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Showing posts with label Madeline Sheehan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madeline Sheehan. Show all posts

#BlogTour #Review ~ UnBeloved (Undeniable #4) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a conventional or predictable love story. It involves one woman and two men bound by a love so destructive it spans two decades, pitting brother against brother, and shattering the lives of those touched by it.
Dorothy Kelley is a born romantic, searching for her prince. Instead she finds herself pregnant at fifteen, and a in a loveless marriage by the tender age of eighteen.

Then hope comes riding into her life on a motorcycle and within weeks, Jason “Jase” Brady, a member of the Hell’s Horsemen motorcycle club, sweeps Dorothy off her feet.

But nothing is ever simple for Dorothy. Jase is married with children. And as Dorothy patiently waits for Jase to give her the happily-ever-after she’s been dreaming about, James “Hawk” Young, a member of the Hell’s Horsemen with secrets of his own, sees an opening into Dorothy’s life and takes it.

Carrying on two secret affairs is no easy feat. As Dorothy tries to dig herself out of the mess she’s created, covering one mistake with another, tragedy strikes, nearly costing Dorothy her life and that of her unborn son.

What follows is a long and painful journey of self-discovery and forgiveness, as Dorothy comes to realize that home was exactly where she’d left it, and the love she’d forever craved had always been within her reach.

This is the story of Dorothy, Jase, and Hawk.

We are all born pure; it is our journey that burdens us and leads us astray. Our mistakes that beat us down and cover us in guilt and shame, burying us a little more with each passing hardship. It is up to us to dig ourselves out, to come to terms with our faults, to embrace not only our imperfections but those of the ones we love, and to once again find the path we strayed from.
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About The Author
Fantastical realm dweller Madeline Sheehan is the USA Today bestselling author of the Holy Trinity Trilogy and Undeniable Series. A Social Distortion enthusiast, lover of mud and anything deemed socially inappropriate, Madeline was homegrown in Buffalo, New York, where she can be found engaging in food fights and video game marathons with her husband and son.
4.75-5 Stars

Jase, Dorothy & Hawk!!

**Do not read unless you've read the previous books. SPOILERS BELOW**

Jase found himself pinned up against the elevator by his throat.
"Do the math, asshole, Hawk hissed. "Nine, fuckin' months ago, where the fuck were you?"
"No," Jase whispered. "No, she wouldn't-"
"No? Brother, yes. She's been comin' to me for years, crying' about you. And if you're still havin' doubts, I know for a fact you were usin' protection with her, and me, I wasn't even tryin' to safeguard my shit. I blew my load inside her every fuckin' time, know why? Because," Hawk growled. "I was tryin' to knock her up. Wanna know why? Because I was tryin' to get her the fuck away from you!" ~ Excerpt from Unbeautifully (Book #2)

Ever since I read the above excerpt from Unbeautifully back in May 2013, I’ve wanted this story…desperately. Can you blame me? Come on! If you’ve followed this series, you know how epic that moment was. Who would’ve thought? Our sweet Dorothy, who is crazy in love with the married Jase, but forever waiting for him to get his head out of his ass and finally divorce his wife. This same Dorothy also slept with Hawk and was carrying his child.

HOLY. MOTHER. FUCKING. SHIT! I couldn’t wait to read this story. I grabbed it immediately.

But the girl I’d been never would have married a man she didn’t love, she never would have taken up with a married a man to fill a void inside herself. I was no longer that girl, filled with dreams of love. I was a woman now, whose mistakes and circumstances had forced her down a very different path. Who had time and time again chosen the wrong direction.

