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Showing posts with label Mary Whitney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Whitney. Show all posts

#CoverReveal ~ No Ordinary Bloke by Mary Whitney, Releasing August 2014

Title: No Ordinary Bloke
Author: Mary Whitney
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+
Publication Date: August 2014
Cover Design: Jada D'Lee Designs
Event Organized by: Literati Author Services,Inc.

I’m not a philosophical kind of bloke, but I know something about luck. A childhood on the wrong side of advantage will teach you that. It’s all a matter of chance. It’s both your circumstances and the chances you take. So I've always been a gambler and a ladies' man — they love me and I love them. Now I've found one like no other — an American, Allison Wright. When I met her, the fates were on my side, but too soon I learned the odds were against me.

About the Author:
Mary Whitney blames Laura Ingalls Wilder and Margaret Mitchell for her obsession with romance novels. At an early age, Mary fell in love with the Little House series and its dreamy hero, Almanzo Wilder, who only wanted Laura to be Laura. Like many women, Mary later graduated to the ultimate, tall and dark bad boy, Rhett Butler, who loved Scarlett despite her flaws. Mary has lived around the U.S., and after a first career in the non-profit world and politics, she's settled in Northern California with her husband and daughters. She spends her days writing characters she hopes somehow capture the romance of Rhett and Scarlett and Almanzo and Laura. She's a firm believer in what Rhett says to Scarlett: "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.

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Blog Tour ~ Forever Your Heart (Beside Your Heart 3) by Mary Whitney #Review

Title: Forever Your Heart
Author: Mary Whitney
Series: Beside Your Heart #3
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Release Date: April 6, 2014

I’m a journalist—Adam Kincaid, BBC reporter, to be exact, so I’m not going to bury the lead. I’m about to see the woman I never got over. 

I know that because I’ve been back in America for years now, and I still don’t date American girls. My dad would say I’ve come to my senses, sticking to my own British patrician kind, but that’s crap. Mum, the psychologist, would more wisely say it’s my unresolved issues around Nicki. My teenage years are long behind me, yet my guilt over her remains. So I’ve avoided all things Nicki, though the irony is she’s the one avoiding me.

Maybe if we see each other, we can both move on. Could she ever forgive me? Can you forgive yourself when you hurt someone you love? 

But please, don’t answer yet. I’ve jumped ahead of the story, and as a reporter, I should give you more background to get to the root of it all.

So let me tell you my story. Then you can be the judge.

NOTE:  While this is the third in the series, it can be read as a standalone book.

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Throughout my travels the next day, I racked my brain thinking of how I could get Nicki alone—really alone—to tell her how I felt. It was time. I was tired of the game. Of course, I would wait as long as it took for her to come around, but I wanted to speed it up. 
I still hadn’t decided how to best approach her when I got a phone call from David the following morning. “Hey, Cuz. You can thank me again.” 
“For what?” 
“I booked a date with our two little birds for this weekend.” 
“David, I really don’t think they qualify as our birds yet.” 
“Speak for yourself. I’ve got Lisa right where I want her.”   
“Are you sure? Knowing Lisa, I bet she wouldn’t even like being called a bird.” 
“Fine. Then, she’s my swan.” 
Tired of his routine, I cut him off. “What did you plan? You know Sylvia is coming down on Saturday.” 
“That’s fine. She can join us. We’re going boating on the Potomac.” 
“Boating?” I was more of a rower than David, but that wasn’t saying much. 
“Yep. It was Lisa’s idea. I bet if I row her along, it will melt my ice queen’s heart. Sylvia can be in your boat.” 
Sylvia’s presence would make Nicki comfortable, but she was also going to be really fucking annoying. I grumbled, “Great. Thanks. You’re always thinking of me.” 
“Not really, but I’m happy to be of help when I can.” 
“Are you sure you can row a boat?” 
“Not at all, but I’m already planning on capsizing.” 
“Why on earth would you plan that? She’ll be irate.” 
“Maybe, but she’ll definitely end up half-naked.” 
I could envision a soggy Lisa ridding herself of a wet T-shirt. “It might work.” 
“And you know what comes after half-naked?” 
“Fully naked,” he said with supreme confidence.

Five Stars

It was then that I realized she was the love of my life. A love I'd found and lost and then, remarkably, found again. I relished each and every kiss because of that.”

