~*~ Guest Post ~*~
Welcome, Lea Nolan, to Sweet Spot Book Blog! Let's get to know a little more about the hero of His Billion Dollar Baby, Carter Anderson.
Thanks so much for having me, I’m delighted to be here!
A good romance hero is three-dimensional, a real person with flaws and attributes so relatable, you believe he could exist in real life. This means that his character must be built with a combination of strengths and weaknesses, which often stem from a deep wound he’s experienced somewhere along the line.
By way of example, I thought I’d share with you some of the strengths and weaknesses of Carter Anderson, the hero in my debut contemporary romance, His Billion Dollar Baby. Carter’s biggest weakness is his lack of trust, especially of women whom he believes may be after his family’s enormous wealth. He comes by this distrust honestly, since his conniving and greedy ex-wife attempted to do just that. His suspicions grow out of his deep wound, which left him betrayed, crushed and humiliated. Unfortunately for him, his misgivings cling like Saran Wrap and are extremely hard to peel away.
As challenging as this weakness is, it’s nothing compared to his strengths. Carter’s devoted to his family and has done everything he can to help his aging mother and father who has been stricken by a debilitating stroke. The eldest son, he’s responsible for carrying on the family’s athletic-wear empire, which has tripled in value under his leadership. He also longs to make a difference in this world, and do more than simply write checks at charity dinners. And finally, beneath his superior business acumen and hard-charging negotiation tactics, Carter’s got the soul of an artist. Under his skillful hands, even the most basic sneaker design becomes a work of art.
So that’s a little introduction to Carter Anderson. Check out His Billion Dollar Baby to learn how the heroine, Gwen Radley, soothes his broken heart and enhances his strengths, helping him to become the man he always wanted to be.
Thanks so much for having me, this was a lot of fun!
Thanks for stopping by, Lea!

His Billion Dollar Baby
Lea Nolan
Release Date: May 19, 2014
Publisher: Entangled Publishing, Indulgence imprint
Burned by love and grieving over his brother’s death, sexy billionaire CEO Carter Anderson wants nothing more than to protect his family. So when beautiful and unassuming physical therapist Gwen Radley shows up at the funeral, pregnant with his brother’s baby, Carter’s certain she wants an interest in the Anderson empire—and both his suspicion and attraction grow when circumstances force Gwen to move into his family’s mansion.
An orphan, Gwen’s never wanted anything more than a family, and she finds in the Andersons a place she and her baby might belong. When Gwen’s therapy expertise leads to long hours of intense, late-night collaboration on a lucrative project, the attraction between her and Carter leads to a night of white-hot passion. But Carter’s distrust remains, leading them both to wonder if he will ever embrace his brother’s baby—or the love that’s blooming between them.
Twitter: @IndulgenceBooks
5 Stars
Nolan has created quite the situation for the lead characters in His
Billion Dollar Baby.
This story immediately starts with an
overall sad tone. Gwen goes
the funeral of her baby's daddy with
a specific purpose.
hadn't known Ben very well before he left for another tour of duty.
She ends up meeting his
at the funeral, and the plot gets pretty tense from there. Carter
immediately doesn't trust Gwen at all. He thinks she's a gold digger
when she's completely the opposite.
a reason why Carter Anderson has a huge distrust in women. If Gwen's
baby is truly an Anderson heir, he believes it would pretty much ruin
all his plans. I
adored Gwen! She's smart, witty, hardworking, and headstrong. She
makes the most of what she has despite being handed the short end of
the stick in life.
liked that the plot surprised me in such
pleasant way. This wasn't a story about a single mom-to-be asking for
a handout. His
Billion Dollar Baby
out to be
a feel-good, slow-building, sweet romance. I have a huge soft spot for stories like these! The secondary characters, especially Carter's parents, were
just lively and well-written. I loved that Gwen's skills as a
physical therapist was prominently used, too.
was my first time reading anything from Lea Nolan, and it won't be my
last, especially if she continues with Devon's story...hint, hint!
Author Bio:
Lea Nolan writes smart, witty contemporary stories for adults filled with head-swooning, heart-throbbing, sweep-you-off your feet romance. She also pens books for young adults featuring bright heroines, crazy-hot heroes, diabolical plot twists, plus a dose of magic, a draft of romance, and a sprinkle of history. Born and raised on Long Island, New York, she loves the water far too much to live inland. With her heroically supportive husband and three clever children, she resides in Maryland where she scarfs down crab cakes whenever she gets the chance.
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