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Showing posts with label Kelly Elliott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kelly Elliott. Show all posts

Broken (Broken #1) by Kelly Elliott

Layton Morris and his brother Mike grew up not knowing what it would be like to live in a normal home. With no running water or electricity in their home, no parents around to protect them, they quickly learned how to survive and depend only on each other.

When a tragic accident takes Mike away from Layton, and the only other person that he ever let into his heart walked away from him, leaving his heart shattered, Layton focuses all of his time and energy into the ranch he and his brother dreamed of. He makes a vow to himself to never let love in again. The last thing Layton needed or wanted was more heartache.

Whitley Reynolds grew up in a privileged home in upstate New York. When she landed the star football player in high school no one was surprised, not even Whitley. She dreamed of a life with Roger living in New York City and happily followed him there. 

The first time Roger hit her for arguing with him about a dinner party, she forgave him. The more it happened, the further Whitley withdrew from her friends and family. One fateful day things go to far. Whitley makes a promise to herself and finds the courage to do the one thing she thought she’d never be able to do.

Fleeing with her best friend Courtney, Whitley was determined to put her past behind her and start a new life in the small town of Llano, Texas, where no one would ever find out about her past.

Will they both ever learn to trust and love again, or will their pasts come back to haunt them, keeping them both alone and…

3.75-4 Stars

“The future needs your attention right now. It has something beautiful to offer you, but first…you must let go of the past in order to receive It.” ~ Robert Tew 

First off I have to say that I’m in complete cover love with this book. It’s Gary-Fucking-Taylor on the front, people! That right there is reason enough to buy this book. Imagining him as Layton throughout the whole story just put my libido in overdrive. 

“When you first met me, Whitley, I was so damaged. I had a broken heart that was still bleeding. When I look into your eyes…I feel…like my heart is healing.” 

Whitley is running from her ex. Abused and broken, she moves from New York to a small town in Texas. She’s weary of men and is definitely swearing them off. However, thing change when she meets Layton. 

Layton has lost everyone he’s ever loved. His dad left him and his older brother, Mike, after their mother passed away; they were only 16 & 18 years old respectively. They were alone and had to fend for themselves. Then Layton lost his brother, Mike, while he was on duty in the Marines. Oh! But that’s not it. The love his life, at that time anyway, Olivia, left him the day after he found out about his brother’s death. It was safe to say that Layton, too, was broken. 

When they first met, the sparks were definitely flying, but not like what you would think. They bantered like no tomorrow, but both couldn’t deny the underlying lust they had for each other. When they finally fall, they fall hard. But what happens when both their pasts are constantly hounding them…will they remain intact?

“You told me last night I healed you, but you healed me just as much. I love you, Layton. I’ll love you forever, too.” 

If you’re a fan of Kelly Elliott’s Wanted Series, then you will absolutely enjoy this new series. If you haven’t read any of her books, then this would be a good time to start. However, you need to know a couple things before diving into this book:

One: This is very much an insta-love relationship. As much as they fought each other in the beginning, it didn’t last long - they hook up and declare their love pretty freaking fast. So if you don’t like those, then you will have a huge problem with this. 
Two: Once again, Ms. Elliott leaves us hanging. No worries, there is a HEA for Layton & Whitley, but the cliffhanger relates to what I assume will be the next book in the series featuring Reed & Courtney. Speaking of this….OH MY GOD!! Ms. Elliott, you never disappointment me, you ALWAYS make me want the next book…like NOW. Ugh. I guess I’ll have to wait (again) to get my HEA for Reed & Courtney. I can’t wait!

Cover Reveal for Broken (Broken #1) by Kelly Elliott

Release Date November 2013

Layton Morris and his brother Mike grew up not knowing what it would be like to live in a normal home. With no running water or electricity in their home, no parents around to protect them, they quickly learned how to survive and depend only on each other.

When a tragic accident takes Mike away from Layton, and the only other person that he ever let into his heart walked away from him, leaving his heart shattered, Layton focuses all of his time and energy into the ranch he and his brother dreamed of. He makes a vow to himself to never let love in again. The last thing Layton needed or wanted was more heartache.

Whitley Reynolds grew up in a privileged home in upstate New York. When she landed the star football player in high school no one was surprised, not even Whitley. She dreamed of a life with Roger living in New York City and happily followed him there. 

The first time Roger hit her for arguing with him about a dinner party, she forgave him. The more it happened, the further Whitley withdrew from her friends and family. One fateful day things go to far. Whitley makes a promise to herself and finds the courage to do the one thing she thought she’d never be able to do.

Fleeing with her best friend Courtney, Whitley was determined to put her past behind her and start a new life in the small town of Llano, Texas, where no one would ever find out about her past.

Will they both ever learn to trust and love again, or will their pasts come back to haunt them, keeping them both alone and…


Who is Kelly Elliott?

Really I'm just a wife to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a nack for making me laugh almost daily and supports my crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves me.....so I'll just go with that one!

I'm also a mom to an amazing daughter who constantly is asking me to make her something to eat while she has her fingers moving like mad on her cell phone sending out what I'm sure is another very important text message!

Oh...and I like to sit down and write in my spare time! 

