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Showing posts with label Rachel Firasek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachel Firasek. Show all posts

Blog Tour: Curse of the Phoenix Bundle by Rachel Firasek Guest Post and #Giveaway

I've had the pleasure of reading a few of this author's stories. One thing I've always noted is that she writes deeply strong and interesting characters! For our blog tour stop for the Curse of the Phoenix Bundle, Rachel Firasek talks about the strengths and weaknesses of her characters. She has a few questions for you down below.

The Ying to Your Yang

Every perfect couple should complement each other. Right? Hmmm…well, it’s an author’s job to find those perfect compliments even when the reader thinks that there is no way a couple will ever get together. Ever. Even if the couple gets along and everything seems fine, it’s our job to make sure at some point you doubt that they’ll survive the long haul. But the beauty in that is we know it’ll happen and we love our jobs, so we want you to see that beauty. Making any sense? Here are a few examples:

In The Last Rising, I have two independent and strong characters:
Ice/Isis: Had a family that she adored, but lost it all. Doesn’t want to feel. Is strong willed. Won’t forgive herself. But… she loves her fellow phoenixes and wants the best for them. She understands sacrifice for your children. She wants to be whole.
And then you have her hero…Turner: Turner has a child, but he’s a busy business man that sometimes neglects his duties. He’s been burned by a woman before, so he’s not as trusting as he thinks he is. He doesn’t take no for an answer. But…he can love Ice like no one before her. He’s easy going and patient enough to work around her strong will. He knows that forgiveness is the first step at being whole.
See he’s the Ying to her Yang.

In The Last Awakening:
Greyson is a war vet that has a ton of issues including PTSD. He’s a borderline alcoholic. He trusts no one. And he’s teetering on the brink of madness. But, he loves his best friend Turner. He is a protector. He will never leave the one he loves.
And then you have his Arabella/Ari: She’s a little spice from the south. Voodoo priestess and a century of self-loathing for a spell gone bad. Sadness seeps from her every pore until she meets the one person even more depressed than her. She is sturdy enough to take Grey’s insults. She won’t back down from his condescension. And she will always do what’s right for her friends. She is pure light to his black heart.
And she is the Ying to his Yang.  (Oh, and Ari is the goddess on the bundle cover.)

And finally, The Last Beginning:
Here we have Sadie—a mess of rash and bold decisions. She’s like the toddler of the Phoenixes and is passionate in everything she does. This can be both her strength and weakness.
And I gave her Osiris. He’s ancient. A god. And totally ready for anything she can dish out…except when she’s sick. Osiris is arrogant. Meddlesome. And doesn’t bend. But for Sadie. To heal her? He’ll bow to all the gods and even exchange his soul for hers. He’s that dedicated to those he loves.
He is the Ying to her Yang.
All in all, I think I’ve managed to throw together an interesting cast of characters with complementary strengths and weaknesses for you to hate and love. At least, if I did my job right, you will. *winks*

Thanks for having me and I hope you check out The Curse of the Phoenix Bundle.

Oh, and I’d love to know, what are your strengths and weaknesses? Do you have a Ying and Yang kind of relationship? Do tell!

Book Title: Curse of the Phoenix Bundle
Author: Rachel Firasek
Book One: The Last Rising
After paying two millennia’s penance to Osiris, world-weary Phoenix Ice has had enough. Saving souls without any hope for her own redemption isn’t how she imagined spending eternity. Fed up, she decides her next death will be her last. But when she sacrifices her own life for a sexy Texan in a catastrophic plane crash, she has no idea the consequences will be so great…or that she’ll end up back in his life for her next assignment.
Now that Turner Alcott has survived the worst, finding a wife and mother for his son matters more than ever before. When the mysterious Ice comes into his life, Turner knows she’s the one—but love is the last thing Ice wants. If he wants to win her heart, Turner must teach Ice how to forgive herself, and prove that love is the ultimate sacrifice.
Book Two: The Last Awakening
For three hundred years, Arabella’s life has been one meaningless death after another. In a cruel twist of fate, Osiris gifts the phoenix her mortality and long-gone voodoo magic with a warning that she must save her next soul within a week without using magic, or she’ll lose her power forever.
Ex-soldier Greyson Meadows desperately wants to be freed from the nightmares and guilt that haunt him. Confronted by a waif of a woman who forces him to face the truth about his past, he runs fast and hard, fighting the need to prove himself worthy despite his perceived failures.
When Ari becomes the target of her own magical blunder, the weak will find strength and the strong will fall. One will have to give up everything so the other can have peace, but will love’s magic withstand the loss?
Book Three: The Last Beginning
Though she’s always hated being a phoenix, Sadie has to admit immortality has its advantages. She’s seen and done more in the last 150 years than she’d ever dreamed of, but she can’t get past the fact that Osiris has done nothing but manipulate her and her fellow phoenixes.
Or that, when her last incarnation as a phoenix comes to a fiery end, the fire slowly begins to consume her body.
Sun god Osiris is ashamed of his role as ruler of the Underworld, but he unless he can figure out how to save Sadie, that’s exactly where she’s going to end up. Permanently. Terrified he’s going to lose her, he takes her on a hunt for The Book of the Dead, which is the only way he knows he can save her—even if it means she’ll hate him forever.

