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Showing posts with label Lyra Parish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyra Parish. Show all posts

Cover Reveal ~ Ace (Band of Brothers #1) by Lyra Parish

ACE by Lyra Parish
ACE a Band of Brothers novel by Lyra Parish Coming September 1, 2015 Cover created by Letitia at RBA Designs
My name is Ace and I'm the Ace of Spades. I'm not nice and I misbehave. I will be your nightmare. I will be your dream. I will have you begging for more of me with each scream. The truth is in my lyrics. Uncontrollably controlled. I bleed many things one being Rock & Roll. I don't date or make love, I fuck real hard. Did you know the ace of spades is considered the death card? Love doesn't exist in my world, it never did. Love won't exist in my world; it's something I forbid. My name is Ace and I'm the Ace of Spades. Proceed with caution, because I'm sharp like a blade. The Band of Brothers novels are full length and will follow each brother in the band. They can be read together or separately.
If you would like a one-time email when ACE is live on all platforms, please sign up for this email notification: http://bit.ly/acenotification 
Ace by Lyra Parish
Except of Chapter 1:
Disclaimer: this is subject to change.
Tonight I would fuck the blonde in the front row. The set was nearing the end and I could feel her gaze peeling off every piece of my clothing. I liked when a woman knew what she wanted. Blue and green lights flashed over the stage then washed across the crowd. When we made eye contact again, her tongue traced the outside of her plump bottom lip and at that moment I knew she was DTF. Her being down to fuck made this so much easier but then again, being the lead singer of the Band of Brothers made panties magically melt. I'd be her fantasy for the night. This tour wasn't like the others because this time everyone wanted a piece of us as if our success happened overnight. But we earned every fucking opportunity we had. I would say given but that's bullshit. My brothers and I worked hard for every small and large success we had because that's our nature. We were raised to not take shit for granted and to work hard. Being assholes just came naturally but we knew to give respect where respect was due. Each show from Florida to California, all the way to New York was sold out and that felt incredible. The drums beat on as I screamed out the next few lyrics. "I won't let the world decide. I'll die before that happens." The drums stopped and the distortion was cut leaving a melodic strum of Nicolas's guitar. The lights faded when walked off stage leaving the crowd to themselves. Ian, Nicolas, and Liam had huge smiles covering their faces as they chugged the water the technicians handed us. This would never get old. Moments like this were the ones we lived and worked for. Once the chanting and clapping started, the four of us walked back onstage and gave the fans what they wanted, an encore. Green and yellow lights flashed over the crowd and smoke hovered at the bottom of the stage. We played three more songs and the people sang and swayed to the lyrics and music. Some jumped up and down, feeling the full beat of the drums while others banged their heads. The feeling of having thousands of people chanting my words would never become real. More often than not, I felt like I was in a dream, one that I never wanted to wake from. During the last song, I pointed to the blonde who continued to visually rip my clothes off with every little blink she took. By the way she was dressed in a tight pink shirt and little bitty skirt, I knew she wanted to be seen. She could have possibly had this night planned from the beginning. Randomly, I chose a few others from the crowd to join us, to dance in front of our audience, to feel the temporary power. It was something I did every show, every tour. It was a habit of sorts. Security helped the girls climb on the stage and they shook their asses in those little pieces of material that were supposed to be skirts. It always made women feel special when they were with the band, and I loved giving them just a little taste. A person doesn't fully understand performing live until they have had the opportunity to look out past the stage lights and see the people. Before the song ended, the technicians led the girls' side stage as cannons of confetti shot from the floor. Different colored pieces of paper glittered everywhere. When the final song ended, my brothers and I walked side stage where girls anxiously waited us. I smiled, popping an eyebrow at my chosen woman for the night, and she instantly came to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and hers hung on my waist. My brothers stopped in the green room with the other girls, but Blondie and I walked to the bus. "I'm Lindsey," she whispered in my ear before we reached the end of the hallway. I smiled at her and pushed open the exit door. Groupies and fans waited near the bus and as soon as we walked up they rushed it. "I'll be out in a bit," I said, smiling at them with pearly whites. "My brothers are coming out that door over there. Really soon." I hated to out their exit strategy, but I wanted to take my time burying my dick deep inside Misty or Christy or whatever the fuck her name was. It didn't matter. Names never did.

Author Bio
Lyra Parish Logo

Lyra Parish loves to write, glamp, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cups of coffee, cats, or happily ever afters. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Lyra lives in Texas with her glassblowing, guitar-playing hubby and black cat named Nibbler.
Lyra's Links
Sign up to receive an ADVANCED review copy of ACE. These will be only be sent to kindle addresses. Several random people will receive them close to release date. http://bit.ly/ACEARCgiveaway

Blog Blitz Review & Giveaway ~ Weak (Weakness #1) for Him by Lyra Parish

Weak for Him Cover

Genre: New Adult
Release Date: January 11, 2014



"Have you heard the saying, 'sex sells'? Well, I'm the supplier."
Finnley Felton sells sex. Jennifer Downs is a virgin. With the help of lady luck, the two meet. Money. Bright lights. Sex. Jennifer is made an offer: sell her virginity to the highest bidder and transform into one of Finnley's girls. But she finds herself weak for him, and doesn't fully realize what she's agreed to until it's too late. Will she rise to the challenge and play by the rules in a land where money is king and love is prohibited? Or will she lose herself and values in the attempt? Weak for him is not considered a "dark" read, but does have unlady-like language, adult subject matter, and s-e-x-ual situations. Weak for Him does not have a cliffhanger. There is resolution but the story does continue on.