I live in the Texas hill country and one of my favorite things to do is go for hikes around our property with my second favorite man, Gus....my chocolate lab and my sweet girl Rose, our golden retriever. When I'm not outside helping the hubby haul brush or move rocks or what ever fun chore he has in store for me that day, you will find me inside reading, writing or watching HGTV and soaking in a nice hot bubble bath.....yeah that last one I just made up but it sure does sound nice!!!

Media Links

Amazon Purchase Links for Kelly's Wanted Series

Tessamari's Book Reviews

Wanted (Wanted #1) by Kelly Elliott

Verbally abused by her mother for years, 18 year old Ellie Johnson always believed she would never be loved or wanted by anyone. She focused all of her attention on her grades and getting into the University of Texas to start a new life away from her mother.
The last thing Ellie expected was to fall in love with Gunner Mathews, a starting linebacker for the University of Texas football team and not to mention, her brothers best friend. 
Gunner only had two passions in life, football and his grandfather’s ranch, until he falls for his best friends little sister. He will stop at nothing to show Ellie how much he wants her, even if it means he has to move faster than she would like. 
Gunner knows they are meant to be together forever, but Ellie keeps denying her feelings out of fear of being hurt again. Every time he gets close to winning her love, something pushes her away again. Will Ellie ever be able to let go of the past and let him into her heart and will Gunner be patient enough to wait for her?
What will it take for them to realize they are all each other have ever WANTED?
3.75-4 Stars

“I want to be the person who gives you all of your firsts. I want to experience them with you so I can see that beautiful smile of yours light up every time you do something new. I want to make all your dreams come true.” ~ Gunner 

OH. MY. GOD. **SWOON!!** I’m completely in love with Gunner. He totally made the story worth while. He’s one hot, sweet, sexy, tattooed Southern gentleman. Just fucking gorgeous! Oh yea, he definitely made it to my all time favorite book boyfriends. 

The story is fairly simple and highly predictable. In a nutshell, it’s a story about a young woman, who was raised by her beloved older brother and an alcoholic mother. Ellie has been on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse from her mother. She always kept telling Ellie that no one will ever want her. If it wasn’t for her hard working older brother, Jefferson, she would be lost. Her previous two relationships have ended in utter disaster. Both times, her two good for nothing boyfriends were cheating on her because she wasn’t ready to give up her elusive V-card, yet. When she caught her latest boyfriend in the midst with another woman in the school theatre, she broke down and called her big brother to come and get her. When her brother shows up to defend her and kick her latest boyfriend’s ass, he shows up with his best friend, Gunner. It was love at first sight for both Ellie and Gunner. Oh the joys of instant love. 

If you don’t like being treated like a doormat then get the fuck off the floor 

Drew “Gunner” Mathews has had his fair share of women. He and Jefferson are star football players for the University of Texas. He has never been in a long term relationship and really wasn't looking for one. But once he sets his eyes on Ellie, he was a goner. And as much as Ellie felt the same way, she was more guarded. With all the negative things her mom was feeding her, coupled with the cheating exes, Ellie was not about to be fooled again by another man. Gunner had his work cut out for him, but he was determined to convince her to give him a chance. 

“Drew….it’s another first.”
He looked at me confused. “What is baby?”
“This…this feeling…it’s a first for me.”
“Tell me Ellie.”
“I have never in my life…ever felt so completely loved and…wanted.” 

I was debating back and forth on what to rate this. For the most part, I really liked the story, and I just LOVE Gunner. Going into this story, I thought this was considered Mature YA/New Adult, but I think it teetered more on the adult side. There was a considerable amount steam, not that they were explicit or anything, but more than your typical Mature YA story would have. It also had a whole lot of cursing, which was fucking fine by me. lol. What I got annoyed with were the constant uses of the phrases: “Pesh,” “Gesh,” “Hells Bells,” “Gosh,” and “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” They were all over the place! Every time I came across them, I was like, “What the fuck?” The author constantly cusses, but is reluctant to use “God.” I don’t know. It got way annoying. 

Another thing that bothered me was the heroine Ellie. Not only did she constantly use the above phrases, but she sometimes acted like a fourteen year old girl. The way she spoke wasn’t very…I don’t know…grown up? Plus, she often jumped to conclusions and immediately got angry at Gunner. Talk to your boyfriend first before dumping him, okay Ellie? Gesh! lol. 

Lastly, another negative of the story was its length. It was way too long. There came a point where it I just didn’t care anymore. There were so many things that could’ve been cut out. I just wanted it to end so I can move on. Plus the story could've seriously used an editor to clean up the shitload of punctuation errors. 

Anyway, before I stop jabbering, I have to mention Jefferson and Ellie's BFF, Ari. She was just awesome. The shit that came out of her mouth…oh, my God, pure sailor mouth. LOVED her. As for Jefferson, totally swoon-worthy! To be honest, I was more interested in Jefferson and Ari’s story. I can’t wait for their book to come out. 

Okay, I’m done. Sorry for my jibber jabber. If you’re looking for a long, simple read and don’t mind the constant cussing andother overly used childish phrases, then I think you will enjoy this.