Buy links:

Author Bio:
Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart. After all, romance on the edge is better!

Tour-wide GIVEAWAY!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Burning (Tears of Sin #2) by Rachel Firasek ~ Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Burning by Rachel Firasek

Series: Tears of Sin #2
Publication date: March 2014
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

Cover Designed by:  Mina Carter Design

“Never say never.”

Gabe James never thought he’d suffer from a broken heart. He never thought he’d have to work for a living. And he sure as hell never thought he’d fall for a woman that carries a torch for the man that is trying to ruin his life.

Jade McKenzie has danced with demons most of her life, and just when she feels like the dark clouds have lifted, a pointless fight with an ex-boyfriend leaves her with a scarred face and ends her ballet career. Now she dances on a stage where the sway of her hips trumps the pirouettes of her past, a mask concealing her marred beauty. But nothing will stop the pain of shattered dreams.

Except love.

With Gabe’s career on the line and the threat of financial ruin blazing on the horizon, he’s guarded against a woman threatening to distract him even further when he needs his focus most. Jade can’t escape the memories of her past or Gabe’s heated glances—even if he swears that it’s her enthralling him. The two together are like kerosene and matches waiting for a spark. For a woman with no future and a man on the verge of losing hope, the only things left to cling to are their determined wills and the promise of a burning love.

***Burning is a New Adult Contemporary Romance recommended for Adult readers due to some violence, language, and sexual content.***

Book Link: Goodreads 

 Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour. 

She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart! 

~ Author-Hosted Giveaway! ~
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Book Blitz: Drowning (Tears of Sin #1) by Rachel Firasek - Review, Excerpt, Giveaway

"I dare you."

Those words would change adrenaline junkie, Alice Harrison's life forever. She's a party girl that doesn't believe in love until she meets a man that only writes about it.

Seth James escaped his overbearing father and moved into one of the James family's vacant condos, hoping to create the music he loves in peace. But the fragile calm he's envisioned shatters when a tiny woman with a world full of energy bounces out of the elevator and nearly takes him out.

With the patience of a saint, Seth seeks the dark that keeps Alice from enjoying life. He challenges her to exorcise the demons in her past in order to discover the true meaning of love. But when the walls fall down, the hidden deceptions will bare the ugly truth about a woman drowning in sorrow and a man who may not know how to be her hero.

*Drowning is a New Adult Contemporary Romance suited for 18+ due to some violence, language, and sexual content*

3.5-4 Stars

It's a meeting between two artistic souls when Alice Harrison literally runs into Seth James. Although there is great mutual attraction, neither one wants any distractions. Ahhh, but this is romance, right? Pretty soon there's no doubt that friendship turns into something more! I found both Seth and Alice to be both beautifully damaged characters. They each have their own flaws...Alice more so than Seth. He is an aspiring musician. Creating music is his life, and he's trying to do good for his band. There's a reason why Alice keeps things hidden deep inside. She guards such painful truth and needs someone to believe.

I'll be your anchor when the fear creeps in. I'll hold your hand and promise to listen. And when you dare to take on life, I'll be here to watch you survive. Cause I'm drowning in you.”

If I could describe this story in a few words, I would say that Drowning is exhilarating, dark and totally unexpected. Don't get me wrong, I liked this story, in fact, I found it completely engrossing. I enjoyed the alternating POV very much. I just wasn't expecting it to go down such a twisted path. The main antagonist in this story is pure EVIL!!! I have no words to describe this sick monster. There were scenes that made me cringe and squirm and left me in a state of high anxiety.

Although I felt things wrapped up too quickly, Drowning ends on a good note and leaves you feeling like a brand new journey is about to begin. I hope there will be more. I'm curious to see where Ms. Firasek takes this series. 

