. 

I must confess, the first 70% of the book, you were left in an unending state of unsatisfied bliss. LOL. In other words: Sexually frustrated! Not to mention the emotional toll the story took: I was spent. No seriously, this book will do that to you. 

Sexual frustration aside, the first 55-60% was awesome. Cam was awesome. He made this book. The middle part, like 60-70% in, I started to become depressed and the book just took on a whole new gloomy path. After the 70% mark, it started to pick up again. It seemed like ages for my emotional heart to beat again. This was definitely one roller coaster ride of a story, but overall, I really and truly enjoyed this story and highly recommend it. Just remember to pack a fuck load of patience; cuz Avery’s character will drive you insane. lol

Code Red by Amy Noelle

After getting hurt in college by a gorgeous man, Nicole Magette vowed never to risk losing her heart again. Now she lives a structured and satisfying life. Her work is easy, her friends are her family, and the only consistent men in her life are her two cats, Winchester and Huntington Peabody the Third. She doesn't date, and she hooks up only with losers—men she has absolutely no risk of falling for. But if she finds herself in danger, she has her old fail-safe in place—the Code Red.

In college, she and her four best friends came up with the system as a way to keep away the good-looking bastards that might worm their way past their carefully constructed walls. Seven years later, three of her friends have succumbed to their last Code Reds and are happily married. Now it’s just Nicole and her closest friend, Jen, who are still on their own, and Nic is just fine with that.

That is, until Joshua Daniels is transferred to Nicole’s office from New York and assigned to work with her on a special project. He's everything she's avoided and everything she claims she doesn't want, so why can’t she get him out of her mind? He's persistent, dangerously handsome, and sexy as sin. In other words, he’s her worst nightmare. She turns to her friends to help her resist Josh’s considerable charms and the inescapable draw she feels every time she gets near him. Can the Code Red save her this time, or will Josh send her perfectly balanced life into chaos?
3.5 Stars

Code Red: It was our way of forming a support group and to keep ourselves from falling for Mr. Wrong.

Someone had recommended this book to me stating that it was similar to Alice Clayton. I, being a huge fan of Ms. Clayton, couldn’t resist the draw of a contemporary romance with a ton of laughs. This book had a lot of potential: Hot Hero, likeable and relatable heroine, building sexual tension, and a ton of kick ass secondary characters. I couldn’t wait to dive in. 

Good-looking men were my kryptonite, and my friends were the antidote. I needed them. 

Nicole needed her circle of friends more than ever. Her last relationship ended in disaster. After that, she vowed never to let any man get close to her ever again; she will never be hurt again. This is when Code Red was first implemented. With the support of her friends, she can withstand any man. However, as the years passed, her friends have slowly succumbed to the whims of man and are now happily married. Out of her circle of friends, only her and her BFF Jen remain single. 

One damn smile, one stupid touch, and I was ready to throw him down on the desk and mount him. 

When Josh Daniels storms into Nicole’s life, she feels not only feels the tingles of lust and desire, but something else as well…something, more. To say Nicole is freaking out would be an understatement. She’s called a Code Red. This is going to get interesting. 

“You terrify me. You have from the first moment, because I think I knew I was going to fall for you. And I did.” 

I loved Josh. The only thing that bothered me about him was that he was almost too patient with Nicole. She is such a hot mess. She tried and tried to do whatever she could to not fall for Josh.Code Reds were flying everywhere in this book. It was actually starting to get ridiculous. 

Could a person die of sexual frustration? Because if they could, I was going down, no lie. 

I liked this story. It had a good amount of humor, plus Nicole and her friends were awesome for the most part. I could easily picture myself as part of their group. They are a hilarious group of girls. However, as much as I loved the connection between all of them, it wasn’t enough for me. I started to get frustrated. You knew where the story was headed, but MAN, did it took FOR-EV-EVER to get there. This was definitely one sexually frustrating story. Nicole’s character, as much as I liked her, I wanted to smack some sense into her. There were countless times where I was just like, “What the frick is your problem?! Can’t you see how into you he is?!” Gahhhh!! And when, finally, Josh and Nicole finally got together, it felt like it was a little too late. It kinda lost its entire muster. **sigh** Anyway…like I said, for the most part, this was an entertaining read with an HEA that left me smiling. 