"If you think I am bluffing by when I say that "Weak For Him" will give you the ride of lifetime, then I say, take a gamble and see for yourself." –Tiffany @ The Naughty Book Dames"  

Teaser 3


Mr. Felton stood facing the windows in a neatly pressed suit. The black tie complemented the black suit, designer from head to toe. His green eyes met my brown gaze, and I smiled, but only received the ghost of one in return. Once the secretary left us, I searched the room, trying to take in every little detail: abstract art on the wall, a conference table in the back, and a lounge area in the middle. The afternoon light cast a yellow glow in the room. A large oak desk, which screamed business executive, had two chairs tucked in front. The room looked comfortable, welcoming, but also professional. The red velvet curtains that overlooked the atrium were jerked closed. "Hi, Finnley. Thank y—" "It's Mr. Felton." My face flushed. How could I be so inconsiderate and unprofessional? I immediately felt stupid. "Mr. Felton. Thank you for allowing me to interview. I've brought my resume and a list of recommendations. I'd love to join your accounting team if you'd allow me." I outstretched my hand and he left me standing there, awkwardly. The smile faded from my face as he leaned against the wooden desk with his arms crossed. "Take off your clothes." His voice was low and silky. "Excuse me?" The words hit me like cool water. I don't think so, asshole. "The interview has begun, Ms. Downs. If you'd like to join my team, you will do what I say and if you'd prefer not, you are more than welcome to turn around and walk that tight ass through the door, and we can pretend as if this never happened." The fierce tone behind his English accent made me cower. I froze as I calculated my next move. What the fuck? The way he looked at me, exploring my body as if he were undressing me, made my stomach flip. No one had ever observed me that way. With a sprinkle of courage, I searched the blank matter-of-fact expression that covered his face. This man was all business. As his long eyelashes hit the tops of his slightly sun-kissed cheeks, I closed my eyes to regroup my thoughts, then opened them quickly. I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me. He moved his messy hair behind his ears, and then sat on the desk, waiting, wanting, daring me to make my move. "Have you decided? Or are we going to waste the good portion of my time daydreaming?" I swallowed. All I ever wanted to do was live in Vegas among the lights and fast-paced city. How did I get myself into this? Take off my clothes? I wasn't some cheap whore to be bossed around. The thought of undressing in front of him disgusted me… or did it? My heart sped as he watched with a lust and want so fierce I shivered. It was now or never, you only live once, right? I peered behind him and stared at the Vegas strip in the distance. With perfect plump lips, and straight white teeth, Mr. Felton smiled at me. In that very moment, I decided to gamble. I didn't know why because I wasn't much for risks. If anyone was a play-it-safe type of girl, it was me. But in that moment, I wanted to be someone different. I wanted to know the outcome of what waited on the other side. I played with lady luck to see what hand she dealt. Maybe I would get lucky.  
3.75 Stars

Love could be cruel, toxic, and overpowering. 


Yea. That works, but I’m gonna add a few more words to describe this story:


The man was fucking intoxicating to the bone and I hated him for putting a spell on me. I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but lust, yes, I was a firm believer of lust at first sight. That asshole. 

Jennifer had a plan when she moved to Las Vegas. She wanted to leave her life in Texas behind, especially after her parents’ death. Things started off terribly as soon as she showed up in Vegas. First a man walks in on her in her hotel room while she bathes then she gets a flat tire and shows up late for a very important job interview; a job in which all her future hopes rested. But what happens next maybe just what she needed, or it could be just the beginning of something completely different.

“You drive me crazy. Your hair. Your smell. Your innocence.” 

Finnley Felton wants Jennifer. After walking in on her in her hotel room, he offers her a job. Finnley heads The Elite, a very high-end escort service and he wants to sell Jennifer’s innocence to the highest bidder. The only problem: He wants her for himself. He tries to deny his feelings, his attraction to her, but how long can he continue to push her away? How long can he fight especially after he’s already sold her virginity? Can he give up what he consider is his?

Love and lust flowed through my veins, and I felt completely powerless as he touched me. We lost ourselves in the moment, in the nibbles and kisses, in the powerful exchange of pent-up emotions 

This story drove me up the fucking wall. I admired the heroine for never giving up the fight, but there came a time in the story where I just wanted her to say fuck Finn and his crazy ass mind games. It’s not like she didn’t have other options. As for Finn, well, he drove me completely NUTS. He was one stubborn ass Hero. He’s sexy as sin and the scenes between him and Jennifer were hot. Who knew foreplay could be just as sexy as them actually getting it on. Finn was definitely a master at manipulation and mind games. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but this story is just beginning. 

Buy the Book

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About the Author
Lyra Parish loves to write, travel, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have to many cats, cups of coffee, or read to many happily ever after's. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Weak for Him (Weakness #1) is Lyra's debut novel. Weak Without Him (Weakness #2) will release Spring 2014. Lyra currently resides in Texas with her husband and black cat. For more information or to contact, please visit: lyraparish.com
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