*A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review. *

In the hall, arms laden with musical equipment, four large and totally hot guys fill the space—Seth James leading the pack. He stops, drops the cymbal dangling from an index finger, and stares. His too bright gaze travels down my scantily, and very sweaty, clad body and back up. When our eyes meet, he grins. “Come to help?”
“No.” I have no idea what makes me do it, but I snatch his cymbal off the floor and carry it into his apartment. I’m asking for trouble, but can’t seem to stop myself. They follow me inside, jaws still slack. Okay, so I’m cute, but not worthy of jaws dropping. I plop it down on his couch and rush back to the door. Taking on Seth doesn’t scare me, but a crew of hotties is a little much.
His strong fingers wrap around my shoulder before I make it through the walkway. It’s not controlling or holding me back. His hand is simply resting on me. “Hey, thanks. I’m sorry if we…uh…interrupted your day.”
His words sound sincere and slightly slurred, and I can’t find it in my heart to be bitchy to the first guy in a long time that has only shown me kindness. I sigh and pivot to face him. “It’s not me I’m worried about. My sister is asleep.”
He glances at his watch and frowns.
“She’s recovering from an accident. So, if you don’t mind, keep it down in the halls.”
He leans forward. “Will do and I’m sorry.”
When he enters my personal space, my heart speeds up. His eyes stare into mine. I feel this incredible connection, like he knows my pain. Like he can see my guilt.
The distance between us seems to be shrinking, and I’m not sure if it’s me shuffling closer or him.
He snags the zipper on my jacket and runs it up and down. “Is she going to be okay?”
I pluck at a button on his shirt and glance up. “Eventually.”
His friends form a half-moon circle around him and gape at me. I flick a glance at each of them. They all have a very different style of dress, which only raises more questions about the man in front of me. “Am I the first girl they’ve ever seen?”
Blondie, with the coal lined eyes, on the left snickers. “In Seth’s apartment? Hell, yes.”
Seth elbows him, but grins.
The tall guy in a kind of hot-nerd ensemble leans over and shakes my hand. “Deacon. Would you like a beer?”
I eye the leering men again. “It looks like you started without me, and I’m not into gang-bangs.” I disengage the overlong hand play with the nerd and back away from the group. “G., I’ll catch you later.”
“Hey, wait. I’ll walk you back over.”
The hotties chuckle, high-five, and rib Seth as we walk toward the hall. He shuts the door to their gazes and catches my hand before I can cross back to my apartment. “Hey, are you going to tell me your name?”
“Nah, this is more fun.”
“I think you’re used to having your way.”
He smiles. “Maybe.” He leans against his door and crosses his arms. His smile slips into a smug grin I’d seen on so many rich boys in this city. He thinks he has me. “I’d like to have my way with you.”
He’s quite the talker when he’s sauced. Good to know. It’s nice to see his thoughts. “That’s the beer talking.” I step close, arch up on tip-toe, and tap a finger to his slightly parted lips. “A few hours ago, you didn’t have much to say. I’m okay with keeping this awkward tension between us. It’s all we’ll ever have.”
He scowls at that and twists the knob back to his apartment. “Whatever.”
Mission accomplished. I’d succeeded in pissing him off. If he stayed mad at me, then we could squash this weird attraction that we obviously both feel.
I grin. “Bye, G.”
His brows dip low, and I shove the door behind me, sagging against it. My breath swooshes out from between my clenched teeth. Damn, he is going to be trouble. I feel it all the way to my pinky toe.
A soft knock against my back drives home the point. I twirl and open the door before he disturbs Molly—or maybe because I’m not ready to share him with her yet. “What?”
He tucks a hand into the waistband of my shorts and hauls me into the hall, pulling my door shut behind me. “Where did you get that?” His gaze lingers on the small bump decorating my forehead.
I reach up and touch the sore knot. “Oh, I fell.”
“How?” He raises his free hand and traces the swelling.
I don’t even feel the careful prodding. No, my concentration is solely focused on the fingers tucked inside my shorts and only inches away from becoming way too familiar with me. “Um…I was doing yoga when you guys came down the hall.”
“And?” He tugs me closer. His thumb rakes a small path below my belly button.
Oh my. “Uh…I fell out of…of…my pose and banged my head on the floor.”
His eyes darken and those beautiful lips part. I want to snake my tongue across the bottom one to find out if it is as soft as it looks.
He winces and lowers his eyes to mine. “So this is my fault?”
I grab onto his wandering hand and pull it free of my shorts. If I didn’t, I’d be asking him for a wall orgasm in less than two minutes and random teasing and fleeing was a no go for me now. “No. It was an accident. Lighten up, G.”
“I don’t want to cause you pain.”
Wow, that feels like a loaded proclamation. “Okay. Well, keep the noise down, and we should be good.”
He drops the hand that had been rubbing away my bruise. Funny, I’d totally forgotten it. “I don’t want to cause you pain. It’s a personal thing.” A deep shudder races over him, and for some reason, I don’t think he is with me anymore.
“You didn’t. I’m fine.” I lift a hand and cup the side of his face, bringing his gaze to mine. It is the gentlest moment I’ve ever had with a man, and we’ve just met. “I’m not sure what this is, but I think I should go inside.”
He glances down the corridor, takes a deep breath, and nods. “Yes, you should.”
“Go play with your friends. Be men or whatever that means, and I’ll go back to my yoga.” I was going to need it after this.
He groans and drops his head back, his hint of an Adam’s Apple bobbing down the column of his neck, begging for my tongue to taste him there. “Did you have to bring that back to mind?”
I grin. “What? Me all hot and sweaty in contorted positions? Do you like that?”
He groans, and one side of his mouth slants up. “I have things to do and don’t need no-named neighbors distracting me.”

Book Links:
All Romance eBooksGoodreads

Rachel is doing an awesome Giveaway!!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author
Rachel Firasek spends her days daydreaming of stories and her nights putting the ideas to ink. She has spent a dull life following the rules, meeting deadlines, and toeing the line, but in her made up worlds, she can let the wild side loose. Her wonderful husband and three children support her love of the written word and only ask for the occasional American Idol or Swamp People quality hour.

She has a philosophy about love. It must devastate or it isn’t truly worth loving. She hopes that you all find your devastating love and cling to it with all your heart!