**Thank you to NetGalley and the Writer’s Coffee Shop for the ARC**

Wallbanger by Alice Clayton

Caroline Reynolds has a fantastic new apartment in San Francisco, a KitchenAid mixer, and no O (and we’re not talking Oprah here, folks). She has a flourishing design career, an office overlooking the bay, a killer zucchini bread recipe, and no O. She has Clive (the best cat ever), great friends, a great rack, and no O.

Adding insult to O-less, since her move, she has an oversexed neighbor with the loudest late-night wallbanging she’s ever heard. Each moan, spank, and–was that a meow?–punctuates the fact that not only is she losing sleep, she still has, yep, you guessed it, no O.

Enter Simon Parker. (No, really, Simon, please enter.) When the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. Their late-night hallway encounter has, well, mixed results. Ahem. With walls this thin, the tension’s gonna be thick…

In her third novel, Alice Clayton returns to dish her trademark mix of silly and steamy. Banter, barbs, and strutting pussycats, plus the sexiest apple pie ever made, are dunked in a hot tub and set against the gorgeous San Francisco skyline in this hot and hilarious tale of exasperation at first sight.
Four Stars

Tis a sad, sad day when a girl doesn’t even know her own orgasm. 

Oh Alice, how I’ve missed your humor. I was so freaking excited to get this book as an ARC. Alice is one of those can’t miss authors and to have an opportunity to read this ahead of time…**happy dance**

This book started off in classic Alice style with lots and lots of humor. The sexual innuendoes and smart ass whit was back in full force. Even after the first chapter, she had me smirking and giggling like a school girl. I knew I was in for quite a ride and she did not disappoint me. 

Bad, rapid-fire sex and an ill-timed one-night stand had robbed me of my orgasm. She’d been on vacation for six month now. Six long months. 

Poor, poor, Caroline. Can you just imagine? SIX MONTHS! And to top it all off, she has a very noisy neighbor. She just moved into a new apartment in San Francisco and her very first night in that apartment, she was greeted with ”oh, Gods” and “Mmmm…Yeah, baby. Right there. Just like that…Don’t stop, don’t stop!”which was preceded in some serious spanking and wallbanging that resulted in painting to drop on her head. Oi vey! This was just the beginning too. In addition to “Spanx”, her nickname to one of three of her neighbor’s harem of woman, she also gets to listen to “Purina’s” purring and “Giggler’s” giggling. I love these nicknames, by the way... LMAO! So who is her mysterious neighbor?

“Why are you such a manwhoring asshole?” I asked, my face inches from his.

“Why are you such a cockblocking priss?” he asked, and when I opened my mouth to tell him exactly what I thought, the fucker kissed me.
Kissed me. 

Meet Simon Parker, a.k.a. Wallbanger. This is Caroline’s very sexy and very sexually charged neighbor. He’s quite a looker and charmer. No wonder he has a harem of women. Simon and relationships are hard for a photographer like him. He travels a lot and knows the emotional toll it can take on a potential girlfriend. So why bother, right? So Simon is all about having his fill with willing and knowing women when he’s home from an assignment. Hence his “harem,” though he really hates that term. When they first met, it didn’t really count since Caroline chickened out. So it wasn’t until the second time when they were forced to really acknowledge each other. Sparks flew and the tension between the two was palpable. 

Wallbanger v.s. Pink Nightie Girl

They form a truce of sorts, which leads them to become very good friends. The more they hang out, the more they seem to want more. Both have their reasons to keep things on a friendship level, but eventually they do form a relationship. Will Simon finally help Caroline bring back her O? God, let’s hope so for both her and our sakes. 

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the H/h, their quirky friends and I just adored Clive, Caroline’s personality filled cat. You can definitely call Clive, the story’s main comic relief. Loved the humor and loved the chemistry. However, the one thing that really prevented me from giving it more stars is the huge amount of sexual frustration I felt. If I had balls, I would’ve been in blue ball hell. LOL. I was getting way too antsy; waiting for Simon to give Caroline her long lost O. Just when you think it might happen, you feel your heart racing and you’re almost there. Just a little more and oh, my God this could be it…then…nothing.Yea. Blue balls. I can laugh about it now, but man it sucked. LOL. Anyway, you just can’t go wrong with reading this. Alice Clayton’s humor and witty writing is always welcome in my book. Love this author and I will continue to support her work. I can’t wait to see what she has next.