If you’ve been following the series, we all know what’s going on with Dorothy, Jase & Hawk.
Dorothy ~ The trauma she faced when she was shot in the head by Jase’s wife, not only caused her to lose her memory, but pretty much left her wanting nothing to do with the MC. She fled the MC and moved to San Francisco to raise her son, Christopher.
Jase ~ His wife arrested for attempted murder, while his kids want nothing to do with him. To top it all off, Dorothy, the one woman he loves, but never enough to leave his wife for, leaves. No wonder he drinks to numb all the pain.
Hawk ~ Left the MC and went Nomad. Visits Dorothy and his son as often as possible. Though Dorothy wants nothing to do with him, he still longs to be with her.

There was only one who could steal your soul, that untouchable place inside you that existed only in your mind, that warmed and cooled, fluttered and shook without rhyme or reason, and make it theirs forever. Someone who could take your breath away with just one look

So who will Dorothy chose? You find out pretty quickly when you read this book, and I for one, couldn’t agree more with her choice. But that’s not where the story ends. Everyone is trying face their mistakes, learn and move forward with their lives.

Life was made up of moments, big ones and little, the good and bad, dark and light. We never remembered the gray, the times in between, but instead only the moments that had the ability to transform us in some way, affect us so completely that the memory would be forever etched upon who we were, who we are, and who we would become.

Oh, Madeline…I don’t know how you do it. First off, thank you for getting me out of my huge book funk. Secondly, thank you for never holding anything back and keeping me on my toes. I was so excited to see more of Deuce, Eva, Danny, Ripper & ZZ (which begs the question: Is ZZ redeemable?). But we also got a glimpse of Devin (Cox & Kami’s son) & Ivy (Deuce & Eva’s daughter). I want to mention these two because I have a feeling that they’ll be a huge part of what’s coming next. With that said, that ending??!!! HOLY. SHIT! That is all….

Unattainable (Undeniable #3) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a virtuous and tender love story. It’s chaotic, ruthless, and tragic. This story takes love and kills its innocence, steals away the pure moments, and crushes the hearts of the broken. A story born in childhood, tying one girl to one boy, leads to a destructive path—that hurts more than it doesn’t, that shatters more than it heals—testing the love that binds the two through a lifetime. 

Tegen Matthews is the daughter of Dorothy Kelley, a club whore in the Hell’s Horsemen. A plain little girl, Tegen falls into the gritty world of the motorcycle club. When she meets a sweet, caring boy, she embraces the warmth and affection he shows her. Cage West is the son of the president of the Hell’s Horsemen. Tall and blond with deep brown eyes, as he grows up Cage realizes the power of his dimpled smile and smooth drawl. With one chance encounter, Tegen becomes forever tied to Cage. Following is a wayward journey that is filled with regrets, mistakes, and heartache, pulling at the threads that hold them together. Cage and Tegen fight hard but love harder, and in the end, what matters is where the journey takes one girl and one boy, who have been twined with one another since the beginning. 

This is Tegen and Cage’s story. 

Love doesn’t erase a broken heart, and it sure doesn’t change people. But no matter how old, how flimsy, how frayed the rope of love is, it keeps you tethered to the people you love.

I will say one more time that these BOOKS ARE CRACK!!! I can’t devour them fast enough, in fact, when this one was released I did something that I NEVER DO!! I quit a book I was reading right in the middle to dive into this one!! 

I need to make clear right off the bat that I love The Hell's Horseman as much as I ever have but I had to knock a star off of this one just because I didn’t feel Tegen and Cage the way I thought I would. The passion between them is OFF THE CHARTS, but a lot of the time it was hate and angry sex. Not that there is anything wrong with angry sex but fuckin’ seriously?! If you hate the guy that drunkenly took your virginity and never looked back for over a decade, you don’t just get over it in a weekend or two. Their story seemed rushed to me. When we met Duece and Eva, their story spanned their entire lives. Danny and Rippers story spanned many years and I feel like the story of Cage and Tegen deserved so much more time and background that we didn’t get. That is the only reason I knocked off a star.