I love second-chance romances, and Forever Your Heart is certainly one which brings together two strong, independent people who haven't spoken to each other for sixteen years. Not having read the previous books in the series, this book is my introduction to British journalist Adam Kincaid, and oh my! He's a little cocky, but a gentleman. Although he has tried to move on, he's utterly and hopelessly in love with the girl who stole his heart years ago. How romantic is this story!

Nicki and Adam have known each other since high school. I was brought up to speed quickly on what went on between them in the past and events which lead to them not speaking for many years. Now in their thirties, Nicki is Deputy White House Press Secretary to the President of the US, and Adam has taken a reporting job for the BBC, a job that will allow him to live and work in close proximity to Nicki.

But now you're also this fascinating woman. I want to touch you, but I want more. I want to hear your stories. I want to listen to your opinions on things. I want to get to know you again.”

I loved knowing Adam's POV, because I really felt the magnitude of how much he cares for and misses Nicki. He truly wants another chance with her, but with both of them in the public eye the waters have to be navigated slowly. Mary Whitney did a beautiful job establishing friendship and a sense of the main characters being true soul mates. I thought it was cute that the closest people around them kept nudging them together, which created really cute bonding-time scenes.

After having read Mary Whitney's Compromising Positions, I adore her writing and storytelling! I'm so glad I got the chance to read Forever Your Heart. This romantic story of reconnection was wonderfully executed. I've enjoyed reading about Adam and Nicki as grown-ups that I now want to go back and read the first book and see how it all began for them in high school.

Author Bio:
Mary Whitney blames Laura Ingalls Wilder and Margaret Mitchell for her obsession with romance novels. At an early age, Mary fell in love with the Little House series and its dreamy hero, Almanzo Wilder, who only wanted Laura to be Laura. Like many women, Mary later graduated to the ultimate, tall and dark bad boy, Rhett Butler, who loved Scarlett despite her flaws.

Mary has lived around the U.S., and after a first career in the non-profit world and politics, she's settled in Northern California with her husband and daughters. She spends her days writing characters she hopes somehow capture the romance of Rhett and Scarlett and Almanzo and Laura. She's a firm believer in what Rhett says to Scarlett: "You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.

Compromising Positions by Mary Whitney Blog Tour #Review #Giveaway

Title: Compromising Positions
Author: Mary Whitney
Genre: Women’s Fiction
Publication Date: January 23, 2014
Event Organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.

We weren’t supposed to be friends. We weren’t even supposed to like each other. I’m Michael Grath. I’ll admit I was elected to Congress on my Republican family history. I was out to make a name for myself, until I met Jessie Clark, a spitfire Democrat. She’d be my nemesis, if I could just stop thinking about her. We’ve got nothing and everything in common, and one big issue that divides us. All of this is going to land us in more than one compromising position. And like I said, we weren’t supposed to be friends, we weren’t even supposed to like each other, and we certainly weren’t supposed to fall in love.

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Five Stars

A delightfully written political romance!

I have heard so much about Mary Whitney's stories, and after reading Compromising Positions I now know why she has many loyal fans! I LOVED Michael and Jessie's story. I found the writing so pleasant and brilliant that I couldn't turn the pages fast enough!

This is way more than a story of Republican vs. Democrat. Michael and Jessie are well-developed, likable characters. They are both in their mid-thirties, passionate, engage in friendly banter, have realistic flaws, and most importantly, understand and respect each other with high regard. So what's the problem? Well, these two have so much standing in their way. Each holds a position in Washington D.C. where anything can be publicly scrutinized. Every decision they make has to be a calculated move. One of my favorite scenes happens when they meet right at the beginning. They are very much intrigued by the other, which sets the tone for the rest of the story.

I found Compromising Positions to be a delightfully written political romance. I loved how Mary Whitney presented the heated issues in an interesting manner. Really, there is no right or wrong. Enjoy this story for what it is! Michael and Jessie find themselves in a blossoming romance, which puts them in one helluva compromising position!

About the Author

Even before she graduated from law school, Mary Whitney knew she wasn’t cut out to be a real lawyer. Drawn to politics, she’s spent her career as an organizer, lobbyist, and nonprofit executive. Nothing piques her interest more than a good political scandal or romance, and when she stumbled upon writing, she put the two together. A born Midwesterner, naturalized Texan, and transient resident of Washington, D.C., Mary now lives in Northern California with her two daughters and real lawyer husband.

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