Tegen is an angry, hot mess and has become someone she doesn’t even recognize half the time. When she ends up back home and has to deal with Cage yet again, it is obvious she still loves him by the way she vehemently hates on him all the time. I think I had the hardest time with the way they talk to each other. It is so nasty most of the time. Even when they seem to be getting it right, it fucking derails and they are off to scratching and spitting at each other again. Tegen is simply trying to guard her heart – I get that!

If my past were a person, I would grab the throat of the motherfucker, drag her ass down Re-do Street, and once I’d beaten the ever –loving shit out of her, I’d stand over her beaten-down, broken body and say: “You stupid bitch. You ignorant, stupid bitch. Love isn’t a fucking answer. It hurts more than it doesn’t, it’s harder than it is easy, it takes work, guts and perseverance. 

She wants to believe that Cage has suddenly given up his whoring ways and wants to be a one woman man, with her. She is so scared of being broken again and ending up like her mom. Afraid of being a club whore and left with nothing when Cage changes his mind. Their road is a rough one, no doubt, but then Cage goes and says something that melts your heart, ya know, in that biker way :)

”You were never a club slut, Tegen, ” he said. “Not once did I ever fuckin’ think that. To me, you were always D’s little girl. You were family and, Teacup, you were my best friend.” 


I love you, Teacup,” he said, smiling. “Always have,” he said. “Just didn’t realize it until now.” 

All that said, however rough the ride, Tegen and Cage will get their HEA and I love that! Makes the hurt and crazy worth it.

Ok, now on to Dirty and Ellie – oh, did I forget to mention this is kind of a two part review?!

Now, it took me a minute to remember Ellie, the friend of Danny’s when she was younger that absolutely hates anything to do with the MC. But when she ends up back in town for a job interview and is beaten and almost raped by the chief of police whom she thought was an old friend, she finds an unlikely savior in Dirty. He interrupts the assault and saves her. Up until now I never paid Dirty much mind by HOLY SHIT!! There is a huge fucking story hiding there under all that hair and dirty and yuck!! Dirty is one broken, fucked up fucker!! So we all know what he needs, right?? The love of a good woman and that’s where Ellie comes in. I really wish that Dirty had gotten his own book, this was another thing that felt rushed to me. I wanted to know so much more about Dirty and what happened to him and why he is the way he is and I wanted there to be more time spent on him and Ellie learning to love each other. That all happened really fast too!!

But, as I said, those minor complaints aside I FUCKING LOVE THE HELL’S HORSEMAN!! I will read anything and everything the beautiful Madeline Sheehan writes about them!!

Four Stars

**Possible spoilers below**

“You’re a waste of big dick and a pretty face!” 

I love this series; I always look forward to each new one. There’s just something about Madeline’s in-your-face, gritty writing that just makes me want more. I love her writing style and I love how real some of these characters have come to mean to me. I am forever a fan of her books. 

From the moment I met Cage in Undeniable I was anxiously waiting for his own story. What I didn’t expect is that not only was this about him & Tegan, but we were also introduced to the secondary couple in Dirty & Ellie. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Dirty & Ellie’s story stole the show. I couldn’t get into them at first only because all I wanted was Cage, but as the story went on, Dirty’s story started to really capture my attention. However, since technically this is Cage’s story, my review will focus mostly on his and Tegan’s story. But don’t get me wrong…I will be mentioning Dirty & Ellie before this review is done. 

“No, thank you. Sorry, Cage, been there, done you, don’t care to be a repeat offender.” 

Tegan is a woman with a grudge. She’s been in love with Cage since they were kids. They were best friends growing up. As they got older, the more Tegan fell in love. However, it wasn’t the same for Cage. He was the epitome of a man-whore. One dreadful and drunken night, Tegan gave Cage her virginity hoping that he would reciprocate her feelings. Unfortunately that is not how Cage is built. He broke Tegan’s heart, and Tegan has forever cursed the day she met him. Her motto is pretty much: Fuck Cage & Fuck the club. Both have caused nothing but trouble for her and her mother. 

A string of eight little words, eight very stupid, insignificant words that meant absolutely nothing to Cage and absolutely everything to me. 
Get on the back of my bike, Tegan. 

When Tegan’s mom calls and asks her to come home to help her through another drama, Tegan has no choice but to reluctantly agree. She hates going home, but she knows her mother desperately needs her. She does everything in her power to avoid Cage while she’s home, but alas, fate has other plans. 

Cage is tired of his man-whoring days. When he runs into Tegan, something about her looks, her smart mouth and her attitude does something to him. He’s tired of her ignoring him. It’s time to confront her and move forward. 

“I’ve always had you. Only difference is now, I’m taking you.” 

It’s no denying when these two get together, it’s pretty explosive. As much as I loved it when they finally got together, their relationship seemed a little forced. I know they were friends for a long time, but the long standing grudge Tegan couldn’t have just disappeared after a weekend with Cage…could it? I guess. And then there’s Cage. Can he really change his womanizing ways for Tegan? Is Tegan the right woman for him?

From chaos, the strongest sort of love is usually born. 

So as I stated, I did enjoy Cage and Tegan’s story, though Tegan did rub me the wrong way. I loved her attitude in the beginning, but as the story progressed, the more prevalent her bitchiness came across. Every time Cage shut her up was a highlight for me. 

Dirty & Ellie: I have to say something about this couple. I loved their story. It took a while for me to get into it, but once it got going, man oh man, their story was heartbreakingly beautiful. Dirty. Oh Dirty. The complexity of his character broke me. When all the layers that create Dirty started to peel away, the more I fell in love with him. The way he saved Ellie, gave her the space she needed, but yet still managed to make her feel safe, just floored me. I cannot wait to hear more about them in the future. For their story alone: 4.75 Stars

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again: I LOVE THIS SERIES. Do you have ANY idea how anxious I am for the next book?! Do you?! I am salivating at the thought of reading Jase, Dorothy & Hawk’s story. SALIVATING! OMG! The drama and heartbreak surrounding Dorothy is off the charts and I seriously cannot wait!

Unbeautifully (Undeniable #2) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a story about fate or destiny. This is a story about pain, sorrow, and suffering. This is an impulsive whirlwind romance between two lovers that are not meant to be together. Theirs is not a world with sunshine and roses. Instead, their love blossoms in a secret world full of crime, violence, and death. Their story is about what can be born from nightmares.

Danielle “Danny” West is the daughter of Deuce West, President of the Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club. A sweet and beautiful girl, she loses her way, searching for things that are always out of her reach. Erik “Ripper” Jacobs is the Sergeant of Arms in the Hell’s Horsemen. Once a man who always had a smile on his face, his life takes a turn for the worst when a tragedy befalls him, leaving him scarred and broken. During a midsummer night, Danny and Ripper’s paths cross, forever changing their lives. Hastily, their lust turns to love until another tragedy forces them apart. On a journey that is marred with ugliness and chaos, Danny and Ripper must discover if their unforeseen connection can find the beauty in their world. 

This is Danny and Ripper’s story. 

Everything has beauty. Even the ugly. Especially the ugly.
Because without ugly, there would be no beauty

Five Stars

“I wanna rip you the fuck open,” he said, breathing harder as his thrusts became brutal. “I want all of me inside all of you, not just my fuckin’ cock, baby, but all of me. All of you.”
“Yes,” she whimpered. “I want all of you.” 

FUCK. ME. That shit was fucking awesome.

Just. Fucking. Awesome. 

I’m such a happy girl right now. Just like Deuce and Eva’s story in book one, I devoured this story of Ripper and Danny. This story isn’t pretty; no candy, chocolate-covered hearts nor flowers made any appearances. This author writes stories that are truly raw, unapologetic and just downright addictive. 

Ours was the furthest thing from a picture-perfect romance; it was more of a car crash, a metal-bending, blood-splattered disaster that left no survivors, only bad memories and heartache.
But it was ours.
And because it was ours…I wouldn’t change a thing. 

When I finished Undeniable, I was left with the thought that Deuce’s daughter, Danny, was going to end up with ZZ. So when I read the blurb and found out that it was Danny and Ripper’s story, I was a little confused, but still very intrigued. 

Ripper and Danny: What an unlikely pairing. After Frankie carved him up in book one, Ripper is horribly scarred, dangerous and teetering on the edge of going completely crazy. You do not want to be on his bad side. As for Danny, she’s beautiful, bright, and a future full of potential. Deuce wanted more for her; never to live a biker’s life. So, how did Ripper and Danny end up together?

Ripper had been walking around life pissed off, not giving a shit about anything, until he’d made the mistake of fucking a girl he’d never given a second thought to before and everything had changed. Suddenly he cared about what was going to happen next… 

The way this story was told was nothing short of creative. We start off where book one ended: At a barbeque with Deuce, Eva, Cage, Danny, ZZ and the rest of the MC. In the first chapter, we see ZZ proposing marriage to Danny, while Ripper just watches in horror, waiting to hear her response. Then immediately, we are taken back three years prior to where Ripper and Danny’s story began. 

It was the night of Danny’s senior prom. Danny’s home life with Deuce and Eva has been a miserable one ever since the night Frankie took Eva; Deuce and Eva were never the same. Everything was strained between the two and Danny was feeling the effects of it. All she wanted was to leave her prom. It was Ripper who picked her up. It was Ripper who helped her forget. Nothing was ever the same between them ever again.

“But I ain’t never wanted pussy like I want yours and…Danny, I ain’t gonna touch another bitch, don’t even wanna. Fuck, baby, since that night at the lake, I haven’t done shit but jerk myself off, thinking of you.”

The relationship between Ripper and Danny is passionate and intense. You can’t help but be immersed in it. The drama surrounding them made it even fiercer. There’s the club, Deuce, who will immediately put a hit out on Ripper if he ever found out about them, Ripper’s feeling of being undeserving of Danny, and so many other factors that can force them apart. 

We existed in a world where words weren’t needed. Everything I needed to know, everything he was feeling, I could already see on his face and feel through his touch. 

I love immersing myself in this world that Madeline created. All this. This crazy-ass world, with its crazy ass characters, that are all beautiful and dangerously flawed, is what makes reading so enjoyable. The balance between heartache and happiness was just executed flawlessly. I love Ripper’s possessiveness and raw power, but it was his vulnerabilities that made him so lovable and beautiful. He and Danny are a perfect match. 

I was glad to see more of Eva and Deuce’s story connected with Danny and Ripper’s. I’m also ecstatic to hear that there will be THREE more books to this series:
- Cage & Tegan, 
- Hawk, Dorothy & Jase (This has insane drama written all over it!)
- ZZ’s 
I anxiously await for all of these. CAN. NOT. WAIT. 

Undeniable (Undeniable #1) by Madeline Sheehan

Warning: This is not a typical love story. This is an all-consuming, soul-crushing, tear-your-heart-into-pieces story. It’s intense, gritty and raw, dark and disturbing, and it doesn’t happen overnight. This is an epic love story that knows no boundaries and has no time limits. It grows and develops—with hurt, sacrifice, and heartache—over the span of a lifetime. 

Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcycle Club. Growing up with bikers in the club lifestyle is all that she knows. When she’s a young girl, Eva meets the reason for her existence. Deuce West is the sexy, biker bad-ass of the Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Like Eva, he was born and raised in the club—but that’s where the similarities end. Their first meeting is innocent, but as Eva matures into a woman, their chance reunions evolve into a fit of lust and love. Fate continues to bring them together time and time again, but their twisted journey is filled with pain, betrayal, and bloodshed that could tear them apart. Eva sees in Deuce what he cannot see in himself—a man worthy of love—and Eva spends her lifetime proving to him that her undeniable love is the one thing he can’t live without. 

This is Eva and Deuce’s story. 

It wasn’t easy. 
Nothing worth doing ever is.
And love is worth everything.
4.75-5 Stars

Prologue: Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life is the day you were born and the day you find out why.”
I don’t remember the day I was born, but I remember the day I found out why.
His name was Deuce.
He was my “why”.
And this is our story.
It is not a pretty one.
Some parts of it are downright ugly.
But it’s ours.
And because I believe everything happens for a reason, I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Holy fucking shit. I fucking devoured this book. DE-fucking-VOURED. I'm sorry for my cussing, but this book is 99% swearing, and tack on the fact I already have a sailor mouth, I'm going to be swearing A LOT. There are a million things I want to say, but I have no idea where to start. I’m lost on words. One thing is for sure is that this is not your typical romance. Not. Even. Fucking. Close. It’s raw, gritty and so fucked up, it will give you whiplash. 

**Possible spoilers ahead**

I have to introduce to you to the main cast of characters. You can get a good feel of the story just by knowing who they are. 

Eva Fox – Biker brat and daughter of Preacher. The only one who can control Frankie. First met Deuce when she was only five years old and has been smitten with him ever since.
Deuce – President of the Hells Horseman motorcycle club. He’s eighteen years older than Eva. Like all bikers, he is sexy as sin, very Alpha and very possessive. Not very faithful to his women, though. 
Frankie - Good looking, pureblooded Italian biker brat who was orphaned when he was only fifteen years old. Preacher took him under his wing when Eva was only twelve. He has a very short fuse, has anger issues and severe abandonment issues. He is prone to night terrors, but finds peace and solace in Eva’s bed (no worries, it remains platonic…at least in the beginning). He is intensely possessive of Eva. He is hugely and insanely jealous of any man coming near her. Will do anything to have her.
Damon Fox (“Preacher”) – President of the infamous “Silver Demon’s” motorcycle club. He is very protective of his daughter and is one dangerous man. 
Kami - Eva’s BFF. She’s the daughter of a Senator. She is very promiscuous and lived a very wild life prior to her arranged marriage to Chase. Stuck in a loveless marriage, both Chase and Kami agree to engage in multiple affairs. 
Chase Henderson - Highly paid lawyer who graduated from Harvard. Went to prep school with both Kami and Eva. Married to Kami, but has always wanted and loved Eva. Though he is very handsome and smart, he is also a bit of a sleaze and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

“So I let you treat me like a piece of fucking furniture who’d be right where you left me every time you decided to grace me with your presence because I promised you I wouldn’t run. But I can’t do it anymore!” ~ Eva 

Deuce is Eva’s world. Every small encounter they have is monumental. Just when you think they’ll be together, something always happens to make the other run away. There are tangents all over the place. Multiple lovers, multiple heartaches and just crazy ass, high, intense drama. I’m not really going to go into the plot. There’s just too much going on. Just know that it was no smooth path for Eva and Deuce’s HEA. Far from it. 

“Get the fuck off her, mother fucker, before I blow a hole through your fuckin’ skull.” ~ Frankie 

My emotions were all over the place in this one. Yes, Deuce and Eva made me crazy, but the character that made me most conflicted is Frankie. If you notice, he’s the one I had to describe the most to. I’m actually disturbed at myself that I felt so much for him. Mentally, he was not all there and to me, he was just an overall sad character. He’s a murderer and just outright psychotic, but the way he died at the end just made me cry. Like Eva, I guiltily had a huge soft spot for him. Yes, call me crazy, but I really couldn’t help it. 

Bikers galore in this book, which means lots of testosterone…a whole lot. With them come the women, the money, the cussing, and the fighting. This book held nothing back. There is rape and violence of every sort in this story, so just be warned. As for me, I’m all about fucked up stories. Yes, yes, we already know I’m disturbed, but I think they’re the best kind. They leave a lasting impression, just like this one. Highly recommend!!